Collins Academy

Some people are lost and confused, roleplay is supposed to be fun and yes the craziness was great at first. But now we are starting to simmer down and get to know eachother's characters. I do not want to be a spoil sport or make enemies barely a week before I have joined. I love this RP and I do NOT want to have to resort to asking you people to take a break. I cannot be here to babysit anyone either. So PLEASE keep things on track EVERYONE WILL BE IN THE CAFETERIA! Don't hate me. Coyotry is female always has been since she was born and there are now teachers in the room. So now can we post replies a little more organised? PLEASE!? Cuz even I am confused and I have been at this four four years now.
(Sage is leaving for the cafeteria. Get ready women. ) 
(*Saultes * I am sorry we kinda jacked up lets calm down and talks for a few minutes)
Rae smirked at the kiss turning on his heel and walking to the cafeteria (Prepare your feels everyone)
{God ~Face desk~}

(Lol intresting)

Sage stands there. I was just played wasn't I. He frowns for a few minutes then turns to walk into the cafeteria, but first putting on his clothes. 
(Okay everyone is going to the cafeteria. Once were ther everyone should be good and we can get organized)
Rae arrives at the caf decided to take a seat at a table with a group of girls and a gigantic wolf slipping his hair out of his face he spoke "Hi,I'm Rae and your all gorgeous"
Liz turns to Crona who had just approached the table. She stares for a few second then smiles. "you fainted earlier are you feeling ok." she asked
"Hello, I'm Viol and I know I am." Viol grinned at Rae, mischief twinkling in her eyes. As much as Viol hated these kind of men, she did love to see their reactions to things.
Crona looks at him, tilting her head to the right, quirking an eyebrow, as if she was going to ask a question, Hi- yah I am Crona, But you can call me Crow," She says cheerfully, then gets a sly thought in her head," Your nose is kinda big isn't it," She states bluntly.
"I'm glad you know because I wasn't talking to you" Rae rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the other's at the table 
"My nose isn't big,but your head is" Rae retorted laughing to himself and the big headed girl with unkempt hair "and you should probably wash your hair soon,a bird is going to make a nest in there sooner or later"
Liz looks to the one person she feels safe talking to. "uh Coyoty do you think we should listen to what the ladies are talking about because it seems rather important." she hints hoping the people around her would listen. The wolf at Coyoty's feet was starting to freak her out a bit and the loud noise was making her anxious.
Crona lets out a small laugh," Says the man who can fit the titanic up his nose and still have room for the empire state building," She retorts a edge of venom in her voice. She was already trying to figure out where she could get some roman candles, and a jar or goat urine. But still she smiles like what he said didn't bother her.
Coyoty glanced at Rae and then over at Viol and at last down at Zephyrus who was snoozing pecefully. Jerk she thought to herself unintentionally flicking out a set of large wolf ears and pulling them back. Her mother glanced around noticing the teachers having arived it was time to act serious.

"Okay guys, welcome to Collins Academy, I am Mary and this is your headmistress Mindi." It seemed almost impossible for Mary to be addressing the short tiny girl as the headmistress Coyoty also commented unlawfully at it with a laugh.

Mary grinned and continued. "Your teachers this year, Um, Manly man, As your physical education coach, Presly Sirine as your communication arts teacher, Makise Kurisu as your science teacher." "Bang." Makise responded to that as Mary paused. "And of course we have Renyair your history teacher, and the Aoi Kaji, Tasukomri Len, and Ousaki Shinabo as your musik teachers. May you have a welcomed happy year here at the school and if you ever get hurt do not hesitate to stop by the infirmary."

Mindi stood forward and suddenly looked like a demon had possessed her. Even Coyoty jumped back slightly. "All of you will be nice to one another and you will not be having any type of relations on campus if you want and seriously feel the need to do that kind of thing take it off campus. Rules of the school are STRICTLYenforced if anyone of you break the rules I will not hesitate to put the fullest extent of punishment upon you." Suddenly the demon look was gone. "Also this is Allen and Sirius your dormitory presidents, if they kill you or injure you it is not their fault. Please enjoy your stay you may go to your dormitories now." Mindi jumped off stake Jack staring at her like she was twelve.

"Well I guess we get to go to the dormitory," Coyoty said a smirk across her face, how evil would it be to mention she had one of the biggest rooms in all the dorms and shared that big room with dormitory president under special request from dormitory president. She went through a few real quick endings to that and decided against mentioning anything. Allen returned to her just as she stood, the girl was still recovering over the major blush Mindi had brought upon her by mentioning her and her brother like that.


Mr. Manly got up from his seat and gave the student body a booming laugh. "I will make sure you all learn the art of manliness!" Mr. Manly gave a few poses, showing off his bulging muscles. Grinning in a very manly way, Mr. Manly sat back down in his seat with a very weird twinkle in his eyes. What a passionate man..
{Umm... everyone is int he cafeteria. now they are disbursing into the dormitory I recommend just being in a dorm room of your choosing one of the characters will be bound to walk in with you in here, and insta roomate ^*^ Group dorms are fun...}
Aetherius awoke sleepily and stretched. "Time to go to school." He thought sluggishly. He rolled over and stood up, that's when his eyes met the calender, which was right beside the clock. "Dammit!" He said as he slammed his fist against the wall. "I slept through the entire day!" He looked around his room, pondering what to do next. He walked over to his wardrobe, and dressed himself in his school uniform. "I guess I'll have to improvise..".

Aether grabbed his bag, along with his kitten Kyria, and headed outside. The night was beautiful, and quiet. Just the way he liked it. After a bit of walking, he stopped at the front doors of the school, admiring its architecture. He took a deep breath, and attempted to open the door. To his distraught, it was locked. He hung his head, defeated. "Great." he muttered.

Aether's eyes widened and he set his kitten down beside him, instructing her to stay still. He then rummaged around in his bag for a set of lock picks, he pulled two out, and within a minute he had the door open. He picked up his bag along with Kyria, and marched triumphantly through the door. Shutting the door behind him, he followed the signs up to the Male dormitory.

He walked through the dark hallway as Kyria meowed impatiently. He opened a door, and found that it was empty. He looked around the room and shrugged, figuring this was as good as any. Aether set his bag down beside the bed, and shut the door. He pulled out a small can of tuna, which Kyria immediately began purring for. Aether smiled warmly and gave the can to Kyria.

Aether sat down on the bed, absent-mindedly dragging his knife lightly across the wall. "Maybe I won't have to kill anyone this year.." He thought sleepily. Aether stretched and put his knife away, before putting the blanket over him and going to sleep. "Now I just have to pretend like I've been here the whole time, and didn't break in.." He thought as he dozed off.
Liz followed the rest of the girls to the dorm. Coyoty seemed to already have a room "thank you for the help I'll hopefully see you around." she waved and headed down the hallway the rest of the girls were going. Everyone seemed to be taking rooms close to the front of the hallway so she moved away from the crowd and walked towards the end until she was away from everyone.

Turning the door to a room she sucked in a breath hoping no one was already in here and to her relief the room was empty and quiet. With one last look out into the hallway to make sure no one was coming she went in closing the door and turning on the lights. Breathing a sigh of relief she was finally alone. She sat down on one of the beds and looked out the window into the courtyard, dropping her bag down next to her feet.

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