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Fantasy Court Hall: Acadamy for the Exceptionally Special

"What is she doing here?"

A voice snarled behind Rin. She froze in her place, recognizing the voice immediately. Hikaru's eyes stayed closed, pretending he was not listening. And then he spoke.

"What does it look like? She's sitting with us." Hikaru responded calmly after a few moments of silence. A male with pitch black hair towered over the sitting Rin, a sinister aura surrounding him. His eyes glowed a bright red, and behind him stood two other full-bloods. He scoffed loudly.

"She's a half-blood."

"And that matters?" Hikaru shot back, both of his eyes open now. He was still in his relaxed position, but his eyes burned with intensity.

"Yeah, come on, Marcus. Leave the girl alone." One of Hikaru's friends mumbled. The dark haired male bared his fangs and hissed loudly.

"Stay out of this."

Many students in the cafeteria had silenced themselves, and were watching the affair intently. Hikaru sighed deeply. He never liked attention.

"You're making a fool out of yourself..." He muttered. Marcus chuckled, a small smirk on his face. He had a glass of blood in his hand, swishing the crimson liquid from side to side.

"Do you want to know what I think?" He began, taking a few steps closer to Rin. She stared at her hands, completely silent.

"I think," he lifted the glass over her head, and tipped it. Before a single drop of blood landed on her head, Hikaru's hand grabbed Marcus' wrist, stopping him. He stood next to him, orange eyes burning. The glass crashed to the floor and broke into itty bitty pieces. Blood splattered against the floor and onto Marcus' shoes. Marcus glared at Hikaru, teeth bared and muscles tensed. Almost everyone was watching now.

Hikaru casually let go of his wrist, and turned his back to him. He began to walk back to his seat, his usual quietness returning.

"Get out of here before you get hurt." He mumbled to him, plopping down into his chair. Marcus was speechless. Before he could do anything, a hall monitor walked into the room. Hikaru sipped on a glass of blood, never taking his eyes off Marcus.

With a scowl, the dark haired full-blood stormed out of the cafeteria with his two friends following obediently from behind. Hikaru leaned back in his seat, ignoring the stares of curiosity everyone gave him. Soon, everyone returned back to their conversations, and the room was once against filled with chatter and white noise.

"Thank you, Hikaru." Rin murmured, looking up from her lap and smiling. He nodded towards her in acknowledgement.

"There's no need to thank me." He murmured in response. With a small nod, Rin glanced behind her at the mess of broken glass and blood. The custodians began to clean up the mess immediately, seeming to have nothing better to do.
Aaron pressed his back to the wall as the three of them passed by full vampires gave off a strong aura. He let out a shallow breath he didn't catch all of the argument but last thing he wanted was to get in the way of them. Marlow had mentioned that there was alot of prejudice for Half breed vampires he figured he may run into that sooner or lather but not this quick. he counted his blessing and made his way downstairs. he glanced at the blood spilled on the floor the scent hitting him harder than he expected he still was getting use to the hunger. "Keep it together." He whispered to himself rubbing his arm walking past trying to find a good place to sit.
As Rin continued to take in her surroundings, she noticed a boy enter the room. He was unfamiliar to her, and someone she had never seen in school before. He looked nervous, as every other student would be on their first day.

"Hello!" Rin called out to him, flashing him a small wave and a warm smile.

"Would you like to sit with us?" She asked shortly after.

The boys around her turned to see who she was talking to. They were unlike normal full-bloods, and began motioning him over as well in a welcoming manner. Hikaru watched with his hands behind his head, watching in silence.
Aaron looked around wondering if they meant someone else. "Right um s.sure." He walked over to the table setting his bag down and taking a seat. "Thanks he said looking at the others at the table. "My name is Aaron" He said holding his hand out. The others were full bloods but so far everyone seemed nice. He
"I'm Rin."

A warm smile was still spread across Rin's lips as she accepted his handshake. She shook it gently, and than let go. The others began to introduce themselves as well.

"My names Joshua. Nice to meet you, Aaron." The boy sitting to the left of Rin said, flashing Aaron a smile and shaking his hand firmly.

"I'm Gavin," another across from Joshua called out, who then began pointing at three other boys sitting further down.

"And that's Landon, Austin, and Jay."

They all waved individually. The only one left was Hikaru. He leaned forward and grabbed his hand, shaking it.

"Hikaru." He murmured, a calm look on his face. A small smirk formed on his lips as he let go and sat back down into his seat.

"So, Aaron," Rin began to say.

"Are you a transfer? I don't recall seeing you before."
He smiled it was nice a warm greeting was very welcome he didn't feel as nervous around everyone . "Its very nice to meet you all." he said I um well yes I guess you could say that I was invited something about my high grades and some strings my." He tried to think of a good word to describe Marlowe she was very nice she had been taking care of him after he had been turned acting as a sort of mentor. "My mentor transferred me here said it would be a good chance to get use to being around other vampires that and the school had some interest in my chemistry and science grads something like that...." he sat back.

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