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Fantasy Cursed Blood

Marquis ran, he ran as fast and as far as he could. He used to be a prince, he used to belong somewhere. But now all he had was himself to worry about. He had a close encounter with a hunter in some cabin, he was this close to getting shot and he had lost his dinner. He still didn't understand what went wrong. Oh, that was right the Damned and the Exalted. That's what happened, he had been with the damned but he couldn't stand making orders, he just wasn't one to be in a pack. He was a prince but that didn't mean he had to be protected by anyone. He could take care of himself well enough. He changed out of wolf form and sat under a tree once he was sure he had lost the hunter that was after him. He heard the sounds of voices nearby, He was in Exalted territory, he overheard Aria and the princess. So they were doing well without him, he wondered who replaced him as leader. Not that he really cared but he was curious. He stayed there and remained silent not wanting anyone to hear him.
As nova tested him again, he could feel a since of guilty for being a fool and stopping the needles. He had been unable to notice a single hint if smile on his face. Was she that disappointed and mad ? The cherry nova who was very talkative would no longer utter a single words. Fenris indeed felt mad at himself. 'Why do I care! They threw me out ! They broke my trust! Then why can't I see them get hurt!' He thought, the question puncturing deep into his mind. " forgive me" he said in a low tone as he glared towards nova. Fenris wished to stand up when he was to ask for forgiveness but it seemed he was immobilised, he could no longer walk, at least not for now. So now the might exalt was nothing more then a damaged toy, how ironic is that.
Luna's ears flattened at Aria's words, her fur starting to bristle. "They attacked you? Are you alright?" She asked, circling around the reddish wolf, looking for any injuries. At the wolf's next words, Luna stopped in her tracks, before sighing. "Yes, you are right, I've been ignoring this for too long. It's just that-" I didn't want to attack my brother. And his pack seems to be stronger than ours. She left both thoughts unsaid, shaking her head. Most of the wolves in her pack didn't even know that Lucian was her brother, and she intended to keep it that way. "No, nevermind. I'll put a stop to this. Come on, lets go back to camp. I have the mind to assemble a diplomatic party of sorts." She said, a tired smile rising to her eyes, turning around and starting to walk back to camp when she stopped short.

Something smelled off. Whipping around towards Aria, she sniffed her packmate experimentally, not offering any explanation for her sudden weird action, before shying away and looking around. The wind started to pick up slightly, and the smell of a strange wolf started to filter through the trees, and Luna looked at Aria, twitching an ear in the direction of the scent; sending her a glance that said attack before stalking off in one direction, clearly expecting Aria to go off in the other. The smell was queer, and Luna determined that it was probably either a rogue, a loner or a wolf expelled from a pack, which was the more likely possibility. Perhaps it was just the fact that they were close to the damned's new border, but the stranger smelled slightly like them.
Nova looked at Fenris, her expression changed when he asked for forgiveness. She showed a softer look, he betrayed her trust and he might do it again. Continuing cleaning the wound she spoke softly, "I can not. You betrayed my trust, and let the girl get away.. Now what will happen to the village? The damned children and people are all at risk. We are not cruel, heartless monsters that you take us to be." She finished cleaning the wound, washed the cloth off with the river, and turned back to Fenris. "We should get back.." She said not making eye contact with him. Getting under his unwounded arm, she tried to help him.
Aria understood why the princess had held off attacking for too long - the Exalted leader was not the type for war. It was only until after the lady spoke that she felt somewhat bad, and that's a rare feeling to her. Of course, this feeling didn't last long once the leader began sniffing around, forcing the girl to stop in her tracks. Now feeling a mild sense of danger, the girl turned into a russet-furred wolf, golden eyes glistening under the shade.

Winters looked to her leader, nodding her head when her orders were given. Unlike most wolves, Aria's sense of smell was not as reliable in both human and animal form. Instead she used her remarkable eyesight to her advantage; instead of tracking scent, she looks for footprints and the like during a hunt. For now, Aria crept low to the ground, heading the opposite direction of Princess Luna as was instructed, circling around to where she was headed.
Marquis heard the princess say to attack and cursed under his breath, of course she'd smell him he still smelled like the damned. He raised his hands in the air to try and show he was no threat. He had nothing to do with the damned anymore and he didn't ally himself with either side. "Calm down, I'm not here to do harm" he assured Aria as his long hair blew in the wind and out of his face the red markings on his face making his identity clear, he was the banished prince of the damned, an outcast although half by choice.
"Calm down," the stranger said to Aria, "I'm not here to do harm." It wasn't like she was going to hurt him anyway. The girl growled but backed down; giving him the once-over, Winters thought he looked pretty strange and, overall, pretty harmless. But that didn't make her trust him.

As she began changing back into her human form, Aria barked, "Who are you? Why were you spying on us?"
"I just happened to pass by- well okay I was being chased but I just stumbled upon this place, honest" he wondered why she wasn't questioning his scent... did she maybe have a bad sense of smell? She had no clue who he was... interesting he guessed she didn't know there was a banished prince.
"You better be telling me the truth." Aria replied, narrowing her eyes at the suspicious man. "If I find out you are lying, this conversation will not end well." A little bluff on her part, but with the Princess silent is seemed like Winters was taking charge of this interrogation. "Who was chasing you and why?"
"A hunter, he caught me killing a rabbit in his front yard and wasn't so happy about it..." sounded pathetic but that's what had happened.
Aria almost smiled at the man's reply. "A hunter, huh?" she said amusingly. She turned her head towards the wolf princess, who still stood her ground. The girl wondered what she thought about this stranger.

Turning her attention back the the man, the girl realized that she had been running into strangers with snow-white hair all day; would this one try to kill her as well? Although doubtful, Aria didn't let that possibility slide. So, turning back to him, she asked one final question: "Do you associate with the Damned at all?"
Damn. Well he wasn't going to lie about it... "Uhh... well not anymore" He wasn't going to mention the prince part or that he had actually just left on his own after getting into a fight he just up and quit. He didn't think that would be such a big deal, it's not like he was a spy or anything. And how come the princess was so quiet? she'd undoubtedly know who he is. Or maybe that was why she hadn't said anything... (Or her roleplayer's offline... hmm)
Aria raised a brow at his reply, responding with a simple, "Not anymore?" She shook her head, not expecting a reply and not particularly wanting one. "It doesn't matter," she said, in case she wasn't clear that her question was rhetorical, "I'm not heartless, so I won't allow you to wander around the territory of a group you used to associate with. If you'd like, you can return to the village with us - you can rest, eat, and do whatever you need to get back on your feet. And then you can leave, if you so choose."
Fenris did regret his actions. " I was..it was not what I wished to do......maybe just my reflexes. I never called you damned as monsters did I?" He asked with a rather sad and worried look. Why did he save her! Se was from the pack which branded him as a exile. Fenris coughed some blood before walking. The blood slowly dropping from his hand laying downs trail. Fenris could not walk properly. The penetration of the silver needle was just like that by a sharp red hot sword. It still burnt but fenris did not care, he had to gain back Nova's trust now.
Luna had recognized the wolf for who he was upon setting her eyes on him. At that instant, she had sighed, sitting back as Aria took charge of the interrogation. She had known about the way he had left the Damned, so she figured that he wasn't a threat from that pack, but the fact if he was a threat at all to anybody was one open for debate. She had been going to say something, but Aria seemed to be doing a good job, and Luna saw no reason to interfere. At the wolf's choice of words, the golden eyed girl - as she had shifted into a human upon the discussion starting - decided that she liked Aria, despite the way she had gotten into trouble a few seconds before. Nodding as Aria finished speaking, Luna regarded Marquis closely.

"Yes, you are quite welcome at our village for as long as you do not pose a threat." She agreed, getting to her feet. "Though I don't doubt that you'll cause quite a stir with anybody even half-versed in pack history." She said with a lopsided grin that would have been a snort in wolf form, making the fact that she knew exactly who he was quite clear; to Aria, at least, as Marquis undoubtedly knew that she would know about him. "Are you hurt at all? We can have you patched up." She said, starting to walk towards the Exalted village. Well, this day is turning out to be quite the eventful one. Luna mused to herself, glad that the meeting with the Damned was put off just that much longer.
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Marquis smiled at their kindness. "Fine but I'll only stay awhile" he preferred being alone but even he got lonely sometimes and it might be nice to have someone to talk to every once in awhile. Then Luna asked if he was injured at all "Not really a spranged an ankle a few weeks back but it's almost healed now anyways. He took a look around, she was right this place was a lot smaller than the Damned was even when he was there... He kind of felt sympathetic towards their situation but had it in his mind he wasn't going to choose sides in this. He'd simply stay a few days and then go somewhere else. He could never stay at one spot at a time for very long.
"Have it your way. You probably know from your eavesdropping", Luna turned to raise an eyebrow at him, "that we intend to have words with the Damned. I'm hoping it doesn't lead way to anything painful, but beware of the fact that if you hear any warning howls that there might be trouble." She said before waving her hand to dismiss the bad thoughts. Bringing up the situation with the Damned put her mind back on the problem at hand, and she fell into a thoughtful silence, pondering what she would do. She decided to go with her initial plan; assemble a small party of wolves that knew how to hold their tongues, then go to the border and draw Damned attention. The whole situation was rather risky, but she liked to believe that the other pack wouldn't hurt her or Exalted wolves who came seeking peace and being generally unaggressive. Hopefully they hadn't lost so much morality that they would lash out regardless.
Marquis nodded. "Yeah, yeah I know I'll just leave you to your planning and I'll decide what to do if I hear howling" he wasn't sure what he'd do honestly, he had mixed feelings in that pack. He really missed some of them, he was really close with a lot of them but he also had a lot of enemies, pretty much everyone there either loved him or hated him there were few who were neutral. He might end up fighting with his former friends again or end up fighting against one of them. Or he might just run and avoid it all together he had no idea yet.
"Reflexes, huh?" She spoke, seeing that he coughed up blood, she used her still damp cloth to wipe off the blood on his chin but not his hand. Nova had no time to, his hands were large and the cloth would just move the blood around rather than clean it up. She continued supporting Fenris as they walked. He was quiet heavier than she expected but than again he was weak and could barely walk. "Yes. I'm aware you never spoke such words about us damned as monsters but I'm sure you thought about it, did you not?" Nova asked, glancing over at him from the corner of her eye.

"But if we do encounter that girl again, I will not hesitate to kill you if you get in the way so I can kill her. She made me look like a fool.." She spoke, even though she said she wouldn't she probably would hesitate. Seeing Fenris' struggle to walk, "My apologizes, my needles will hurt for so time. I got many injuries on my hands when I trained with such weapons. Just be grateful I didn't use my poisonous needles, silver needles dipped in wolfsbane extract.." She spoke, her voice was empty once more. Nova really hated when she acted like this, she felt as if she were acting like a mere child.
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" I never did, what I might have thought you damned was as a bunch of vile and filthy wolves." He said out bluntly not looking at Nova, maybe scared of another needle poisoned maybe. Nova never seemed to him someone who could threaten him or even hurt him for that matter, but being a expert in throwing needles specially one dipped in wolfs bane was some skill. " you weren't made a fool, your aim was perfect even if it hit me. " he spoke not looking towards her and speaking rather blankly. Fenris had said so in both fear and and desperation. He was feeling a urge to please Nova who now intimidated her. In his human form Fenris was some what paranoid and always scared after all he was not very strong as a human but as a wolf.
"Is that so.. Well than, we're almost at the spot.." Nova didn't look at Fenris, but rather at the trail on front of her "When we get to the spot, you can sit and rest, until than just keep pushing forward.." She continued, it would be better of she had stopped talking due to the fact that she was almost running out of breath.

Getting to the spot under the tree, she sat him down gently. "I would have expected them to be back by now.. I wonder what's keeping them so long.." She said with worry in her tone. Nova, also being a little tired, didn't sit down. She stayed standing up, pacing back and forth with her hands in her pockets playing with the ends of the needles.
Fenris was exhausted even from a little jog like that. Indeed it was not easy for him, when they stopped he was panting heavily like a dog trying to catch some breath. " maybe they have not reached the village yet" he said with a sigh. Well even if not the best exalt, Fenris was still a knowledgeable one. It seemed that nova had hit the jackpot. Fenris in his state could not resist any torture and would be telling the details of the exalts like a loyal puppy.
Nova stopped pacing and slowly turned to Fenris, "You were a former Exalted, correct?" She continued on without letting him answer since she already knew. "Well. You have to make it up to me. Tell me everything you know about the Exalts, their plans, attack strategies, everything." She demanded. She wouldn't use force unless necessary. Letting the enemy escape was a terrible mistake that Nova could never come back from, but if she got at least a little information from the exalted than she would know in her mind she was a little helpful in the least. Only than would she be okay with her punishment, whether it be banishment or even execution, Nova would take it. She has seen what Lucian has done to other pack members when they messed up, she was prepared for the worst. But for now, she must focus on the information
Fenris gave out a grand laugh, Beaton his fist in the ground a he did. He had not laughed so had in weeks even his stomach began to pain. As he wiped a tear that had came from the intensive laughter he spoke still giggling as he did," so now you meet my help, I didn't know you damned we're thy weak!" He said an began to laugh hysterically. " I may be branded exile by those idiots but I am not a traitor even though they called me one". He knew that Nova was too kind she might just say please or so but won't torture him.
Nova let out a low growl, she wasn't going to put up with this. With a swift movement that almost seemed blurry, she took out a black leather needle and threw it at Fenris, giving him a nick on his cheek. "Tell. Me. I will NOT deal with bull like this today. I've already been tested to my extent. I will not show mercy" she said, rage filled her eyes. Nova was not joking, all her faith and loyalty was to Prince Lucian and she would serve him till death. Nova had one black leather needles in between her index finger and her middle finger along with another needle in between her middle and ring finger, her hand was in throwing position. "Now tell me." Her voice was demanding, Nova normally didn't act like this. She was a sweet girl who cared from everyone, but right now she was mad.

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