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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Misako stopped bouncing, planting her right foot she dashed forwards under the ice dragon to dodge the attack. stopping her claws at Lexi's throat "don't use so much on the first attack, in full combat you can't last, especially if it is an endurance match" she reminded her as she spun around aiming a kick for Lexi's stomach, still not using her full strength. In her head she was thinking please don't bleed Lexi please. Over and over.
Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror

She just coughed a little as she got kicked she didn't bleed thankfully" okay gotcha i forgot sorry" she say as she just looked at her sister as she was bitting her lip trying to think of her next move she just had her ice still in her hand she didn't have a lot control over it but she just punced her sister as she sighed doing hand combat with her she didn't have to use her powers everytime she was panting a little as her friends was rooting for her she knew she couldn't beat her sister but she wanted to prove to herself she was strong every punch made her ice powers to come out a bit Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Silently, Ivy looked away from Isabelle to the fight between the sisters. Her gaze locked on the battle, but mostly on Misako. She was observing the shark's fighting techniques. Making mental notes of some of her movements and what she had said about not going full out on a first attack. Though after this match she was hoping to go next against the girl, wanting to test it for herself.
IMG_0099.JPG Misako was catching Lexi's punches with her bare hands, letting a few of them slip past her guard. Wincing she caught both of Lexi's hands, pulling Lexi towards her with intent of slamming her head into Lexi's to end this before Lexi's powers got out of control. Bits of frost had been forming on Misakos cloths and hair throughout the fight, where Lexi was ice Misako was fire just like Kitsune. If she used her latent abilities it would dehydrate her severely.
Texangamer Texangamer

(Just as a side note to everyone what Misako looks like is further down on the character page, here I'll share it on here as well)
Mason observed the battle, making note of the shark girls movements. He thought of ways he could use his power to counter her movements.
His full concentration was on the battle, however he still made a mental note to talk to Ivy. He had the note in his hand and looked at Ivy and smiled.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

She just started to calm down as she breathed in a little" i'm sorry for crying you know i get scared thinking about it" i'm okay now though i don't want to fight though i don't want to hurt anyone" she say" you don't like her do you the shark lady what about the other one that is fighting do you think of her as a friend" she say sitting down as she was scared to fight she just got out a book she just put her headphones on she didn't have anything to listen she just had it to calm herslef Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50


She just feeling her powers was about to go out of control she felt her sister slammed her head as she just passed out when she did that' man i lost again i guess i'm not strong enough' she thought as she was on the bench as she was laying don next to her friends she just sighed' why do i always lose to her my big sister ug' she thought as her powers was going a bit out of control even though she was passed out she just needed water as she was lossing a bit ice she was being emotional that why the ice is coming out of body she was wincing in pain a bit while she was passed out Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Mason got up
"I'll go next"
He yelled out with a determined glare in his eyes. Mason wanted to show he was more then just a pretty face and a nice voice.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf @AnyoneInTheClass
"Geese any longer and that could have went badly" Misako said after laying Lexi down on the bench. Grabbing some of her clothes she folded her skirt up and put it under Lexi's head then covered Lexi up with her jacket. "Okay whoever isn't fighting next please make sure she drinks water as soon as she wakes up, also she isn't as weak as she looks I just don't want her freezing the entire gym like she did our pool last year" laughing nervously as she shivered "so cold..." she muttered having a flashback while she went back to the center of the gym. "Okay so for whoever is next please come to the middle, unlike my sister you can pick how tough I'll fight you, one being kid gloves and ten being Miss violet taking you to my mom in the nurses office to have your bones reset" still acting happy despite what had happened moments ago "Mason it is then, pick a number please"
Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror
Mason walked down to the middle and looked at Misako
He simply said, a his eyes burning with pure hatred for the girl.
Mason was ready for a fight as he readied his voice.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Geese any longer and that could have went badly" Misako said after laying Lexi down on the bench. Grabbing some of her clothes she folded her skirt up and put it under Lexi's head then covered Lexi up with her jacket. "Okay whoever isn't fighting next please make sure she drinks water as soon as she wakes up, also she isn't as weak as she looks I just don't want her freezing the entire gym like she did our pool last year" laughing nervously as she shivered "so cold..." she muttered having a flashback while she went back to the center of the gym. "Okay so for whoever is next please come to the middle, unlike my sister you can pick how tough I'll fight you, one being kid gloves and ten being Miss violet taking you to my mom in the nurses office to have your bones reset" still acting happy despite what had happened moments ago
Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror

OOC: Need some sleep after this so it's going to be my last post can people hold back I'll post again when I can.

Ray then gets an idea then says" lets make this interesting lets make it a two on two match I need a good work out".

Blood sits by lexi and injects her with a special liquid to give her back some of her water till she drinks up.

Lex gently smiles and says" what would you like to know about the combat class maxine".
"Okie dokie, forgive me if I don't look as pretty this way" misako's body began to change, becoming even more muscular and more shark like. Her teeth sharper than broken glass and as hard as diamonds. "Don't blame me if you die, but I suspect that miss violet or blood would step in if it went too far" her eyes still retained their normal color, for now at least.
Appearing to have taken one step she held something in her hand, smiling she flicked a single strand of Mason's hair back at him. Misako unlike Lexi was used at one of the hybrid facilities to dispose of hybrids who had failed tests, and by dispose the scientist there meant devour. The smallest drop or scent of blood would put Misako into a frenzy much like a regular shark. But if refined she would be great at tracking targets for assassinations.
Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror
The hybrid gasped when she heard Mason saying that he wanted to go next. The more worrying part was that he didn't want Misako going easy on him. "No way," she whispered as she stared down at the boy on the gym floor. Instinctively she grabbed Isabelle's hand and held it. Ivy had been trying to find weak points in Misako's fighting technique. But seeing her change and mentioning death caused an agitation to arise in Ivy. She could feel her hair start to stand on end, causing it to rise a bit. Though she knew that all she could do was sit and watch for now. Hoping that she didn't do anything stupid like jump in to help Mason.
Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer
Serbian walked up to the group that was fighting , her chain around her neck hung a little she didn't mind it though , she looked over at lexi and ran over her chain followed her as she ran to the girl., she didn't know what happened to her but she didn't want to really stand by and watch " hey shark why are you fighting them " she asked getting up and she sat on the ground , she looked at blood and she waved showing her fangs

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir anyone else?
Mason wasn't scared a bit, even as Misako changed forms
"To be honest i dont see a difference"
With that said Mason got into a fighting stance, a weird glow came from his left arm, which was quite visable from his shirt.
He would let Misako have the first move, since he was a nice guy

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf @anyoneinthegym.

She just felt the needle as she felt the pain she just wimper she hated needles they hurt her she hated when she gets her flu shots sh just glad her sister didn't go too hard on her she just was sleeping as she just hold onto her bag as she was was sleeping after a while she open her eyes as she yawned as her head was hurting a bit as she just looked at the girl" Are you stupid or what this is a combat class we supposed to fight" she say" sorry for my words kinda cranky" she say as she looked around as she smiled to ivy a bit Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Tsutarji Tsutarji


She just looked at her sister as she placed her head on her shoulder" do i have to fight her i don't want to fight" she told her big sister as she looked around" you know i don't like fighting i'm the weak one" she say as she was frowning a little bit as she just snuggled with her as she smiled poking her sister" hey big sister are you okay you look worried" she say​
"That's just cold, but it's okay I'm into older guys anyways" joking she walked towards him with her arms relaxed at her side. Looking down at mason she smiled and brought her right arm down towards the top of his head, feeling her opponent out. "Don't hold back please, your girlfriend is watching" she teased, glancing over at Serbian for a second, Serbian was a third year student, she had sparred with her on multiple occasions and the two were quite close friends.
Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror Tsutarji Tsutarji
She continued to watch Misako and Mason. When his arm started to glow, catching Ivy's attention. Though when she heard Lexi talking she looked over at the girl and noticed that Lexi was smiling at her. The tiger girl gave a small wave with her free hand before letting it drop in her lap. Her attention back on the fight that was soon to start. Ivy managed to catch Misako calling her Mason's girlfriend, this made her cheeks burn with embarrassment.
Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Masons eyes glinted Red as he began to Shriek his Banshee wail. It had the power to crush rock so with how close Misako was to him it would have to have some effect on the girl
"Do you like my song?"
Mason said cockily as he was readying another attack.
Mason was focusing on the fight, meaning he had no opportunity to look over at Ivy or anyone else
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Serbian smirked " nope I'm just new so I guess I wasn't informed on how boring you guys are to me " she said then she got up and she smirked and she sat down , she began to look for someone to possess , she thought about the girl with the glowing arms or maybe blood ...but she kind of wanted to take misako or mason those two would be perfect.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix

She just rubbed her head she had maybe a tine cocusion her head hurts too much" so whats your name" as she sighed" i'm Alexia my family calls me lexi except for my sister she calls me something else i won't say to what it is" she say as she giggled she just looked at her sister fight' why don't big sister fight like that with me uh oh maybe cause i'm her sister she's protective of me sometimes' she thought as she just looked at the lady she was talking to she just smiled Tsutarji Tsutarji
The hair on the back of her neck continued to stand up straight as she watched the two. Opening her mouth to say something, but quickly caught herself before anything came out. That's not a good idea. I'd throw his concentration off. So Ivy remained silent physically, but mentally she was screaming. Honestly wanting to duke it out Misako in the next few minutes. Glancing over she noticed a girl wearing a chain around her neck and felt something was off about her. Brushing the feeling aside Ivy went back to keeping her cat like eyes on Mason and Misako.
Hetrix Hetrix Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Tsutarji Tsutarji
Mason aimed his Screech downwards as he was propelled directly into the air, dodging Misakos attack. Once in the air he aimed another wail towards Misako. However this wasn't the best spot for Mason, as he was quite vulnerable in the air.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Serbian looked at Lexi and she smirked firing a dark orb at her body then she tried to possess her ' hmm I hope I can do this ....wait was she talking to me " she said leaving her body then she ran over and caught her " I'm sorry..I'm Serbian sorry ...I...should go " she said getting feeling bad about what she did to her then she sighed and sat down beside her " so what can you do...I'm a hmm succubus " she frowned holding her chain close just case some pulls it.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Texangamer Texangamer
"What the!?" Ivy's voice a whisper when she saw Serbian trying to posses Lexi, eyes wide at the sight. But hearing a screech broke her concentration and brought her attention to the battle once again. Watching Mason propel himself into the air. "I hope he knows what he's doing," the hybrid mumbled softly to herself.

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