☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

"Of course not.. They treat me horribly there." She murmured and looked up at him with sorrow filled eyes. She remembered when the scientists would dig all sorts of needles into her skin and inject painful toxins into her. She shuddered and slowly stood up, facing Beast fully.

"I.. Should probably go. My Father won't be very happy if I make him wait any longer.." She whispered, staring down at her hands. You could tell this was an incredibly hard decision for because she was very tense and fearful.
(Flower?) Beast looks at her and then grabbed her hands and looked at her. "No I'll confron him and make him let you stay. Be will not take you away from me." he tensed in anger again. "No one." he said an then got up opening his door. "Let's go see him then." he said smiling at het. No one messes with beast. He calmed himself and then looked at her again. Not when Blair was involved. He looked out, he calmed himself, still he wasn't going to let Blair go back to a place she didn't want to.
Blair nodded and followed him quickly. She held his hand and squeezed it tightly out of fear. She walked towards the office and sort of stopped when she saw her Father. He looked like just a normal person. He was tall, had blonde hair, greyish eyes, and actually pretty handsome. He looked when he sae her, but his eyes fixed on hers and Beasts hands. He met Beast's gaze with daggers in his eyes.

"Dad.." Blair murmured when she walked towards him and let go of Beast's hand. She didn't hug him, just stood in front of him obediantly.

"Where's your stuff?" He asked, his voice firm and serious.

"I'm not going with you.." She murmured, staring at her shoes. That was the wrong answer. He slapped her hard across the face and than glared at her angrily.

"You are coming. There is no refusing."

Eric slightly offended, but he shrugged and sighed.

"Oh.. Okay than."

He looked around, than heard his name being called. He sighed, remembering some thing he had to tell her.

"Nick tried to rape Blair.. You should probably tell Beast.."
Beast growled and then grabbed Blair and hugged her protectively. "I don't care who you are no one touches a women like that!" he snapped his eyes changing to that of a Beast's "She's not going with you, she has free will and you are not going to change that! I'm getting ticked off at all the people trying to use her like she some kind of object." he showed his teeth which were goig beast as well. __________________________________________Flower eyes widened and then ran to beast and Blair. She looked at the guy who seemingly made beast upset. "Beast....Did Blair almost get rapped?" beast looked at flower and nodded. "Well I'm sorry to be interrupting, but that guy accord g to Eric was Nick." Beast's eyes widen and he hugs Blair tighter. "That jerk is going to pay!" flower looked at Blair and then Sighed deeply. Beast looks at the guy. "Well now I'm not letting anyone near her." he growled furious feeling his beast side coming on.
Blair hugged him back tightly and avoided her Father's gaze, which was actually amused.

"A women? She's not even human," Her Father spat, making her wince in sadness. He took a few steps towards Beast and stared straight into his eyes, which were now a pitch black color.

"She's an experiment. NOT a person." He snapped, spreading long black wings behind him and continuing to stare at him angrily.

"Now, I suggest you let go of my daughter before anyone gets hurt." He growled, forcefully ripping Blair out of his grasp and flinging her to the side. She stood helplessly behind her Father with her gaze staring down.

She looked up when Flower appeared though, and a look of sorrow flashed on her face. She hoped Beast would not attack her Father, for he is twice as strong as all of them combined.
Beast roared and then snarled. "SHe's a person....She has feelings, she breaths, she's independent, she thinks. She can survive on her own. She's a person I don't care what you say!" He looked at Flower who looked at Beast. Beast eyes changed, ears changed. He started changing.

Flower stood there and then created light in her hand. She smirks at him and then prepares to blast out. She looked at his wings. She created light wings and then flapped them showing off a bit. Her light was different from normal light.
Her Father couldn't help but chuckle at the scene and what Beast had said.

"I'm sure you've noticed her blood is golden liquid? That's because her heart is made out of gold. She isn't even ALIVE. Her heart never beats." He snarled and than grabbed Blair's arm fiercely before grinning at both of them.

"Don't bother looking for her." He grinned and than with a quick spin of his wings, vanished into thin air with Blair. Only a few black feathers remained as they floated gently to the ground.
Beast looked at Flower. "Stay here!" He sniffed the feathers an dthen ran off following the scent. He kept running turning into a beast again his horns ripping anything that got in his path. He roared and then kept running. He had to find her. She was still a person, no matter what he said.

Flower sighed. "Flower stay, Flower sit, Flower roll over. WHat am I a dog?" She mummbled walking off and crossing her arms. Flower! Come over here! She closed her eyes remembering what is was like being with him.

Flower were are you? A young Flower came running in. "Sorry master!" Flower sat down infront of her Master looking at the ground. He smacked her for taking so long. "You kept me waiting." FLower rubbed her cheek and then looked around. Her master's friends were here. She looked down, they were staring at her. One laughed at her and then patted the spot next to him. She looked at her master who pointed to the spot. With sadness in her eyes she sat down next to him. He couldn't keep his hands off her. Flower looked up. "Ugh..." She shivered a bit.
Blair was teleported back to the lab, which was halfway across the world from Clover Academy. She looked down when her Father circled her slowly and than grabbed a long needle with green liquid in it. He stabbed it hard into her arm, making her screech out in pain when he injected the strange liquid. Tears welled in her eyes when he yanked it out, not bothering to give her a napkin for the bleeding wound.

"Take me back! I don't want to be here!" She exclaimed sadly when he tied her to a chair and mixed a few chemicals together.

"You are not going back." He snarled and turned around and gasped in surprise. She was gone.

She tried her best to teleport, but it was hard to. It made her head bleed badly.

She flew through the sky, landing in front of Clover Academy and running in quickly. Her Father wouldn't know she was here.

"Beast!" She screamed, her head ringing loudly and blood dripping out of her ears and nose. The teleportation had caused damage to her head.
Beast smelled something new. Her blood. He turned around and then ran, once he saw her he stopped looking at her. He shifted into his human form, his shirt was torn but had survived. He was shifting to much, so he was a much smaller form of his beast. He panted and fell to his knees. "Blair!" He looked up at her.
The ringing in her head got louder and louder until she too was on her knees, holding her head and almost about to scream. The ringing sounded like a thousand people screaming in her ears at once. It was that loud.

The green liquid was the cause of this. Its supposed to be a numbing medicine and usually only numbs the head, but it has side effects if not used properly.

Eventually, she couldn't take it any longer and screamed as loud as she possibly could. But the ringing only got louder.

Golden blood dripped down from her mouth and ears and to the floor. It was seriously hurting her head.

She screamed again, this time though, twice as loud and high-pitched as before. She didn't even notice Beast was standing in front of her since her eyes were completely clouded.
Beast yelled out covering his ears. He looked at Blair and then whined holding his head. He couldn't take it, he looked up as Flower appeared behind Blair. She put her hands on Blair's ears and light glowed on her hands. Her light gave her cells extra energy and super powered them to heal quickly. Flower looked at Blair.
Blair soon stopped screaming, but her head still throbbed badly. She looked confused when her vision cleared and she stared at her blood soaked fingers. She coughed violently and golden blood spat out.

Her eyes widened and she stood up on wobbly legs and leaned against the wall. Her eyes were no longer gold, but bright glowing green with a design in the middle of them.

She spread her wings slowly, which had black speckles on her feathers. That wasn't a very good sign.

Her flicked her now green gaze to Flower and than to Beast. She looked away though when she met Beast's, as if it hurt her to look at him. Something was obviously still wrong with her.
Beast looked at Blair. "Blair?" He slowly stood up. "What's wrong?" He got up and then set a hand on her shoulder. "Blair what did he do to you?!" He asked paniced. He looked at Flower who was confused and then he looked at Blair. He was so worried.
Blair shivered slightly when he touched her and she looked up at him slowly. Her eyes flashed back to there normal golden color and she suddenly was short in breath. She looked at the veins in her wrist, which were glowing bright green. Her eyes widened in fear and she looked to Flower, than back to Beast.

However, her breath was cut short and her eyes snapped shut as she went unconscious. She literally landed on top of Beast after she fell.

What's wrong with me..? The side effects should have gone away by now..
Beast looks at her and then blinked picking her up. He looked at her and then looked at Flower worried. He took her to the nurse and then laid her down so worried. He looked at her and then looked around. Flower was behind Beast. Beast glared at her and then looked at Blair. He wasn't mad at Flower, he was mad at two people, Blair's 'Father' and the worse one....Nick. He was going to kill that boy.
Blair immediately shot upright when she was laid down on the table. It reminded her of being tied down in the lab and being experimented on. She flicked her gaze to Beast and she backed away from him in fear. She actually thought he was going to hurt her.

But why would I think that? He would never hurt me.. She thought in her head, making her calm down way more. She blinked her eyes and than suddenly hugged Beast as hard as she could.

"Can I sleep in your room again?.. Please..?" She whispered into his ear, quiet enough for only him to hear and not Flower.
Beast looked at Blair and then hugged her as well. "Yes." He said with a smile and then hugged her tighter. "What's wrong Blair....please tell me." He asked looking at her very worriedly. He was almost driven to maddness with all this stuff. OF course how could he expect her to tell him what was wrong when he was hidding something as well. The more he shifts the more it hurts to shift back. His shifting had to stop, but yet to protect her...was he really so weak to rely on his beast form? In the end....he needed to stop shifting for a while.
Blair twitched again and than met his gaze, but her eyes had soon drifted down to his lips.

"My Father.. Injected a special chemical into me. It's supposed to.." She blushed and than rubbed the back of her head nervously. She was obviously a little to embarrassed to tell him.

"It.. Um.." She leaned in closer to his ear and whispered very quietly.

"It's supposed to make me s*xually aroused.. And I guess its supposed to make me want to have s*x. Like really badly.." She whispered with a embarrassed tone. She met his gaze and than giggled.

"It only starts working after 2 hours or 3. Maybe I should just sleep in my room tonight.. Unless.." She grinned at him mischievously, but she snapped out of it and chuckled.

"Sorry.. I think its kicking in early or something.." She blushed and pulled away from him a little bit.
Beast felt his heart almost skip a beat and he blushed really badly. "Oh....sorry I asked." He whispered and then looked at Flower. "Um....could you..give us a moment." Flower shrugged and then left. Beast looked at her and then stood up rubbing his head. "Yeah...but I still want you to be watched." He said and then looked down.
"I know but I don't think you want me in your room.. I'll act super inappropriate when that stuff starts kicking in.." She said, blushing again and looking down embarrassingly. She looked up at him again and grinned nervously, wondering if he still would let her stay in his room even if she was going to act very inappropriately. She's taken this chemical before, and she went insane almost.

"I probably should sleep in my room tonight. Just in case I do anything to you." She blushed majorly again and rubbed the back of her head.
Beast looked at her. "No no...I think you should stay in my room....because I wouldn't want you walking out and flirting with all the guys. I'll be able to handle you." He rubbed his head and then looked up. "I hope...." He whispered to himself and then looked at her and smiled. "I wouldn't do anything to you knowing it's not really you." He said blushing a bit now.
Blair blinked a few times, than looked up at him and smirked.

"Okay.. I warned you though." She side smirked and than walked out of the office quickly. She padded towards his room and walked in, trying to push aside the aroused feeling that were growing quickly inside her. You could tell the chemical was kicking in already because her eyes were glowing bright green. When they were all the way green, she would probably be fully aroused. And that wouldn't be good.

She slipped under the covers of his bed and slowly closed her eyes. But they only snapped back open again as the feelings grew stronger. She doesn't think Beast would be able to handle her at all. She was pretty feisty after all.
Beast shrugged and then went to his room. He shut the door and then got a pillow and blanket. He laid down on the floor and then stretched out. He looked at his clothes. Um he'd sleep in them tonight because of Blair. He yawned and then pulled the blanket over his head. He needed rest.
After Beast came in and shut the door behind him, she was pretty sure the chemical kicked in fully. She grinned wildly and peeked her head over the corner of the bed and giggled s*xily at him.

"Hey! Why don't you come over here in sleep with me? I'm sure it would be WAY better than sleeping on that hard floor all by yourself." She pouted, propping her head up with her elbow and giggling again.

"Or do I have to come sleep by you?" She asked, prepared to slip off the side of the bed and pin him down.

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