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Fantasy Cursed Blood

Tasha watched as he seemingly was having a battle with himself. She started putting the pieces together, he couldn't control a certain side of him. A coy wolfish grin came to her face, if only he could learn to control that. He'd be a perfect addition to the Damned's pack. She'd definitely have to work with him on it, Lucian should be pleased at this news. If she was successful and created such a member, maybe she'd get second hand to Lucian instead Leandros. She scoffed annoyedly to herself. Or at least maybe he'd regard her higher than he was now.
" SO BE IT! " he yelled annoyed on not been answered back. He charged towards her. Fenris had acquired a sneer as he did. He had not been searched yet and so still had his trusty dagger. as soon as he reached close to her he transformed to a human, his long hair hiding his face, a metallic dagger in his palm. He was ready to jump over at her and stab her but he seemed to have forgot what had happened to his feet. As soon as the already wounded foot touched the ground, he could feel the pain rush through his body causing him to fall straight down. " Tsk grr..damit! "he exclaimed, he had made mockery of himself. He was planning to use one of his signature attacks that had been always resulted in a kill to his adversary before he could realize what had happened but now Fenris laid on the ground his silver dagger fallen away, indeed a shame he was now.
Nova stood behind Tasha, looking at Fenris with worried eyes. She worried since his eyes were bleeding but when he again charged toward at Tasha, he transformed into human form and collapsed. She quickly rushed to collect the dagger, and than to Fenris. "I think you should both calm down and rest a little. Fenris is obviously severally hurt, I was going to treat him but all my supplies were in the village and I wasn't sure how you and Lucian would take it if I took him there." Nova spoke a little louder than she normally did, she wasn't afraid to speak out right now. "So? Can I take him back to the village?" She ask Tasha, staring at her with a strong expression.
Tasha sighs, a bit impatiently, at watching him hit the ground. She trots over to him before changing into her human form. She looks at her hand that was a bloody sight now and rips the bottom of her shirt to wrap it up with. Tasha stares down at Fenris, fighting back an urge to do any more damage to him. He'd never heal if she did that and he had a new purpose to her than just a toy. She looks at Nova as he speaks his name. "I'm perfectly calm. Now Fenris if you'd like a question to be answered, try asking nicely. I don't respond to being yelled at. You're lucky you're already injured or you'd be paying severely for my hand" She meant every word of that. She turns her attention back to Nova. "Yes, we can take him back to the village. Lucian will be a while still so we may as well get him healed up. I don't want my Fenris to succumb to something as silly as infection. You may also help me tend to my hand when we get back as well"
Nova nodded as she got under Fenris' arm once like before and helped him stand up. It was about a half a mile walk from where they were located to the village so it take about 9 minutes. Once she was close enough to Fenris, she whispered softly to him, "Are you okay?" She asked. He was in terrible condition, especially after the bold move he made towards Tasha. He also bit her so he was going to get hell later on, being her toy and everything. 'I wonder how long he's going to last, the last one only lasted a week before Tasha got old of him and nearly broke him' she thought in her head as she began walking
Fenris was breathing heavily, the sand in front of him blew and so did his chance of escape. The village that he had once escaped. The same place he feared. he had given up now, he was indeed defeated and turned into someone's belonging. He did not possess any pride now. He look up at them, his already shattered pride got a final blow when she called him, ' my Fenris '. Indeed he was nothing more then a mere toy. Maybe death would have been more dignified way wouldn't it. Dying in the home land that exalt territory was, killed by those who he had saved. Branded as a traitor involved in a conspiracy that he himself did not accept being part of but for forced to say so. Nova's helping him was just a final mock to what was left of his ego. ' Being helped by a damned who is a girl and can't even torture a guy, have I fallen that down in the gutter ? ' he thought to himself. He looked towards her as she interrogated if he was okay. He looked towards the ground, " Would have been better if you had killed me... " He said so with a small duration of silence in the end.
"My apologizes, but death is no longer an option... Not unless Tasha allows it to happen.." Nova said the last sentence softly, but either way Tasha would hear their conversation. "I will most likely be staying with Tasha for the rest of your days, although I don't know. We will have to stop at my house so I can fix you both up and than you'll need lots of rest before she forces you to do something" she said, she felt as if she was dragging a bag of bricks rather than a man because of how heavy he was compared to earlier when she helped him.
"Grr...then do whatever you damned want, i don't have a choice now do i? " he said with a sigh, limping as always. He could see his new prison still distant though. A toy, a slave, a pet, he was nothing great anymore just a shame on himself. He silently walked did not make a single sound nor did he look above from onto someone's face. He no longer had any self esteem or ego left. he just kept thinking about his future being a damned, it was indeed conspicuously clear. Fenris knew what was coming and was still not ready, well he could never be ready to be a toy can he?
Arriving at the village after 9 minutes of walking awkward silence, she lead both Fenris and Tasha into the empty town and into her house. Everyone was still freaking out and hiding in their houses. Walking into the house, she sat Fenris down at a table, "Tasha, sit where you want I guess.." She said, disappearing into a room. In the room were all her supplies and what not. She brought out bandages, painkillers, gauzes, and few damp cloths. She placed them all on the table and turned to Fenris, "please take off your shirt.. " Nova asked, it wasn't like this was her first time aiding a wounded man but it was awkward for her to ask him for some reason.
(Sorry! I wasn't getting notifications again) Tasha walks along with Fenris and Nova, listening quietly to their conversation. She would've helped Fenris on the way back to town if he hadn't bit her. She makes her way into Nova's house and makes her way over to the table, sitting across from Fenris. She watches him cautiously for any sign of attack while Nova tends to him.
It was kinda awkward for some reason but Fenris was not in a state to care. He had a blank desolated look on his face. well he had lost all he had left now did he not. " just do what you have to." He said looking away just to find his new master staring. It was not a relief to him it was just a stare prior to breaking him. He sighed and Nova tended him, thinking of nothing much.
Tasha examines his features, taking in his appearance, a smirk appearing at the corner of her lips. Her gaze traveled back up to his face and her smirk soon turned into a pout. "Don't tell me I've broken you that easily my dear Fenris" She says tilting her head slightly. "I have plans for you." She states simply leaning back in her chair as she unwraps her hand to inspect the damage.
"I'll start with your stomach wound first than.." Nova took the damp cloth and started cleaning the reopened wound from the fight. She finished cleaning his wound and put a gauze on it than wrapped it with a bandage. She continued, working her way up until she had wrapped all his wounds up. "Good news, the infection should go away now and your wounds have all stopped bleeding for the time being. I don't suggest you wear that shirt due to the fact that it is covered in blood and has holes in it when the.. Needles.." She said, than handing him 2 painkillers and a box of antibiotics. "Take 1 at night everynight for a week and than after a week come back, I'll check your wounds and if they've started healing without any infection starting you won't have to take the pills anymore" she said happily. "Now on to you" she said looking at Tasha
" Grr dam you! " he grunted, his expressions filling up with anger. " What do you want from me! 'he asked in a loud tone. He may have accepted her as his owner and master but till he was fixed up. Fenris thought, ' i escaped once why not again? '. A grin came to his face. He was certain he would escape as soon as he can but where to was the question. He looked back at nova, she could be the weak link. He grinned as he let go of the painkillers causing them to fall, " tsk...I don't require them " he said and so just taking the antibiotics. He sighed as he got up, it was still hard.
Tasha looks away from her hand and over at Nova as she spoke to her. She casually holds her hand out for Nova, watching as she did her work. She knew she was hard on Nova, but she had such potential to be a great Damned and she just squandered it with her meek and mild nature. But I suppose it works for her.... somehow. Tasha looks up and watches as Fenris gets up. "Taking medicine to accelerate your level of healing is not weak. It's smart. So stop being a stubborn idiot and sit back down" She states, watching him. For once her voice wasn't extremely commanding, she was talking to him like she would if he was another pack mate.
He gave a look to her. He had a appreciating face. He showed her the box of antibiotics. " Taking pain killer only decreases the pain, I doubt that small box could be enough, fool " he said in a blunt way not caring for what might happen. He either wished to escape fast or gain his dignity back before dying at least.
In the middle of wrapping Tasha's hand, Nova let out a sigh as Fenris started to become loud and angry. She walked out of the room and came back in. She walked over to Fenris, as if she were going to help him but she pulled out a needle and gave him a shot of ambien, a drug that makes you sleep. "That should quiet him down for a little while.." Nova spoke softly as she took the needle out. The needle was nothing of danger to wolves, it was just a needle for shots and what not. Going back to Tasha, she continued wrapping her hand and finished within a few seconds. "Okay! You're all set. You might have a scar but I high doubt it. Your hand will probably heal without a problem in about a week or two." She said cheerfully.
Tasha laughs before a grin was plastered across her face. "There's the Fenris I want. The antibiotics will stop the infection which you need twice as much for that ear of yours. You underestimate us. I promise you that small box is enough, those pills are quite potent. You can't say it's not enough if you don't give it a chance." She turns her gaze to Nova. "Oh, and Fenris? If you ever call me a fool again, your ear will cease to exist" She states as she watches Nova inject him. She pulls her hand away from Nova once she was done.
"foo..." he was about to call her that yet again even after the warning. He did not wish to be controlled by that black damned wolf after all. The reason why he had paused was because he felt a pinch, it was the syringe penetrating. " What the... " he spoke in a low tone. He could fee dizzy, his body getting heavier. He fell onto a chair. " What did you do... ? " he said before falling asleep.
"Seems like you saved his hide again Nova. Though I should still take that ear to prove a point. But he's much to pretty to do that to. I'll just have to think of something else" She states as she watches him fall asleep. "How long does that last? I don't exactly wanna have to be dragging him back to my house"
"Shall you leave him here and pick him up when he wakes up?" Nova asked giving Tasha a witty smirk. "I didn't give him much but he should wake up around midnight at latest." She said as she began cleaning up all the supplies she used. "My my. Our Prince Lucian is out quiet long. I worry.." Nova said as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. "Do you have the slightest of clue where he might be or what he is doing?" She asked glancing up at Tasha
Tasha eyes Nova suspiciously at seeing her witty smirk. She tenses when she mentions Lucian. "Lucian can handle himself. I was sent back to watch over Fenris. Though I know you're luring me to go find Lucian but I've already been scolded by him today for going after the stupid wolf." She huffs in a pouting manner. "So you're plan of me going after Lucian has failed. He'll send someone for me if he needs me. Though I'll leave you with him for the time being. I don't exactly wish to sit here and stare at you until then. I'll be back to check on him shortly" She looks over at Fenris before getting up from her chair. "It'll give me time to think of what I should do with him. Oh and Nova? If he escapes....well you know how good I am with fulfilling my threats. I will kill him..." She states knowing for whatever reason Nova had grown a little fond of this wolf and figured that'd be a better threat than just threatening Nova herself. She makes her way out of Nova's house, finding herself to be a bit hungry.
As Tasha left her house, she thought for a moment of what she just said. "Luring?" Nova said confused, she face palmed herself once more. "I worded it wrong again.." She spoke with a sigh. "Kill Fenris huh? Honestly, she can do whatever she pleases with him, I don't care. I just don't like seeing people hurt.." She said, talking to herself. "God, what's wrong with me. I'm talking to myself and normal people don't do that! But than again, I'm not normal.." Nova had a conversation with herself for about 10 minutes until she got distracted with something else.

(I think I'm gonna stop replying until Lucian and Luna do whatever they're doing because we've already Rp'd everything we can. There is nothing more I can Rp about)


Are you sure it is okay to defy the King?" asked a guard. He, along with three others, were travelling on foot in the forest to hunt down some werewolves. Even though they were armed with silver, they saw some of them shifting into a human with a weapon of their own. "Ye... Not really. But, I'm sure Sire will be proud of us for avenging some of our people." replied one with a silver lance. "A'ight then. If you say so, Perseus." said the guard that had asked the question earlier. "Aye. Whatever Perseus says!" exclaimed another one. The guard, Perseus, chuckled and said, "I am rather flattered, but now we must focus on our current task. Slay the beasts!" "Slay the beasts!" they chorused and banged their weapons together, creating a rather unpleasant sound. ((That's the cause.))

The guards continued exploring until Perseus tripped on a tree root. "
I do not think we can slay the beasts as we can't stop tripping on roots." Perseus rolled his eyes and said, "Ha, ha, ha. Very amusing, Leonidas." Leonidas laughed and helped Perseus up. They unknowingly started entering the intersection of the Damned and Exalted territory. "I think we are lost, Leon." muttered one. "Do not lose faith in me, Eros." replied Leonidas to his friend. Eros nodded slowly but still felt hesitant in every step he took. "Hey Alexander, did you bring a small weapon in case we get cornered?" Alexander nodded and patted the left side of his belt. "Yes. I did." Eros nodded, "Good. Then we're officially ready to annihilate some of those wolf freaks."


Leandros watched as Tasha exited Nova's house. "
So, how is life?" he asked her while walking up to her side. He was trying to cool off from Lucian's joke. He had stopped brushing his hair a long time ago. Now, he had nothing to do except to have a little 'chat' with one of his 'pack' members. Right when he was about to say something once more, he caught a scent. It was rather faint, but he could still catch it. I think I might have to defy Lucian just this one time... he thought to himself. He wouldn't run now, however, since he was still waiting for Tasha's response. He might be deceiving, but he certainly isn't rude.

.....Guards? Tohe thought to himself as he caught a familiar scent. He quickly shifted back to normal while in some bushes before walking out of the forest, heading back to his home. "I hope they won't find anyone..." Tohe muttered to himself and walked into his house, locking the front door and headed up to his room. He got a book from the bookshelf in his room and laid on his bed, figuring some reading would calm him down. He read and read, still the anxiety was there.

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