Collins Academy-Registration

Um, there should be, we have three hunters and i like action, I like combat, so if you strike up a fight make sure it is okay with the roleplayee, it is always fine with me address my characters beat the crap out of them, (err- try) and yeah, so.... Yes this is more an action then a romance.

Name: James Maxwell

Age: 20 (Though he looks 18..)

Gender: Male

Height: 5 foot, 11 inches

Weight: 190 pounds

Date of Birth: March 1, 1993

Country of origination: Canada

Grade: Third-Year College Student

Species: Human/Undead Knight (It's a little complicated..)

Family Origination: He's lived in Canada for almost his

whole life...he does know that his Adopted family has ties

to England.

Ranking: James is fairly smart, having done well enough in

high school to earn a scholarship. He's not wealthy though, only

has enough for a modest middle-class lifestyle.

Marital Status: Single, not looking for commitment at the


Persona: James is something of a quiet individual, a tad distant

as well, at first anyways. However, if one gets to know him a little,

he opens up like a flower and shows himself as a good-hearted and

caring individual. He is also quite intelligent but unlike other folks,

he doesn't rub it in your face.

He likes having friends and people he can trust..but woe betide you

if you do anything to misuse it for he does NOT take betrayel lightly.

Infact, when it comes to defending others, he becomes a formidable

force who fights for what he believes...after all, defending the defenseless

is a knight's responsibility, right?

Biography: James is not what one would call an "interesting" individual,

nor has he had the..most pleasant life. If anything, the first half of his life

was complete trash. He was greatly neglected by his birth family, was subject

to hearing his parents argue AT LEAST Twice a week, was given barely enough

to eat, pushed to meet impossible demands..yeah, it wasn't very good.

When he was about 12, his parents divorced and he was sent to live with

a new family. Although the years of abuse and neglect hadn't broken him,

they had left him distrustful of the world. Thankfully, time helped to heal

some of the wounds.

Around the age of 20, that's when life got interesting. On a trip to Germany,

James heard word of an abandoned castle said to be haunted by spirits. He

infiltrated the castle and stumbled onto a secret passage, leading to a chamber

with a strange book inside.

When he touched it, the edge was so sharp that a drop of blood fell on the

seal, breaking it and releasing the spirit within. The specter revealed itself

as Black Hellebore and, after revealing her nature as a Sword Spirit, left the

castle with him.

Not long after, they met a deranged gunman and James was forced to accept

the spirit's offer of Power, transforming him into the fearsome Black Knight in

order to defend himself.

He soon received an invite from an anonymous source and was on his

way to Collin's Academy.

Mic: This is Black Hellebore outside Sword form:

This is James wearing the Black Knight armor:
No. The counsel and I have decided to accept your character. Although your characters age is a little high for this RP, also I would greatly recommend you either talk to Coyoty or stay far away from her. She has a soul type blade as well, a hunter things will be explained in RP.

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