Collins Academy

Ava walked up to the dorm that she was assigned to. She was packing relatively light, as she didn't have very much clothing to begin with, because there wasn't very much of a need for it in a forest. Luckily, the invitation letter included a skirt, blouse, and underwear, some of which was very unfamiliar to her. On the trip over she had bought one or two more sets of clothing, which all were very neutral coloured. Carrying her tree, she walked into the dorm. Seeing that there was another girl in there, Ava set down her tree next to a desk that she assumed would be hers and walked over to the girl. She had horns and a spaded tail. "Hi," she said somewhat softly, using what her mother would call a 'forest voice' , "What's your name? Mine is Ava."
Liz looked up kind of shocked to see someone else. "Uh Liz." she said softly. People in general usually scared her and she looked over at the tree the girl had set down by her desk. She looked up again at the girl standing in front of her and blinked a few times. "Why did you bring a tree." she asked bluntly not fully aware that the statement itself was kind of rude.
"Oh," Ava answered, "I adopted it about 30 years back. I give it some of my magic and life force and in return it grows fruits or anything that it thinks will help me. And when it turns into a dryad, I'll be sort of like a mother." She smiled.
{As have I and I don't want to spoil anything but group dorms are ment so characters are stuck in fixes like this but I have Kirghiz ill use her to fill that spot for Viol is that alright with you guys? And sorry I am sick so....}
Liz nods and turns back to her stuff starting to unpack the few things she has. She is glad the bed comes with a comforter and sheets because she didn't pack any. She notices that Ava is still looking at her. "I promise I'll stay out of your way my mom use to say that I was in the way a lot." She says quietly smiling at Ava then gets back to work putting her clothes in her drawer.

{I want to make a super genius murder character...}


This is Kirghiz, Sorry I only have her demon form.

A purple haired girl started running onto campus. She was pulling behind her a bag with weals, she huffed already knowing she was late. "Crap!" She whispered racing to get to her dorm. She had woken up late and needed to get to school that way. "Why didn't she wake me up when she got here!?" she raced up to her room and noticed there was someone else in there already. Mary had already told her where her dorm was before she left but the girl fell asleep as soon as the sun rose.

"Can I hate being me now?" She asked pulling the brads pulling her hair up out of her hair and looked around. Everything was weird, she tried using the bed that was empty but it was strange how everything was already in here. Normally she would be alone, "Someone in here?" She asked standing running her fingers through her extra long curly hair. She was alsways judged for it but she loved her hair, almost everyone in her family did. She checked the closet noticing cloths already in there. "Normal cute clothing." She grinned "Perhaps this one has taste." She giggled lightly "Hello?" She continued
"Oh no, you're not in the way," Ava said, smiling, "If anything, when my bed starts to grow leaves and such, please try not to be offended. It just happens when I come into prolonged contact with wooden things. It can be a bit of a trouble so, I just need to warn you now." She laid down on her bed. "The forest is so far from here. This is the first time I've been in an actual building, did you know that? I don't like it. It's too artificial."
Liz eyes widened as she set her remaining things down on her desk and then sat back down on her bed. "I'm going to be honest with you I havnt really had any friends and I really don't understand a lot of the friendship responsabilities." She said looking out the window again the moon was shining bright in the sky and she knew that the full moon was coming. The idea of a full moon relieved her because that meant she was a good way away from a new moon and that's when her demon half really liked to show.
(I have returned!)

Sky got up and went back to his dorm that he shared with that Yummy boy "I wonder where Sage is now,That kiss was sweeter than candy" He thought outloud
"That's fine," Ava said, "I really haven't had much time with other people outside of chance encounters in the forest." She paused, thinking about something. "If I ever have time I'll tell you a story, okay?" She walked over to the windows where Liz was. "A full moon," she said, "Good if you're a demon, bad if you're a werewolf."
((Oh I'm sorry! ^^" I didn't notice...what happened? QAQ))

Mr. Manly picked up the phone and dialled down a number with a very serious expression on his manly face. "Hello? Jenniman, honey? It's me Pectoralman!" Mr. Manly was sparkling with manly joy when he heard his wife's deep masculine voice. "How are the mankids doing?"
((I'm...confused..? Whatever I'll just do my thing))

Viol turned to the new girl and brightened up, she was a little hurt with what the boy had said in the cafeteria, Viol was just joking around and he insults her. I guess that's what she gets... "Oh, hello there." Viol smiled softly at the new girl. "I'm Viol, would you do me the honour of knowing your name, princess?" Viol got down on one knee and took the girl's hand, bringing it up to her lips and kissing it softly.
Kirghiz almost purple eyes went wide. "i- I am not a princess." She said frankly thinking the girl was serious about calling her a princess. "My cousin is though, perhaps-" She cut herself off reasoning was was going on and now she felt thick-skulled. "Uh, Kirghiz." She said blinking nearly a hundred times. She was wondering where her said cousin was now but wondered if this girl was going to be her roomate, she matched the size of the cloths in the closet. "Are you in room 212? (First numver =floor second =acrtual room number i just picked a random one.)

Presely knocked on the door of Mr. Manly's office. She felt like a twig even still here more them twenty feet from him. She wondered what it would be like if he had met poor jessie (her son) and her wife. Blinking she was unaware what to say, Mary asked her to check up on him to make sure he was settling okay but he looked distressed. Presely was begging in the back of her mind for there to be a different person for this job. Makise always looked manly, she was like a tree compared to Presely then again everyone was, she was just this tiny cat girl with almost no back bone unless she was threatened with her life. (Also can I have a picture of Manyly man? I need to put him on the staff list)

Coyoty sat reading her English book. "Why do we have to go to school?" she asked a sigh passing her lips again for at least the twelfth time. Allen sighed closing her ice coloured eyes.

"Because weather we like it or not your aunt decided to make a school and your mother enforces it, besides that isn't it nice to be outside of your palace your majesty?" Allen jokidly asked tossing her coat halfway across the room forcing it to land on a chair laying by an empty closet. neither Coyoty nor Allen had much use for it since when they were not here at the school they were in their shirts as pajamas or in the hunters academy where Coyoty;s mother worked in the summer.

"You onow seeing as though I have not been HOME since I was 16 yeah, i kinda miss it."

"Oh, you mean your first sixteenth birthday?"

"Shut up."

"I will not!"

The girls wound up laughing over their tiny argument and then Allen bowed to her, "Well your grace I will be leaving to make sure everyone has their dorms set up I shall leave the door open at your commanded." Allen joked barely refraining herself from laughing Ember rolled her eyes and waved her hand.

"yeah just leave the door open no one is going to wanrder up here." She hoped no one would, but then again she could pretend this was not her room even though she was sitting on a bed reading a book like it was her room. She closed her eyes throwing her head back thinking of a quick excuse- just in case. And returned to her book.
Liz nodded "Yeah you can probably tell." she said motioning to her tail and horns. "I'm half demon half human." Liz turned for the door and started heading towards it. "I'm just going to go for a little bit I'll see you later." Liz closed the door behind her as she began quickly walking down the Hall hopefully being able to talk to the head mistress about a few things and other and so that she didn't need to socialize anymore.
Ava sat down on the bed for a few minutes, watching a particularly green twig grow out of her bed post. She got off of the bed and walked out of the room and bumped straight into someone.


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