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Fantasy Contract: Mysterious activity at the northern Ruins

Radiver Redwing

Radiver looked at the small, pink haired, maybe-a-nymph now known as Devyn when she said she had no weapons, but still wanted to come along. He was becoming more and more sure that she was possibly a nymph with a skin disorder. Crazier things were possible, like the white haired lady who wanted to leave without preparation.

To be fair, Radiver really did not need to wait for the next day, he was carrying everything he owned on him, and he had none of this thing called 'money' that was needed to take things from the market stalls. That, and that he only had a few apples left and needed to get out of the city to forage for some more food. But it was quite obvious that leaving immediately was a bad idea, as Sedna something-or-other metaphorically chewed the white haired lady out before literally chewing her food.

Radiver sat back in the chair and thought. If winter was around, and if his father was right on how this stuff called 'snow' would fall in other areas of the world and make food scarce, then he nuts and fruits of the forests would be gone, and the smaller creatures would have gone to sleep for the period of snowfall. He would have to rely on hunting some of the bigger creatures when he needed to eat, but that could be difficult. Plus, his mother had told him that anywhere with snow would be colder than any place he had ever been. Radiver shivered at the thought.

His eyes focused on Aisha, who was looking at him and trying to swat a fly. Radiver chuckled at the ridiculous sight before the curly-red head called for him, asking if he had any warm clothes.

"Unfortunately, I don't." Radiver said, still sitting in the chair. "Though I think I'll be fine. Never seen snow, but I don't have any coin, so can't get anything anyway." Perhaps he could skin a bear on the trip, the fur could make a decent cloak, but did bears hibernate?


A wide grin adorned Aerika's lips as she watched their little adventuring party already engaging in some banter and trying to figure out how to prepare themselves for what was to come the next morning.
"Alright, my fellow sellswords. We'll set out at dawn, the merchant caravan will meet at the northern gate, don't be late or you'll be left behind. So think twice before deciding to have another ale this evening." Aerika remarked, clasping her hands as she exchanged glances with the rest of her party.

"To a successful collaboration!" The tattooed adventurer added as she raised her half-empty mug to her lips, downing it in one large gulp before letting go of a very satisfied sigh, removing two silver coins from her chest pocket and putting them atop the oaken table.

Flexing her sore muscles as she rubbed her left shoulder Aerika adjusted her reinforced leather jacket, putting up the boiled leather collar as she glanced back one last time.
Winking at her fellow adventurers before stepping out into the chilly autumn air, drawing in a deep breath of the highly stimulating atmosphere.

Everything had gone just according to plan, nobody arguing about pay or already engaging in petty arguments. That was already a good sign, it meant that they'd start off with their thoughts focused on the task at hand and not trying to plot each other's destruction.
She had seen what petty rivalries could evolve into, and it was not pleasant, not in the slightest.

Letting go of a soft sigh Aerika ran a gloved hand through her dark brown hair before setting out to organize a save passage to the northernmost ruins....

She knew the trading caravan's leader personally, having had dealings with him before as she had carried out some rather banal tasks. But connections were invaluable in the adventuring business and she hadn't regretted it in the slightest.
For now she had a way for them to travel north without having to pay cold, hard silver.

They had a carriage for themselves, which was more she could ask for.
A grin on her face Aerika arrived at the merchant's district, knocking on their bureau's door as she stepped in without a warning....

Only for her to step out with a permit and an even more smug grin on her face.
Tonight she'd sleep well, with a stomach full of ale and everything going just as she had anticipated....

----------------------------------------The next morning----------------------------------------​

She had gotten up earlier than most of the Tavern's patrons as she couldn't remain Idle, not knowing that it was their great day.
Getting her things together was an easier task than she thought.

Putting on a second undershirt made of wool and wrapping a long crimson scarf around her neck, her tattoo still visible, the draconic head peeking out from under the thick clothing.
Slipping into her leather Jacket Aerika emptied her pockets, knowing to just bring things she was ready to lose.

An ivory flask filled with strong northern spirit was by far the most precious thing she'd bring on this expedition, knowing that in the cold nothing would warm oneself more than a burning sip of alcohol.
Strapping her oxen-leather belt around her hips Aerika put on her Longsword and hid a broad dagger behind her back, knowing to carry light equipment in the face of the unknown.

Snatching off the travel permit and contract from her nightstand Aerika put them away in her chest pocket, near her heart and in a position nobody could snatch them away.

Looking around her quarters Aerika smiled, raising an eyebrow. The anticipation of adventure was enough to make her show a noticeable spring in her step as she locked the door behind her.

"Oh, what a lovely day..." Aerika hummed to herself as she set out to the City gate where the Caravan had waited for the last few travelers to arrive...

The journey itself wasn't too eventful, one of the carts losing a wheel on a bumpy road and having it replaced being the only inconvenience they faced. Yet she'd complain about the seats being too uncomfortable for her liking, making her fear she might get a sore backside from it.

With a load "Halt!" The caravan stopped, making Aerika peek out of the window and seeing the large ruined fortress in a valley. A truly uncanny sight...
The Caravan leader came to their Carriage, opening the door with a smile adorning his face, an awfully jolly man for what was at risk for them.

"We've arrived."
"So I've noticed." Aerika remarked with a soft chuckle, stepping out of the carriage and flexing her body, readjusting the scarf around her neck.
The air was biting, a chill surging through her bones as she came to stand at the slope leading down to the ruined castle at their feet, a dense forest surrounding it, pines with green needles that were so dark they almost seemed black in color...

Turning to face her companions Aerika put her hands to her hips and grinned at them.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get down there!"

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Devyn Rutsson

"It's a great day, ay?"


Status || oewhroihwqoihiwohwqriohrw
Mood || relaxed
Location || Ruins
Currently || Looking at the carriage
Mentioned || Vampunk Vampunk
Interactions || Nobody
Devyn had completely missed where she was supposed to be, so she had spent much of the morning wandering around. After making a few circles, she noticed Aerika walking towards a caravan. The girl quietly followed behind. She wore what she always wore, with her cloak covering the things she had underneath: A backpack filled with tools and some simple building materials and ammo and explosives (she threw the food out), and her completed cannon. She could build simple things with them, and they could be improved with magic... surely there would be a magician... right? Devyn got on to the carriage. The caravan driver... he looked extremely joyful. Like, happy enough for Devyn to notice.

The carriage ride was... bumpy. But almost all carriage rides up north were bumpy. Devyn managed to sleep through the whole ride. She work up when she heard the shout: "Halt!" The caravan had stopped. She looked outside the window, glancing at a ruined castle surrounded by an extremely dark forest of pine trees. It looked... magnificent, in a way. As if the castle's aura still remained in its ruins. Aerika stepped out of the carriage. She wore a lot of clothing... why??? Oh, she wasn't a northerner. Devyn hopped out of the carriage, stretching. She looked back at the carriages to see who would step out next.

code by Aukanai Aukanai
Sedna Arnaqi
Ruins - Eager
Having spent the rest of the day buying up some supplies and a hooded, thick-furred cloak, Sedna spent another night in the sparse basement room of the tavern before meeting the caravan with the rest of the crew the next morning. The ride had been... uneasy. More used to boats that land craft, the ride did not agree with Sedna particularly well, and the break to fix the wheel was a welcome one.

While her expression remained stoic, her face had noticably taken on a greenish hue toward the end of the journey. Mercifully, she had managed to keep her composure long enough and she welcomed the solid ground beneath her feet as she stepped down from the carriage she had been riding in. Taking a moment to steady herself and take some deep breaths of the brisk air, she surveyed the scene around her.

She realised the cloak had been a worthwhile purchase - the light wind was bitterly cold, and the ground hard with frost. She was no stranger to the cold seas, but ice and snow wasn't something she dealt with frequently, so while she didn't have the hood up, she still wrapped her cloak a little thighter around her. The castle ruins before her were impressive in their size and stature even with the years of neglect, and Sedna wondered how magnificent it must have been in its heyday. The woods surrounding it were dark and foreboding, the frigid air adding to the ominous feeling that permeated the ruins.

She noticed Aerika, decked out in some cold weather garb of her own. She seemed no worse for wear, and apparently didn't mind the temperature at all as she smiled at the companions getting out of the carriages. She was eager, and Sedna had to admit to herself that her enthusiasm was infectious. She was ready to go and see what this place had in store. And she was ready to get out of this blasted cold.

"Aerika," she said, approaching with a wave. "Let us get out of this cold and see what this place has to offer, yes?" She clapped her hands and rubbed them together in an exaggerated display of eagerness - she had learned that such things tended to set people at ease, but as her face still bore her usual impassive expression, it just looked odd. She looked around in an invitation to any of the others who were disembarking the carriages. The pink haired girl had already got out, and Sedna waited for the others as well, casting the occasional furtive glance to Aerika and the castle down the slope.

Interactions & Mentions
Vampunk Vampunk doneanddusted doneanddusted
Nepheline Frostgaar
Lo there do I see my father; Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers; Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning.

Nephie heaved a heavy sigh as she pushed her way out of the tavern, tail between her legs (so-to-speak), growing less and less enthusiastic about reaching her destination with each step. The boarding house had been an unpleasant experience once, and now she would spend another night clutching at her possessions, surrounded by snoring. As she came down the street toward the ramshackle building, she could see a lively scene out front. People were talking, drinking, two were even wrestling in the street. It was shaping up to be another restless night. Pushing her way to the front desk, she was only slightly surprised to find even the proprietor a little tipsy. She was much angrier when she learned that he'd rented her bed out from under her.

Slamming her fist down on the counter, she yelled louder than she had to over the din. "I paid you for two ..."

Nephie nearly toppled over as an argument nearby got physical, sending a burly, moustached, redheaded man, and a half-tankard of ale, tumbling into the already frustrated young woman. When the the man and the half-orc woman who pushed him began laughing instead of apologizing, it seemed only fair to throw the first punch. The half-orc woman threw the last, but it was the inn-keeper who threw her out. Somehow she suspected she wouldn't be seeing her copper piece again ...

With her eye pounding, and the ale quickly turning into a sticky, smelly sheen, a beet-red Nephie stormed out of town and into the woods just past the wall. Finding a small creek, and a modicum of privacy, she struck a campsite. After getting a fire going, she washed the dried ale from her skin and her equipment, then dried everything by the fire. Making up for the previous night, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep while the western sky was still edged with azure.


A good night's sleep did Nephie a world of good, and she woke the next morning with newfound resolve ... although her eye was hurting. She met everyone at the gate at the appointed time, explaining to anyone who asked about her eye that is wasn't any of their business. Having provided ample proof of her social awkwardness thus far, she opted to take the lookout seat next to the old man at the reigns. He'd seemed like the quiet type at first glance, and it was better than being stuck in a big wooden box with that tall woman. Possibly thankful for the quiet, or the company, he'd offered her a swig from his flask as the air turned chill. Though the cold just felt like home to Nephie, she accepted his offer. She suspected it would help more with the ride than the cold. It seemed like hours more before the carriage finally rolled to a halt amid the ominous trees, brooding fir and pine looming all around. Just north of the road lay the valley, and the fort within. A mighty structure, it's towers and walls still stood mostly intact, icicles lining the windows and archways like the thousand needle-sharp fangs of some hellish, shapeless conglomeration of maws.

Nephie felt a fluttering in the pit of her stomach, and found herself staring off at the old fort long after the order to dismount had been given. Was this really a good idea? Should she maybe mention to someone she was shite with a sword? Sucking in a deep breath, she released it slowly, and hopped down onto the frozen soil. Stretching for the first time since that morning, it was long moments before she relaxed again, straightening out her armour and pulling her heavy cloak around her legs. Peering down the slope to the valley floor, she scanned the forest and the large, stone edifices for any hint of what may lie ahead. Waiting until most of the party had disembarked, Nephie started down the slope to the fort at a cautious pace, more for fear of slipping than an ambush.

Lo, they do call me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.
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Wolfwood spent most of the night with in his room at the Inn, spending the time altering between sleeping and meditating. He did this up until a bit before dawn, which is when he finally left his room to head up towards the area he had overheard the group talk about meeting up in the morning.

He sighed softly, keeping to himself at the back of the carriage, not speaking to anyone else there. He would occasionally glance at them, but did nothing else. As he did, he overheard the one who proclaimed that they not only had arrived at their destination, but to get out of the carriage. He sighed a bit as he slowly left the carriage, on the opposite side. He slowly adjusted the hood on his cloak, taking his walking staff as he did.

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