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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

"Umm.. Ok Thank you my friend is a little slow today" Sora says. She walks into the room and takes a seat where theres an empty desk so Shika can sit there. Sora looks around the room. She's bored in the first two seconds.She sighed she couldn't wait for combat training.

Shika took her time to her classroom. She finally walks into the class and takes a seat next to the girl with black hair and brown eyes. She looks at her with her ears twitching and her tail waving. Taking her notebook out of her secret pocket. (it's A small notebook) Her eyes narrowed as people would try talk to her. Her ears flattened.
"I know baby sis, and I feel the same way." Patting her gently on the back of the head before going back to petting it. Ivy watched her sister try to hide her scars and bruises, the very sight made her growl. It was low and rumbly, "The next time anyone tries anything you let me know. I'm not afraid to rip another person apart." It wasn't good for her to get so worked up. But when she heard Mason start to sing again she glanced back over, ceasing to growl. Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix

She just looked at her sister as she sighed" oh okay i'll tell you next time it hurts though" she say pouting a little hearing her sister growl" i sworry i didn't tell yoo" she say she sometimes had probalms speaking as she sighed trying to use her words biting her lip she was slightly embarressed the way she said it she just looked at the teachers there all she wanted to do was cry she just wanted to go back to sleep but she couldn't" i get dreams about scary plaze" she say as she looked at her pouting Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Mason kept looking around as yet again, he found Ivy looking right at him.
He grinned and kept singing, not breaking eye contact with her.
"Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming, fed with the rules and i hit the ground running, didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but ya head gets dumb"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Ivy was surprised when Mason made eye contacted with her. What surprised her even more was when he didn't choose to break that invisible line, her cat like eyes widened. Why didn't he look away? Why is he choosing to stare back at me? She listened to him sing a little longer. Though noticing his grin caused her pupils to constrict to slits and her cheeks to grow a bit pink, all out of a mix of nervousness and embarrassment.
After realizing that she was blushing she quickly pulled her hood over her orange locks and turned her attention back to her sister. Seeing Isabelle pout and getting a bit worked up she gently rubbed her back. "I know, that lab was the worst place we've had to endure.. But I managed to get us out. And we're here at this school now, so it's a bit safer than where we have been. And I promise with everything in my being I will teach those bullies a lesson the next time they hurt you."

Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix
Mason noticed Ivys pink cheeks and surprised face before she looked away. He laughed a sweet, innocent sounding laugh that echoed around the room like a melody, a sweet symphony.
He sighed as he looked back at his own books, beginning to doodle little things in it, examples being a dinosaur fighting a different dinosaur, Flowers and random music notes. His singer had since stopped as he didn't feel like singing anymore.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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She groaned quietly when she heard Mason laughing, pulling her hood further over her head. She had really done it now. Going of and embarrassing herself without evening saying anything. Nope, this time it was because she stared. "I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid stupid," Ivy kept repeating the word in a whispering tone. The hybrid knew that she sucked at trying to communicate with anyone who wasn't Isabelle. Soon enough the repeat broke as she gave a sigh, looking at her sister with a pout of her own.
Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix
Blaise woke up when his little beetle friend crawled off of his hand. His boredom was really getting to him. So without caring for consequences he made 3 paper airplanes and drew a rose on one, a sunflower on the other, and a bluebonnet on the third. He folded them back up and threw the rose at Lexi, the sunflower at Naomi, and the bluebonnet at Ivy. He turned back around in his seat with a proud smile on his face and he continued to randomly doodle on his desk.
Texangamer Texangamer Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mason looked at the cat hybrid girl and noticed how shy she was, it was kinda cute. As much as Mason wanted to go and talk to her he decided against it, since it would probably get him in trouble.
He sighed as saw a boy throw a paper airplane at Ivy, this gave him an idea.
He ripped a page out of his book, the page being full of his doodles and wrote something. He quickly wrote 'can we talk after class?' With a big smiling face on it and threw it at Ivy, hoping she would notice it.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mentions NightTerror NightTerror
Ivy was unaware of what was to come when she looked up to pay attention to the lesson again. First came the paper airplane that hit her square in the forehead, catching her a bit off guard. Then came the paper ball that flew onto her desk from the direction of the singer. Why is stuff getting thrown at me!? She was utterly confused by the random papers on her desk. Though a part of her told the hybrid that she needed to examine them. Looking down at the paper airplane she unfolded it to reveal a flower had been drawn in it. A bluebonnet. It was rather pretty, but she was unsure of who threw it.
The orange haired girl then moved on to dissect the crumpled paper ball that had shortly followed the plane. Once she had got it opened up she looked at it. The page had been mostly drawn on with music notes, flowers, and dinosaurs. However on closer inspection she noticed something had been written on it as well.
Can we talk after class, she read in her head. There was even a smiley face on it. Ivy could feel her blush making its way back to her cheeks.
Her gaze, yet again, was on Mason. Unsure of whether to pass the note back or not. So she nodded her head yes, all while hoping she didn't make a fool of herself.

Hetrix Hetrix NightTerror NightTerror Texangamer Texangamer
Mason smiled as he saw Ivy look back at him again,there eyes meeting yet again. In his head he was celebrating the fact his sorta stupid plan worked out.
He then began copying the notes once again, taking his gaze off the hybrid girl
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
A small sigh of relief escaped her lips when he turned back to finishing his notes. Ivy followed his lead and turned her attention back to the teacher. Jotting the notes down on a clean sheet of paper she had left on her desk. She knew she needed to keep her guard up when she was to meet Mason after class to talk, worried that it might end up bad. But she couldn't help smiling a bit at the note.
Hetrix Hetrix
Mason wondered what he should say to the girl. Well probably first he should start with an apology, followed with some tasteful flirting...and then what.
Mason pondered this as he began humming to himself
Ivy thought about what she needed to keep in mind when talking to Mason after class. The main ones being that she didn't do anything to embarrass herself. The second would have to be in the event that he angered or upset her in anyway. If she were to let those feelings getting to her she knew it wouldn't be so pretty. Sighing she slipped the hood of her jacket off her head, revealing her short and somewhat choppy orange hair.
Mason just looked at Ivys hair, it was surprisingly pretty. He was currently thinking of Compliments and flirts he could say that wouldnt come across as creepy. He was also continuing to write some lyrics to a song he was making.
"I know that I'm hot, but maybe I could cool you off, I've been working on my powers...my transformation can do more than I thought..." grinning she jumped down from the tree. Heading towards Rizt's room she swayed her hips and motioned for him to follow her. "Come on, we can start on some energy training right now" blushing as she turned and kept walking "that reminds me would my usual workout clothes be okay this year? This being my third year here and all"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Frizts grins and follows and playfully taps misako s bum and says" no problem there and sure we can do some but keep in mind you have to play along like you don't know in class". They got to his room.

Some of the lecture hall starts to freeze over out of sheer annoyance and he bluntly says" If most you can't learn to foucus then I dread to think how you'll do on your exams, maybe I should sepate the boys from the girls so depends on how the next two classes go will determin this".

No i honestly don't care what you think
I don't have time to tell you some fun facts about the island".

"Since it's clear you find me boring I'll tell you straight up listening to your prattle and so on is boring hell for me, but I still have a job to do and life isn't always fun and games".

" Before class ends theres other facts some limit for each student is tweenty and there's loads of students that want to be here for a number reasons but your here".

" Sure you might find work but with out proper training and education the chances of getting a good job are low".

Raz looks at the clock and sees ten minutes left and is glad because deep down inside is a beast that wants to freeze them all to their desks.
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Frizts grins and follows and playfully taps misako s bum and says" no problem there and sure we can do some but keep in mind you have to play along like you don't know in class". They got to his room.

Some of the lecture hall starts to freeze over out of sheer annoyance and he bluntly says" If most you can't learn to foucus then I dread to think how you'll do on your exams, maybe I should sepate the boys from the girls so depends on how the next two classes go will determin this".

No i honestly don't care what you think
I don't have time to tell you some fun facts about the island".

"Since it's clear you find me boring I'll tell you straight up listening to your prattle and so on is boring hell for me, but I still have a job to do and life isn't always fun and games".

" Before class ends theres other facts some limit for each student is tweenty and there's loads of students that want to be here for a number reasons but your here".

" Sure you might find work but with out proper training and education the chances of getting a good job are low".

Raz looks at the clock and sees ten minutes left and is glad because deep down inside is a beast that wants to freeze them all to their desks.

Kitsune sighed as she sat on Raz's desk looking at the students "it's a lively bunch this year again isn't it dear" laughing as she looked over the students "excuse me everyone I need your attention!" Kit said trying to help Raz out. With no luck she growled get annoyed. "If all of you would please stand up I'll be taking you all to the cafeteria to show you how to purchase lunch and to explain how you can earn points to buy things you need in more detail! Also you will need your energy for your next class, I hope you are all ready to sweat"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Kittycat Kittycat Hetrix Hetrix

Naomi froze up seeing the ice on the wall. Getting up she waited for Kitsune to start leading her and the other students out into the hall. Looking over at Blaise she giggled. Walking down from her desk she stood behind him. Covering his eyes with her hands waiting for him to guess who it was.
NightTerror NightTerror

Misako went and laid down on Frizt bed, looking at him she grinned "want me to help out with the first years? My next period is free" she told him as she took her uniform off, she always had her workout clothes on underneath it. "I'll play dumb don't worry" winking as she crawled underneath the bed sheets.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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She just grabbed her bag as she smiled as she took a picture of her parents as she smiled she walked by her parents as she was blushing she couldn't wait to buy some poptarts she felt hurt a bit as she saw the other girl flirting with him as she shook her head" no i got to focus on my studies I don't have time for friends or crushes" she mumbled to herself she just sighed walking next to her mother she looked a little sad that they were flirting she wimper a bit making it snow a bit realizing her power activated as she looked at her mother looking sad she was trying to hold her tears Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune sighed as she sat on Raz's desk looking at the students "it's a lively bunch this year again isn't it dear" laughing as she looked over the students "excuse me everyone I need your attention!" Kit said trying to help Raz out. With no luck she growled get annoyed. "If all of you would please stand up I'll be taking you all to the cafeteria to show you how to purchase lunch and to explain how you can earn points to buy things you need in more detail! Also you will need your energy for your next class, I hope you are all ready to sweat"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Kittycat Kittycat

Zel came in late and deeply sighed as he missed the class then looks at the others and says bar a couple in looks as though most are in their own little world and to think the second years have to do started combat class with this zoo".
Kitsune was still waiting on the other students to line up behind Lexi. While she waited she used one of her tails to poke Lexi's cheek "my little girl has a crush?" She whispered to Lexi and kept poking her cheek "just don't let your father know who he is"
Texangamer Texangamer

She just had her cat headband on as she liked cute things as she looked down" it won't work out momma he likes someone else it hurts" she say" plus I don't have time for friends or crushes I gotta continue being smart and study and big sister says I have a future I think my powers activated since I made it snow" she say as she was a bit hungry she just looked down she couldn't control her powers yet" I'm not ready for the training momma I'm weak I can't do it" she say" I want to be trained but I'm scared I get laughed it since I can't turn into a dragon like daddy I only can turn into a baby dragon Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


She just looked at the boy that just walked in as she blushed a bit as she smiled she looked at her aunt that was poking Lexi she just giggled as she just was blushing at the guy that walked in" hiya what's your name I'm Maxine" she say as she looked at him Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Kitsune sighed as she sat on Raz's desk looking at the students "it's a lively bunch this year again isn't it dear" laughing as she looked over the students "excuse me everyone I need your attention!" Kit said trying to help Raz out. With no luck she growled get annoyed. "If all of you would please stand up I'll be taking you all to the cafeteria to show you how to purchase lunch and to explain how you can earn points to buy things you need in more detail! Also you will need your energy for your next class, I hope you are all ready to sweat"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer NightTerror NightTerror Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Kittycat Kittycat

Zel came in late and deeply sighed as he missed the class then looks at the others and says bar a couple in looks as though most are in their own little world and to think the second years have to do started combat class with this zoo".
Kitsune was still waiting on the other students to line up behind Lexi. While she waited she used one of her tails to poke Lexi's cheek "my little girl has a crush?" She whispered to Lexi and kept poking her cheek "just don't let your father know who he is"
Texangamer Texangamer

Blood comes in with a packed lunch and says in a low voice" oh I know that expression anyways your not eating crappy pop tarts for a while no if and or buts out of you".

" The lunch has a great mix of other things so you won't go hungry".

Frizts grins as he follows misako and pulls her close and says" Violet will be doing the begingers class but i dont see the harm in you helping her".
"I'll just delay the intermediate class by half an hour,so you can have your fun and see their level for leopard that has a mouth and half"
" Girls like her irk me so If she wants to go at it feel free as long as you don't break her bones".
She just looked at her auntie as she frowning as she sighed looking at the packed lunch" but but that's not fair auntie blood fine whatever it better not have nuts cause I'm allergic" she say as she looked around she she was being cute she just put her lunch in her bag she didn't need friends she just always wants to be alone and studying it was hard to make friends" um auntie will sissy be there to help me train at class with violet you know I can't control my powers just yet" she told her as one of the bullies took her cat ears" hey give that back" she say jumping up trying to get them she was short she had a bit of her mother powers too Leo Radomir Leo Radomir


She just looked at her big sister as she stood up as she just sighed" someone likes you" she say as she looked at her big sister as she smiled as she giggled" come on let's go so we can eat yay food" she say sounding excited as she was scared to ask about the dorms" big sis can you ask about the dorms I want to stay with you plus you calm me down when I have those bad dreams" she told her holding onto her Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Sora got in the line putting the sword in her belt. While she waited for Shika. Seeing her get up. She started walking with the others.
She saw the girl she sat by in class being picked on. She walked up to her. She had her notebook and asked on the paper 'do you need help?'
Blaise was confused when everything went dark all of a sudden. "Who turned out the lights?!" He asked worriedly until he realized someone's hands were covering his eyes. "Is this a game?" He asked, his hair turning black. "Can we play later I want to eeeeaaat." He whined with a fake pout.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

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