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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Hearing Kitsune speak tore Ivy's attention away from Mason. Combat class, it sounded a bit interesting. Though unlike most of the other students Ivy didn't have any abilities as special to the others. Turning her amber gaze onto Mason she smiled and gave him a small nod, "Yeah, later." She stood up as well, though gently shaking Isabelle awake.
"Easy love! You are close to my jewels!" Duke said sitting up and laughing nervously "now you know very well I don't let the students meet up with me until after Frizt's class!!" Grabbing her leg he pulled her down to him dropping the magazine into the grass. "Besides I'm not the one breaking Kitsune's stuff, although I did drink the rest of Raz's whiskey" rubbing bloods legs up to her bum. "Besides I'm the only undead thing that can survive a night with you"

Misako stood up with a pleased look on her face as she fixed her hair. "It's about time for your class isn't it or rather the class you are letting me help on" She asked as she growled at him playfully "although I feel good and relaxed now"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune stood up stretching "okay kids it's time to get moving, lunch is over now!" She told all of the students before waving goodbye to Raz "we will be heading to your combat class now where this year you will be learning the basics, chances are you will first go against an upperclassman so that the instructor can better gauge your abilities"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Kittycat Kittycat Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Hetrix Hetrix
NightTerror NightTerror

Blood coldly smirks and moves his hand then gets up and says" your right I can let you off not because I want to I'm sure Raz and kisune will work you extra hard but in the mean time i have to help with combat class".

" The class will be done In two hours so get kisunes place cleaned up or you might be taking flying lessons and I hope you have a gift to replace the whiskey".

Frizts gives misakos bum a quick tap and says" go ahead I'll join you shortly violet will be helping the beginners class, I'll be doing the other two but we're using the huge gym this time since its a special occasion"

Violet is waiting in the huge gym and blood turns into a bat and gets ready to leave not wanting to be a distraction.
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Mason was in the huge gym already, waiting for the class to start as he relaxed into the seat of the bleachers
"Combat. Yay!" Blaise said standing up and looking down at Lexi. "Doesn't that sound fun?!" He asked grinning. "I wonder I'm allowed to bring pets? Do you think so?" Blaise asked. He actually had no idea what the word combat meant, but he didn't bother to ask. His hair was turning almost neon yellow at the idea of something new and exciting.
Texangamer Texangamer
Kitsune arrives in the gym with the class in tow. "Here we are kids, welcome to the gymnasium, today is a special occasion since it is your first class, during this class follow your instructors orders very well to avoid being seriously injured or killed please" bowing to violet she left the students there with her, blood, and Misako.

Misako waved to them all "welcome to hell week!" Misako said seeming idly excited "I'm Misako a third year, I'm here for some extra credit so don't think I'll go easy on all of you just because you are first years!" Winking at Lexi and posing for all the boys in the class.

Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Kittycat Kittycat Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 NightTerror NightTerror Hetrix Hetrix
Mason began laughing
"Oh my god thats hilarious, hell week"
He said while still laughing his ass off, not caring much for the consequences.
While Mason wasn't much of a fighter, he was still fairly powerful in his own right
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Hi there Misako!" Blaise yelled. Waving animatedly at the third year,"Let's be friends!" He said, it was a habit of his to offer his friendship to everyone he met. Smiling brightly he realized he had forgotten to introduce himself. "Oh yeah! I'm Blaise!"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ivy had walked into the gym and sat on one of the bleachers. Rolling her eyes, unamused with Misako showing off. Though hearing Mason caused her to look over at him. Watching him laugh caused her to snicker a bit before looking back at the third year student. So we're going to be fighting each other. Sounds pretty fun, she thought to herself. After looking around a bit she quietly took her hoodie off and set it on her lap. By doing so it revealed the plain white V-neck she was wearing, but that wasn't they only thing. This meant that her stripes were also visible. They were black in color, going up from her wrist to her shoulders and collar bone.
"Okay!" Blaise said nodding excitedly, then he got distracted looking around at all the equipment on the wall. His neon hair faded to black as he raised one eyebrow. Turning back to Misako he asked,"What do we do in this class anyways?" Once again demonstrating his naivety.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ivy watched, the only word that could explain her expression was horror. Her gaze never left Misako as she went back down to the gym floor. Slowly an animalistic growl could be heard coming from Ivy, that dime was turning. She could feel her nails and teeth grown their extra two inches and forming sharp points. Pupils turning into narrow diamonds, her hair standing on the back of her neck. I am so going to make her regret her decisions! She thought to herself. But she felt like someone was watching her, causing her to look around to see who it was.
It was Mason. As quickly as she her mood changed it changed back, though the anger was still there. But now Ivy was scared of what Mason would think after seeing part of her animal side. Would he be scared of her? Was he going to shun her like others have done in the past?

Hetrix Hetrix Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Mason didn't even blush, he just sent a dirty glare over to Misako. He was going to kick her ass to the shadow realm and back.
Mason looked at Ivy and frowned and sighed. He felt like he just got violated a bit.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Frizts saw and grins then slips behind ivy and rest his hand on her waist leans down and whispers in her ear" lets start over since we both rubbed each other the wrong way I can be a really sweet guy if you let me show but for now play it cool if you want talk after meet me in the blue garden at the back of the school".

He then moved away and returned to the other two classes.

Violet claps her hands together to get some order back in the class.
A shiver was sent up her spine when she felt a hand on her waist and a breath of hot air on her ear. Glancing behind she could see that it was Frizt, the grump ass from the tree. Ivy listened to him speak, she was confused on why he was acting like this. It felt a bit off. But she kept a mental note about the garden, though debated in her head if it was smart to go or not. All Ivy knew was that right now she was confused.
Mason had noticed Ivy go into her animalistic form. And instead of now fearing her and shunning her like most would, he actually found it to be really cool.
Mason wondered if he should go talk to Ivy, hmmm. Maybe.
He did a gesture to Ivy, it was a 'you want to talk?' One, but he didn't know how Ivy would interpret it.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Misako watched their expressions "good I got some of you riled up, so who wants to go first?" Misako walked to the middle of the gym after taking her weighted normal clothes off. Leaving her in her regular workout clothes. "Oh and Frizt I'm going kill you if you do anything with the fresh meat" a happy smile on her face the entire time she spoke to him. "Oh that reminds me since they are first years how much restraint should I use Miss violet?" Misako tossing her shoes off to onto the pile of her clothes.

Naomi looked nervously between everyone not sure of what to do. Scooting over to Blaise she whispered "combat training here is where we learn to fight and control our abilities through combat"

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix


She just looked at her mother she gulped a little as she was afraid of the combat she probably had to fight her big sister as she sighed as she looked at her sister" i'll fight you big sis" she say as she was excited about it she wanted to show off her powers as she looked at violet as she smiled to misako as she turned her head to the teacher as she looked at violet she had her headphones in as she tried to hide it from them she fought better when she had headphones in her ears she just sighed looking at ivy" why did you have to do that big sis" she say" big sister don't go easy on me do the training we do at home" she say to her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


She just looked at her big sister than to the lady that kissed mason as she just looked at her sister looking angry as she just looked down as she was messing with her fingers she just was wondering who she was going to fight she kept her mouth shut she was she knew how to speak to people but she couldn't she can oly speak to her sister she just cover her ears she couldn't take everyone fighting as she looked around she just sighed Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Blaise nodded in understanding. Then he heard Lexi offer to go first. His usual smile reappeared on his face. "Yay! Lexi! I believe in you!" He cheered shamelessly. He couldn't wait to see his friend fight. Still oblivious to any of the tension in the room he pumped his fists enthusiastically, as his hair became the brightest yellow it had been all day.
Texangamer Texangamer Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Misako watched their expressions "good I got some of you riled up, so who wants to go first?" Misako walked to the middle of the gym after taking her weighted normal clothes off. Leaving her in her regular workout clothes. "Oh and Frizt I'm going kill you if you do anything with the fresh meat" a happy smile on her face the entire time she spoke to him. "Oh that reminds me since they are first years how much restraint should I use Miss violet?" Misako tossing her shoes off to onto the pile of her clothes.

Naomi looked nervously between everyone not sure of what to do. Scooting over to Blaise she whispered "combat training here is where we learn to fight and control our abilities through combat"

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix
Texangamer Texangamer you forgot maxine

Frizts plays it off pretending not to know and then claps his hands and the second and third years then start their stretch if you can sense energy you can tell the difference even when suppressed.
Ivy caught movement from the corner of her eye, Mason. Looking she could see that he was wondering if she wanted to talk. Giving him a nod she dug out a torn piece of paper and marker from her backpack. She hesitated for a moment before writing down, "I got jealous," and crumpling the paper. She tossed it to Mason gently as her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment. Hearing Misako looking for volunteers to go up against her she growled a bit when Lexi said she'd go. The hybrid was honestly wanting to go toe to toe with the shark. But when she looked at Isabelle her expression softened, "I'm sorry Isabelle. I didn't mean to upset you."
Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at her sister she still had her ears covered she always do it when she was scared of something her hands was shaking as she was scared as she closed her eyes" no bad people no bad people" she say as she was wincing as she was scared as she just hugged her sister trying not to cry" no bad place no bad place" as she was trying to breath in and out she get panic attacks sometimes she was having a panic attack thinking about the bad place how she was experimented on with her big sister she just cover her ears again Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Okay, but it wouldn't be much of a challenge would it?" Misako asked did some light stretching "are you sure you don't want me to hold back? I think it may be better if you have a partner....but if you really want a go" sighing she scratched her head "whenever you are ready mishka" in short she had called Lexi, little bear, which was a nickname she gave her. "Try to last more than two minutes this time, oh and everyone pay attention please, only one of you was smart enough to not think of raising their hand!" Misako raised her hand first when it was Frizt teaching the class and was beaten pretty badly, she hoped some of them would learn. Cracking her knuckles she started to bounce on the balls of her feet with her hands up ready to guard.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at her sister as she started stretching she just put her hair up she didn't it want to get in her way of training" i know i won't beat you but at least i know my powers is getting stronger" she say as she looking at her sister guarding she just smiled as she smirked as she used her ice as she made it snow in the room and made it the floor icy she had to last for two minutes this was going to be hard since this class was two hours long she was happy that she had a chance to fight her sister she made a flying dragon to attack her sister as she was amazed what she mad to accak her sister Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Okay, but it wouldn't be much of a challenge would it?" Misako asked did some light stretching "are you sure you don't want me to hold back? I think it may be better if you have a partner....but if you really want a go" sighing she scratched her head "whenever you are ready mishka" in short she had called Lexi, little bear, which was a nickname she gave her. "Try to last more than two minutes this time, oh and everyone pay attention please, only one of you was smart enough to not think of raising their hand!" Misako raised her hand first when it was Frizt teaching the class and was beaten pretty badly, she hoped some of them would learn. Cracking her knuckles she started to bounce on the balls of her feet with her hands up ready to guard.
Texangamer Texangamer

OOC: lol Zelda and they just stated warm up but just this once I'll work with it.

Fifty women and men on the ground with brises from sparing and hes holding back and he says" if i cotinue to see this crap im going to stop holding because your a joke" A liitle of his aura can be felt many of the class shiver and take then knocked out and lean them against the side.

Violet and blood watch silent in truth blood wanted pretty boy to get a thumping why the school lets trash like him is beyond her.
Looking at Isabelle caused Ivy to frown, holding the girl tight. "Shh," rubbing her back, "It'll be ok, everything will be ok." Ivy knew that her sister was more of a lover than a fighter. Unlike herself who was the full blood fighter out of the two. That was how they managed to escape the lab and survive after all.
Texangamer Texangamer

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