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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Naomi hesitantly took the note from the bug, her skin crawling at the idea of touching it. After reading the note she added a tongue sticking out of the smiley faces mouth then wrote back I'm glad someone doesn't think I'm weird and thank you I really try to take care of it, would you like to touch it? If you do just be careful it's really sensitive, I usually don't let people touch it. Folding the note up she carefully handed it back to Blaise's little friend then watched it, somewhat amazed at what it was doing.
NightTerror NightTerror
Blaise grinned when Naomi sent the bug back with the note. He read over it and wrote back:
'Really you'd let me!? I'd love to but after class. Then he sent the beetle over again this time, however, he had he dropped the note and came back immediately. The small creature curled up on Blaise's hand and fell asleep, tired from performing a task he wasn't familiar with.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Misako presses against his chest kissing him back until he broke away from her lips. Not moving she looked into his eyes "I want to be your girlfriend Frizt....I want....you to love me" she admitted as she kissed him again.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune sat down on one of the benches patting next to her. Her tails resting over her lap "now, I know Misako would love the swim club or even the swim team but I think Lexi would enjoy the photography club, she always likes cute things and it would give her an excuse to go outside and meet new people"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Frizts kisses back as well unable to hold back and gently wraps his arms around her after a few minutes he pulls away a bit red from doing something wouldn't normally do.

Raz could see the bettle move with some and coldly smirks then says" Braise please move to the front of the class its clear you cant foucus when theres a girl next to you"

Blood gently smiles and says" To start with great ideas later when lexi gets better etc I want to train her as a medic"
"Well also getting a transfer I call him zel kind he's an odd one but he also has what it takes to be a leader".
Ivy sat and continued to take notes until the teacher interrupted the lesson to tell a boy to move to the front. Watching she noticed that the boy was Blaise. The hyper active guy with the hair like a mood ring. Though she wasn't surprised that he had gotten in trouble with how he naïve he was.

She just looked at her daddy as she tried to hold a giggle as she just smiled as she was looking at the time she hope the class was over soon she liked her moms class she just sighed she couldn't wait to tell her mother she liked someone in her class she knew he was older than her but she loved him she just continue to write th notes she really wanted the bell to ring as she looked at her dad Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Mason shrugged as he continues to write notes as he sang, no cares in his own little world
"First things first
I'ma say all the words inside my head
I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, The way that things have been"
He continued to sing quietly to himself, only people sitting near him would be able to hear

She just looked at her daddy as she tried to hold a giggle as she just smiled as she was looking at the time she hope the class was over soon she liked her moms class she just sighed she couldn't wait to tell her mother she liked someone in her class she knew he was older than her but she loved him she just continue to write th notes she really wanted the bell to ring as she looked at her dad Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
[QUOTE="Zeldafangirl, post: 8172087, member: 19024"

Raz laughs as he sees he daughters facial expression then says" the sooner people stop clowing off the sooner I can get to the fun stuff" Raz starts to write down notes about rules with in the school since no hand books have been given" After about twenty minutes he's done with that and gives a look to the class that says any questions.
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She looked st her dad as she smiled at him listening to the rules as she wrote it down onto her notebook' fun stuff what stuff daddy didn't tell me about this' she thought as she she notice the class was quite as her dad was done talking about the rules she didn't like getting into trouble with her daddy or being called on since she was shy around people she had a crush on someone she had to talk to her sister or her mother about even though he was older than her she could tell her dad since she was too young to date and had to focuse on her studies she wants to be a medic she wanted to help people Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
The hybrid girl continued jotting down her notes until the teacher's lesson was over. When he was waiting for questions she slipped her items back into her backpack. The lesson wasn't entirely entertaining, but she didn't mind. Glancing around she could hear someone singing. Finding the source she looked at the boy for a moment. The lyrics were a bit catchy in her opinion, making a note to find the song later. Ivy then turned her attention back to staring at the board.
"Why did we get here soooo late" Sora said trying to get Shika to talk. Shika keeps on walking to the school It's her fault anyway, but why did i get dragged along. Shika thinks. Sora shakes her head their was noway she was ever going to get her to talk."Well lets go inside Sora saids "Beat you there!" Sora runs to the school and Shika walks talking her time to see the school for the outside. Sora runs to the schools front desk with out waiting for Shika.
Misako breaks the kiss, frost leaving her mouth as she licked her lips. "You aren't too bad senpai " she joked and sat up his waist stretching "so what is in the lesson plan today?" She asked as she pushed his shirt up off his belly tracing each ab with her fingertips.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Naomi pouted when Raz made Blaise move. Finishing up what little notes she had made before he asked if they had any questions "Mr.Raz when will we be assigned our dorms and roommates?" She asked as she raised her hand, her eyes full of curiosity.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir NightTerror NightTerror
Blaise sighed softly from his seat in the front row, his hair a dark midnight blue. It wasn't his fault he had such a short attention span. He gently rubbed the beetles hard exoskeleton listening to it babble on about what it needed to do. It mostly involved finding food and a hiding spot. He stared atthe board reading over the words but not really comprehending them as the boredom settled deep inside him he sighed and without realizing it he fell asleep lying his head on the desk with one eye still open.
@ Leo Radomir
Mason was still listening to the lesson and copying notes
However now he was more focused on his singing.
"Second thing Second, don't you tell me what you think that I can be, I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, The master of my sea."
He continued to sing, drumming his pencil on the desk to the rhythm of his own voice. He hoped he wasn't annoying anyone with his voice, but he thought he sounded nice.
Kitsune stepped into the class bowing, a smile on her face as she held her paperwork to her chest. "Good morning everyone I'm Kitsune, Raz's wife and co-worker, I will be helping him during class" pausing to adjust her glasses and brush her hair from her face "now if any of you have any problems or concerns that you can't talk to someone else about feel free to come to me, it'll be our little secrete!" Giving a wink at the last part her speech as her tails swayed back and forth. "Sorry for interrupting you love I just wanted to welcome the new students"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer NightTerror NightTerror Kittycat Kittycat Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix
Misako breaks the kiss, frost leaving her mouth as she licked her lips. "You aren't too bad senpai " she joked and sat up his waist stretching "so what is in the lesson plan today?" She asked as she pushed his shirt up off his belly tracing each ab with her fingertips.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Naomi pouted when Raz made Blaise move. Finishing up what little notes she had made before he asked if they had any questions "Mr.Raz when will we be assigned our dorms and roommates?" She asked as she raised her hand, her eyes full of curiosity.

Raz grins and says" About bloody time someone asked now down to what matters, one can have room mates or singles each student will or has a card which they can use to buy a number of thing but there not unlimited, you can earn credit in a number of ways including helping teaches with field activity and such".

Ritz grins and says" well you need to do the intermediate course which includes moving targets and advanced energy training and more" " But before I feel you would be more focused if we had some action jackstion in my room and I've got to be honest with a body like your i won't be able to help the other students".
"I know that I'm hot, but maybe I could cool you off, I've been working on my powers...my transformation can do more than I thought..." grinning she jumped down from the tree. Heading towards Rizt's room she swayed her hips and motioned for him to follow her. "Come on, we can start on some energy training right now" blushing as she turned and kept walking "that reminds me would my usual workout clothes be okay this year? This being my third year here and all"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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She just looked at her mom as she was in the back as she scope down' don't embarrass me don't embrass me in front of the guy i like please please' she thought as she looked at her mother than to her dad as she was blushing as she just was doddling on her note book she liked drawing sometimes she was scared for the combat class since she wasn't that strong she couldn't do it everyone she knew was strong but she was weak the only thing she could really do was healing people she just sighed a little Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


She was next to her sister as she was sleeping she was scared of adults she was scared of them since what happen at the lab she don't remember it since she hit her head pretty hard as sshe just yawned she always was asleep in class she didn't sleep last night she hope the teacher don't relaize she was asleep as her head was hurting she open her eyes looking at her big sister taking the notes' why do i have to be here i don't want to stay i want to sleep' she thought to herself Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Ivy quietly continued to listen to Mason sing, secretly enjoying the song. When Kitsune walked in she was reminded of their earlier talk on the way over to the hall. Looking down at Isabelle she noticed that she had opened one of her eyes. The tiger hybrid cracked a tiny smile at her.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just rubbed her eyes as she yawned as she looked at her sister smilling at her" mmm what's going on i'm tired" she say as she yawned a little as she looked around as she had her hoodie on covering her ears she didn't trust other than her big sister" is class done yet" she say trying not to doze of again as she was looking at the time she wanted the school to be done already" is school over yet" she yawned Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mason had switched the song he was singing, back to an old favorite
"Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me, i aint the sharpest tool in the shed~"
Sang Mason as he watched Kitsune enter the room, he made brief eye contact with her as he sang, before looking around more at the room around him.
"Almost," Ivy muttered softly. Putting her hand on the top of her sisters head. Gently petting it before glancing around around the room a bit. Though as she did she manage to spot Mason look around. Looking at him for a second before turning her attention back to get baby sister.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at her big sister as she got pet on her head as she giggled a little" i want the day to end i don't want to be here i don't like scary adults" she say as she just looked at her she just pulled down on her sleeves she was trying to hide her scars from the others she just sighed she barely sleeps at night because of her bad dreams she just sighed enjoying her sister petting her head she jusr rubbed her eyes a bit Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
The older girl nodded in agreement, "I know how you feel. I'm not a fan of all these other people, period." Ivy continued to pet Isabelle's head as she began to think about the question asked on the dorm rooms. She hoped that she'd be paired with her sister. The girl would be absolutely livid if she was stuck with someone else.
Texangamer Texangamer
Mason for a quick second made eye contact with Ivy, but he looked away quickly, a small blush noticeable on his face. He hated when people noticed him looking around.
He kept singing as he grinned
"She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead"

She just looked at her big sister" maybe we can ask to be put together since i don't talk to anyone else" she say as she looked at her she didn't remember what was her mother or father was like she just sighed" i can't deal with someone else since i don't talk to anyone except you i'm scared of others" she say as she sighed she was bullied sometimes she try to avoid them she had slightly a bruise on her face she tried to hide it with make up but didn't cover much Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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