Collins Academy-Registration

Your the one said it would take you some time since the app crashed. ~Headwall~ oh gods I am going to have a near death experience if I keep this up.
I accidently deleted my application get it today. 
Name: Caricon

Age: 2013

Date of Birth:0 A.D.

Gender: Male


Job Applying for: History Teacher

Do you have references?:No

Marital Status: He was too young for a wife when Rome was invaded.

Persona:He is suffering from memory kist being so old. Luckily he has Heart the eagle that remebers all. If you ask him about his past he will either tell you what the

text book said or cut your head off.

Biography:He was born into a age when Rome was beginning to fall. Although he ignored this, there were attacks and this is where he learned to defend himself. When he

was not fighting for his life he was with the Druids learning the beginnings of Nature magic. He was very young when Rome was invaded and destroyed. The Druids having fallen

in love (Not in the romantic way the parenting way). They gave all of their lives and extended their race just for Caricon. He ran and got away, lucky. Going to (Wherever

this academy is), he lived a good life of a merchant occasionally running when the hunters caught up with him changing his name. When America was discovered he moved there and

dropped of the grid. He was never seen until America became an independent country. He then became a outlaw running from hunters and the law. Once people became civilized,

he moved to europe and lived as a tech designer. He then moved to the academy. He then applied for a job at the academy.

Other: Elves will live for 3,000 years if they are lucky. Caricon is nearing the end of his life span. If you were to transfer his age to human he would be about 59.
I wanted to accept you. And I said I don't believe there was a seriously better history teacher out there. Also did you post a picture? On mobile so... I need to put you and A FEW OTHER PEOPLE ~coughs coughs paipai900 coughs coughs~ on the teacher list once I get pictures.
Oh, I'm sorry. Should I give you the link or the picture? I'll give you both. :D

Kay your accepted. Do me a favour though... Wait to post until after I get mine in there? Pleahs?
The longest post I has written on here, I have to get everyone together so they can interact with other people plus the teachers are supposed to go home for the day...
Alright. Sorry I might have to PM the person left to respond, I'll post midnight PAC Time if she doesn't yet.
It's the time I wake up after passing out which is what I am about to do now... Sorry it's the middle of the night here.

Name: Esther Morils

Age: 16


Height: 5'4

Weight: 120 lbs

Date of Birth: Feb. 2nd

Country of origination: USA

Grade: Junior

Species: Werewolf

Family Origination: (If you are human only)

Ranking: She's really intelligent and her family is rich(not top hat rich, but rich)

Marital Status: Single

Persona: Esther tends to get really aggressive at times but all in all she is an excitable person and a bit serious. Whenever she has time alone she draws or reads.

Biography: Esther is the second youngest out of the litter of 10. She was practically the only girl in the family. Her mother prized her and tended to her pretty much day and night since she never had a baby girl before. Her father however really wasn't fond of the new baby girl but he grew to like her. Esther's oldest brother, who was now in his late 20s, graduated from the school years before and he was a womanizer and popular with everyone at the school.

Mic: (Pets outside souls go here)
{D'Gamr great skelly, wonderful character. Though I cannot help but feel as if I have seen you before. xD academy of secrets ringing any bells?}
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{D'Gamr great skelly, wonderful character. Though I cannot help but feel as if I have seen you before. xD academy of secrets ringing any bells?}
Yep c: Mind if I join this one as well c:

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