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Fandom [Creepypasta] The Mental Ward

Scarecrow could feel a smile creep up on her face as she looked at the two. The clown thing caught her interest, but she tore her eyes away from his, and returned her black lifeless eyes to Spudbud. "Is there something wrong with him, or was that just how you came to be. Because, i'm sure it would be a BLAST to get to hang out with him 24/7. At least, I would enjoy it." Scarecrow let a laugh escape her misshapen mouth, even though she swore up and down that she wouldn't let anybody get close to her in this hell hole. "So, Should I even explain myself? Or, have you heard the stories of me? I'm pretty famous, ya know. Killing people isn't a one time thing. Once you kill your first victim, it become a drug that you can't get away from. You imagine killing that person you just saw 5 minutes ago, and it becomes madness... BUT ANYWAY" She replies, standing up in her ugly Asylum jumper.

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"Have not heard of you, In fact, I never heard of most of the guys in here.

and uh, I killed quite a few people, Did not fel like a drug, then again, maybe it was because I was at risk of the same fate as the Fella's I killed, oh, and the clown is fine, At least I think so."

he poked LJ. Before looking back at scarecrow.

"So did you kill anyone who happened to walk into your cornfield or something? Or are you one of those traveling killers?

whatever you were, you were not good enough at it, and ended up here, welcome to the Ward, Where there is a good chance of me becoming terrible spaghetti."

Spudbud takes out a flask from one of his pockets, moving his mask and taking a drink.

@FreakFarrisCarousel @Lettuce @Laughing Jack/MTMM @Benny Drowned
     Laughing Jack's vision clears up, but he is still paralyzed. He looks at Spudbud, his eyes filled with slight fear and confusion, mixed with the want to attack. Jack whimpers demonically, just staring at Spudbud. He chokes a bit on his own puke, making him puke more. The room smells of poison candy and rotting insects, since that is exactly what Jack is filled with..

@MTchaos1134 @FreakFarrisCarousel @Lettuce @Benny Drowned

Toby lead Eyeless to a couch, and had him sit down, the bumpy book in his hands. "I-I'll be back..." He said, before heading over to Laughing Jack. He hadn't got over earlier because of the doctor, but it was obvious that wasn't going to be much help. He squatted next to LJ, cracked his neck, and gently began to rub his upper back, his twitching hands avoiding LJ's middle, and lower back, where he knew the white bandages were. He tilted LJ's head so he wouldn't choke on his vomit.

@Laughing Jack/MTMM @Lettuce
     Jack looks at Toby, extremely appreciating the assistance. He throws up a bit more, slowly regaining control of his hands. He could move his arms a small bit now from inside the straight jacket. A few minutes later, he now has control of his entire body. He felt weird, and every move he made sent pain throughout his body, but at least he could move now. He smiles weakly at Toby, ''Th...Thanks.. Heh...'' He says, now breathing much better.

@Ticci Toby Rogers
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                                                                      Name: Jason the Toymaker|Location: In the halls, going to Day Room|Mood: Excited.

     Jason smiles, looking into every single room he's pushed by. Every time he passes a new room, he pauses, looking into it and earning a hard shove from the guards. He'd been good about everything.. The arresting, the trip there, the entry, everything. He had only acted up once, but that was just him 'accidentally' tossing a tub of hot wax onto a guard while being arrested. Other than that he'd been a fucking angel.

     The guards shoved Jason into the Day Room, making him almost run into Eyeless Jack. He dodges just in time, making him run into the TV instead, grabbing it quickly before it lands on the ground. He sets it back, then looks around the room, ''My apologies, everyone..'' He apologizes, bowing slightly.

@Lettuce @Ticci Toby Rogers @Benny Drowned

Pinkamena Pie

Oh, good, LJ is okay


Pinkie followed Spudbud as he moved LJ away from where he had... Passed out? Yeah, he seemed to have passed out. Ben might have been tryibg to get them to talk about some sort of escape plan, but that could damn well wait until she was sure her Toy friend was okay. His vomit smelled... Well, not as bad as some of the vomit she had smelled in her life (unsurprisingly, a lot of people vomited while being tortured), but it still smelled like complete shit. Well, she could live with that. 


"Oh, heya, Toby," She said as she saw the Proxy come over to them to help out with Jack in ways that didn't occur to her. She'd never quite known what to do with sick people. She reached over and gently ran a hand through LJ's hair, "Ya feelin' better?"



Eyeless Jack

Wow it sounds like someone's dying in here


What the actual fuck was going on? Pinkie saying something to a guard, clowns, a scarecrow coming in? The Scarecrow aside, he could guess that something happened to LJ, by the mention he heard of clowns. Also, someone had been moved, a whole lot of footsteps, aaaand Toby was ushering him to the couch. That was where Liu was, right? Shit, everything was happening too quickly for some human to think of things for him to do- wait, what? Why was a human controling him? That last thought seemed like complete bullshit. 


"Liu, you're the person beside me, right? Am I correct in guessing that something just happened to the eight foot tall cown? It smells like his vomit in here," Jack asked, just wanting to make sure he had put together what he heard correctly. Toby had shoved a book in his hands... What was it? He ran his fingers across the spine. Oh, it was Braille, so there were conveniently things he could-


Someone was just shoved in and crashed into the TV after almost colliding with him. Fuck, this was a mess. Why did the guards need to shove people in? "... You alright after running into that television?"


                                                                                                                   Laughing Jack

     Jack nods a bit, ''Y...Yeah, Pinkie, I.. I'm okay..'' Jack grins, ''Heh.. Just feel like I'm bein tortured~'' He jokes. The pain in his body was now easing, he wondered what the fuck had caused all of that... Jack was extremely sensitive to medicine of any sorts, but he hadn't put two and two together to realize this.


                                                                                                             Jason the Toymaker

     Jason giggles, looking at Eyeless, ''You're a fine looking piece of demon, aren'tcha~?'' He says, getting closer to Eyeless, glancing beside Eyeless, then looking back at Eyeless. Jason sits down really close to him, his yellow eyes glowing and creating a shine on EJ's face. He looks down at the book, ''Hm.. Braille, huh?'' He asks nosily, feeling like being an annoying fucker right now. He grabs the book out of EJ's hands, looking at it.

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Eyeless Jack

Yes it's braille you fucker I don't have eyes it's in my goddamn name how else am I supposed to read also what's a yellow


... Piece of Demon? Did this guy just nearly run into him and then decide it was high time to start flirting? ... Was EJ a fine piece of demon? He didn't really know what he looked like, but he could assume that, all except the empty eye sockets and the liquid that he kind of thought was blood that oozed from his eyesockets, he was relatively attractive, "Uhm... Thanks?"


Dear sweet mother of Jesus, this man seemed to have suddenly decided to fet reeeaaaallllyyy close to him. Like, EJ felt like he was mashed between Liu and the new Pasta. This... Was really fucking uncomfortable. He hardly had time to register the word 'Braille' before his book was swiped out of his hand. 


"Give that back!" He snapped, lunging for his stolen book. 
                                                                                                                      Jason the Toymaker

     Jason laughs, jerking the book away right before EJ could grab it. He smirks, grabbing EJ and forcefully jerking him into his lap, ''Heehee.. Who's a cute little fucker? You are, you are~'' He cooed, talking to Eyeless as if he was a small baby, ''D'aww.. the lil baby's mad....''

Toby gently got Jack to sit up, and try and move his tense body. Toby didn't speak, as he feared it would just become excited, indistinguishable stammers, and wind up getting him sedated. He was practically vibrating thanks to his twitching increasing with his pent up energy, and his eyes, hidden by his goggles, were bouncing all over the place, unable to focus on one thing at a time.


     Jack shakily sat up, instantly feeling sick again. He tilted his head all the way to one side, resulting in a sickening crack. He groans a bit, unable to see straight. He looks at Toby, sensing the kid's struggle to keep still. He chuckles a small bit, rainbow vomit leaking out of his mouth a little.

@Ticci Toby Rogers

Eyeless Jack



What the hell sort of sexual harassment was this? EJ put his hands on the arm that had jerked him onto this stranger's lap, his nails digging into the skin of it as he tried prying it off of him, "Let go, you son of a bitch!" How hard would it have been to rip this man's throat out with his teeth? Not hard, considering EJ had sharp teeth, but could he get away with it? He really didn't feel like being muzzled.


Pinkamena Pie

Wow Toby is quiet


Pinkie was about to wipe Jack's face off when she realized that there were two problems there; One, she didn't have sleeves and would have to use her skirt to do so and,Two, he kind of had a muzzle on. Damn, that certainly made cleaning him up much harder. "Those Doctors are such assholes to you!" Well, at the very least, LJ was actually dressed. She continued to run a hand through his hair, the other one twitching with irritation. She hadn't assaulted any of the Doctors yet, but it sure sounded like a good idea at this point.

@Ticci Toby Rogers @Laughing Jack/MTMM

"O-o-okay!" Toby said, his stutter scrambling his words with it's persistence, "Ffff-f-fuck th-th-this!" Toby went behind Jack, not even caring that a doctor was right there, and began to easily unlock the muzzle, and straitjacket, freeing the clown, and allowing him to get cleaned up. Toby had much more experience in mental wards then any of the others, especially sense his other Proxies treated him like a mental patient sometimes, often keeping him in a straitjacket when he had been cooped up to long... This was mostly so Toby could burn off some energy by quickly freeing himself from the device, albeit with a lot of exertion.


                                                                                                                                 Jason the Toymaker

     Jason yelps a bit, playing it off like he's in pain for a bit, before tapping on Eyeless's wrist, ''Now, now, that's quite enough~'' He says, lifting Jack up and setting him down on top of Liu's lap, ''You two play nice now.. I have to tend to another friend of mine~'' He says, walking over to Laughing Jack and stepping over Pinkamena, pushing Jack down and sitting on top of him, right over his stomach. He crosses his legs, chuckling.

                                                                                                                                     Laughing Jack

     Jack yelps in pain, getting sat on by Jason. He coughs intensely, blood and vomit coming out of his newly unmuzzled mouth. He gasps for air, crying. He squirms as Jason decides to change position, placing his knees in Jack's stomach and pressing down with all of his weight. Jack tries desparately to remove Jason, pushing on him weakly.

@Ticci Toby Rogers @Lettuce

Eyeless Jack

Thank fucking God I'm gonna become an Angel instead of a Demon now Jesus has saved me from- What is this human typing?


Hallelujah, the man had moved EJ from his lap. He scooted off of Liu, mumbling a quick "I'm sorry", despite the fact that he hadn't actually done anything to prompt him being set on the other Pasta's lap. Had that douchebag left his book on the couch? EJ pawed around on the cushion, looking to see if he could find the book beside him anywhere. Dammit, why did this have to happen the moment Toby left him alone for five seconds?  


Having ended becoming distracted beyond belief with his tablet again, having to send some emails to a few of the doctors of the ward, is suddenly brought back to reality as he hears the clown he recently helped yelp out in pain.

getting up and turning around, Soudbud observes the scene for a quick moment before instinctually taking their right hand and quickly put it in front of them, Trying to punch whoever the hell was on their patient off.

forgetting for a moment that they were helping the very person the spookys the hell out of him, The clown.

But whatever was on top of the clown was not as bad as it, at least to Spudbud's train of thought.

sometimes he wishes he didnt take this job at all. @Ticci Toby Rogers @Lettuce @FreakFarrisCarousel

Toby growled at Jason, cracking his neck. He attempted a few times to communicate with words, but that didn't happen, so he ended up tackling a bitch instead. No sooner had the councillor tried to help, then Toby's energy burst, and he easily jerked Jason off of LJ, shouting him to the floor, and pinning the toy maker underneath his own body, his knees digging into Jason's soft belly, while he attempted to yell at Jason, only really sounding like he was talking backwards, as the english language fails him in his excitement and anger.

                                                                                                                     Jason the Toymaker

     Jason tried biting Spudbud  when he tried to hit him, then yelped in surprise as he was tackled and pinned by Toby. He hit and pushed Toby, whining like a small child who was begging to get a toy, ''HEYY! Lemme GOO!!'' He yells, triggered, ''IF YOU DON'T RELEASE ME RIGHT NOW I SWEAR I'LL FUCKING EAT YOU!''  He screams at Toby, digging his nails into him. He has no idea that Toby can feel none of it..

                                                                                                                        Laughing Jack

     Jack breathes in sharp, shaky breaths, trying to recover from being hurt by Jason. He looks at Spudbud, his eerie light blue almost white eyes staring into Spudbud's eyes, almost seeming to be staring into his soul. He reaches out, his longer-than-usual arm almost touching Spudbud, before he passes out, dropping his arm.

@Ticci Toby Rogers @MTchaos1134

Pinkamena Pie

Goddamn maybe we should escape and just leave this red haired guy. 


This was an absolute mess. Pinkie looked at Toby, then to LJ, and decided perhaps it would be better if she tried to move herself and the unconscious clown out of the way. He was out cold, being near a fight probably wasn't the healthiest thing for him. 


Pinkie hooked her hands under LJ's arms, and started trying to drag him away. This hardly went any better than trying to pick him up, but she did actually manage to move him this time. Did he really need to be over seven foot tall? He had to weigh over 200 pounds just due to his height. 

@Laughing Jack/MTMM
                                                                                                                        Laughing Jack

      Jack curled up like a baby in the middle of being dragged, making him less big. He was now just a big ball of fluff and feathers. It didn't make him any less heavy, though, but it did make him about the size of a beach ball. He makes odd noises in his sleep from hissing to whimpering. He somewhat sounds like a dreaming dog.


Pinkamena Pie

Jack that is not making anything easier


Pinkie stopped whenever she decided she was a good distance away from all that drama, looking down at the beachball sized floof that was EJ. He... Certainly seemed uncomfortable, by the sounds he was making. What the Hell was she supposed to do now? She threw parties and made people into cupcakes, and neither of those things would help in this situation. She settled him down on the floor,  given that she couldn't really pick him up that was the best she could do. Dammit, was there a staff mumber that was actually useful in here?



Scarecrow sighed. "I wish I hadn't killed all of those people... I wish I hadn't stuffed them with hay and hung them on a spicket... And I really wish I hadn't tried to kill one of the mental ward's doctors. Now they think i'm insane... But i'm NOT crazy, I swear!!!" Scarecrow cried as she began to laugh, loudly at that. She was most likely crazy, and she knew that perfectly well. She just, kind of had another side to her. And she called that side, Beauty.

Beauty was the opposite of Scarecrow. She was beautiful, perfect, and loved the taste of blood. She looked at Spudbud. "What are you starring at? Oh right, me!!" Beauty then laughed, hard as she starred at the clown on the ground. "Stupid clown!! You got throw-up on my shoes!!" Beauty then looked up at Spudbud. "Aren't you gonna like, taze him or something?"



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