Collins Academy

Caricon's head almost popped off. Heart then took off and mauled the boy. Pecking and scratching the boy's face. Caricon then looked at the boy. Yelling Heart flew off the boy.' "Now do you have respect for your superiors," he yelled getting in the boy's face.

(Do I need to tame it down?)
He laughed once again. "Sorry but no. The only superiors I've known have been pieces of shit." He says, an angry tone in his voice. He wasn't lying either. "And besides, I eat stuff like your pet for breakfast." He said, while his eyes narrowed and he gave a mischievous fox grin.

(Nah its fine. What is Heart btw? A bird?)
Actually, there are two hundred vampires and wolves living under our coven roofs as we speak so there are not few immortals dear." Mindi said sitting after appearing from like no where, she had short brown hair to her shoulders possibly a little longer, was pale skinned and held an irritated tone to her perfectly coloured lips. "Thank you Caricorn, that will be all tormenting our students that is the physical education teachers job and the science teachers job too. You may go home."

Mary crossed her arms feeling ashamed of her name she barely ever broke composure but the Flynn boy really was good at pissing people off. She stood coyly from where she was sitting making no arrangements to prior anger. One thing most scary about her was that she stayed in vampire form all the time, her hair never changed colour like it normally would, she like her daughter oozed vampire power without even trying. She grabbed the boy plucking him straight from Caricorns' conversational view and took him into her office away from view. Mindi jumped off the desk she was siting on her silence ringing through the room but her jaw dropped in protest. "Um, I think she is pissed." She blinked her brownish eyes and glanced at Caricorn.

Flynn knew he hated this place. Not even 10 minutes here and he's already in trouble. It's wasn't as though he had done anything wrong...right?

(Thats his job though. Be THAT guy that pisses you off so much you love him. xD )
{Trouble? Trouble is the least of your worries with Mary. She can intentionally scar you for the rest of your existence.}

Mary had calmed a whole lot in the three seconds it took for her to take Flynn into her office all the while shutting the door and tossing Flynn point blank at a chair in the room so he would be forced to sit. She though was still quite a bit pissed, and the reason she was not owner headmistress of the school was her punishing methods. "I know you don't like superiors." She said addressing this matter first, she could not force a person to like what they clearly didn't. But she could make a person respect them more. "So this all the while does not invite you to verbally bash if not piss off our teachers- zip it, I don't care who you are whose scarier then me because I am not going to threaten you, yell at you or get in your face, I am going to say this." She paused trailing around her desk to sit down. "I have seen cats who are stronger then you, dogs who have more balls then you, I have seen rabbits beat the crap out of humans and still stand long enough to tell the story about it. I have never once seen a human get into a fight with a vampire and walk out alive."

At this moment she was thinking of Sirius and the fact he was technically a human, but she was letting her mind get off subject. "It is against coven rules," she leaned over the desk her eyes red and hungry. "To change a human into a vampire be it whatever you were beforehand, but I am coven leader and queen so I do not believe this has to make it to coven headquarters since I am coven head." She narrowed her eyes giving that stare that struck fear into everyone, absolutely no one was not afraid of this stare- no one. "I know you think it would be an absolute ride in the park for you to be changed, but I must tell you being changed is one of the coldest, sickest most painful processes a person could ever in their life to through. And at the end it does not stop there because-" "mum, Mindi told me to come I here an-" a girl looking just like Mary interpolated opening the door, no sooner had she though Mary was sitting cross legged her eyes returned to green and she was looking at her nails.

"Ah, good of you to come, please take this boy to his room?" Coyoty as she was called confusedly nodded her head and motioned to the boy sitting in the seat. She blinked looking at her mother a moment and felt seriously confused. Mary though looked at the boy her eyes flashing red (she's using a power here unfortunately it's technically goddmodding but.... I dunno what to do I am nothing like Mary, xD ) "you will NOT voice to a single soul what has happened in hear or your voice will be removed." She smiled at the end of her statement. Coyoty simply blinked unaware of what just happened.

"Ah okay mum, well you should be getting to her soon, you need your rest." The girl speaking named Coyoty did look a lot like Mary but her hair was increasingly curly, it was sort of straight at the top flowing down into curls and as the curls happened the hair turned blood coloured red contrasting brightly against her dark black uniform. She also had pale skin but unlike her mother had virtually colourless eyes.

{I kinda decided for you, Coyoty shall be your mate Flynn. ^~^ I like her mother and she's just like her mother in her demon form so... If you dun like it we can message eachother sorry it took so long I am passing out.}
He remained silent throughout the entire speech. He was in no mood for this. He had his reasons for acting the way he did. As if those insults could hurt me. He thought. He had heard far worse throughout his childhood.
Coyoty glanced at Flynn her eyes tracing back to her mother a few times, she could not see any kind of pain, hurt or scared eyes in him, there was just nothing about the boy that seemed he bought whatever her mother was selling. She was not going to preach to him about it, she had seen and been threatened far worse by her father, whatever Mary's threats were. "You alright?" She dared ask her shyness kicking in, around normal people she was fine, open opinionated and free willed, he seemed like the type though to verbally bash her and she did not want that.

She blinked pulling her ears back and waving her hand in front of his face. She tilted her head her curls falling over her shoulder slightly, she was not sure what to do, technically females were not allowed in the male dormitory. She guided him out of Mary's office though to see if there was something about her mother he didn't like, perhaps she was using some sort of power against him. He did not and had not said a single word, Mary stopped them though.

"You will have a one week suspension, after school I believe you call it that, here we call it supplementary classes, think about how you treat our teachers Flynn, and Coyoty you will watch him." Coyoty's ears perked up suddenly. "EXCUSE ME!?" She demanded rudely, "what do I look like some sort of baby sitter!?" Growling Mary had enough and waved her hand, not in a full of herself way but a "my mind is made up and I will not argue" kind of way and have that frustrated look.

Some people just couldn't be tamed.
"Hmph..."he grunted, crossing his arms. Trouble seemed to follow him, no matter where he went. It wasn't like he directly insulted the teacher, was it? The cat he mentioned happened to be a possessed cat he ran into when he was little...he ended up getting scratched and bit by it, and as a kid, that could scare you. And he meant what he said about all his previous superiors had been shit. He had been shunned, beaten and insulted by them. He looked around him and sighed. Why was his luck so bad...?
"We were too." Coyoty said without realising what she was responding to, it was not like she tried to read minds or purposely grabbed the sides of people's head and pulled an xmen on them, she personally hated the fact people's thoughts were to free, they practically asked to be read. She looked down "I am supposed to be taking you to your room, are you going to respond?" Her patients was lacking slightly with him.

They slightly turned and passed the office where Mindi was turning off all the lights for the evening. She smiled at the woman gesturing to a solid white wolf below the woman's feet which stood and went to her side obediently. "Night aunt Mindi." She mouthed smiling at the woman again. The wolf sniffed Flynn and started a low growl at him. He hated foxes always thinking they were better then they were, he was a wolf and one at that whom did not put up with bull crap, he was also a vampire and if his pronounced red eyes did not say that his furrowing in a blue hue fur would.
He hissed at the wolf. "What's your problem?" He growled. He just wanted to get to the dorm and get some peace and quiet.
"You smell like a fox." The wolf returned, his voice mystified like a ghost, or perhaps something more. Coyoty closes her eyes shaking her head. "Zeph," she asks opening her eyes and grabbing the wolf by a solid black collar with a blue fire emblem on it. "Do you hit on everyone you talk to?" She asked tossing him to the side and glancing back at Flynn. "So. My mum spoke to you, you alright?" She asks poking him.

{she's got no social skills}
Caricon smiled at the vampire before walking out of the school slowly. He walked to the edge of the park and sat down. "Home sweet home." He then began to unpack his briefcase filled with clothes and food.
Mindi crossed her arms over at some tree a few inches from Caricon "no home? Well it did not say THIS on your resumé." She said her eyes looking around the park. "Surely this cannot be what you consider a home, there are motels and apartment suites all over the city you could stay there." Technically the school was rich the people were rich who entered the school, and every oddity that entered was just that.

{dunno how to respond to Flynn these short responses are killing me KILLING ME!!!}
Mindi crossed her arms over at some tree a few inches from Caricon "no home? Well it did not say THIS on your resumé." She said her eyes looking around the park. "Surely this cannot be what you consider a home, there are motels and apartment suites all over the city you could stay there." Technically the school was rich the people were rich who entered the school, and every oddity that entered was just that.

{dunno how to respond to Flynn these short responses are killing me KILLING ME!!!}
Caricon smiled at the woman, but truly he was saddened. "I got a few hundred dollars," he then frowned again. "In roman money." He then pulled out a handful of pure golden roman coins. "Unless your hotels accept money thousands of years old. And I bet I have the only coins that aren't in the ground or in a museum." He then signed. "I haven't lived inside sense electricity was invented."

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