Collins Academy-Registration

(Hi new here!)

Name:Jennifer Gale

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130

Date of Birth: April 2

Country of origination: Canada

Grade: Sophmore


Family Origination:

Ranking: Average intelligence and a middle class family

Marital Status: Single

Persona:An incredibly friendly person who will help anyone in need. She likes to volunteer and join any clubs she finds fascinating or her friends are in. She can be a bit loud some times. If anyone messes with her friends they're in a world of trouble.

Biography: Jennifer was the youngest in her family which meant that she would speak her mind more often than not. Her father was human while her mother was a witch. She was the only child that had powers. Her father was a stay at home dad while her mother worked. She, to this day, has no idea what her mother does for a living. So she's basically a daddy's girl. Everything she knows is from her father.

Mic:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Akahanna has long, golden blonde hair that she likes to keep straight, and down at all times. Her eyes glow of a bright green, yet when she changes form her eyes turn blood red, her skin white. Her regular skin is a soft, glowing pale. Her body is mostly curvy. She wears black whenever she doesn't need to wear the uniform.

Name: Akahana

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5"4

Weight: 116 lbs

Date of Birth: June 6, 1996

Country of origination: Canada

Grade: Junior

Species: Demon

Ranking: Akahanna is smart in almost every way possible. She can play mind tricks on people, and she is smart with everything related to school. Yet, she gets average grades simply because she finds the things she learns 'too easy', and refuses to do the homework.

Marital Status: Single, never married.

Persona: Akahana may seem like she is flirting with you, but she is not. She has the ability to lure men with her looks, yet she only uses it on humans. She can use it on other species as well, but it is simply pointless. Though, sometimes she does like to toy with people.


Akahana wasn't always a demon. She wasn't always as beautiful as she is now. She used to have brown hair, no curves, and black eyes. But everything changed when she met Kyo. She was young at the time, being only 6 years old. She was playing by herself at the playground, when she noticed a young boy, about the same age. He had dark, black hair and beautiful blue eyes. It felt like you were staring at the ocean when you looked at his eyes. His skin was a soft, pale colour, and he wore a plain white t-shirt, with black shorts. He wasn't wearing shoes. Akahana found the boy extremely attractive and couldn't help but approach him. When she made it to about 2 feet away from him, she decided to say a simple "Hello." The boy was playing in the sand at the time, and he was busy making sand castles. He looked up at Akahana, and acknowledged her. "Hello!" The boy would say quite enthusiastically. Akahana didn't know what else to say, so she simply asked him why he wasn't wearing shoes. "I don't like shoes," he paused, "But I do like you."

Akahana blushed at the boy's phrase and didn't know what to do at that point. But, the boy seemed to. He took her hand, dragging her behind a few bushes, and trees. He looked at her for a while, just staring into her eyes. Akahana did the same. She could do that forever. After what felt like forever, the boy kissed her. It wasn't even just a child-like peck, but a real kiss. She was surprised, as she didn't even fully know what a kiss was, or what it was like. Until now. Yet, the exchange... exchanged more than just saliva. When the boy and Akahana's mouths were both open, she felt a pause, and then couldn't move. She was paralyzed to the boy's lips. A cold, dry feeling swept through her body, and throat as the time passed. What is he doing? She thought.

When it was over, she woke up in her bedroom. She didn't remember anything that happened after that. But she felt... different. Akahana went to the bathroom, and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked completely different. Her hair was golden blonde, her eyes were bright green. Her skin looked more... pale, and almost glowing. Being 6 years old, she dismissed it, as if nothing had happened. But as time passed, she realized she was different. She craved people's souls. And as more time passed, Akahana learned how to obtain them.
Whowh, what happened here? Looks like it exploded... 
Apologies girls....

giygal accepted beautiful skelly.

Kotomi OMG you kill me, beautifully witten just a wonderful skelly and now things are goig to be confusing. I have a character named Akahana... Would you like to be roommates with her? I find this to be interesting but I is up to to entirely dear.
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Whowh, what happened here? Looks like it exploded... 
Apologies girls....
giygal accepted beautiful skelly.

Kotomi OMG you kill me, beautifully witten just a wonderful skelly and now things are goig to be confusing. I have a character named Akahana... Would you like to be roommates with her? I find this to be interesting but I is up to to entirely dear.
Yeah sure! Haha, and thanks! n.n
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Whowh, what happened here? Looks like it exploded... 
Apologies girls....
giygal accepted beautiful skelly.

Kotomi OMG you kill me, beautifully witten just a wonderful skelly and now things are goig to be confusing. I have a character named Akahana... Would you like to be roommates with her? I find this to be interesting but I is up to to entirely dear.
Yay thank you!
No problem! giygal and Kotomi I shall fill out her skelly but for now Akahana is a neko girl, she was born a cat and due to some experimentation (A friends character was a scientist I thought what the hell) She became a human and often changes into a cat but she is incredibly intelligent for a cat.

This is without her ears and tail, with it her hair goes black and stuff.

Name: Akahana Zolondolf

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 181cm

Weight: 90lb

Date of Birth: 13. November

Country of origination: Great Briton

Grade: Senior

Species: Cat

Family Origination:


Marital Status: Single

Persona: Akahana is outgoing bright sweet and most of all incredibly hyper at times. She loves shiny things enjoys to be outside and most of all being a cat. She is quite intelligent when she is not bouncing in her chair and often people see her as having ADHD but she doesn't she was just born a cat.

Biography: She was born as a cat to no less then seven other siblings, she of all her siblings was all black and had the deepest green eyes. She as a kitten was often called a witches cat which in her language ment her mother took her and dropped her off at a witches house. She was raised as a witch until she was taken to the science lab where her DNA was altered giving her a human form. She misses being a witches cat entirely. They are incredibly interesting to her and for the most part fun to be with.

Mic: Kotomi 
How can I- DAYMN AUTO CORRECT NO ONE LOVES YOU! ~throws my phone~ Oh wait i did not have it set on the right keyboard sorry for spelling Britain wrong I did not have my keyboard set to "UK" English, god I hate that term. We shall get to posting, you wanna post a starter or shall I?

What do you mean? 
OH you already made a thread!! Oops-- 
I'm making a starter now, but I need to know which room is Akahana's.
Name: Madison Bradley

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 4'10" (very short for her age)

Weight: 110 lbs

Date of Birth: 2-6-97

Country of origination: England

Grade: Junior

Species: Demon

Family Origination: n/a

Ranking: High-class, decently rich

Marital Status: Single

Persona: Madison is a bit of a wild card, meaning she has some pretty big mood swings. One moment she can be happy go lucky, and the next sobbing, so she's on certain medications to prevent severe anxiety attacks. Take away the medications and go through literal hell.

Biography: Madison was born to Raina Bradley (Mother) and Aaron Bradley (Father). She had an older sister named Courtney, but she left the house long before she was born. Her parents were strict, and began teaching her how to use her demon skills (flying, slight spell making, etc) at the age of 4. They found out she had anxiety problems and intense mood swings when they tried to put her in school, and began to homeschool her in shame. They decided that she was "over her problems" when she turned 15, and sent her to Collins with negative results. They decided to get her to take anti-anxiety pills, which helps, but still leaves mood swings.

Mic: n/a

Apperance: Characters/DemonGirl.jpg (except for there are no wings on her head -,-)

((I'm also making a boy and a teacher, I just wanna get some food first I'm starrrrving)) 
Name: Grayson Maroney

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 160 lbs

Date of Birth: 5-8-96

Country of origination: America

Grade: Junior

Species: Human

Family Origination: Ireland

Ranking: Grayson is middle class and moderately smart.

Marital Status: Single

Persona: Grayson is kind of a know it all, who says everything matter of factly. He's often mentioning random facts and accepting praise, and is extremely shocked when those reject him. If he is startled (or he likes you), he'll become speechless and begin to sweat.

Biography: Grayson was born to William Maroney (Father) and Rachel Valdez (Mother). They sent him to a private school to ensure great education, and he certainly exceeded. All of the praise must've gotten to his head, because suddenly he became a bit more stuck up. When he was 15, he received a scholarship to Collins Academy and took it with pride.

Mic: (Pets outside souls go here) n/a

((I'm making the teacher tomorrow!))
Name: Noah



Height: 5'9

Weight: 145

Date of Birth:5-17-1999

Country of origination: Africa but moved to the U.S

Grade: Freshman

Species: Wizard (Arcane Magic)

Ranking: Noah is very smart, especially music wise, but comes from more of a middle class family.

Marital Status: Single

Persona: Noah is sympathetic and wise. While being nice, he doesn't tolerate disrespect and snaps at those who insult him. If you have good morales (Generosity, Merciful etc.) then Noah tends to like you. If you have bad morales (Arrogance, Rudeness etc.) then you tend to be on his bad side. Noah can be somewhat short tempered. He enjoys music and incorporates it into his magic.

Biography: His mother is an excellent Arcanist and taught Noah magic. Noah was quite adept and developed magic skills that rivaled her mother. Since the master didn't want to be surpassed by the student, Noah had no other means to learn or train. His father was foreign and mainly spent time with Noah's brother. While excelling at magic and music, he goes to the Academy to further his skills and surpass his mother.

Noah has a brother that will be joining and posting his character shortly)

Age: 14


Height: 5 '7

Weight: 145)

Date of Birth:5-17-1999

Country of origination: Africa moved to USA


Species:Wizard but preferred as a shaman

Ranking: Daniel is very smart, especially music wise, but comes from more of a middle class family.

Marital Status: Single

Persona: He is a bit rude. He does not mind those who are nice but despises ones who cross him. After a few days of being disrespected from someone he will forget what happens and will treat them as if they just met again. Constant disrespect will earn them the title of enemy to him. He likes balance and vengeance, using this aspect on how and when he uses his magic.

Biography: His father was from Africa and came from a line of shamans. Daniel's potential as a shaman was great so his dad taught him everything he knew. Though Daniel learned all this he still needed more so his dad sent him to the academy to learn more. His dad was a shaman that people would hire. he strongly believed in balance and told him that fit the spell for the crime never the person.

Mic: He always carries a long wooden staff with many nails driven into it. He has a pet snake that he turns into a necklace that he always wears. 
Oh yeah question, you can break some of the school rules as long as you don't get caught?
{NebulaSkies Accepted, be sure to only pick which characters are open, Also I might delete my other thread no one else has wanted to join it yet.}

{Noah Accepted wonderful skelly! ^~^}

{ThatFatsoHachi School rules are ment to be broken but Mary has eyes.... EVERYWHERE and if you are thinking of the uniform good luck getting past Sirius, you would be the picked up and told to go put it on. Accepted.}

You three may post immediately but I however and heeding off to Bedfordshire this stupid sickness. 
Kotomi It does not matter, pick a random number from one to one hundred and ad a two at the begining of it.
Name: Nakashi Aharo Age: 14 Gender: Male Height: 5ft 2in Date of Birth: April 19 Country of origination: US Grade: Freshmen Ranking: Species: Demon Marital: Single Persona: Very serious, not quick to make friends. Doesn't show much emotion except for when around people he cares about Bio: [idk] Mic 
Name: Nakashi Aharo Age: 14 Gender: Male Height: 5ft 2in Date of Birth: April 19 Country of origination: US Grade: Freshmen Ranking: Species: Demon Marital: Single Persona: Very serious, not quick to make friends. Doesn't show much emotion except for when around people he cares about Bio: [idk] Mic 
[oops posted twice, and accidentally forgot the [./s] in the [.s] html code 
[oops posted twice, and accidentally forgot the [./s] in the [.s] html code 
posted twice because im on a 3ds [sadly i cant use a computer] and its lagging like heck
Hunnyhelp Yes! History is always needed and wanted!

DudeDude2211 I has no idea whether I should accept this or not... It seems role playing right now is hard for you, if it is a windows do a defrag of the hard drive and I usually do not accept without bios, just a little something to grab a hold of yor character is all I need:

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