☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Bella smiled and then looked at him. "Well let me see...about 5 years now....since he saved me." She knew everything to be known about Flower. Even her most rescent memories. Including the ones were she was with eric. SHe looked at him and then looked around as she walked.

Beast growled and then used his tail to smack the guy across the face. He ran in and then bit down on his arm with the knife and pulled him up into the air. He roared with anger as he shooke his head like he was a toy. He hated these guys. Why his girl? He's beast side flared with anger and he lost control. This guy wasn't just someone hurting his girlfriend...he was prey now.
Blair quickly got out of the way when Beast attacked the man and she pressed her back against the wall. She was glad she was no longer in the man's possession and that Beast was here. But she could see he was losing control of himself.

She closed her eyes when tears ran down her face again and she sobbed slightly. The pain from her stomach and hip was very painful since the cuts were so deep.

The man chuckled and dissolved into the air immediately, and than reappeared by Blair with an evil smirk on his face. She lashed out her foot and kicked him hard in the place-that-hurts. He screeched in pain and slapped her hard across the face, making her cry even harder.

Beast roared and then smacked him across the room with his paw. He regained control enough to push Blair against the wall in his fur. He laid down and then used his paw to push her to his chest. He roared and then snarled showing his large fangs. His horns were ready to stab him. He wasn't going to touch Blair without meeting his teeth.
The man chuckled loudly and than backed up a few steps.

"I'll take her from you soon. Watch your back, beast boy." He growled, and than out of nowhere, he was gone.

Blair sighed in relief, but she was still crying from that experience. She was obviously really freaked out. She hugged Beast tighter against her and tried to breathe normally, but she was beginning to panic.

Blood still dripped down from her wounds and she winced when she looked up and met Beast's gaze with fearful eyes.

Eric grinned and nodded slowly.

"What did he save you from?" He asked, not trying to get too personal or anything. He knew he got a little bit to nosy sometimes, but not usually. He relaxed his shoulders and than did a Justin Bieber flick with his hair.
Bella thought for a moment and then looked down grabbing her hands and then hid her face in her white hair. "Um....I was captured and made to be a slave....girl" She sighed and then looked at Eric. These were true memories from flower. She sighed deeply and then rubbed the back of her neck. "Um...anyways...Beast helpped me out."

Beast looked at Blair and then turned human. "Ugh..." He moanned and then fell to the side. He held his head and then groaned loudly. He had a headache, he looked at Blair, amazingly his pants survived, so he was still clothed, his shirt however was torn to shreads. He looked at her. "Blair.....you ok?"
Blair looked at him and wiped a few golden tears away. She nodded, not saying a word or anything. She just hugged him tightly against her as she tried to calm herself down. Obviously, the touch of him was making her relax. She closed her eyes and nestled her head onto his shoulder and than sighed.

After a few moments, her eyes shot open and she released herself from him. She blushed a little when she realized he didn't have a shirt on and neither did she. She chuckled nervously and took a few steps backwards. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She blinked in confusion and tried to speak, but she couldn't for some reason.

"I can't talk." She mouthed to him when she pointed to her throat and shook her head.
Beast blinked and looked at her neck. Then his eyes looked down and he looked away. "Um anyways....let's get you back to your room...." He said and then looked around. "So your shirt?" He asked looking at up stickly on her face. He smiled lightly and then frowned a bit. He rubbed his head. "Mine is sort of....that." He pointed at peices of shirt on the ground.

(bella....lol xD )
Eric winced, noticing she was getting a little uncomfortable.

"That sounds terrible.. I'm glad your okay." He murmured and wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a quick hug. Than he let go, making himself tense again.

He glanced around and jumped a little when Nick suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Dude.. Don't do that you scared me.." Eric muttered, glaring at Nick for interrupting his conversation with 'Flower'.

"I need to talk to you."


"I just do. C'mon. Sorry Flower. I have to borrow Eric for a moment." Nick growled and than dashed off with Eric by his side.

Bella crossed her arms and then sighed looking at the two. She sighed and then looked back at the school. She had one last trick to use but still she would have to wait. Although she was worried about someone finding Flower. Flower was in some room tied with chains. She struggled but couldn't talk because of a gag. She struggled, Bella took her clothes, of course just to make Flower angry, the only thing she gave Flower to wear was the clothes that she put on to bed. A white silk gown that only came down to her knees. Flower continued to struggle. She fell on her side. She kicked at the chains making the clothing slide down her legs. She growled with anger, at the chains feeling like a slave girl once again.
Blair nodded and quickly grabbed her tank top and slipped it on, than she winced when she glanced on the handcuffs attached to the bed. She shivered slightly and spat out a little bit of blood. When the man choked her, he must of damaged her voice somehow. She walked out and stared straight forward as another tear slipped down her cheek. She wiped it away with the back of her hand and than looked up at Beast with tear filled eyes. She kind of did look adorable in a way though.
Beast walked to her and then hugged her. He sighed deeply and then looked at the bed. "Let's get you out of here." He said looking at her. He resisted the want to kiss her, since she was almost....he shivered at the thought. He sighed and then looked at the broken door, he held out his hand to her and then smiled lightly. He felt a pain in his heart, he was glad he saved her in time.
Blair glanced back at the handcuffs again and than quickly took his hand and squeezed it. It was as if the man was still in the room with her right than. That's how freaked out she was.

"Do.. You think.. He'll come.. Back?" She managed to say, but speaking those words brought pain to her throat and she coughed violently. She rubbed her eyes drowsily, but didn't dare fall asleep. She knew she would have nightmares about that man for a long time. She probably wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

When she was out of the room, she spread her white wings weakly and stared at the forest in front of her. She felt used. Like the man had already raped her or something like that. She shook the thought away and shuddered again as a cold breeze swept over her. The wind made her wounds hurt badly, making her begin to tear up.
Bella crossed her arms and then sighed looking at the two. She sighed and then looked back at the school. She had one last trick to use but still she would have to wait. Although she was worried about someone finding Flower. Flower was in some room tied with chains. She struggled but couldn't talk because of a gag. She struggled, Bella took her clothes, of course just to make Flower angry, the only thing she gave Flower to wear was the clothes that she put on to bed. A white silk gown that only came down to her knees. Flower continued to struggle. She fell on her side. She kicked at the chains making the clothing slide down her legs. She growled with anger, at the chains feeling like a slave girl once again.

Beast looked at her and then gently picked her up holding her close. "Don't worry....I won't let him touch you like that again." He said and then cringed slightly. His hands were cut but he still held her. He walked on his feet killing him but still he was to stubborn to let Blair go. "No one touches you like that." he said and then looked at her. He looked back up walking slowly back to the school. "I'm sorry I even let him kidnap you." He said feeling bad, he felt like it was his fault. He was to protect her....if he took anymore time....he snapped himself out of it. It was to painful to think about.
She rested her head on his chest and sighed.

"It isn't your fault, Beast.." She murmured, beginning to get her voice back. She slid her hand over his cheek and gazed into his eyes.

"I could of done something about it.. But instead, all I did was watch.. I didn't even think about calling for help.." She murmured, staring at her feet and sniffling a little.

"It's pretty much my fault.. Not yours.." She muttered and than snuggled up against him. She sighed and closed her eyes, but they snapped back open when the mans face appeared in her mind. She definitely won't be able to sleep tonight.

Eric glared at Nick when they finally came to a stop by the forest.

"Man.. I did something terrible.." Nick exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air and pacing back and forth quickly. Eric raised an eyebrow and shifted from foot to foot.

"What did you do?"

"I almost raped Blair."

"... WHAT?!"

"I shape-shifted into a man and took her to a bedroom and handcuffed her to the wall.. I almost did it until her boyfriend showed up.."

Eric stared at his shoes for a moment, clenching his fists. He rose one high and punched Nick hard in the face, making him fall backwards.

"ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?! ARE YOU REALLY THAT DESPERATE TO BE WITH BLAIR?!" He screamed at him, getting insanely angry. He shook his head and glared at Nick with hatred in his eyes.

"You are messed up in the freaking head. Why can't you understand that she DOESN'T LIKE YOU?! She has a BOYFRIEND, Nick!" He snarled, than backed up a few steps until he was walking away.

"Eric. Wait-"

"Grow up and leave Blair alone, or i'll kick your a*s too." He sneered, than vanished into the school.
Beast looked at her and then sighed. "No one could think straight when that happens." He's ears flickered and then he changed them back to normal. "Seeing you like that....I almost lost control...probably why I have such a headache." He looked at her. "It's no ones fault....but him." He tensed in anger and then sighed relaxing as he walked out of the forest. "I guess you can sleep in my room if it makes you feel more comfortable....I don't exackly want you alone right now...of course I'll sleep on the floor....I don't mind." He said lightly smiling at her however it faded.

Flower continued to struggle. Bella smacked Flower. Flower growled in anger at Bella. She continued to stuggle against the chains. "I am no slave girl." Bella glares. "I think you know he thinks different." Flower continued to try and brake the chains. Bella puts the gag back in her mouth.
Blair looked surprised at his request. She tilted her head a little and than rose an eyebrow.

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind? Sleeping on the floor, I mean." She asked, blinking innocently back up at him again. She sneezed at least three times in a row and than stared forward groggily. However, the sneezes did make her smile. She giggled quietly and than rubbed her eyes. You could tell by the look on her face that she was incredibly sleepy, but she didn't want to fall asleep. She wouldn't be able to.

Eric sighed in frustration as he walked down the hallway, towards Flower's dorm. He had to tell her what Nick had done, and he needed to tell Beast as well. He turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw two.. Flowers?

"Huh?" He accidentally said aloud as his eyes flicked from Bella to Flower. He couldn't help but get incredibly angry.

"What the h*ll is going on?!" He snarled, kind of knowing that the real Flower was the one tied up. He glared at Bella and clenched his fists.
Bella looked at him and then crossed her arms. "Oh great...." She turned into herself which was a black figure with no face. "Well Flower remember....he wants his slave back."

Flower managed to remove the gag. She looked at Eric. Oh not again! She jerked at the chains. She wanted him to get her out of the chains. She looked at Bella. "You better tell him he has no slave." She jerked, on the chains glaring. She sighed and then continued to struggle.

Bella looked at Eric and then chuckles as she disappeared. Flower stopped stuggling. She looked at the floor and then hid a few tears. She sighed. "Please get me out of these. But be careful, their magic....I can't shapeshift in them." She said and then looked at him. She gently relaxed her arms to give some slack. They were pinned to the floor so she had to bend back a bit.

Beast looked at her and smiled. "Not at all...all I need is a pillow and a blanket." he sighed. "I think you need to sleep if you can..." He said carring her to his room and then gently opened the door. "YOu think you can try?" He asked setting her down.
Eric watched Bella leave, than he quickly knelt down beside Flower and managed to rip the chains off of her. However, this gesture made his face very close to hers. He blushed a little and than stood up, extending a hand so he could help her up.

"Are you okay? And who was that?" He asked, still slightly angry at that one girl.. He wondered why he got so worked up easily. Was it because Flower was in trouble? Or because of Nick? He didn't really know.

Blair rubbed her eyes again and slid under the covers quickly. She rested her head on the pillow and sighed quietly.

"I can try.. But I don't know if I can.." She murmured, looking up at him with a teasing look. She flashed him a Are-you-sure-you-want-to-sleep-on-the-floor look and than grinned lightly. She closed her eyes, but they only ended up opening again. She shifted a little and than sat up with her elbow propping her up.

"I don't think I can sleep." She muttered, but froze when there was a knock on the door. And it sounded like a teacher. They could both get in trouble if one of the teachers found them sleeping in the same room together. Her eyes widened in horror when she looked at Beast.
Beast looked at her and then shrugged. He looked at the door and then quickly pointed under the bed. He looked at her and then looked at the door walking over. "Just a minute please." He said and then got on a shirt. He looked at Blair, that gave her enough time for her to get under the bed.

Flower blushed a bit as well and then gently took his hand getting up. The chains had cut her hands a her legs. She looked down and then played with her fingers when she let go of his hand. "Um she kind of took my clothes and only left me this so....can you please let me change and then I'll tell you." She said looking down at her silk dress. She tightened her legs. She looked at him, if he didn't move fast enough she'd push him out.
Blair slipped out of his bed and rolled under the bed, however she hit her head on a shoe and she growled loudly in pain.

"Whoops.." She murmured, hoping the teacher did not hear her at all. She peeked out from under the bed and than froze in horror when she realized she left her shoes by his door way.. And her jacket. She gulped and than ducked under the bed again quickly. The teacher knocked again, this time louder.

Eric nodded and walked out in a matter of seconds and didn't glance behind him. He shifted from foot to foot nervously and than dug his hands into his pockets. He wondered why Nick would do such a thing. And especially to Blair. What if she had gotten hurt? Or worse.. Pregnant?

He shook the thought away and than sighed angrily.
Beast opened the door and then looked at the person at his door and then seemed as calm as ever. "Yes?" He said calmly and then smiled. (AHHH writers block.)

Flower sighed in relief and then closed the door changing quickly and then walked out once she was more comfortable clothes. She looked at Eric. "Now then...that was bella....a servent of a slave traider...he wants to me to call him master." She said acting as if nothing happened, but she was rubbing her aching wrists.
The Teacher nodded at him and than looked down at his notepad.

"We were wondering if you've seen Blair White anywhere? Her Father is here to see her. I'm afraid this is her last day at Clover Academy." He said firmly, looking back up and tipping his glasses down.

Blair completely froze when she heard her Father was here. She covered her mouth before she gasped aloud and than she calmed herself down a bit.

I CAN'T GO BACK TO THE LAB! NOT NOW!! She screamed inside her head as she remembered the horrific tests they had to do on her. She shook her head as a single tear ran down her face and dripped to the floor.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Eric looked back up at Flower when she came out and listened to her carefully.

"She wanted you to be a slave again?.." He asked, than he paused and thought this over for a moment. Than he spoke again.

"Is she coming back?"

You could tell by the look on his face that he would try to protect Flower if she did.
Beast shook his head. "I'm sorry but no." he said and then stared at the teacher. His voice was stil calm and cool as ever he smiled. "Go check the pool if she's not there...then check her room...I'm guessing you have already?" He said and then looked around the hallway.

Flower looked at Eric and then sighed. "He doesn't like losing his slaves...and yes...but I can handle myself." She said and then looked seeing it in his eyes. "And I say that because I don't need you're protection." She said and then looked away from him crossing her arms.
The teacher nodded slowly and looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes. We've checked the pool area and her room. We also checked the other classrooms and dorm rooms. We can't find her." He said, glancing at his notepad again. He looked up and than nodded a few times.

"Well, if you see her, make sure to tell her she needs to meet her father right away since its urgent." He smiled gently and than walked back towards the office quickly.

Blair was still covering her mouth, but she was in complete shock.

Why would he be here already? He's not supposed to take me away yet..

She slid out from under his bed and looked at her feet sadly.

"I guess today really is my last day.." She whispered and than fumbled with her hands a little bit. She looked up at Beast and than quickly looked away.

"My Father probably came her to take me back to the lab.."
Beast shut his door and then looked at her. "Back to the lab...." He looked at her and then looked down. "Oh...." He said and then sighed deeply pushing his head through his hair. "But...." He sighed and then looked at her. "Do you want to go?" He asked looking at her very sadly. He walked up to her and then looked down at her.

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