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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

"That's fine with me, let's get going" Naomi moved her hands so Blaise could see. "Hurry up you don't want all the good stuff to disappear do you?" Laughing as she grabbed his hand and both their bags dragging Blaise into the line.

Kitsune stretched "like Raz said you have to earn points here and one of the easiest ways is to keep our campus clean, but that doesn't mean just pick up the trash, bushes need to be trimmed and grass cut" giggling as she pat Lexi on the head "just give it time" she whispered to Lexi then headed out into the halls and towards the cafeteria "you are even allowed to use your abilities if they assist you in the job you were given, but for today I'll be paying for your lunches so grab anything you like

@. Everyone

Misako gazed up at Frizt "that sounds good to me, for demonstration purposes" winking she leaned up kissing him, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck. "What happened to the cold guy I like?" She asked as she bit his lip.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"Oh it was you Naomi!" He said completely shocked. He looked around in the line fro his other new friends and smiled when he noticed Lexi he grabbed the piece of chocolate cake he wanted and then ran over to her. "Lexi look! They have cake! Chocolate cake!" He said bouncing slightly making sure not to drop his cake.
Texangamer Texangamer
Frizts then roughly slides his hands over misako sides and pulls back then leans in to tease her more and says", then pretends to kiss her neck but instead says" you know I can always pretend I didn't agree and look for another there's so much new meat on campus this year".

Zel turns to the girl and says" I'm zel nice to meet you it's nice to see a student has there head on right and who known you might even be my type".
Naomi sits across from Blaise and Lexi, her tail wagging rapidly as she gazed down at the slice of tuna and carrots. Practically drooling before looking up at everyone else. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Naomi Black" after eating a carrot she looked at everyone again "why don't we tell each other our names and something we like to do!" Getting excited almost as much as Blaise.
@ all present

Misako growls at Frizt, rolling ontop of him she pins his arms above his head with her teeth pressed to his neck, she had partially transformed, only using her arms. "Oh no you don't....you are mine" she said nibbling on his neck before tearing his shirt off.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Mason was sitting away from everyone, working on his song.
"Im Mason Dagitus, i enjoy singing. Nice meeting you all"
Called out Mason as his eyes didn't even move away from his notebook.
Everyone Everyone
"N-no! No body likes me," she retorted quietly while hugging the note to her body. The ice on the walls made her shiver a bit as she listened to the teacher got irritated. But hearing Kitsune and Isabelle talk about going to get food she put her papers in a folder before slipping it in her backpack. But the note from Mason and the drawing of the bluebonnet she folded and tugged into the pocket of her skinny jeans. Ivy slipped down into the line with her sister before following them to the cafeteria. All while listening to the explanation of the point system, guessing that was how you pay for food here.
Once in the cafeteria Ivy walked up to where the food was, secretly happy to hear that she wouldn't have to pay for today. After grabbing a chicken sandwich and a bottle of water she noticed Mason sitting away from everyone. "Well, I'll let you know what happens," she whispered to her sister before walking over to where the singing boy sat. Standing across from him she asked, rather timidly, "May I sit here?"
Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix
Mason looked up when he heard a voice and noticed the girl from earlier
"Sure, i don't mind"
Said Mason with a smile on his face. ok, first things first, apology.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Ivy was slightly caught off guard by his smile, feeling her cheeks get a bit hot. But she managed to keep the blush at bay as she sat down. "So um," she felt a bit nervous speaking to him. The hybrid was never good at talking to others, but everyone has to start somewhere. Setting her gaze on him she tilted her head in a bit of confusion, "What did you want to talk about?" Ok this was a good start, she hadn't fucked up yet.
Mason took a big breath in as his own eyes looked directly into Ivy's
"Well first I wanted to say sorry, it was kinda mean of me to act like that in class. Its just that, well you're kinda cute when you're shy"
Said Mason quietly as he averted his gaze somewhere else, a small blush on his face. But he felt like they were getting off to a good start.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Suddenly a pink hue was visible against her tan skin and black stripes on her cheeks. "M-me? C-cute," she stammered a bit. Hearing that was something she never expected to hear in her life. After a moment of looking at him shock she shook her head to get her thoughts collected. Oh yeah, her head shaking stopped as she recalled him apologizing to her for earlier. Ivy looked at him, cheeks still a bit pink, "You don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have been staring. It's just that hearing you sing was nice, I enjoyed it."
Hetrix Hetrix

She just started to pout as she saw the cake" i'm not allowed to have cake i'm on a diet" she say pouting" plus my aunt and my parents are watching me" she say as she looked at her food as she just looked at blood as she just sighed as she just eat her food as she sighed she liked him as she smiled" why don't you sit with me" she say as she started to blush again she wanted to eat the cake as she was pouting trying not to be jealous of not having cake she secretly had a pop tart in her bag but didn't want to show it to her aunt since she was watching her" i'm pretty smart so i don't make friends that easily" she say as she took a picture of her parents again she wanted a new camera Leo Radomir Leo Radomir NightTerror NightTerror


She just was sitting down next to her sister as she was tired of being in school she hated school she just wanted to sleep as she just yawned as she barley ate her food she just fell asleep on the table next to her sister " is school over yet" she mumbles as she looked at her sister while she closed her eyes as she was ready to sleep she finally fell asleep hoping the teacher come to check on her since she don't talk to anyone but her sister she don't know how to talk to anyone except her sister Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50


She just looked at the boy as she smiled" hiya it's nice to meet you too" she say as she just sit next to him" so what you got to eat" she asked as she blushed a little bit as she was looking around as she eat her chocolate cake as she smiled she was excited about her father giving her some clothes she just ran her hand through her hair" so what you like to do for fun" she asked Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Mason tilted his head slightly in confusion
"Yeah cute, is there a problem with that? D-did i say something wrong!"
Said Mason now a bit worried that he just fucked up hard.
He quickly shook the embarrassed blush off his face and inhaled, then exhaled.
"Thanks, though I'm not that good of A singer"
Said Mason modestly as he was not used to taking compliments
Mason looked at Isabelle then back to Ivy
"Is this your sister?"
Asked Mason with a small smile visable on his face.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer
"Sure I'll sit next to you!"Blaise replied with a smile slipping under the table and popping back up next to Lexi. "Whatndoes being smart have to do with making friends? Maybe I don't get it because I'm not smart." he stated completely serous. Blaise never did well in the academic side of school, being the social butterfly that he was, but being as naive as he also was he no problems admitting it.
Texangamer Texangamer
"No no! It's just that I've never really been called cute before so I'm just surprised is all," Ivy replied, now worried herself. Her blush fading as panic rose. But after taking a deep breath she herself calmed down a bit. Hearing him say that he wasn't that good of a singer caused her to crack a small smile, "I think you sound great." Blush once again found its way to her cheeks. Though when she heard Mason ask about her sister she looked down at her, gently patting her head. "Yeah, this is my baby sister Isabelle. She doesn't like it too much when I call her that since I'm only two years older," a gentle smile on her face as she looked from her sister to Mason.
Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer

She just started to pout as she saw the cake" i'm not allowed to have cake i'm on a diet" she say pouting" plus my aunt and my parents are watching me" she say as she looked at her food as she just looked at blood as she just sighed as she just eat her food as she sighed she liked him as she smiled" why don't you sit with me" she say as she started to blush again she wanted to eat the cake as she was pouting trying not to be jealous of not having cake she secretly had a pop tart in her bag but didn't want to show it to her aunt since she was watching her" i'm pretty smart so i don't make friends that easily" she say as she took a picture of her parents again she wanted a new camera Leo Radomir Leo Radomir NightTerror NightTerror


She just was sitting down next to her sister as she was tired of being in school she hated school she just wanted to sleep as she just yawned as she barley ate her food she just fell asleep on the table next to her sister " is school over yet" she mumbles as she looked at her sister while she closed her eyes as she was ready to sleep she finally fell asleep hoping the teacher come to check on her since she don't talk to anyone but her sister she don't know how to talk to anyone except her sister Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50


She just looked at the boy as she smiled" hiya it's nice to meet you too" she say as she just sit next to him" so what you got to eat" she asked as she blushed a little bit as she was looking around as she eat her chocolate cake as she smiled she was excited about her father giving her some clothes she just ran her hand through her hair" so what you like to do for fun" she asked Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Blood gently pokes Alexis cheek and says" You know my dear you may not like it now but you'll thank us later, I have a plan will make you a real babe but I need you to work with me".

Lux gently smiles and says" I willing to try most foods I'm not sure I have a fav haven't put much thought into it".
"As for fun stuff I like reading traveling dancing and so much more, I wonder what they would say if you were my dance partner for dance completion you seem in really good shape".

Ray came in first and sat away from the rest of the first years he could hear a first year complaining already and coldly smirked and said" the years barely began hearing you feel sorry for your self is annoying grow a back bone and find ways to enjoy yourself".

Frizts slyly takes her leg from under then rolls her on to her back then tenderly kisses and touches misako then holds her gently.

Tiger comes and in and says" while I'm normally neutral I have to agree not to mention my body us killing me and I could do with a massarge but I can't ask a student would be so wrong kitsune do you know any one".

Blood deeply sighs and says" no I haven't I wish I could dump him but then I'd be cutting off my own noise but I'll go and get him soon as lunch ends".

Anna comes and sees the girls so despite to be with the boys and says" it's like a pool of boy crazy girls falling for boy so easy is so boring".
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Kitsune finished her lunch before making her way over to blood. "You haven't forgotten about Duke have you? He's been sitting at my home for the past hour now, there's no telling what he has done to my living room" Kitsune sounding a bit annoyed "he's your boy toy"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Naomi blushing as her stomach growled, she had finished the tuna and carrots but was still hungry. "It isn't good to just eat pop tarts and cake, besides with a body as small as yours I bet you would be great at swimming!" She told Lexi trying to cheer her up.
Texangamer Texangamer NightTerror NightTerror
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She just looked at her mother than to blood" ew ew ew" she say shacking her head as she calmed down as she looked at the other girl" i know but maybe i join swiming with my sister she taught me how to swim when i was younger" she say as she smiled looking at her" oh how rude of me i'm Alexia Paige Hodi nice to meet you professor raz is my daddy and thats my mom i don't stay in dorms i live with them" she say as she yawned a little" um what your name oh please call me lexi" she say as she looked at her " work with you you mean training Auntie blood" she say as she looked at her a bit confused Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Mason nodded
"Ah ok, well get used to hearing it, because you are"
Said Mason happily as once again a smile found a way to his face.
Mason blushed as Ivy called him a good singer
"W-well thanks, im really not that good but it means alot for you too say that"
Mason said honestly as his blush intensified. He shook off the feeling as he waved at Isabelle
"Well its a pleasure meeting the both of you"
Mason said with joy in his voice

Texangamer Texangamer Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Duke was laid out in the front yard on a lawn chair in a pair of small shorts. His glasses setting on a table next to him with a bottle of whiskey and a skin magazine over his face.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Her blush got brighter when she listened to Mason speak, especially when he told her to get use to being called cute. Ivy had honestly started to relax and grow a bit comfortable. "It's a pleasure meeting you to." Then something occurred to her, Oh crap! "I didn't properly introduce myself. My name is Ivy," she felt like a complete moron for not telling Mason her name earlier. The thought had completely slipped her mind until just a minute ago.
Hetrix Hetrix
Mason rubbed the back of his head
"Nah, it's my fault, i didn't introduce myself to you either. My name Is Mason"
Mason was thinking of other things and the thought to actually introduce himself had completely slipped his mind.
"Well Ivy, if you ever wanna hang out just yell out and I'll be there in a second, anything for a cutie like you"
Said Mason with a small grin on his face
'Nailed it'
Thought Mason.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"I'd like that, Mason," her cheeks were rosy and a small smile crept across her lips. It felt nice to let go of some of her worries and fears. Ivy thought she might have someone she can start to trust who wasn't Isabelle. A warmth could be felt in her chest, it was rather odd. But yet, kind of nice.
Hetrix Hetrix
Duke was laid out in the front yard on a lawn chair in a pair of small shorts. His glasses setting on a table next to him with a bottle of whiskey and a skin magazine over his face.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Blood turns into a bat and flys out not wanting to chance it and when she gets back she transforms back and puts her foot between his legs break part of the chair and says" it's lucky for you there's no men that can please me like you but seriously stop drinking and help everyone is working hard"
Blood turns into a bat and flys out not wanting to chance it and when she gets back she transforms back and puts her foot between his legs break part of the chair and says" it's lucky for you there's no men that can please me like you but seriously stop drinking and help everyone is working hard"
"Easy love! You are close to my jewels!" Duke said sitting up and laughing nervously "now you know very well I don't let the students meet up with me until after Frizt's class!!" Grabbing her leg he pulled her down to him dropping the magazine into the grass. "Besides I'm not the one breaking Kitsune's stuff, although I did drink the rest of Raz's whiskey" rubbing bloods legs up to her bum. "Besides I'm the only undead thing that can survive a night with you"

Misako stood up with a pleased look on her face as she fixed her hair. "It's about time for your class isn't it or rather the class you are letting me help on" She asked as she growled at him playfully "although I feel good and relaxed now"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune stood up stretching "okay kids it's time to get moving, lunch is over now!" She told all of the students before waving goodbye to Raz "we will be heading to your combat class now where this year you will be learning the basics, chances are you will first go against an upperclassman so that the instructor can better gauge your abilities"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Kittycat Kittycat Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Hetrix Hetrix
NightTerror NightTerror
Mason smiled
"Its no problem, id do anything to help out anyone"
Said Mason honestly, he heard that lunch was over
"I didn't even eat..."
Said Mason quietly as he got uo and looked at Ivy
"Ah well, we'll talk later right?"
Said Mason happily
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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