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Fantasy Cursed Blood

(Your character is so aggressive it's actually kinda funny x) )

She could tell Fenris didn't find the jokes funny, he was rather angry than anything. ' just won't talk..' Hearing the growling stomach, Nova turned her head slightly to look down at the wolf. "I'm guessing you're hungry..?" She asked, continuing walking straight forward. 'It was polite to ask, right?' She asked herself, second thinking her decision of talking.

"The river sounds close by so when we get there, you can wash up and by that time we get back to the spot, they'll probably be back." She said, fiddling with something in her pocket. "It's really up to them if you can come to village or not. Though you probably will since you're Tasha's new.. 'toy.'" There was a silence after she said that but she continued, "but I'm sure she'll feed you. If not, just tell me what you want and I'll go hunting for it." She smiled, "oh! We're here! Go wash up, I'll be up there when you're done" she pointed up to a tree branch.
Fenris blushed a little embarrassed maybe. He looked away not telling he was hungry or not. He was not someone who would open up to anyone, specially not someone as weak as nova. He had a sad expression when nova commented of him being a toy. He sighed before nudging Nova's leg in rage. Well he did wish to bite her leg off but how could he be so unthankful. He had a grin over his face when they reached the river. He nipped at Nova's leg causing her to fall in the stream. The sight was indeed hilarious for fenris. He laughed a little. It was indeed his first laugh in weeks. After that he went inside the river himself. Giving out a huge howl when the water touched the infected region. The howl did feature pain that he felt and the agony he was having because of the events that had recently unfolded.
Nova let out a little scream when she fell in the river. The water was nice and cold but she forgot all about the water when Fenris let out a howl of pain when the water came into contact with the infection. When the howl had stopped, Nova slowly went over to Fenris, she was still in the river with him, her clothes and hair both dripping with water.

"Are you okay? If you can't clean the infection yourself, you're going to risk sickness. It's painful, I know it is but cleaning it is the only thing you can do right now. Here's a tip, cleaning in human form is less painful. It might not seem like it but it really helps." She said standing up about to get onto land to ring out her clothes and hair
" I will be fine!" He grunted, offended by the girl thinking that he can't handle some pain. Fenris dipped himself in an attempt to clean his wound. He grinned his teeth in pain, he was determined to show no sign of weakness to the damned, nor did he wish to turn into the weak human body. He always felt vulnerable as a human and so it was a rate occasion to see him in human form. When he surfaced, his wound was still not fully cleaned. He asked nova," could you please help" his head facing in another direction. How pityful that fenris the mighty exalt was asking for a damned girl's help
Nova was surprised by Fenris' when he asked her to help, especially since he said 'please.' "Okay" she simply replied, anything more and he would've clawed her. Inching closer to the wolf, she started to clean the wound gently. One hand cupped with water while the other helped rub off the mud and pus from the wound. Her hands were gentle and each move was calm and fluid.

This took a while due to the fact that she didn't want to hurt him and because of the stubborn dirt. 'He must've been out here alone for a while' she thought as she cleaned the infected area. "Sorry, does that hurt?" She asked to make sure since he was clenching his mouth shut.
Fenris was rather pleased by the manner in which nova helped him . He no longer was mad at the little girl. Even behind his expression that was stained by pain, there was a smile. He was now enjoying the bath. Fenris indeed felt like a royalty who was being given a bath. Upon being asked if it did pain, he grinned, " It is bearable. I have indeed have had worse. ". It was a rather long reply. It would seem that the old wolf was opening up a little, maybe a gesture if appreciation for Nova's helpful attitude.
Aria reached the river quickly, eager to clean the filth out of her skin, clothes, and hair. She couldn't imagine the looks of disapproval if she had walked into the Exalted village as dirty and bloody as she was - it wasn't her fault she couldn't just survive on berries. Of course she tried to be quick about it, since it wouldn't be wise to stay in the forest by yourself for too long; you never know who could be lurking between trees, especially with the recent sightings of the Damned nearby.

The cool water felt nice against her skin as she washed her face first - there was something about watching the blood and grime wash away with the current that was oddly satisfying. After cleaning and ringing her hair, she was interrupted by the sound of a small but definitely nearby scream. She turned her head to face it's origin, which came from upstream. Despite ignoring the metallic sound earlier, the voice was much too close to disregard; if it's the damned, someone would want to hear about this.

A little annoyed that her curiosity and small sense of duty got in the way of cleaning her clothes, Aria Winters crept through the trees lining the river. As she moved closer and closer, the voices of two people became more and more clear. The girl hid among the trees as she watched the two.

One of the people was a small, younger girl with white hair and red eyes. The other was a male wolf - a talking one - with white fur and red eyes. Winters figured the two were siblings, considering their similar colors. The latter was injured and unable to fight if the situation called for it, while the girl would be easy to pick off.

Now that you're here, what are you going to do? Aria thought, peering at them from behind the tree.
Nova finished cleaning the wound but noticed a presence in the mist of trees. She continued washing Fenris, as if she didn't sense anything. As she was getting the last few bits of blood of his fur that was located around his ears, she leaned in, as if washing them and whispered softly, "There's a wolf in those trees.. They're watching.." Her voice was so quiet, from the distance of the trees to the clearing of the river, it wasn't likely that someone could hear. Nova was ready to both attack and defend, no matter the situation.
Fenris was enjoying his bath. But his amusement came to a stop on heating of another wolf. He did not wish to look in that direction, it was not be wise as it might tell the other wolf that its presence has been felt. Fenris tried to catch the scent of the wolf but he could not. Maybe they had taken a dip in the river. Nova did not resemble a warrior and her nature seemed kind and nurturing, a attitude unlike a that of a killer or a murderer. Fenris thought of this opportunity as one in which h could repay Nova for her help. " Nova run" he said on a low tone. If he was going to fight with a fellow exalt he had better chances alone without a burden he would be worried for and maybe without the presence of a damned he could be able to talk to the exalt instead of a creating a conflict
"No, leaving you is not an option. I'm not going to run like a coward, and my job was to watch you." She said with a determination in her eyes. It might not seem like it, but Nova is actually a pretty good fighter, long distance anyways. "If you're going to fight in that state, I'm going to fight with you also." Nova was stubborn, very stubborn. She was only going to fight back if the enemy were to attack first. Standing up, she ringed out all the water that she could from her clothing and hair. Water would only make it heavier and she wouldn't be able to move as quickly.

(Last post of the night. Goodnight!)
Have I been found out? Aria thought, glancing around the trees and at the two suspiciously whispering with each other. The girl thought about just walking away, considering they hadn't made any move against her, but decided otherwise. She decided on acting innocent in hopes that she could fool the siblings. It didn't seem like they had spotted her yet.

Aria, you're a damned fool. she thought, watching the girl stand from the ground.

Winters clutched the bark tightly, eyeing the two. She reconsidered leaving, but wondered if they would follow her; leading possible Damned wolves back to the Exalted would not be terribly bright. Cursing herself under her breath, the girl stepped out of her hiding place with her arms raised lazily above her head.

"Greetings and salutations." Aria said, flashing them a friendly smile. "Did I scare you? My apologies; I simply heard voices and came to investigate." Despite having the intention of lying to the two wolves, she wasn't far off on the truth.
Fenris was angered that nova disobeyed him. Was is it so hard to accept one order. He grunted and moved in front of her. He bared his fangs as at the girl came out from the misty tree line. Fenris seemed to have seen that face before, was it one of the exhale? Was she his ex-pack member? What was she doing here?

Fenris did not care for a formal introduction nor did responded her in a friendly attitude. Well he did not respond at all. He moved closer towards her looking at her with judgemental eyes, maybe he was checking her out. He barked at her," who are you?". Fenris was not sure if someone would recognise him from his voice but still spoke in a awkward tone.
Aria lowered her hands back down to her sides, feeling the tension on her side of the situation lessen a bit. She eyed the wolf as he made his way closer to her, protective over the young girl. However, despite never really feeling "in danger", she was relieved that he didn't attempt to rip her to shreds once she revealed herself. Still, she didn't dare to move.

"I should be asking you that question." she retorted, her tone a little more serious. She tried not to crack a smile when the wolf started speaking, finding his choice in tonality a bit humorous. "Considering how close we are to some dangerous territories, I can only assume you are both dangerous people." Winters cleared her throat then spoke again, "I don't mean to judge, of course. I am still relatively new to the very idea of a 'wolf pack', and I am not familiar with how we are supposed to interact."
Fenris moved closer, he began to circling around. He bared his fangs in an attempt to intimidate the girl and scare her but she seemed to stand her ground well till now. " yes indeed I am a dangerous person and you are not familiar with how we should interact because we are not supposed to", he opened his gigantic jaw and snapped it. He was indeed very close to her. He was not certain if he knew who she was, ' aria' he thought. What might a exalt like we do here? Has she come for me? Is it because I had entered exalt territory? " Why I a exalt in damned territory?!" He yelled at her.
As Fenris circled around the girl whom seemed very sly rather than truthful. "Why are you in Damned Territory? Is it because you are scouting? I can not allow that.." Nova spoke clearly, her voice was unwavering. She slipped her hands in her skirt pocket, fiddling with something once more. Exalted didn't like Damned and Damned didn't like Exalted, so Nova highly doubted this interaction was going to lead to a peaceful agreement. She even feared for the worst, such as when the two exalted teamed up against her, but she was ready.
Aria tried to keep an eye on the wolf, but it was getting a little hard with him circling her; he wolf was also getting more and more aggressive, which meant he was either gaining confidence or he was bluffing. Although, the girl was not intimidated by his advances - instead, she was irritated. She did, however, suck in her breath when he yelled at her.

I expected you to be a little more civil. she thought, narrowing her eyes at the wolf.

"So you know who I am." she answered, huffing out the breath she sucked in with disappointment. There was no use acting friendly any more. "To be honest," Winters said, frowning and looking away from the wolf, "I didn't know that there were Damned setting up territories so close... I only assumed they were camping here -- and I am not a scouter. Honestly, I only came to wash up."

I'll have to report this to the princess... Aria thought, If she doesn't know already.

Aria Winters looked down at the wolf once more, but now she had a bit of a condescending look in her eyes. "Am I supposed to know who you are? Because I haven't the slightest clue." The girl leaned down, getting close to the face of the animal. "Maybe if you stopped hiding behind your wolf, I might get some idea." Her voice was low, sharp, and as cold as ice; she didn't stop looking into his eyes until she straightened her back, glancing at the girl who previously stood silent, reaching into her pocket. "I assumed you two were siblings, but that isn't the case, is it?" she asked.
Fenris could now was sure that he can't transform I front of her. It would end up in a scenario where fenris's new hideout that was now the famed pack would be exposed. " you are half a day's journey inside the damned territory" he barked as he came back infant of her. His face pointed in the other direction. He knew that there was still a chance she might recognise him. Even though he was a mere acquaintance with Aria, a single mistake would blow his cover. " run away now !" He yelled. Fenris was certain that he needed to scare her off and do so as soon as possible. He howled loudly warming any wolf nearby.

( if any wish to enter.)
The girl's back was turned to Nova, 'this could be a chance..!' She thought. If this girl were to leave, she would report back to the exalts. Lucian would be disappointed in her. With a swift movement, she threw 3 metal needles towards the girls back and legs. A wolves' weakness is metal, even touching can harm them. At the end of the needle was a 2 inch black leather wrap around to so that Nova could touch it safety. Years of practice were involved with this weapon. It wasn't likely that a minor like herself could dodge the needles at that speed. Nova didn't want to kill the girl, only harm so she aimed them at pressure points, not vital spots. A person could dodge 1 needle but unlikely to dodge 3 at once.

(In the picture, the wrap is longer than she what she threw. But that is basically what she used but with a shorter leather wrap)
As soon as fenris saw the needles in Nova's hands, he jumped right their path. He was trying to safeguard aria. It seemed that fenris still possessed his humanity unlike the damned. Even though a exile he could not bare to look at his pack mate getting hurt. Fenris crashed in the ground as soon as the needles punctured into him. He gave out a whine. " dam metal" he said as he grinned his teeth in pain. " run..." He said in a low tone, shortly after the already feeble wolf could feel his vision turning just a mixture of figure forming a blur.
Aria smiled at the wolf's attempts to scare her off, but her smile soon faded when she had a feeling of danger. Winters spun around, just as the wolf dashed passed her, taking three silver needles in her stead. "What...?" she murmured, unable to comprehend what just happened. For some reason, watching the wolf fall the the ground made her angry, but she knew better than to stay and fight - she also had more honor than to ignore the wolf's wishes.

Winters refused to turn her back on the young girl as she backed up into the forest, eyeing her with disgust. "I should have expected such cheap tricks from a Damned." she growled before taking off back the way she came.
Fenris tried to stand but collapsed immediately. Silver was just like wolfsbane, hazardous and deadly. The longer it was in his system the worse he would get. He had a disappointed face," Fool you should have let her die, now you would just end up being that Tasha's toy till she breaks you.", he cursed himself after he mumbled the words to himself. He looked towards nova as he tried to paw off the needles, but it only made it worse. Fenris knew what choice he had left now. He unhappily turned to human form. His longer hair lying on the ground. His tall towering body looking feeble. His black clothing stained with blood marks all over. He slowly pulled the needles with great pain. He screamed as he pulled out the first. He could not dare to touch the second. The pain had caused his body to tremble every time it moved close to the needle.
Hearing a howl from around her territory, Luna's ears shot up. Sensing danger, she ditched her hunt, rising from her crouch and starting to lope off in the direction the howl had come from. Behind her, the thrush scared, but she wasn't paying any attention; her hunger long forgotten at this point. It hadn't been a howl from a member of her pack, and it hadn't been particularly loud, but there was something that bothered her deeply about the sound. Trying to place it as she ran, she came closer to damned territory with every step that she took. However, she started to pick up Aria's scent; it was old, but it was leading inside the territory. Cursing under her breath, she ran on, eventually seeing a familiar shape. "Aria" She called, glad that she hadn't had to venture very deep into damned territory. Backtracking towards her own territory, she waited for her packmate to come closer.
Nova let the girl go, it was no use chasing after her. Her job was to watch Fenris and that's what she had to do. Seeing that he had finally transformed into human form, he pulled one needle out but was too weak to continue. Nova was very very angry at Fenris, he embarrassed her in front of a exalted. She just stared at him with sad, disappointed eyes before approaching him silently, "You..." she started but couldn't continue. "Don't move." Nova spoke, her voice was empty and cold.

The needles had punctured 3 areas, one in the arm, one in the stomach, and other in the thigh. Well at least now she doesn't have to watch him as closely due to the fact that he is wounded in the leg. He had already pulled out the one in his thigh. She had a technique of pulling it out that made it less painful, but she really considered if she should use it on him or not. Being the nice person she was, she used it. She placed her hand gently around the punctured area and used the other hand to quickly pull out the needle in the stomach, using the other hand to pressure the area when she did. One needle left. Doing the same procedure, but her hand around the arm, she pulled it out as painless as she could.

Nova stood up, her hands blood stained. She picked up all 3 needles around the safe area and walked to the river to wash the blood off. She placed each needle in the river one by one and the currant took away the blood slowly. Once she had finished with the needles, she placed them back in her pocket like before and took out a cloth from her pocket. Wetting it a bit, she came back to him and wiped up all the blood from all his wounds. Getting to the infected wound, she had to lean over him, but during this whole cleaning up she didn't speak and she didn't smile and she didn't even look him in the eyes. 'Fool..' She thought.
Aria stopped upon hearing a familiar voice call out her name. "Princess," she replied, walking over to her leader, "It's not safe here; there are Damned nearby, and I barely escaped an attack." Of course, she was stretching the truth a little bit, but that's mostly because she wanted the brat who tried to hurt her hunted down. In terms, Aria was pissed.

"We can't ignore the issue any longer; the Damned are expanding their territory and soon they'll set their sights on our village." she said, clearly angry. However, not even moments after she spoke she realized she had spoken out of turn. Winters bowed her head and looked away. "My apologies, princess." she said softly, stepping passed her leader and walking back towards the village.

I joined a pack because I thought I would be safe, she thought. But instead, I painted a target on my back.
Tasha continued walking behind Lucian, growing more and more irritated as she thought about her choice of leaving Nova with her new pet. A small growl left her throat at the thought of it. Nova was soft and weak and sure, things were probably going fine and dandy and Nova would even have him all patched up for her. But if that Exalted decided to try anything, there was a good chance Nova would be over powered on her own without backup. If he had gotten away she'd track him down and rip his throat out herself and then come back for Nova. Of course she wouldn't be able to do anything serious to Nova but she wouldn't let Nova know that. She had been so caught up in following Lucian, damn his charms, that she hadn't even taken the time to comprehend what she was doing leaving that exiled one with her. She sighs a little trying to diffuse her temper, after all Lucian didn't have any objections to leaving him with Nova so maybe she underestimated Nova and was worrying for no reason.

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