☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Beast looked at her and then looked away. "No I'm fine...and you just stay there and get some sleep ok?" He said pulling the blanket over is head again trying to sleep. He yawned and then curled up a bit like a dog. He closed his eyes hoping it wasn't kicking in already. He needed sleep!
She tilted her head and giggled flirtatiously.

"Fine. I guess you won't mind if I just casually walk around the school than." She smirked mischievously and than sneakily slipped out of his room and dashed down the dark hallways. She giggled again and wandered further and further from his room until she was in another corridor. And she was right by Nick's dorm.

She had a teasing look on her face when she looked down at her short pajama bottoms. She was obviously trying to get Beast to follow her on purpose.

"Oh Beast! Aren't you gonna come get me?!" She exclaimed loudly and than laughed again, but she sort of stopped when a voice whispered in her ear.

"Blair. What are you doing?"

It was Nick.
Beast eyes widened and he ran after her. He grabbed Blair's arm. He growled. "I'm here alright?" He heard Nick's voice and pulled Blair in hugging her protectivly. "Nothing!" He roared at him. "Don't you touch her again!" He said furriously. He looked at Blair. "Please don't run away from me." He said looking at her worriedly.
She giggled and poked him gently on the nose teasingly.

"I only did this on purpose, silly." She grinned and pulled him tighter against her until there lips were inches apart. Nick had already left. Seeing Beast obviously made him completely mad.

She took a few steps backwards until her back was pressed against the wall, and it looked like Beast was pinning her. She grinned smexily and made his hands slide lower down her waist. She brought her lips to his neck and kissed him violently.

"Don't you want to do this?" She whispered in his ear before kissing him again.
Beast eyes widen and he looks at her swallowing a bit. "Um....yes....I mean no...I um..." He looked at her and then looked at where his hands were. Crap he thought and then slowly took his hands off her. "Blair....not right now please." He said and then looked at her kissing her lightly on the cheek.
Blair stopped kissing him, and for a moment, a look of hurt flashed onto her face. But it faded in a blink of an eye.

"Okay fine. But i'm staying out just a little longer." She grinned and than flew straight out the window, leaving him empty handed.

She landed on the sidewalk in front of the school and began casually walking into the city. Her eyes were still glowing bright green, meaning the chemical hadn't worn off yet.

A few guys walked past her and whistled, mostly looking down at her butt. She giggled flirtatiously and waved back at them with a wild glint in her eyes.
Beast looked at her and then sighed. "Do I have to trick her to keep her here?" He sighed and then followed after her. He saw guys whistling at her and growled. "Blair! Come on!" He ran after her and then looked at her. He sighed and then thought about something. Use her own behavor against her? Maybe it would work. He sighed and then continued to run after her.
Blair immediately turned around when she heard Beast's voice and than she smiled when he ran up to her.

"I thought you said you wanted to sleep?" She asked, tilting her head a little too innocently and walking up close to him.

She smiled at him when her eyes drifted to his lips, than they snapped back up to his eyes.

"So why did you follow me anyways?" She whispered, almost about to kiss him right than.
Beast looks at her and then sighs. "Because I'm worried about you Blair." He said putting a hand on her shoulder. "I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said looking at her. He kissed her lightly on the lips and then pulled back. He pushed her hair behind her ear. "Now can you please come back to the school with me? With all the creeps out here I'm pretty sure it's a bad idea to be roaming around."
She tilted her head and batted her eyes at him.

"Okay.. I'll go back.." She murmured and than smirked again.

"Can I sleep with you though?" She asked, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist. She pulled his face closer to hers and gazed deeply into his eyes.

"I promise I won't do anything." She whispered and than kissed him back gently on the lips. You could tell that the chemical was edging away because her eyes were more of a caramel color.
Beast helpped holding her up by having his arms rest under her to hold her up. He looked at her and then pulled back with a smile. "Alright alright." He said chuckling a bit and then started walking back to the castle. "As long as you promise." He said looking at her. He wasn't even panting when they got back to the school.
She grinned and rested her head on his shoulder. The chemical had fully wore off and her eyes were there normal golden color. She sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around his neck slowly.

"I think the chemical thingy wore off finally." She murmured into his ear and than felt her eyes begin drooping a little from drowsiness. She looked up when they finally got back to his room and she unraveled her legs from his waist. She dropped down in front of him and smirked slightly as she brushed past him and into his room.

"Are you gonna put your blanket and pillow back on the bed? Or do you want to just sleep on the floor?" She asked as she climbed into his bed and slid under the covers.
Beast sighed deeply. "Oh thank God." He looked at her and then looked at his pillow. "With that run around you put me through....I'll take my bed." He sighed and then grabbed his blanket and pillow and set them on the bed. He didn't sleep in the covers like her, he slept on them. He laid down pulling his blanket over him and then crossing his arms. He put his head on his pillow, his back facing her. "..." He closed his eyes yawning.

FLower on the other hand couldn't sleep. She was sitting outside her room door to scared to go inside it. Bella knew where her room was and it was only a matter of time before he showed up again. She put her head in her knees which she was hugging. She sighed deeply, her long white hair almost covering her up.
She rested her head gently on the pillow and stared at the wall in front of her. Something about this was a little awkward.

Maybe I'll just sleep on the floor.. She thought and than did a quick nod to herself. She snatched a pillow up and a blanket and slid down onto the floor. She set her pillow down and pulled the blanket over her slowly. She didn't even bother looking up or even saying goodnight to Beast, she just stared straight forward with her back facing him. She was looking slightly mad for no apparent reason, and even she didn't understand why. She sighed and shifted a little bit, but she couldn't seem to sleep. She propped herself up on one elbow and sighed as she laid down again. She couldn't even close her eyes.
Beast looked at her and sighed. He got up and picked her up. "No...no sleeping on the floor for you." He said dropping her on his bed and then put her stuff back on the bed. He yawned tiredly. He grabbed his pillow and blanket and then slept on the floor. "And if you try to argue may I remind you I am a beast and I will be more likely to eat you if you make me mad." He said more jokingly then serious. He laid down and covered up from the top of his head to his feet. He closed his eyes.
She grinned and peeked over the side of the bed again.

"Oh yeah?" She teased, a slight challenge in her voice and than set up her pillow and blanket. She kind of felt bad now that she made him sleep on the floor. She raised her eyebrows and than did a fake yawn, but she actually wasn't even close to being tired. She stared at the ceiling for a few moments, waiting for Beast to fall asleep so she could get a few things from her room and bring them back here. She sighed quietly, pretending she was falling asleep. But she wasn't even close.

She decided to pass some time.

"Why do you think Nick did that to me?" She murmured, still staring up at the ceiling.
Beast opened his eyes and then slowly moved so that he was sitting up. "Hm..." He pushed his hand through his hair. "I don't know, he's messed up for one I guess...." He sighed looking up at the ceiling as he pulled up leg up and set his arm on it. "I don't know what went through his mind then...no one but him would know." He said quietly. "Right their tells me he only wants you because you're beautiful. He doesn't care about your personality or anything beond what is on the outside, only to use you. That is something I will never forgive him for, something that I will protect you from." He said now looking down with an anger in his face and eyes.
She nodded in agreement, fumbling with her hands in sadness.

"He used to be a good guy.." She murmured, remembering when Nick, her, and Eric would hang out all the time. She sighed and sat up a little bit in position.

"Ever since his Mother died last month, he's never really been the same.." She paused and pulled the covers over her more.

"I think he only did that because.. He's lonely and just needs someone to talk to him about things for once.. But the way he tried to get my attention, wasn't the right way at all." She said firmly, shaking her head in irritation when she remembered what he tried to do to her that night.

"It's a good thing you came in time. Or else I would of been.. Ya know.." Pregnant. She wanted to say it, but she knew it would hurt Beast to much if she did. She shuddered a little and than continued to stare down at her hands.
Beast smiled a bit. "I think know the purfect girl. She's a great listener and knows how it feels to lose a mother. Flower...although i'll probably have to argue with her for a while, I mean she knows what he tired to do and she's a bit fearful of guys....But if he tries anything flower with beat him to ashes." he chuckled and then looked at Blair. He go up and then put his hand on her head. "Why don't we put it out of mind for now ok?" he said kissing her cheek. "I'll get flower to weak out and see if she can talk to Nick, you my dear need rest, by the way...I'll always find you, I'll always protect you....no need to be thinking of what it's because it's in the past now." he said stroking her head a bit.
She nodded slowly, but didn't close her eyes or anything, she just stared forward in thought.

"I don't even know if I can go to sleep.." She murmured when she looked at him. And that was true, she wasn't even tired. Instead, she leaned upwards and lightly kissed him on the lips before curling up and trying to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Beast.." She said softly, than closed her eyes
Beast looked at her and then smiled. "Goodnight Blair." He went back to his blanket and pillow and fell asleep in minutes. She snored only slightly and was sleeping peacefully enough.
(Yeah you can join lol :P )

Blair's eyes fluttered open slowly as sunlight poured into the room. She felt something in front of her and she looked up. Her eyes widened and she gulped slightly.

She must of fallen off the bed, because she was lying behind Beast with her arms wrapped tightly around him. She looked at his sleeping face and smiled before snuggling up behind him again and almost falling asleep again. She didn't want to wake him up or anything.
Kage Appeared out of nothingness, walking slowley into the entrance hall of the academy. "Well this looks promising enough" he stated slightly invigorated by the scent of other "beings" that have passed through the halls. He went directly to the office and retrieved papers for the courses he would be studying (dont really know the layout of general teachings) he proceded to his locker (do we have them??) and looked about wondering if he was the only student here this early. He hated being late, he had never been late to any occasion and THIS would be no exception. "well as long as im here aerly I may as well take a nap" he walked out to the courtyard and searched for the nearest tree wich he then proceded to jump into and rest his eyes.
Flower was outside as well. She was practicing with her sword early this morning and was as graceful as she was deadly. She jumped and tucked herself into a roll and while flying above a scarecrow she tore his straw arm off. She landed and then looked back. "Nice, sorry scarecrow." she said before continuing her deadly dance. -----------------1-------------Beast was sleeping peacfully, until he felt movement. He moved his head and then yawned. He slowly opened his eyes and then felt something behind him. He looked down his body to see blair's hands around him. He looked back and sure enough their was Blair. He smiled bu only a little and quietly chuckled not really wanting to use his normal voice yet. "Oh you sneaky girl." he chuckled quietly again.

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