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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students


She just giggled as she was in his arms as she was blushing she didn't know the feeling" it's okay i can try and heal my foot i don't really know how to control my powers i'm not strong like my big sister or like my mom or dad i'm the youngest first year" she say as she looked at him as she giggled" it's nice to meet you" she say" you can take me to the infirmaly" she say as she looked at him as she was blushing she didn't understand the feeling she had to ask her big sister when she see her again she never felt love before NightTerror NightTerror
"I don't know where I stand in age, but I'm a first year too. Don't worry about being strong, that's what school is for." He stated. He stopped and looked around for a second. Then smiled down at the girl in his arms,"You wouldn't happen to have any sort of idea where the infirmary is, would you?" He asked with zero shame.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at him as she couldn't stop blushing as she just smiled" yeah that way" she say pointing to the right as she giggled as she looked at him her heart was beating fast she couldn't help it she was falling for him" so what is your powers" she asked as she just smiled" i want to be strong like my parents and my sister i don't want to be judged because i can't use my powers i get made fun of because of it by bullies" she say as she looked at him her face was a little pink NightTerror NightTerror
Blaise continued walking as he answered Lexi's question. "Well I can communicate with anything that's alive and I can camouflage myself almost perfectly with any environment, which makes me really good at hide and seek! Oh yeah, also when I'm not hiding my hair changes colors with my mood." Then he remembered what she'd said about bullies. "If they keep picking on you just lemme know. I've got a few pets who I'd love to introduce them to." He said giving her an innocent grin.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at him as she smiled as they got to the nurse office as she was making sure it was not swollen" thanks for taking me here you were a lot of help i still have to go to class since my daddy is the professor" she told him as she looked at him" my parents don't know about the bullies yet" she say as she winced in pain her foot was put in a bandage as she smiled putting her shoe back on" come on lets do something wait no i have to go to class we don't want to be late" she say NightTerror NightTerror
Blaise realized he had once again forgotten about classes. "Oh man! I haven't been to any classes today. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. Well I'll just assume we have the same class and follow you. Let's go!" He yelled his eyes sparkling excitedly.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at him as she grabbed her bag" yeah" she say as she smiled as she went to look for her dads class as she just looked at her scheadule the nurse gave her a note as she smiled as she looked at him" um so what do you like to do" she say as she smiled as she was nervous around him as she couldn't stop looking at him as she had a crush on him' mom what i do what do i talk about with a guy i like' she thought to herself she sat in the back of the class as she didn't want to deal with her dad she was still mad at him she just looked at the boy she liked as she just was tired she couldn't wait till lunch so she can see her big sister she just put her head on her desk as she was waiting for her daddy to get there NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Blaise was trying to pay attention in class, he really was, but he was never good at sitting down for a long time. He might be fine if he had someone to talk to, but he had to be quiet! His legs were bouncing restlessly and he had filled a whole corner of the desk with doodles. And class hadn't even begun yet!
Texangamer Texangamer
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Ritz is woken up but he can't see much because something big and jelly like is in his face. He pulls back a little and sees it's misako and says" what the hell you sleep all the time in my class and your probably like this because flirt Frederick teased you"

Blood gently laughs and says" not you my dear but I'm worried because Lexi is getting more clumsy and misako has sleep issues"

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Mason was sitting down in class. The same class that Alexia was currently in.
He was sitting towards the back of the class, as he didn't really want to stand out that much.
Even with that, he couldn't help but sing a bit, as he was bored to hell and back.
"March winds and April showers, make way for sweet may flowers. Then comes june, a moon and you~"
He sang in his angelic and joyful voice, he doubted many people could hear him sing, though it was quite loud in retrospective.
Texangamer Texangamer @AnyoneInTheClassRightNow

She just giggled as she smiled" nope class haven't even started yet that was the late bell daddy is coming soon" she say as she heard a boy singing as she smiled" hey you sing good I'm alexia are you sure your a first year cause this class is for first year only" she says smiling NightTerror NightTerror Hetrix Hetrix
Mason shrugged once he heard the young girl talking
"I go where im needed...plus i may or may not be completely lost so"
Mason said with a shrug
"Im Mason, pleasure to meet ya"
He said happily. Mason had been sleeping all day and forgot about alot stuff.
Texangamer Texangamer @anyoneintheclass
Ritz is woken up but he can't see much because something big and jelly like is in his face. He pulls back a little and sees it's misako and says" what the hell you sleep all the time in my class and your probably like this because flirt Frederick teased you"

Blood gently laughs and says" not you my dear but I'm worried because Lexi is getting more clumsy and misako has sleep issues"

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"He did not!" Misako quickly retorted to the true accusations. Laughing nervously "but I do have a crush on you..." Misakos voice was low and quiet as she hid her face to hide her embarrassment. Frizt had hit the nail on the head about Frederick. "Come on was that really such a terrible way to wake up?" She asked him, her voice calm and somewhat cold.

Kitsune sighed with relief, she had been sneaking out and eating all of Lexi's pop tarts at night. "I suppose they should join some kind of outdoors or physical club, eating healthy alone won't solve the problem they have to be active as well"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Blaise noticed Lexi talking to someone he had never met and grew excited at the prospect of a new friend. He turned around in his seat,"Hey! I'm Blaise! You like to sing? That's cool!" He exclaimed, talking faster than normal due to his hyperactive nature. Then he turned to his friend,"Lexi is he your new friend?" He turned back to the boy,"Let's all be friends!" He yelled.
Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix
"Blaise! Watch out!" Naomi called, she had tripped over something yet again. In doing so she had launched her text books flying towards Blaise's face. But just as she got the words out she landed flat on her face with her arms stretched out, not moving she laid still and teared up, crying softly to herself. She was pretty clumsy and was always tripping over something or someone.
NightTerror NightTerror
Blaise turned around when his name was called he saw a textbook heading quickly for his face. He grinned and held his hands up catching the first book, but the others bounced off of the book in his hands and onto his lap. He placed the textbooks on his desk and reached down to help Naomi up off the floor. "That was fun! But are you okay?" He held the books out for her with a toothy grin.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Naomi sat up slowly wincing, her face red with embarrassment. Tanking his hand she stood up then took her books back putting them on her desk "thank you I appreciate your help and I didn't get hurt but you didn't get hurt did you?" She asked as she sat down next to Blaise "Oh sorry my name I Naomi I'm a first year"
NightTerror NightTerror
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"He did not!" Misako quickly retorted to the true accusations. Laughing nervously "but I do have a crush on you..." Misakos voice was low and quiet as she hid her face to hide her embarrassment. Frizt had hit the nail on the head about Frederick. "Come on was that really such a terrible way to wake up?" She asked him, her voice calm and somewhat cold.

Kitsune sighed with relief, she had been sneaking out and eating all of Lexi's pop tarts at night. "I suppose they should join some kind of outdoors or physical club, eating healthy alone won't solve the problem they have to be active as well"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Frizts couldn't but be some what drawn to misako and is slightly red and says with a little warmth in his voice" I'm not him or blood or violet I don't have much charm I don't get why a girl likes you is drawn to me, and were a decade apart what would people says".

He sees some students oume round and with liitle effort moves her into the shadows you can still see his toned by if you look hard enough.

Rex walks into the class room and clasp his hands a couple of times just before he gets to the board and now he waits for the other to be quiet.

Blood laughs this will be our secret and you read my mind if they join clubs it will also help with their powers".
"I smashed my fingers but I do that all the time! Nice to meet you Naomi!" He sat back down in his seat. "Let's be friends!" He said turning back around in his seat.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"I don't care what they say, I know you can be rude and rough but if you didn't work so hard with the other students....you work so hard that you are tired like this and I know you care..." looking up at him she runs a hand up his shirt feeling his muscles. "I like that you are the way you are Frizt, demanding the best out of your students....you always push me in your class" getting pulled closer to him made her face even more red. "And I fantasize about you...." she admitted
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

"Okay, I haven't had very many friends, I'm always falling and tripping so people think I'm....well odd" Naomi laughed nervously before looking at Blaise's clothes and hair "so where are you from?" She asked starting to brush the fur on her tail. She was clumsy and a bit of an air head but she was really protective of her tail.
NightTerror NightTerror
"I don't care what they say, I know you can be rude and rough but if you didn't work so hard with the other students....you work so hard that you are tired like this and I know you care..." looking up at him she runs a hand up his shirt feeling his muscles. "I like that you are the way you are Frizt, demanding the best out of your students....you always push me in your class" getting pulled closer to him made her face even more red. "And I fantasize about you...." she admitted
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

"Okay, I haven't had very many friends, I'm always falling and tripping so people think I'm....well odd" Naomi laughed nervously before looking at Blaise's clothes and hair "so where are you from?" She asked starting to brush the fur on her tail. She was clumsy and a bit of an air head but she was really protective of her tail.
NightTerror NightTerror

Frizts got reder and then gently grabs her hand a presses it lightly against the trunk near by then leans down and in and kisses misako softly then pulls back and says" I don't mind much if people i trust that flirt or you want to have a real with but if I pull you away from a person there's a reason".

His eyes warm but not fuzzy warm and they have something about them that can draw one in.

Raz the throws a piece of chalk between hyper and Naomi and then says" enough yapping I have a lot to push through before your other classes so pay attention"
Misako presses against his chest kissing him back until he broke away from her lips. Not moving she looked into his eyes "I want to be your girlfriend Frizt....I want....you to love me" she admitted as she kissed him again.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune sat down on one of the benches patting next to her. Her tails resting over her lap "now, I know Misako would love the swim club or even the swim team but I think Lexi would enjoy the photography club, she always likes cute things and it would give her an excuse to go outside and meet new people"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Ivy sighed as she sat in the very back of the class, watching the rest of the students goof around. A piece of paper and a pencil were the only things on her desk. The only thing that actually amused her was when the teacher threw chalk at two of the students and told them to pipe down. Boredom was the only expression the hybrid could muster at the moment. Though secretly happy about the solitude of being in the last row.

She just was a bit jealous she liked him as she just sighed as she was writing her notes as she looked at her dad" would you just shut up my dad hates when people don't pay attention we are here to study not talking I'm sorry for my words" she say to them writing the notes as she smiled looking at him as she just looked around she had her camera in her bag she always took picture of her family and cute things she didn't have many friends Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

"Sorry teach." Blaise said looking at least a little sheepish. However te second the teacher turned his back Blaise tore off a small price of paper and wrote on it:
'I'm not sure where I'm from I never payed attention. I don't think you're odd. Also I like your tail!!!
He drew a smile face and then folded the note up really small. He noticed a beetle crawling under his desk and asked it to give the note to Naomi. It crawled up her desk and deposited the note in front of her, waiting to return to Blaise with a response.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

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