Collins Academy

Mr. Manly stopped pole dancing as the music stopped. He watched as two boys fought over another student in amusement. Kids nowadays... Chuckling in a very manly way, Mr. Manly continued strolling around the school, humming the sexy music lightly. Once in awhile the macho teacher would do a random sexy dance move when he felt like it, but Mr. Manly always did it in a manly kind of way.

"Hands on me~" Mr. Manly did a pelvic thrust before placing his hands on his bulky butt and slowly trailing it up his back and onto his very strong pectoral muscles.
"Gah ugh ah." he said speechless as his neck was licked. A bright blush played upon his cheeks as his hands opened and closed. "Oh Demon Lords." he said and pulled his hood over his face embarrassed. 'I think, I'm in heaven.' he said let out a giggle.
Sage looks into Rae's eyes, but says no words. I like you, maybe I should make you work for a little bit. He smiles, his eyes twinkling with mischief," Then, I might as well introduce myself," He stops to lets out a chuckle," I am Sage," He tells the boy in front of him," But I think I got to go," He turns way from him and starts walking inside the school.

Crona moans, her heading hurting, yet she was still unconscious. I guess seeing a gut naked will do that to a girl like her.
Mary grabs a hold of Rea slowly and glares at him. "Sir, there will be no feeding eating snacking or love making on campus!" She said her green eyes softenig in glare. "Get to your dorms all of you! NOW!" She rested her voice slowly returning to her normal calm nature and begun walking back up to the school.

"Everyone!" Mindi yelled at the top of her lungs. "There will be a meeting in the cafeteria in twenty minuets and physicals are tomorrow! Entrance ceremonies are the day after that please make your way IN AN ORDERLY fashion to the cafeteria!

Allen's face blushed lightly, she could clearly tell that this girl thought she was a boy, and not likign Zephyrus? that was indefinitely a first. Don't just like me because I sound like a cute boy she thought helplessly to herself but with Zephyrus as her audience. He smirked lowly and grinned unable to bare it. "Uh miss, I hate to alarm you but that hand belongs to a girl." He said making Allen punch him in the gut so hard he stumbled back slowly, enough to hear Mindi's cafeteria call.

"Guess you are needed in the cafe haqll miss huntress." Zephyr whispered looking at Viol and Allen both. Allen growled lwoly hearing the call but not wanting to move. "Alright, well I am Allen, and this is Zephyrus um, you can follow us to the cafe hall.

Coyoty tossed her head slightly to the right seeing Liz walking up to her. "Why hello." She says slowly noticing, feeling the girl's distress, it almost looked like she'd been run over by car. "You look incredibly fumbled." She said pulling out her hand to yank the girl back from Sirirus chasing after someone. "Gods this place is getting busy." She heard the Cafeteria call. "Well come with me to the cafe hall and we will get things situated. Okay..? Sorry things are so hectic, I am Coyoty." She holds out her hand now for a shake. 
"Bye handsome" Rae responded and looked back at the teacher dropping Ayra hearing the news "NO LOVE MAKING?!" Tears brimmed Rae's eyes "She can't be serious can she?"
Liz sighed thankfully and gave her a small smile. "Thank you so much I'm Liz and uh I'm new here." she shook her hand lightly and looked around at the crazy scene. "I hate to be a bother but I don't exactly know where the cafeteria is." she said carefully.
(Wait isn't Lic carring Crona) 
Sage makes his way over to the cafeteria, humming a like melody that wouldn't escape his mind. Still only in his boxers. The word 'Lovely" proudly showing on his firm butox. His blue hair falling gracfully into his eyes, but he quickly pushes his it away. His goldenly tanned skin gleaming brightly.
Viol flashed the girl in front of her a soft smile. "Of course I know that. How can such a gorgeous creature be a disgusting man?" Viol glanced over to the head mistress and sighed. Glaring at the man, Viol recalled her mother's words.

"Make friends, Viol. Be nice."

Viol groaned and frowned at the man. "Anyway, I'm Viol la Belle." Said Viol jogged a little to catch up with Allen and Zephyrus. Viol seemed to have to sides of herself, one side that was sweet and charming to the female population, and the other side that was dangerous and angry to the male. Men are a disgusting species. Viol huffed, but kept a smile on whenever she looked at Allen.
Allen listened to the girl quite flattered by her approach. She hated men, if only she knew Allen wanted to be one then things would have gotten slightly interesting. "beautiful name. Allen Ani. That's mostly it, but I assume your parents liked you more then mine." Allen was not trying to send a sob story Viol's way, she was simply trying to make sure she had known facts right.

Her brother had basically raised her, this only she could remember and she remembered him calling her his Allen Ani just like that, she was told her parents had named her something different but she never cared enough to know what it was that they named her because she loved her bother so much.

"So you hate men, incredible. You should meet Coyoty." Zephyrus said and then like that he was off throwing himself around the campus like a maniac. Allen jerked but pulled back deciding to let her brother take care of it.

Coyoty smiled warmly throwing her jet-black red-tipped hair behind her shoulder saving Liz from another boy running rampage. "Uh, it is quite alright, I will be able to take you. I know this place forwards and backwards." She dropped the end of her voice trailing like she was not completely finished with her statement. She wasn't but what kind of impression would she make if she had just blurted out her mother was sister of the person who owned the school and not only that but queen as well.

Now a good one, that was for sure. She threw her head to the side watching her mother reprehend a boy making him look like a wet dog. "Today is so hectic much worse then previous years, where is Zeph?" She wondered to herself saying it aloud though and looked to the side taking Lizi's hand once she assumed the place was clear enough to walk. They got halfway across the first sidewalk wen a silver haired boy knocked straight into Coyoty knocking her clean to the ground.

"S- sorry Cyo!" Sirius said shooting his head up watching his prey run about. "Zephyr put some daymn cloths on more then just boxers you idiot!" He yelled and darted off of Coyoty like she was his own personal catapult. She grunted looking at Liz. Then she stood brushing off her dust covered uniform. "Sorry about that." She smiled slowly returning to take Liz to the cafeteria.

Mary nodded her head and pointed at Rae. "You best bet I am serious." She said her green eyes holding hatred in them without entirely meaning what they held. "Alright Mary, go, go take care of your pixie stick loving daytime assistant." Mary's face twisted slightly, her assistant loved pixie sticks? How on earth would she be able to cope with that? She had no idea what to say so she just went looking for this said pixie loving man. Thinking the whole way what a jerk she must have been.

Mary walked and inside the cafeteria she saw a boy with blue hair, this one looked familiar to her, she sighed quickly and approached him she handed the boy his pants and shirt. "Put some clothes on Sage." She said shaking her head and returning to her search. She sighing the whole way now. two strippers, two gay men this place is getting more interesting by the minuet.
Liz turned and watched as the boy ran off her heart beating fast and her cheeks turning colors. It had taken half a second him accidently running into the only person she kind of knew and she was all flustered over some stupid boy. She shook her head of foolish thoughts and returned her attention back to Coyoty still blushing. "uh its fine are you ok? and who was that?" she asked as an afterthought secretly really wanting to know.
(well since my love interest is gone let's start on the bestfriend thing)

Rae huffed and began walking singing to himself


"I have an interesting name, but it doesn't suit me." Viol muttered, catching onto the small hint of Allen's past. "Yours, however, seems to match up with you perfectly." Viol smiled at Allen, brushing back her blonde hair from her face. "

Viol glared at Zephyrus. "I don't hate men. I just hate men like you." Viol frowned and turned her head back to Allen. "Girls are a lot nicer than you." Viol recalled the many boys that asked her out before she came to Collins Academy. Most of them were the same boys that bullied her as a child. They just want money. Viol let out a low growl as they entered the cafeteria. Clearing her throat, Viol stared up at the headmistress before giving her a polite bow and continuing on her way.
Coyoty smiled shortly trying not to assume the worst. "Oh that... that was Sirius He is male dormitory head and watcher of the school, he and his sister make sure the school is safe for humans and other creatures." Her smile faded as she paused slowly resting her thoughts making sure she was not swimming. "Oh and he is a player, I actually do not think I have ever seen him in a serious relationship. Huh, pun..." She took Liz to the cafeteria now.

The cafe hall as it was called was just that, a large hallway with different walks of life stands everywhere, there were three long tables stretching from one end to the other in between the shops to cater to the different walks of life. Each one had a year stamp on it. No one really paid attention to that since lunch hour was always together anyway. Lunch was one of the more or less hectic times, hundreds of students in a grand hall that echoed whenever you spoke. The only reason Coyoty liked lunch was because everyone shut up for jack, mainly because no one had a reason and now she caught sight of the boy, short black hair black suit towel over his arm glaring like it was his normal expression.

She grinned watching the tiny headmistress standing between Jack her older taller sister. She took Liz to an Empty seat and Zephyrus came lying at her feet as a wolf upon her command. "This place is really great though there are some people who are snobs here. Don't worry though they get straightened up, one session with the musik teachers and everyone gets straightened up."

Allen caught sight of Coyoty and saw Zephyr but tried to ignore it, perhaps the girl will not remember. Coyoty is not bad anyway. She thought to herself pointing to Coyoty who seemed to be making Small talk with a blonde. "Why don't we sit with her, she is a friend-" Allen was almost done with her statement when she felt hands come down on her shoulders. She jumped freaking out yanking a blade at the boy behind her.

Instantly his hands went up and his eyes closed. This was silver haired Sirius creeping up on his sister the exact why he had with Mindi earlier that morning. "Sorry sis." He said looking at Viol realising almost as instantly as his dark blue eyes met hers that she did not put up with his kind. He then noticed Mindi was motioning towards Sirius and Allen not wanting to leave Viol alone took her to Coyoty and Liz. "Coyoty, Coyoty's friend, this is Viol. Viol, Coyoty the reddish haired girl and the blonde is her friend." Allen was then picked up by Sirius and taken to stand beside Mindi and the others.

"First of all, may I welcome you to this fine academy, is everyone here?" Mindi asked her light brown hair flying around her shoulders as she checked to be sure everyone was there.
Liz smiled at Coyoty and nodded trying to hid her disappointment still slightly infatuated. She looked around amazed at the huge hall and impressed by just how many people where here. Liz felt eyes on her and turned looking at a girl with short silver hair who looked much like Sirius she pointed at Coyoty then turned suddenly. Sirius exchanged a few words with the girl then they came over and introduced the girl Viol to her and Coyoty. She waved shyly as Sirius was standing right in front of her then introduced herself after he had taken the other girl away. "Hi I'm Liz your name is very unique."
{Mary is not going to like that very much Zephyr should fist pump him or something. I can see it now both of them in the stark reading a newspaper... XDDD}
Rae went to his dorm and was pleaseantly surprised to see the yummy boy there "So I take it were dorm mates?,this is going to be a great senior year" he purred

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