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Fandom [Creepypasta] The Mental Ward

Toby looked around and started naming off the people he knew. "W-well... LJ's here, he's i-in a muzzle and straitjacket... Ben's h-here... He was here before me... Jeff's here, and someone I-I don't know, who seams to know Jeff pretty well... He hugged him and everything..." He stopped Eyeless from walking, and said, "The television's there, be careful..." He gently placed Eyeless's hand on the television, cracking his neck a bit as he did so, and called to the boy he didn't know, who was watching the program. "S-Sorry... We'll be out of your way soon..." It was on a commercial anyways, but when you spend a lot of time with insane serial killers, you learn to be somewhat polite until you develop a close enough bond to them. You never know what might set one of them off.



Eyeless Jack

Why the fuck would a blind man want to watch TV


"LJ, Jeff, you, Ben, and a new Kid?" EJ repeated after Toby. Yes, he could hear Ben's voice now... Well, damn, it was just a party in this room, wasn't it? A whole lot of unhappy Pastas, unable to actually do anything. Well, he supposed that he could have literally bitten somebody's hand off, his teeth were sharp and (luckily) he hadn't been muzzled like the other Jack sitting in the room.He looked toward the Television as his hand was put on it, not like he could see what was happening on it, though. Sounded Commercial-y. Something about Chapstick.


Oh, the new kid was introducing himself. Liu Woods. Nice name, he guessed. "Liu? My name is Jack... Erm... Eyeless Jack. EJ, or Eyeless" Really, did there have to be two Jacks? What purple-haired bastard had thought this was a good idea? ... Why specifically purple? "I don't really... Toby, do you want to watch with him? I can wait to figure out the room."



Toby smiled at Liu, and said, "Y-Yep! TIcci Toby, if we're getting P-Proxy specific..."

He looked over to Ben but addressed Eyeless, "No... I'm cool just w-wondering around with you... I-I have a lot of excess energy..." Toby knew none of the drugs the nurses gave him were for his energy, because he hadn't outright threatened them. They were nice enough to him, so he didn't bother them. Now, however, they were all in real danger. Toby's twitching was starting to get faster. His hands trembling with excitement, and energy. His eyes darted everywhere, and it wouldn't be to long before he would start to butcher his sentences. They took the killer out of the field, but they left his energy. Usually Toby burned that all off during the hunt, chase, and killing of his victims.

Jeff tilted his head while it still laid on Ben's shoulder and gave him a questioning glance. What was what all about? Then it sank in. The thing with Liu. Taking a deep breath, he decided that now was as good of a time as any to let everyone know what was going on. 

He lifted his head up and looked to Ben and Jack. "There's something that I've been keeping from you guys. Mostly because I didn't know if he made it out alive or not". He took another deep breath. He also felt mildly sick to his stomach. "The kid that gave me a hug is.... is my little brother, Liu. And the scars on his face are.... are from me". 

Jeff began to feel a bit more queazy. For the first time in his life, he is regretting something that he did. He hurt his little brother. And for what reason?! Because he snapped and couldn't handle things anymore?! He hurt the one person who meant anything to him and it killed him. It killed him to see his brother's face. That poor sweet face, all mangled up because of him. 

And then it hit him. Jeff gagged and covered his mouth with his hand. "I think I'm gonna be sick, guys". Barely able to hold it in, Jeff took off and ran down the hall to the bathroom. Throwing the door open, Jeff leaned over the toilet and empty his stomach contents. What was going on with him? Why was he losing it now? He needed to get himself back together before he faced them again. 
Anna James age 17.  status: killed 9 people sentenced to the mental ward. was not tried as an adult because of her mental stability. description of cause: abused.

the doctor read from her computer and she stopped and looked at Anna James who was cuffed to the chair.  Anna James was silent she was looking at the floor. the doctor sighs "Anna...its time i ask you some questions..." Anna growls lightly "no you don't need to know anything.." doctor looks at anna. "it was the death penalty or this anna..." Anna looks up "...."  she was silent.  doctor looked at anna. "so anna please answer my questions.  

Eyeless Jack

In front of a television is a terrible place to stand


Something told EJ that some human had just typed something below his name, realized they were being dumb, and backspaced it to put something more intelligent. What a fucking weirdo. 


"Oh, alright," The drugs that had been forced down Eyeless Jack's throat earlier seemed to have finally taken effect, because he seemed much calmer than before. Then again, he was also relatively docile unless hungry or angry... Yeah, it was the drugs, he had definitely been pissed off when he was dropped onto the floor. He stepped out from in front of the television, reaching around until he found the wall once again. It seemed like this was going to be a long trip around the room. At the very least, he now knew where a couch probably was, due to where he heard Liu's voice coming from. 


Pinkamena Pie

Skipping her way to the Dayroom


Pinkamena had been difficult to take down; due to the wide array of equipment, she had managed to kill at lleast two of the armed men who broke into her basement while she was having fun with one of her friends, and injure one other. The fourth and fifth had been the two to finally bring her down. Oh, she wondered if that third one would ever see again? Hydrochloric Acid to the eyes couldn't be good for them. 


Transportation hadn't been fun, and they took the pretty dress she had made out of people's tattoos! Now she was left in this drab hospital gown until they found something more "appropriate" for her. They had even taken her shoes, just because they were made of human skin! These guys were clearly no fun. They just needed to brighten up!


They allowed her to walk through the halls without anyone holding her just because of how damn annoying she had been. She could follow them just fine without somebody holding her elbow, thank you very much! That was precisely how she ended up skipping; she couldn't have done that with somebody clutching her elbow, now could she?


"Well, here's your stop, Pinkamena. Introduce yourself to everyone, you're gonna be spending the rest of your life with them," The male nurse guiding her said, pushing open a door for her.


"Okie Dokie!" The pink-haired girl chimed in response, skipping her way into the room. It was so... Drab. They needed streamers? Decorations! Organ streamers were great decorations! Oh, was she really the first girl to arrive?


"LG! Ben! Heya!" Pinkamena chimed as she skipped her way over to the clown in a straight jacket and video game demon.


     Jack smiled widely, looking at Pinkamena, ''Heh... Heya~'' He replied, his voice slightly muffled by the muzzle, ''How ya doin, Pinkie~?'' Jack had ignored Eyeless completely, as he never really liked the eyeless demon. He just didn't really think much of him, plus the same name thing always irked him a bit. He chuckled, watching Eyeless have to feel around the wall. He then looked back at Pinkamena, ''D'aww... They took away your pretty skin clothes..'' He says, sounding disappointed.

After an hour of talking to the doctor she was let out of room and was uncuffed and sent into the room with the others to socialize. She quietly walked in seeking some other patients. She sat down and looked at the screen. "This is a living hell..."  she mumbled. She glared at the other patients. 

@Laughing Jack/MTMM


Pinkamena Pie

Disappointed that her dress is gone


"They did, and left me in this ugly hospital gown! Can you believe that? I put sooo much work into that dress, and they took it! Apparently, they'll be bringing me a new dress later. I hope it's pink!" There wasn't a day in her life that Pinkie had worn pants, and, if they gave her anything other than shorts or something with a skirt, she already planned to outright refuse to get dressed. She would rather go naked. "Why ya in that straight jacket, LJ? You can't really do anything with with that and a muzzle on."


     Jack sighs, ''The fucking doctors got all butthurt that I killed a few of their workers..'' He says, glaring back at Anna, ''So, they uh.. Put me in a straight jacket and muzzle..'' He says, looking back at Pinkamena, ''Hey, if your new dress isn't pink, and if they de-straight jacket me, then we could always paint it red... It's no pink, but it'd work~'' He chuckles, tilting his head slightly.

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Toby looked at Eyeless, and asked, "H-Hey... Do you still w-want my help?" He noticed the blind man stumbling around on his own, and thought he might have to find something else to help him burn off energy. He looked around the room, waving happily at the two females, before his eyes landed on a shelf full of board games. He jumped up and down a bit in excitement, and quickly turned back to Eyeless, waiting for an answer.



Pinkamena Pie

Murder party buddies


"That's no fun! You can't even do something else, now!" Pinkie sat down beside Jack, shivering as she figured out just how cold the floor actually was against her butt. This damned floor. "Yeah, can you believe them, Ben? Leaving me in this ugly thing?" She lifted up the edge of the hospital gown a tad, as if to show off just how ugly it was. At the very least, she still had her underwear. They hadn't deemed those off-limits, "That sounds fun, LJ! We could throw a party! Disembowel them and use their organs as streamers! ... Oh, you're planning an escape, Ben?"


She was steadfast ignoring the other girl who was glaring at her. She didn't look fun at all. 



Eyeless Jack

No really are there any brail books I don't wanna spend day in day out circling this place and risking tripping over a certain black and white clown. 


"Eh? I don't mind you helping me around," EJ probably could have found his way around on his own no problem- No, he definitely could have, but he would have been sort of alone if Toby ran off to do things on his own. Not that he minded being alone. Where was his excuse for keeping Toby near him? Eh, he just didn't want to stumble around alone at this moment. He could want things, "Why? You want to do something else? Guess this can't be very exciting."

@Ticci Toby Rogers
Jeff, looked at himself in the mirror and all he saw was what a horrible brother he has been. A better brother would have went back. A better brother wouldn't have done that in the first place. A better brother wouldn't have left him there with those people that called themselves their parents. A better brother, Jeff was not. He wasn't someone Liu should look up to. Or would look up to. And it was all his fault. He broken his brother. Tore his world apart. Broke his brain. Twisted his sense of right and wrong. He wasn't anything to love. 

Jeff sighed and looked down just as he heard a knock on the door. Probably was Ben. He did leave their conversation a bit abruptly. He was about to answer the young blond when he heard Liu's voice on the other end. He understood? HE UNDERSTOOD?! He shouldn't know what it feels like! He should be like other kids his age! Out running around and playing on their bikes. Getting scraped knees and dirty. Not here in this place, rotting away. And it was all Jeff's fault. With a shaking hand, he finally decided to open the door. 

Jeff, looked at his little brother and felt sick again. And then he broke down. He threw his arms around Liu's neck tightly and burrowed his face in his neck, sobbing. "Oh God, Liu. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! It's all my fault! I've ruined your life! I'm such a fucking shit stain!". He held onto his brother tight and he cried on to shoulder. For once in his life, Jeff was truly sorry for what he'd done. 

@Benny Drowned
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Toby went back over to Eyeless, his twitching much worse then before, and began to lead him around again. His eyes wandered around the room, and he spotted the book shelf, that had quite a few thick books with bumps on the spine. "Hey, Eyeless!" He said, as he quickly abandoned the blind man,, to grab one of the books. He was back by Eyeless' side soon enough, handing him the book and saying, "I-Isn't this the k-kind of stuff you r-read?"


     Jack sighs tiredly, the medicine the doctors had injected into him finally kicking in. He then panicked a little, as everything started to look red and he started to become paralyzed. This was supposed to take effect while they were dragging him in, but it hadn't worked until now. He looks over at Pinkamena, fear in his eyes. Jack never understood the concept of medication, and therefore thought he was dying. He whimpers pathetically, going limp and his vison getting darker and darker. He then passes out completely, his eyes staying open, and giving him the appearance of being dead. He barely even seemed to be breathing.
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"Wow, we got plenty of dangerous now, Thats fun."

Spudbud Said to himself as he went through all the paperwork he was given on his tablet,

making his way to where are the patients were.

"Its almost as if these sods want me to die."

He continues to go through the paperwork, as he makes his way to where most of the patients are at.

By the time he gets there, he finished the last of the paperwork, and has put his tablet away in a sachel as he opens the dorr and steps in, looking at all the patients in the room.

"Oh, cool, im the only security here, this will be interesting."

He walks over to and empty chair, sitting on it and staring at Laughing Jack, wishing there didnt have to be somone who looks close to a clown in the ward.

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     Jack twitches and groans in his sleep, for some reason the meds give him extreme pain. He also feels like he's being watched.. Is he being watched..? He can't look, and that's really irking him. His groans sound demonic, and every time he twitches his pupils disappear to the back of his head. Jack feels sick, like he could explode at any second, splattering candy and bugs everywhere.. Of course that wasn't going to happen, but it hurt him nonetheless. A cockroach crawls out of his mouth, followed by a dribble of blood.

Pinkamena Pie

Holy shit Murder party boyfriend I mean buddy is not okay. Like, really not okay. He looks dead. 


Fucking shit, did those nurses give LJ something that killed him? She didn't want her Monochrome friend dead. While he probably would have made a good Cupcake, she actually wanted him alive. He was her friend, like, actually her friend, not the 'I'll probably kill you later but you're nice right now' friend. Would they really have prepared such a nice room for them if they were just planning on killing all of the Creepypastas in there? Well, not 'nice', but they certainly made it comfortable for them. It would have been better with some things to kill. 


She tried to pick LJ up, then promptly concluded that he was much too heavy and tall for her to manage that. Fuck, they had to have a considerable height difference, didn't they? Giving up on picking him up, she looked for someone who might be able to. Maybe... The guard over there that was staring in her, Ben, and LJ's general direction. He could probably help. 


Pinkie hurried over to the guard, and pointed at LJ, "Sir, something's wrong with him! It doesn't look like he's breathing!"


Spudbud shudders, trying to keep his composure he sits up straight and continues watching, He isn't going to let his sights off of the clown, who knows what they will do if he does.

"why did the have to be fucking clowns,.." 

a moment later

one of the Pastas came up, telling them something was wrong with the clown.

"shit, uh, ok, lets go see whats wrong."

Spudbud gets up and half heartedly rushes over to LJ,

kneeling and taking their hand, checking if there is a pulse, and activating his infrared mode on his goggles, to make sure their chest was not losing heat rapidly.

"does anyone here have any idea what could have done this? The info will help."

keeping his cool as much as possible, he waits to see if he can feel a pulse.

@Lettuce @Laughing Jack/MTMM @Benny Drowned
     A slight thumping can be felt, resembling a pulse. It doesn't seem to be like a heartbeat, more like a strange clock. Jack has no real organs, of course, but he has things resembling organs that keep him functioning. Jack whimpers in pain as Spudbud grabs his hand, since he has weak spots on each hand and his stomach. He's terrified, especially since he cannot see or hear anything going on.

@MTchaos1134 @Lettuce @Benny Drowned
It was a strange pulse, nut it was one, now that he knew that the.. clown thing.. was alive, he moved them onto their side, and propping his head up with his arms, so he may breathe more easily.

Spudbud reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a raf and a canteen, opening the cap then puring water onto the rag, placeing it carefully on LJ's forehead carefully.

"There, I did as much as I can do.whatever is going on has a good chance of going away."

He resealed his canteen and put it away, then scooted a litte away from LJ, taking a quick rest by sitting down instead of kneeling.

"anything else I should be made aware of?"

@Laughing Jack/MTMM @Lettuce @Benny Drowned
     Jack started to feel a bit better, only a small bit, granted, but it was progress. He now could see red, only red and nothing else. He couldn't see people or shadows, just red instead of the white he was seeing moments before. He whimpered and squirmed a small bit as he was carried, it only made him more terrified. Then, he could suddenly breathe. It was a pleasant change from not being able to breathe.. He breathes heavily and shakily. A large spider crawls out from his mouth, crawling away. Jack wondered who had carried him.. Pinkamena, maybe? Toby? ...BEN..? He had no idea if any of them were capable of picking him, an 8 foot tall toy, up and carrying him.. Eh, maybe it was possible. He then started to panic more as a strong burning feeling started rising in his throat, and his mouth was filled with the taste of blood and mold.. Had he just thrown up...? Yes, yeah he must've. Gross, rainbow liquid came out of his mouth, getting everywhere.

@Lettuce @MTchaos1134 @Benny Drowned

Scarecrow | Location: Being Dragged To The Day Room | Mood: Annoyed

"Get you hands off of me you perverts!!" Scarecrow exclaims as two guards drag her to the room. She had no intention of getting to know any of these freaks. 'Smart, calling others just like you a freak.' She thought. She was more of a freak than them. She listened closely as the guards whispered about how much of a lunatic she was. She screamed as she was thrown into the Day Room. She looked over at a group of people, her eyes crying. She hated it here. She hid her face and said "Hi, I'm Scarecrow..."

((Sorry if this was horrible!!))
Spudbud scooted back in surprise from LJ, staring at the rainbow puke.

"Wow, uh, ok, as colorful as that is, it's still strange and disturbing as hell."

Moments later, another new face was thrown into the day room, having been looking for something to distract him, this was perfect for Spudbud.

"well hello there Scarecrow, Im Spudbud, the Security guy who is trying to keep this clown thing alive.."

he looks back at LJ for a moment, shuddering.

"nice to meet you,"

@Lettuce @Laughing Jack/MTMM @Benny Drowned @FreakFarrisCarousel

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