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Fantasy Cursed Blood

Lucian watched him with mild interest, "Is that so.." He stated, looking off towards were the sound came from. "Well, pup, it looks like today is your lucky day. I'm deciding to make an exception." He sneered, glaring still in the general direction of the noise. "Turn around. Give my sister my greetings. Or Die. Those are your choices. Frankly I don't have the time or patience for this so choose quickly." He stated now looking back at him.
Tasha immediately perks up at realizing Lucian wasn't terribly angry with her. Her smile returns at seeing Fenris change into his human form. He definitely wasn't hard on the eyes and she tilts her head. "Lucian if I may. It may be in our best interest to allow him to stay. Who better would know about the Exalted but an Exalted themselves. And if he betrays us" Her smile turns into a dangerous grin. "Well then... I've been dying for a new toy"
Lucian huffed, "Fine." He stated waving his hand. "Just be sure to make his death quick if he refuses. I don't have time for pesky pups." He growled slightly before walking off towards the direction he needed to go. This was pissing him off, and unless his pack wanted him to punch more holes in the walls he needed to get these issues felt with and quickly.
Tasha squealed with delight before frowning a little at the "quick death" part. Though she did want to catch back up to Lucian before they got to the source of the noise. She did not in any way want Leandros to get all the glory if it turned into something big, she's been working too hard to get into Lucian's graces to miss an opportunity like that. She turns her attention towards Fenris. "So exiled one. What is your choice" She asks dangerously as she started pacing around him.
Fenris took a step back in fear. The damned were some what terrifying.

Being turned into a toy for a damned, well it seems he was going to have a troublesome future. He bowed his head, afterlife he did not have another choice. If he would return then he would die and if he was to refuse, he would still perish. " I agree " he said in a tone low with great grief, whatever dignity he had left was now lost. He growled a little after giving himself away to the damned pack. He sighed a little his head still bowed in respect that was more or less formal. He could feel a urge eating him from inside. An urge to just charge at the damned in an attempt to kill them, but he knew it would be a foolish move.
"Smart move. You may learn to like it here, we're not that bad....well most of the time" She says with a laugh, finding it hilarious for whatever reason. "I'm Tasha by the way. Now come along" She states shifting back into her wolf form so she could catch up Lucian and figure out what the hell that god awful noise was, was from earlier. She slows her gait down and changes into her human form once she caught up to Lucian again, looking behind her to see if Fenris was following. Until he was formally introduced to the pack, letting him wander around on his own to just say he was part of the damned wouldn't fare for him too well. Not until someone from the pack said he was part of the pack.
Lucian glanced behind him seeing Tasha and the exiled one. He huffed, slightly impressed. Most would rather die than join his pack, not that he gave out that choice often. He continued to walk, not saying anything to Tasha which was probably worse than speaking.
Tasha looks up at Lucian when she caught up to him and frowns at seeing he wouldn't even look at her from the corner of his eye. She falls back behind Lucian at that and sends a small glare towards Fenris. If he hadn't of shown up Lucian wouldn't be upset at her. She grumbled slightly under her breath, she'd need to rethink her strategy for today to make sure Lucian didn't leave with a bitter thought of her when he left.
Running at almost full speed, she saw Tasha with another wolf. The wolf seemed badly wounded and to her, making the wolf walk was just too cruel. Unlike all the other damned wolves, Nova wasn't hard as stone and she wasn't cruel either and that was.. Strange, especially since she was a damned. Slowing down her pace and eventually catching up to Tasha. Along with Tasha, she was accompanied with Alpha Lucian and Leandros.

Being in the presence of the Alpha, she quickly reverted back to human form and bowed down on one knee. Her red eyes looked down as she spoke, "Greetings Sire.. I perceive that you're all here due to the noise?" Her silver hair reflected a glint from the sunlight that passed through the trees. Nova slightly looked up at the unknown wolf, "Shall I.. Treat your friend's wounds? He seems very ill." She spoke to Tasha, looking over at the wolf. He had red eyes, like her.
Tasha rolls her eyes at Nova's big display of greeting Lucian but turns her attention to her when she speaks about the exiled one. She laughs. "He is surely not my friend. Just a wolf who seems to be having a bit of bad luck. Though at least he's lucky enough that we let him live. But go on, take him, he'd only slow us down anyways. As long as Lucian permits it of course" She turns her attention away from Nova and Fenris and lets her gaze fall on Lucian. She loved to stare at him but she never allowed her gaze to linger on him for very long periods of time, it wasn't proper for her place to do so.
Lucian sighed, "Nova. I may be Alpha, but that doesn't mean you can keep calling me Sire." He stated a little amused with how she called him that. Lucian allowed himself to smile briefly, he had a soft spot for a few of the members in his pack, Nova being one of them. He viewed her like a little sister which was odd because he barely knew his own sister. He was sure she didn't even know of his existence. "You can treat him, Nova." He stated gesturing to the new guy. He didn't notice Tasha looking at him as he was too busy making sure Nova could take the boy back herself.
Seeing Tasha roll her eyes from the corner of Nova's eye made her a little angry but she just smiled at her. Tasha never really liked her but than again she doesn't like anyone. The only one she likes is Lucian, and that's only because she has the hots for him. "My apologizes, I didn't realize that he wasn't a friend of yours.." She muttered, standing up.

Hearing Lucian's response, she continued to smile, but childishly this time. "Sorry, it's a habit of mine" she said with a short awkward giggle. "Well, I'll stay behind with him and fix him up a little while you guys go find the trace of the sound, okay? Everyone at the village is panicking because of it and if someone doesn't calm them down, it's going to go into disorder." Nova spoke, trying to say it in a jokingly manner.
Lucian visibly paled, looking at Nova. "What do you mean they are panicking!?" He stated almost losing it. This was not good, they wasted too much time already. He ran his fingers threw his hair, a habit he had accumulated over the years. He tensed, letting out a very aggravated sigh. This was really bad, he realized. He looked over at his second before looking back to Nova.
'Oh god I worded that wrong..' Nova instantly thought. "I mean that everyone is hiding in their houses and the elderly are talking about the end of the world again." She said quickly, fumbling some of her words around. "But no worries I ran past some other wolves on the way here. They should be here in a few minutes." She awkwardly smiled, tried to reassure him. "So thats why you should hurry and find out the source of the sound so I can hurry and report it to the village so they don't have to worry!" She spoke, almost trying to force them leave with her words
Lucian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 'Dammit Nova don't scare me like that' he thought before shaking his head. He relaxed more, "Alright. I get it. Your lucky Leandros is with me or I'd be worried he might be bald by the time I come back." He mused, turning to move off again. "I'll be back later Nova. Do me a favor and make sure no one bites anyone's heads off while I'm gone." He chuckled winking at her playfully before growing more serious. He glanced at Tasha to find her looking at him. He looked back at her and smirked slightly before starting to walk off towards the noise.
Tasha felt the pang of jealousy when Lucian winked at Nova but quickly turned her gaze to the ground when she saw that Lucian spotted her staring at him, a small flush came to her fair freckled face. She looks back up at seeing Lucian start moving again and quickly follows suit. Keeping an eye out for the possible source of the obnoxious sound as they drew closer to it's origin.
"I'm sorry and okay!" She shouted before he left. She sat down next to the wolf and took out a small box from her skirt pocket. Inside the box were first aid supplies, bandages and what not. "Okay, how would you like me to do this? Treat you in this form or in your human form?" She asked with a friendly smile. He didn't seem like a bad person but he could attack her at any moment, he had power in his eyes, something most people don't have. They either are too weak or just consumed by it.
Theofall had been doing his best to keep up with everything, but he simply hadn't been able to. From what he had pieced together by listening very intently, the Damned now had an Exalted, which excited Theo to an extent. He'd have to try and find this Exalted later on.

The other thing was Lucian's appearance. While Theo didn't exactly hate him, he didn't like him either. He didn't really care for Lucian, even though he could probably break Theo's back with a pencil or something exceedingly stupid. But one thing Theo was fairly certain he couldn't do was read minds. Or he hoped Lucian couldn't anyway.

Making a choice, Theo left the clearing an began to follow the path that Lucian and Tasha had taken. It wasn't long before Theo became his wolf form and started to run along, following Lucian's scent.
Fenris felt rather irritated and troubled by being passed from one wolf to another like a prized ball. It seemed that the she wolf that wished to heal him was rather calm and caring and was known as nova. He could only pity, a good wolf in a damned pack is to face many a problems indeed. To Fenris she seemed to be just a weak link to their pack, he could wait till he healed then he could fool this wolf and make a run for his life.

Fenris just grunted to Nova's question looking away, maybe he was a little humiliated by him being tossed over. He would no wish to turn into a human form in a place where barbaric wolfs reside. At least in this form he could some what protect himself.
"Okay.. Suit yourself.." She said to his response. Healing a wolf was a much easier task anyhow but it was more time consuming due to all the fur and what not. Nova looked at wolf a little bit before speaking again, "So what is your name?" She asked, trying to make conversation.

Examining the wolf, he was awfully dirty with all the mud and dirty on his fur. This could lead to a rather serious infection but not treated beforehand, though Nova wouldn't be surprised if it already had been. If it was infected she would have to treat him at the village where all the antibiotics and medication were at.
" fenris, fenris hellhound" he said in a tone that was dipped with disapproval. He was pleased to find someone helping and kind in the damned pack but he was always disgusted by the presence of people to weak to kill. He bent his neck, he wished to show the recent wound he had at his neck . It seemed to have caught some infection. Fenris's left ear seemed to have a scare too, it seemed that someone had taken a bite of his ear.
"Well Fenris, your wound seems to have caught infection and from the looks of it. You're gonna die.." She said in a more serious tone than before, her smile was washed away. In the mist of the silence, she grinned playfully, "just kidding!" She said with a small giggle. "But no seriously, you caught an infection and I need to treat it or you might actually die." Her giggle got cut off by her serious tone.

"Umm I don't know if I'm allowed to bring you back to the village or not but you should at least get washed up by the river so you're all nice and sparkly clean" She said, getting up and dusting herself off. "Follow." Commanded Nova as she began walking to the sound of running water. She walked at a slower pace than normally but she needed to keep track of Fenris, for if he got again, not even the King could save her
Upon hearing the death sentence, fenris's expression turned blank. The hellhound, alpha slayer, the exile, Cerberus, Fenris was wolf with many esteemed titles. He never thought he might die from a mere infection. It would indeed be a death with any honour, no one would remember a wolf who died from a infection, they would brand the wolf feeble and weak.

Fenris felt a relief knowing he was not dying but soon enough he could feel anger running through his veins. He was mad at nova for playing such a prank. Fenris got even more angry when she commanded him. He was ready to snap her neck and enjoy his last kill but he controlled himself as he followed her. He made a low whiny sound when he heard his stomach growl. He had not eaten for days now. Well as that black wolf said, fenris did have bad luck.

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