☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

She smiled and opened both her eyes slowly. She kissed his cheek and than giggled quietly.

"Your finally awake." She exclaimed and than rolled him towards her and kissrd him lightly on the lips.
Beast looks at her and then smiles. He chuckles an dthen gives her another kiss before getting up. He stretched out and then yawns loudly. He looks at her and then smiles. "Well um....I thought I said no sleeping on the floor for you?" He chuckles. "Sneaky sneaky." He said waving his finger at her in a scolding motion. He smiles only joking.
She propped herself up with an elbow and than grinned up at him.

"Hey, its not my fault I fell off the bed." She teased back and than stood up and stretched as well. She hugged him and than swayed back and forth slightly.

"What time is it?" She asked, looking up at him with her shimmering golden eyes.
Beast looked a her and smiled hugging her back. "I don't know....but I think it's pretty early." He said smiling at her. He sighed happily. "You have the most beautiful eyes." He said chuckling. He looked around and then back at her.
"Thats because im part Angel.." She whispered into his ear, than kissed his cheek gently and walked towards his door.

"I'm gonna go get changed back in my room." She said and than slipped out of his room. She padded down the corridor and walked into her room. She flashed Kino a look before quickly changing into new clothes. She ran back out of her room and walked straight into Nick.

"Blair. I need to talk to you." He said, almost begging her
Beast waited till she was gone and then got changed into clean clothes. He smiled and then walked out. He stretched out and yawned, he looked around and then head looked at is brushed hair and then messed it up getting the right look. He chuckled.
Kage noticed flower practicing her swordsmanship, he smilied gently as he thought of some things to do to amuse himself. "I wonder" he said with a grin on his face as he evaporated into nothing, Kage reapeared nose to nose with Flower, he had a cheshire smile and was attempting to falter her stance. His body so close to hers he could move his head and tap his nose to hers, He laughed in him mind at the stance he was currently in.

(to clear things up Cheshires have the ability to almost time travel they "Evaporate" wich is like teleporting but they have perfect controll and dont have to move their entire body. just like the cheshire cat from allice in wonderland. no i do not have normal ears i have blue and black striped cat ears and due to my mother being a fox and not a pure cheshire i have a blue and black striped fox tail )
Flower blinked and suddenly there was this guy in front of her, not only that but he was close. She looked at him and then raised an eyebrow. Her heart beating fast at the sudden surprise. She didn't recognize him so she guessed he wasn't one of her 'master's' friends. She took a step back trying to put some distance between them. "You do it's a bad idea to scare me, most people end up on the ground in pain because I flipped them over. Your lucky that I was relaxed before you approached." she said guessing he was a student here. Still her guard was up.
He Grinned at her and took a step closer to her attempting to invade her personal space, "now why would you wanna do that?" he looked deeply into her eyes with his deep blue cat eyes. he checked her out as he aproached her watching her stance for any faults or sudden movements, she was graceful and perfect not moving a hair to far away from him to avoid giving her the oportunity to slice him in half with her sword. "I dont mean any harm, infact i mean the exact opposite. its rare to find someone who knows how to handle themselves so well." he kissed her gently on the head and evaporated to the top of a tree, floating above it like a humming bird as his grin broadend.
Flower was feeling quite nervous when you kept getting closer. When he kissed her head she blushed and turned to see him floating above a tree. "It's more of a reaction, I don't like people, or boys getting to close." she said with a bit of a glare. She stood there. "I don't care of you mean me harm, I don't like it." she said looking away.
Beast looked around for Blair. He smiled as he found her. "Oh there you are." He walked over and then saw Nick. He frowned a bit but ignored it for now. He looked at Blair and then smiled slightly. "Um...." He rubbed his head.
Blair's eyes widened slightly when Beast appeared and she gave him a nervous side-smirk. Nick gripped his fists angrily as soon as Beast approached and than vanished out of sight in seconds. Blair watched him leave with a worried look on her face. Her wings ruffled a little, meaning she was slightly ashamed and sad.

"I think Nick is really hurt.." She murmured, looking down at the floor and avoiding Beast's eyes.
Beast looked at her and then frowned slightly as he looked at her. "I'm sorry." he said and then looked up. "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you talking with him." He looked around. "maybe I'm worring to much." He rubbed his head sighing deeply.
She looked back at him and tilted her head.

"No," She murmured and than wrapped him in a tight hug.

"I would be worried too.. It's okay.. It doesn't really matter.." She whispered into his ear and than kissed him gently on the cheek. She looked into his eyes and gave him the sweetest smile she could do.

"What do you wanna do now?" She asked softly, leaning her forehead against his and than closing her eyes.
Beast hugged her back and then looked at her. He smiled and then chuckled. "So cute..." He said to her and then kissed her head. "Hm I really don't know....how about you pick." He said stroking her hair as he smiled at her. He loved having her so close. He looked around and then back at her with a bright smile.
She opened her eyes and stepped back a little, but kept her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Hmm... I don't know.. I kinda wanna go to the beach.." She grinned and tilted her head at him and than giggled.

"But that means Kuno has to come too. He loves going to the beach." She said softly, kissing him gently on the lips and than gazing into his eyes.
Beast looked at her and nodded. He leaned into her loving the kiss, not the he never unloved it. He pulled back just enough to talk. "I don't mind, I think I can handle your dog and then beach sounds great." He said and then kissed her again.
She smirked and kissed him back passionately before finally letting go.

"Wanna leave now? I can go get ready." She told him softly, backing up until her back was pressed against the wall. She tilted her head slightly and quietly giggled.
Beast looks at her and then follows her to the wall putting his hands on the wall on each side of her pinning her there. "Hmmm...it's still morning." He said like a child that doesn't want to get out of bed. He looked at her and then leaned in close to kiss her again. He looked at her his hands on her sides.

A young man was walking down the hall in a cloak. He looked around and found Flower's room. He smirked but when he opened the door she wasn't there. He shut the door annoyed. He didn't want his father getting to Flower before he made her his slave. He looked around, no one was in the hallway.
She looked out the window, seeing that it was morning. Her eyes glittered softly, and than looked back at Beast when he pinned her.

"I guess we can wait than.. Can't we?" She said, whispering the last part in a teasing tone. She ducked away from him when he tried to kiss her and than stuck her tongue out at him teasingly. She backed up down the hallway, getting further and further away from him. She wiggled her finger at him, motioning for him to come get her.
Beast looks at her and then chuckles. "You just love playing with fire." He said and then chased after her. He smiled at her, growling playfully as her neared her. He reached out to grab her, her teasing always only made him want to try harder to catch her. Of course, that probably was the point.
Blair giggled and backed up faster and than came to a stop suddenly and spread her wings. She was ready to fly out the window like last time and manage to escape again. She smirked at him, taking a few steps towards the window teasingly. She stepped up onto the window and kicked it open. She spread her wings and winked at him.

"Well? Aren't you gonna catch me?" She asked s*xily with a smile.
Beast looked at her and then chuckled. "You tease to much I tell you." He said and then rushed at her trying to get her one last time. He managed to grab her shirt by her shoulder. He looked at her and then chuckling having a little bit of fun. One of these days he is going to get back at her for teasing him so much.
She grinned, grabbing him and pulling him out of the window with her. She tumbled down with him and than kissed his nose gently before setting him down on the ground. She landed beside him and than burst into a run, and than soon she was flying through the air. She was flying just over the cement, than she finally stopped a few miles away from Beast. She looked back at him and laughed, obviously having fun with this.

She stuck her tongue out at him again and than wiggled her butt at him slightly. She giggled and straightened up, facing him again.
Beast looked at her and then smirked at bit. He bent down setting his hands on the ground in a runners position and then bursts forth with much speed and power. He looks at her, she was having to much fun with this in his mind. He didn't mind to much though.

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