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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Raz gently claps his hands together and then starts to head towards the back gate which is also a short cut to the main building. Then says" this way we'll be at the main building in about five minutes"
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Maxine just looked at her uncle as she giggled as she walked with her uncle" not unless I fly" she giggled as she just hold onto her uncle" so uncle raz when do we start school" she asked as she didn't know if she'll skip or not she was nervous about meeting new people she just looked around Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Ivy stayed where she was standing, watching the two adults and avian girl walk away. She glanced at Blaise who was surprisingly quiet for a moment. The hybrid sighed, debating on what to do. She knew she'd have to know what her schedule would be like for the year. But going with other people? It was just way too out of her comfort zone.
NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
They're leaving, now's my chance! Ivy quickly turned around in the opposite direction and bolted. She didn't enjoy being forced into a situation like that, it was intimidating. After a bit of running she made it to a clump of trees that were a good distance from where she had been. Panting a bit she looked up at one of the trees. Her nails grew and formed a point before she started climbing. Once she made it to a secure branch she sat there, nails going back to normal. A sigh escaped her as she questioned how she was going to try and fit in.
Kitsune was still asleep in bed, she hadn't woken Misako up yet for school nor had she gotten up to get on her work preparing for her classes. Rolling over she pulled Misako close instinctively thinking it was Raz or Lexi.

Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Kitsune was still asleep in bed, she hadn't woken Misako up yet for school nor had she gotten up to get on her work preparing for her classes. Rolling over she pulled Misako close instinctively thinking it was Raz or Lexi.

Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Blood just coughs as she stands over the bed then says" As much as I love cute and sexy things Raz and Tiger are on the way to the main building.

Fritz tired from training the new students jumps into the tree with easy then lays against the middle section of the tree.
Ivy was looking out at the scenery of the school, another sigh escaping her. But as she looked over at a nearby tree to someone jumping from the ground into the middle section and lay on one of the branches. Her held tilted a bit with curiosity, That's a bit impressive.
Blood just coughs as she stands over the bed then says" As much as I love cute and sexy things Raz and Tiger are on the way to the main building.

Fritz tired from training the new students jumps into the tree with easy then lays against the middle section of the tree.
Kitsune sits up looking at the clock, scrambling to get dressed "oh no I'm late! Raz is going to kill me!" Running to the closet she digs through it trying to find her spare glasses "blood can you watch over Misako? And make her eat something this morning I don't need her passing out during Frizt's class again!" Stretching as she put her glasses on and darted out the door to find Raz and tiger.

Misako sits up looking at blood "cute....sexy...." covering her face to hide her embarrassment. Misako had just turned eighteen the day before and had a slight crush on blood. "What do I have today?" She asked letting her hair hide her expression.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Blood grins and says" You have tigers cooking course and frizts advanced combat in two hours right now Raz and Tiger are just bringing new students for their schedules". " By the ways tiger is very popular with the girls I wonder if you can handle a man like that.
Kitsune sits up looking at the clock, scrambling to get dressed "oh no I'm late! Raz is going to kill me!" Running to the closet she digs through it trying to find her spare glasses "blood can you watch over Misako? And make her eat something this morning I don't need her passing out during Frizt's class again!" Stretching as she put her glasses on and darted out the door to find Raz and tiger.

Misako sits up looking at blood "cute....sexy...." covering her face to hide her embarrassment. Misako had just turned eighteen the day before and had a slight crush on blood. "What do I have today?" She asked letting her hair hide her expression.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Frizts looks down and sees a girl there his eyes cold but still could suck a person in.
OOC: I slightly messed up
"I don't want to take Frizt's class today! Ugh!" Whining she hugged blood and looked up at her with puppy dog eyes "do I have to take that one today?" She asked as she leaned up about to kiss blood.

Kitsune stopped sliding by Frizt and the tree he was in. Breathing heavily she looked up at him "have you seen my darling husband this morning? He seems to have let me oversleep again" looking up she spotted Ivy as well "aren't you supposed to be in class? Also have you seen Raz anywhere I have a lecture in his class in...." pausing to check her schedule "in forty five minutes"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Ivy froze as she saw Kitsune stop at the tree she was in to talk to the guy who was sitting in the middle of it. Though when she heard the woman speaking to her she started to stammer, "I uh... Uh... I-I think he went to the main office... H-he was with the security head, a-and some winged girl... I-I didn't want to go with... B-besides." Glancing away as she cursed at herself for stammering like a fool. Looking back at her she slowly said, "I don't have my schedule." Looking back up at the guy she saw his gaze was cold, hers in turn narrowed a bit as her pupils constricted.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Frizts sighs and says" You didn't read the letter did you all the teachers and so on it was one with a light green seal on it" "As the girl said he's heading there also tiger girl get your ass over there I'm not in the mood to play round up today".

Blood puts her finger over misako lips and says" unless you want him to make you do the advanced obstical course four times I would advise you go I'll cook a special lunch if you can stay awake the whole class but in the mean time ive prepared energy breakfast for you"
Misako nips bloods finger "what is for breakfast this morning?" She asked as she let go and changed into her uniform. "I'll stay awake for your food for sure!" She exclaimed getting excited about eating the lunch blood would make. "Oh! I almost forgot did Raz happen to leave my schedule around?" She asked as she gave her a good morning kiss.

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune gently hit herself on the head "do you have any idea how much paperwork I have to do or the time I spend helping Raz with lesson plans?" Kit asked Rizt and growled "also rizt is right, Ivy if you don't go there with the group how else will you get your class schedule....now come on before we both get punished" winking with a snicker "oh and Rizt, go pick Misako up, I know blood was there but she's probably going to need help getting her out of the door and you always seem to get her out when tiger isn't there"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"No one asked for you to do anything so why don't you just zip it," she growled back. Her gaze now a glare as she continued to look up at him as the low, deep rumbling growl got louder. A few moments passed before her growling subsided and she jumped from out of the tree. "I didn't go because I'm not the greatest people person. Crowds like that are not my forte." Looking at Kitsune she asked, "Mind pointing me in that direction, please and thank you."
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

She just woke up as she kinda overslept as she yawned a little as she walk out of her room in her pjs as she saw her aunt blood as she smiled" hi auntie" she say tired she hasn't realize what time it was" hey miss mistake" she say as she looked up to her as a big sister she looked at the time" CRAAAAAP mom is going to kill me if i'm late" she say as she got dressed and grabbed a pop tart she was still tired she was younger than most of the students" auntie blood do i look good" she asked as she smiled Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Frizts laughs at ivys weak atempt to scare him and says" whever you make friends or not isn't my problem per say but ill tell you one thing, if your grades suck dealing with me and other tough teachers over the summer will be"

" Oh kitsune speaking of work I felt like helping you and Raz so stop by the office before your class" " The folders with the stuff in are on the desk, now with that said I'm going to take a nap I had to extra work because of misako lazynness".

Blood playfully taps misako' s then says" yes Raz did and he left you some some pointers"
"Oh I forgot to tell you the board is peed off and are going cut his salary by forty percent if you don't do well this year"

"As for breakfast I've made a special protein fruit salad, and a light home made cooked breakfast"

Raz gently smiley and rubs maxine's head then says" you'll see soon enough and it seems were not the only one heading to the main building there's a kid with dress in front of us"

She just looked at her dad as she smiled" who is the girl daddy" she asked as she just smiled watching her uncle as she smiled" where is uncle raz daddy" she asked" i know your not my real daddy but you guys gave me a place to stay gave me a home gave me love since my real mom hurt me but i'm happy here i'm safe" she say as she just walked with him toward the building as she was excited about going to class" flying is fun you know" she say as she smiled Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Misako froze and shivered, putting her arms around herself she looked at Blood "he's going to kill me when my report card comes in!" She exclaimed looking to blood for help "what do I do the only thing I'm good at is cooking" feeling terrified "history, language studies, math, combat training.....dance...I'm no good at those subjects!" Holding her head she started to breath heavily as her heart started to race. Snapping out of it she looked at Alexis, a big grin growing on her face. "Hey Lexi wanna help your big sis out so dad doesn't kill her?"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

"Thank you Rizt, oh and try not to be too hard on Misako today she's going to have a bad day when she gets home, I snuck a peek at her report card" giggling as she motioned for ivy to follow her "thanks again! Me and Raz have been swamped the past the few days, come over and I'll cook for you!" Kitsune called as she headed to meet up with Raz and give him a hand. "You may not be good in large groups Ivy, but that is fun of school new experiences and meeting new people"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at her big sister as she smiled" sure big sister I help" she say as she smiles" ug why do we have to wear a uniform big sis" she whines a little as she just looked at her" um big sis I'm hungry wait what my schedule did mom left mine or daddy" she asked as she held onto her sister she wanted to go back to sleep she just yawned" I want to sleep" she told her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Misako froze and shivered, putting her arms around herself she looked at Blood "he's going to kill me when my report card comes in!" She exclaimed looking to blood for help "what do I do the only thing I'm good at is cooking" feeling terrified "history, language studies, math, combat training.....dance...I'm no good at those subjects!" Holding her head she started to breath heavily as her heart started to race. Snapping out of it she looked at Alexis, a big grin growing on her face. "Hey Lexi wanna help your big sis out so dad doesn't kill her?"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

"Thank you Rizt, oh and try not to be too hard on Misako today she's going to have a bad day when she gets home, I snuck a peek at her report card" giggling as she motioned for ivy to follow her "thanks again! Me and Raz have been swamped the past the few days, come over and I'll cook for you!" Kitsune called as she headed to meet up with Raz and give him a hand. "You may not be good in large groups Ivy, but that is fun of school new experiences and meeting new people"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Blood gently laughs then says" no more sleeping besides you have homework, that needs doing before tommrow". " Frederick is really good at dancing and langs but if you don't try your hardest he'll get angry" " Violet is great with maths but she'll want food later" " Frizt will be nicer if you show your sincere it's not easy teaching a class of two hundred people my dear"

Frizts twitche and then says" ugh fine it just annoys the crap out of me the way she always falls asleep in my class and runs off when I offer to help her"
Before Ivy walked away she stole one last look at Fritz, "I'm not worried about my grades. When you don't have friends it's easier to study. Smartass." With that she caught up to Kitsune and walked with her towards the office. Hearing her talk she just nodded along a bit. "People and I don't really get along, as you could see between the grump ass in the tree and I."
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at her aunt as she gave her a pouty face as she looked at her big sister" i don't want to" she say as she smiled looking at her" i do it later it's too early in the morning i don't want to do my homework" she told her as she went to look for her pop tarts she saw her poptarts were gone" hey mistako have you seen my pop tarts did mom threw them away or something they are so good" she say as she looked at her as she just accidently burned her hand on the burner" OWWWWW" she yelled tears came down her face Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Misako smiles as she hugs her little sister "Thanks for reminding about that blood, I really will need the help" laughing nervously as she looked down at Lexi's hand "you are so clumsy....here put it under some cold water" leading Lexi over to the sink she turned the water on "that would have been dad, you know he doesn't like us eating unhealthy things like that, he knows mom buys it for us but.."

Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Kitsune laughed as she neared Raz and at what Ivy had said "well what is it you think of me young lady? Am I someone you can be around?" Kit stopped looking at Ivy smiling "your first class is a lecture in my husbands class, he can be tough but you need to pay attention, he will give you all the information you just need to take it in.
" kits tails whipped behind her knocking away a young mans hand "don't touch them please, you should meet my daughters, I'm sure you and Misako would get along since you both don't like large crowds or people really"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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