Collins Academy

(I will take this as A Yes)

Sage grins like a sadistic bastard," I guess, so," He proclaims, loosening his tie and throwing it onto the bed. He blinks twice, studing Rae, as if he was an interesting piece of art. It took all it will power not to grab him throw him on the bed and pretend to make babies with him. I wonder how he taste. Lust gleans in his eyes. 
(Okay I will get crona down there and Sage will get down there in a few minutes.)

Crona gets up, the image of thee naked boy still in her mind. She blushes at deeply, as a fire truck. She walks into the cafetiere and lets out a nice yell," HELLO PEOPLE OF SOME UNIVERSE," She gleams with hyperactive pride. She grabs a chair and sits down in it,putting her feet on the table.
Rae walked up to Sage "Kiss me " he said seductively pulling the boys tie so that they were pressed together body to body and Rae slowly trailed his finger up and down Sage's chest
(I shall make Renyair appear)

Renyair walks into the cafeteria also, giving his sister a glare before sitting down as far away from her as possibly. Yet, he can't help but chuckle at her. She was his sister after all. God why are we blood related? Am I anything Like her? He ponders this for a moment. Nah.
((Oh okay! :) thank you ^^" I didn't know))


Viol looked up at Liz and gave her her usually charming smile. "Hello Liz, I'm Viol." Viol patted the seat next to her, gesturing for Liz to sit down. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Viol took Liz's hand and kissed it gently, the same way she did to Allen. Girls, after all, deserved to be treated like princesses.
(My brain just broke.)

Sage's cheeks then turn bright red. This is sudden. But besides the shock he was completely tempted to. So, thats what he does, gently cupping Rae's face in his hands. He lends down and kisses him, his soft lips against his barely brushing them at first, the enveloped in his. After the kiss he breaks away," Okay," He dumbly states. His body feeling like a firework fixing to exsplode
Liz looks to Coyoty with confusion. She wasn't much into social standard but this definitely hadn't happened to her before. She uh nodded and turned her attention back to the lady who was speaking trying to calm the blush rising to her cheeks. She then looked over to Coyoty trying to catch her eye in an unspoken question.
Coyoty smiled at Viol and Liz both happy they were getting along. "I am obviously Coyoty and below me is Zeph." She felt coy and strange mentioning his nickname unaware the vulger boy had already shown his naked self to Viol and made a bad impression on her. As far as she knew Viol had not even met the incredibly immature boy.

Mary approached Renyair her arms crossed over her chest. "Sir I was looking for you an hour ago, where were you?" She almost demanded, she above anything was his boss and without being a bitch she wanted to know what was going on, she was not the only one with close relations to students.

Soon in walked Presley her longish curly blackish hair and pale skin framed by her black glasses and warm smile, Makise, a woman quiet looking reddish hair and a lab coat on, and not one but three male teachers, one with blonde hair, one with red and another with incredibly deep blue hair. They stood beside a very strange looking man, he looked incredibly buff. Presly looked like a twig compared to him. She looked up at him her brown eyes going wide. "Um hi." she said to the man her voice almost to soft for human ears to hear. (This would be manly man.)

Lets try to stay on track guys. please?

Crona pushes her bangs out of her face and walks over to Liz, Coyoty, and Voil smiling, as if she had a bucket full of secrets ready to be told," Hi-Ya I'm Crona," She says, holding out her hand for someone to shake.
Viol hid a little smirk as she noticed how Liz was looking at Coyoty. "Yo! Coyo!" Viol called the man, waving at him to come over. "Come here!" Viol smiled brightly as she gestured for Coyoty to come closer to the two girls. Winking at Liz, Viol pushed her hair back as she waited for Coyoty to come by. 
((Wait. I'm confused. Coyoty is a male right? *puzzled*))
{Eh- wHAT Okay new rule... MUST read ALL applications! Cyoty is female... V_V Allen is the one mistaken for a guy...}
" I was helping my sister getting settled," He tells Mary even though it was a bold face lie," So, what have you been doing for the last hour?" He ask in a matter of fact tone, shaking his head slightly. He was feeling a bit moody, because he was almost out of Pixie Stixs. He takes an orange one out and eats the sugary goodness into his mouth, smiling like a deep pain he was having disappeared. His throat tingling with the feel of the contents moving down this throat, so smoothly.

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