Collins Academy

{ethericalAlchemist Well I shall pick one for you then. Meh I guess. Also would you like Mary to step in and make acomidwtions to the room, everything is made only out of the read stuff so... One more thing, the forest around a the school, doesn't look like it in the picture but a school catering to the various creatures of this world cannot be to city bound}

"Pardon me." A male spoke to Ava with a coy smile on his face. He had white coloured hair and was wearing an all black uniform with a long coat that reached to his knees. Not the normal coat for the school but one for the male dormitory head. The boy nodded with this smile like running into the girl was entirely his fault.

He was just headed off to his dorm hall to make sure everyone was situated this year, but now as he was run Ito he could not help but smell something on the girl. "My you smell pretty," he spoke taking in a good whiff of her as to show her that it was not a joke or an insult. She really did smell nice to him. "Like a rain forest or a good earthy pine forest." He winked at her straightening his tie and held out his hand, "names Sirius Watters and I am a guardian of this school was well as a-" "lay of it." A girl said passing him her nose stuck in a book. The boy almost turned red at the nearly identical girl passing by, she paused though.

"Don't believe the dribble escaping his mouth. He is a player and a joke." The girl grinned closing her ice blue eyes but Sirius shoved her away. He nervously ran his fingers through his hair and on the back of his neck a few times. "Don't say I didn't warn you Ava." The girl then pulled out a paper and marked something on it walking away.
((Accomodations? Like what? Also, That is Zephrus, correct?)) 
((Sorry, That is Sirius,)) 
((Also, I may or may not refer to Ava's blood color as green or red, sometimes even blue. Sorry about this, and interpret it however you will))

Ava blushed green when the boy smelled her. "Umm," she said, "Thank you." She turned, "Wait how did you know my name?" but the girl was gone, and she was alone with Sirius. "I smell that way because I'm a forest spirit. Umm," she stammered getting nervous, this was the one of the first people she had spoken to in the Academy, "Please don't call me a nymph, we try to avoid that because of negative connotations... D-do you want to come into my dorm? I'm sort of new here, well to the world in general, and I'm not entirely sure how things work."
{ethericalAlchemist it's fine both Sirius and Allen's blood is purple and Coyoty's changes from red to back to purple. So.... All is well in my world.^~^ you said that wood was so unnatural for you, Mary can do anything, she owns the school so... And she is queen of the whole country you are in.}

"How I would love to my dear." Sirius said a grin upon his face, then he graced her skin tenderly with his ice cold finger tips. "Please pay no mind to her and let me guide you to your room." With this smile and by takin her hand Sirius guided the girl back to the presumed room that was hers.

"Would this be it my lovely?" He asked as his captivating blue eyes almost staired into her soul. "You said you were a tree spirit back there, and no way would I get you mixed up with those creatures. How... Nice it would be to get to know you better my dear, so sweet graceful, full of life." The end was a strange connection to what he was and what she was they were like on complete opposites of the pole, she was a living creature had to be ancient with knowledge and life being a tree and all. And here he was thinking about how dead he was, no heart beat no real need to actually breathe he was like a walking zombie, only he found himself more attractive of course.
Inside the room....

Mr. Manly skipped around the dorm room, cleaning up the area with his manly powers. "La la la la~" Mr. Manly hummed as he jumped in the air and did a ballerina move before landing on...something. Hearing a crack underneath him, Mr. Manly looked down to see that he had just crushed a small tree into little pieces. "Oops." Mr. Manly began to panic when he heard voices outside of the dorm room. Spotting the window, Mr. Manly jumped through it to avoid being seen by the incoming students. Landing flat on the ground, Mr. Manly swiftly hurried away, leaving no trace that he was there.
((I don't know what's happening QAQ I just quickly read over page 10 so I'm replying now))

Viol smiled charmingly at the girl. "Ah, so you're princess Kirghiz!" Viol let Kighiz's hand fall down to her side as she let go of it gently. "And you're my new room mate!" Viol beamed happily, although Viol would be happy with anyone, as long as their not a deceiving playboy. Cough cough cough, you know who you are, cough cough cough. Actually, Viol was fine with female cougars, just not men. After all the horrid experiences in her past with the male gender, Viol has grown a very large hatred for most boys. Sometimes Viol wondered if she was lesbian... No, Viol still thought guys were hot, just didn't like some of their attitudes.
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((Wait, what? .....ohhh. Wow, I'm slow.)) 
((Wait. Mr. Manly isn't even in his office. He jumped out of Ava's window after destroying her precious tree.))
Ava walked into the room, blushing, "Oh, thank you, I think..." She didn't know if 'full of life' was a compliment, "I- no, no, no, no, not this" She stopped, seeing the remains of the tree. Ava ran over to it, tears forming in her eyes. She picked up the pot that it was in and cradled it, as if she could make it come back to life. She placed her hand on the stump and muttered, her hand glowing green. But it didn't work and the stump stayed a stump. "Fick, Fick, Fick, Fick!" Ava yelled, sobbing, "This was my last memory of him!" She curled up on the floor with the pot and stayed there. 
((And what a precious tree it was. You have no idea what Mr. Manly has just unleashed upon himself.))
{=~= paipai900 I beg of you to pay more attention PLEASE! I posted Presely BEFORE you posted about the tree I would like to address that matter first please. ethericalAlchemist I don't know how to respond I'm trying to undo this I am so confused and slightly frustrated. To both of you I'm sorry if I am being testy I just have not had a good day at all... And worst part is I have no one I trust to talk about It. I don't want your pity I just want a better response please pai can we undo this?}
((I feel like such a horrid person now QAQ and of course. I'm just really confused at the current moment. I've been very busy lately (you know the drill with work and school and stuff) but I will try my best to pay attention.))
{GEAH! I'm nt trying to make you feel horrid terrible bad a jerk or anything! If anything I AM THE ONE who should feel like a jerk and I do... I just. I need a rock and a knife.... ~Serches~}
((Oh, no the first part wasn't for you. Haha! But, I will try my best to keep up. :) Shall we just restart from that part?))
Tell you what, every time I post for you I will include a tag that shows you your part, you will be tagged and can read that over, I can add that to the rules.

I shall entitle it FOR PAIPAI


Also If you would and its okay with the other roleplayer that might be great.
((We shall I guys can choose where we start. I think I speed read through all of it to know the basics of what's going on now :) ))
Mr. Manly climbed into his office through the window, his manly muscles gleamed in the sky as Mr. Manly pulled himself up on the fifth floor of the school. Why does the school have so many levels? Mr. Manly shook himselfnoff and hoped that that tree wasn't important. Hearing someone knock on his door, Mr. Manly sparkled with excitement. Who could it be?! Walking towards the door, Mr. Manly had to duck under the door frame just to see who to was. "Hello there!" Mr. Manly boomed in his deep and masculine voice. His bulging muscles usually scared most people, and it was very surprising to have someone actually willingly knock on his door. Unless it was a dare, like it usually was.
Liz was getting frustrated as she wondered around the hallways completely oblivious and lost she turned a couple times and tried to find the ways back to her dorm but ended up horridly lost and confused. To make matters worse she sensed something evil in the air the kind that had her inner demon dancing and her knees shaking and knocking together.

Beginning to get scared Liz began dashing down a random corridor and noticed it looked just like the hallway her dorm was in but it wasn't. She began pounding on the nearest door her stomach churning and eyes turning red.
"Umm," Ava said, "Thank you, I guess." She sat down on the bed, the small twig unfurling a few leaves in response to her presence. "So, why are you here? I know that there are a few humans here who are just really rich, but don't seem to be that way."
Presly's neko ears perked up and then flattened down as she looekd ath Mr. Man, She was only about 5.0 and ere a tree stood before her almost literally. This was not a dare and she knew she had to be sure that he was doing aright. "Well how are you fairing here in the school?" She asked in her squeaky neko voice. She was not much for talking to people who were not younger then her, she after all being a cat did more meowing and hiding then most and even her wife whom did love her very much had to stand up for her a time and again. Her own son sadly had more a back bone then she did.

she was not scared of his muscles but the father was taller then her. Most people were but rarely ever so rarely they were both taller AND older then she was, she blinked slightly using the corner of the frame of the door to act as a shield in case anything were to happen, she did not want her boy in some tree somewhere.



Sirius looked around the room but his eyes lay on the leaves sprouting from the bed. "You must not be feeling at home." He thought wndering if maybe he sould put some trees, some real life into the room. "Huh?" he asked nodding off like he was sleeping. "Oh, without being ride my dear I am rich but I was disowned from my family, you see we hunters are NOT supposed to become what we hunt. I was asked t be a guardian of the academy three years ago, as was my sister and her best friend..." He trailed off thinking of Coyoty slightly his mind wandering again.

"And what of you sweet? You do not seem like the type to be all held up here." Yes a school for creatures of all type, no not a prison. He stepped into the room looking around it moving his shoulders like he was breathing in a huge breath of fresh air. Why am I lying? he questioned himself silently looking around the room like there was something missing.



{Sadlyimnotbatman I shall be stepping in real fast.}

"Liz?" Coyoty called down the hallway smelling a girl in distress and more importiantly the girl she helped out earlier. Zephyr followed her as she walked down the hallway and before too long she was behind the frantic girl.

"Liz!?" She tapped her shoulder her wolf ears flicking out in the sudden aura change. "A- are you okay?" Zephyr looked up at Coyoty like he was also in distress, where was this painfully dark aura coming from? it was not from her and nor her mother but as far as she knew they were the strongest people there. This aura was not just dark, it was unfriendly, scary and gut wrenching. Coyoty did not like it at all and flicked her tail back and forth in the feeling, looking around as if that would hep her find the source.

Liz turned jumping quickly looking at Coyoty . Her eyes were red and she was shaking. "I feel it unlike you and the lady who was speaking in the cafeteria its evil pure evil. It awakens my bad half I don't like it." Liz shook her head looking around "Its old and evil and looking for someone." Lily's eyes turn back to black as she backs up against the wall looking very tired. "I think you should probably get those who are suppose to protect the school."
"Sort of," Ava said, leaning against him, "But I have a tendency to cause wooden things to grow. Although some trees and maybe some flowers would be nice... No, I can't impose on you like that." She paused, relaxing. "What were you hunting?" She asked, curious. "Oh, I received an invitation letter to the Academy, and I was thinking that I could learn a little bit more about the world, aside from the forest I live in."

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