☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Beast slowly sat up. "Blair, let me explain something to you. I'm a beast it even my name. What would happen if I harmed you or even got you pregnant? Beast's don't have control over their beast side, believe me when I tell you it's really hard not to, but if we did continued this would you really stay with me? I mean are you ready to commit yourself to me because of you are that's just great but I really do want you to think about this." he smiled slightly. "I really like you bair and that's why I guess I'm asking here." he said putti g a hand on her cheek. "You are very important to me, that's why I would be very hurt if you would decide that I'm not the one for you." he lightly kissed her forehead. "You have no idea how much control it takes just to let you back off like that." he chuckles almost laughing.
This time, she kept her eyes locked on his, but they widened when he said the word 'pregnant.'

She blinked a few times, making her eyes go back to normal. Than she took a few steps towards him and smiled lightly.

"Beast.. I don't really care what you are. And yes, I would stay with you and commit myself.." She stopped and batted her eyes a few times, than grinned.

"I really like you too.." She murmured softly, than giggled and winked at him.

"And you have no idea how hard it was for me to actually let you up."
Beast chuckles and then smiles widely at her. "Good Blair." he seemed alot more relaxed now and less tensed. Although he looked away from her rubbing his head. "I'm glad you feel that way because I feel the same way...ok now I feel so awkward." he sighed and then let his head drop down as he rubbed his hair messing up his hair. He looked at her and then then away an then back at her.
She giggled and than grabbed his chin and pulled him towards her.

"We don't have to be awkward anymore.." She said in a teasing voice. She leaned towards him, making it look like she was going to kiss him, but she took a step back everytime he would try. So her head would be a little farther back every time. She was practically teasing him to kiss her.
Beast chuckles at her. "Oh come now." he laughs and looks at her. He grabs her head and holds her still while he kisses her. He slowly moved his hands to her shoulders so she could move back of she really wanted to. He stepped a bit closer enjoying the kiss.
Blair giggled and pulled back a few steps. She still had the same teasing look on her face as she practically began running away from him. She was running at lightning speed so it was pretty much impossible to catch her.

She looked back behind her and giggled again as she dashed down the halls.
Beast blinks and then follows after her. He follows her scent and then blinks a bit laughing to himself. He jumped and then turned to the side and his feet touch the wall. He jumped again pushing himself off the wall and into a barrel roll and he was catching up to her since that jumped pushing him 17 feet towards her. He smiled running again causing after her. "Hey no one escapes beast!" he laughed. (need to reply to flower xD )
"Oh yeah?" She teased and than quickly turned to the right and burst out the open window. It looked like she was falling down to the ground at first, but she had spread her wings just in time and had swooped up. Her silhouette blocked the beaming sun for a moment as she flapped in midair, giving Beast a teasing look.

Her blue eyes glittered softly as she tilted her head at him and giggled.

Eric scratched his ear lazily, than shifted into a cheetah and took off down the halls. Other people jumped back in surprise as he barreled through quickly. He looked behind him and gave Flower a look saying,

"C'mon. Let's go find Blair and Beast."

And than he disappeared around the corner, running at 40 MPH.
Flower shifted into a cheetah and ran off after him. She was just alittle slowler then him meaning to follow him. She was however unsure why he wanted her to tag along but maybe it was because she knows beast. She continued to run now running beside him instead of behind.

Beast stopped and then looked out the window looking at her and then leaned on the window putting his head on his hand, his head slightly tilted. "Ok maybe you can." He said with a chuckle looking out at her with a smirk on his face. "I guess the Beast will have to wait here." He smiled shifting his hair a bit looking charming...or at least trying.
Blair smirked back and gently flew forward, landing in front of him. She hopped off the window pane and side glanced at him with a smexy smile on her face.

"What do you wanna do now?" She murmured, sliding her pointer finger under his chin and pulling him towards her. Her eyes were shimmering in a mischievous way, which wasn't always a good thing.

Eric saw Blair and Beast he stopped, but he was going to fast. He slid forward, ramming hard into a wall and than looked up in surprise when he realized Flower would probably do the same thing. He leaped in front of her and dug his claws into the ground so he wouldn't fly backwards when she hit him.
Beast let out a playful growl has he looked into her eyes. He alowed himself to get closer and he smiled at her. "Hmm I couldn't care less about anything but being with you right now." He said his arms on each side of her on the wall. He looked at her quite lovingly. His gaze was only pulled away when he heard a slam on the wall.

Flower saw him and then tried to stop and slid on the floor as she rammed into him. She turned human as soon as she did and she held her head her eyes closed as pain surged through her. She was confused for a few moments.
Blair smirked and than gently brought her lips to his, but she pulled away as well when Eric and Flower went flying past them. She stepped away from Beast a little as she looked to see what had happened. Her eyes widened and she walked towards them quickly.

Eric closed his eyes and turned into a human as well. But when he opened his eyes, he slightly blushed.

"Oh.. Uh.." He stuttered as he realized he was literally laying on top of her with his knees by both sides of her waist. He quickly got up and than helped her up smoothly.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, gently grabbing her chin and tilting her head in every direction to make sure she was okay. However, he stopped when his gaze met hers and he was frozen there for a few moments. His face became flushed and he let go of her chin and took a few steps back.
Flower opened her eyes and then blushed when she found him ontop of her. She felt a shiver go through her finding the closeness kind of scarry. When he let her up she smiled and was about to say something when he grabbed her chin and started check to see if she was ok. She was and then she blushed even more when he stared right at her. She felt like she could breath again when he stepped back. "Yes i'm....fine thank you. Oh um are you ok...although you seem to be just fine." She looked at Beast who was chuckling at the two of them.

Beast smiled at Flower chuckling at the whole thing. It was quite funny to see Eric's reaction to Flower. Although it very well didn't surprise him, Flower was a very lovely girl. He looked at Blair with a wide smiled chuckling again at the two.
Blair stared at Eric and Flower with a stunned expression. Eric was more of a goofball, and not really a romantic as much.

Wow... I guess Eric does have a romantic side after all.. She thought in her head with a surprised gleam in her eyes. Eric seemed to catch the way she was looking at him because he completely stepped away from Flower and stood a few feet away from them. He scratched the back of his head and gave them a very nervous smile.

"Well.. I better get going.. Nick won't be to happy once he finds out where I am.." He mumbled and than took another few steps backward. He flicked his gaze to Blair and grinned, than to Beast. He simply nodded at Flower and than bolted as quick as he could.

"That was so weird. He never acts like that." She exclaimed, pacing a little and staring at her feet in thought.

Flower blinked and then looked at Blair. "Um...huh?" She tilted her head confused and then looked at Beast who was laughing like crazy. Flower glared

"SHE DOESN'T GET IT!!!!" Beast got up and then patted her head. "he likes you." Flower blinks and glares. Beast looked at Blair. "Anyways....why were you guys running so fast?"

Flower shrugged and then sighed. "Eric said he wanted to look for you guys...although now that he ran off I guess I don't have a reason."
Blair leaned against the wall with a shoulder and spaced out for a few moments. She stopped and gave a side-glance out the window and her eyes widened a little. Nick was staring directly up at her, motioning for her to sneak off and meet him down there. She shook her head slightly, than sighed quietly when Nick motioned for her to come down again. She noticed Eric was with him already.

"I.. Uh.." She looked from Beast, back to Flower, than back to him again.

"I have to go get something out of my room. I'll see you guys later.." She said rather quickly, than took off in the way Eric did and than flew out the nearest window.
Beast looks at Blair and raises an eyebrow. He looked at Flower who just shrugged. Flower sighed and then slowly walked away looking at the ground. Beast blinked and then waited for Blair to come back as he thought things over. He sighed looking up at the ceiling thinking about earlier today. He sighed a bit.
Someone came up behind Flower and grabbed her. She didn't even get a chance to scream. When she saw who it was it was Bella, otherly known as the Face stealer. She knocked Flower out and then made herself look like Flower. She looked around. No one saw and she locked Flower in her room. She smirked and then walked out laughing a bit. "Hmm."
Blair landed next to Nick, not even looking at him.

"Whatever it is Nick. I-" She began, but stopped when Nick caught her by surprise and grabbed both her wrists and pulled her deathly close to him.

"Come away with me." He murmured, staring directly into her eyes. Her breath shortened and his grip tightened.

"Nick I can't-"

"Yes you can. We can run off. Far away from here."

"..No. We can't.." She said back and gently brushed him off. A flash of disappointment dawned on his face and he looked down at his shoes. After a few moments of silence, he finally spoke.

"It's him.. Isn't it?" He asked quietly, shoving his hands in his pockets and twitching slightly. She sighed and nodded.

"Yes. It it him."

But that was obviously not the right answer to his question. He turned around, and with lightning speed, sprinted off in seconds, leaving her standing in the clearing alone.

Eric walked down the hall, but bumped straight into 'Flower'. He blushed a little and backed up when his rubbed the back of his head.

"Uh.. Sorry Flower.." He mumbled, glancing up at her face and than back down again.
Bella blinked and then saw his blush smiling. Oh this was going to be fun. She smiled at him and then put her hands behind her back smiling cutly. "Oh that's alright." She looked at him and then looked over him while he had his eyes on the ground. He was cute, so she would take advantage of his little crush. Everything about her was like flower even her voice. She walked closer. "So you doing anything?" She asked.
Her question obviously caught him by surprise. He flicked his gaze up quickly and met her gaze for a few moments.

"Uh.." He looked to the left, than to the right, than back at her again.

"No. I'm not doing anything. Why? Did you want to go somewhere?" He asked softly, relaxing a little more.

Blair looked down at the ground as golden tears crept down her face and dripped to the floor. She walked forward, disappearing into the dark shadowed forest. She knew it was dangerous to be here, but she didn't care. She continued to walk.

Shadows moved around her, but she ignored them and padded forward. But she should of turned back and ran, for there was that same dark figure from before there, watching her. Waiting for the right moment. And eventually, that moment came.

The man leaped out and knocked her out before she had the chance to scream or even fight back.

"Let's see your boyfriend come and rescue you now." He croaked into her ear and than with a snap of his fingers, disappeared without a trace and dissolved into the shadows.
Beast was walking around. He flicked his ears and they turned into wolf ears as he listened carefully. He looked around and then walked around following a scent of Blaire. He stopped, what she can't be away from him for 10 minutes? He sighed looking around.

Bella smiled and then looked around. "Um....you like walks?" She asked and then brushed up against him alittle as she past him. She looked back at him smiling. She tilted her head to the side looking at him cutely.
Eric blushed a little more when she brushed past him and than he grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah. I like walks." He said and than trailed after.

Something isn't right.. She's acting strange. He thought to himself as he met her her gaze again and smirked.

The man tied her down to a bed (Scary i know xD ) and smirked in amusement to himself when her eyes fluttered open. It took her a few moments to realize where she was, and she began squirming again, but failed.

"I finally to have you for myself.." He murmured and grinned evilly. He took a few steps towards her and than slipped a dagger out of his pocket and chuckled.

"YOUR SICK! LET ME GO!" She screamed, but was cut off when he used his knife to slowly cut her shirt open, revealing a tank top underneath.

"No.. You wouldn't dare.." She screeched, realizing he was trying to rape her. Tears flooded into her eyes when he tightened the handcuffs that were tying her down. Than he smirked and whispered into her ear.

"Yes.. Actually I would.." He murmured when he ran his hands underneath her tank top and searched for her bra strap. She sobbed slightly and watched helplessly as he moved down to her pants.

(Sorry if that was kinda inapropro lol

I didn't know how to not make it inappropriate)
Beast suddenly got a scxent of another man. His eyes widen and he followed the scent going beast. He was right outside the bedroom door before you know it. He growled furriously and then scratched at the door. He roared and then busted down the door. His paws were bleeding from the speed he was going.

Bella smiled at him and then started walking heading outside. She put her arms behind her and then opened the door heading outside. She looked back at him and then waited.
Blair sniffled slightly and somehow managed to kick the man off of her. She still had her clothes on, but her model skinny stomach was the only thing showing. She looked up immediately when Beast came in and her eyes widened in relief.

"Beast!" She exclaimed, but stopped when the man dragged her off the bed and held a dagger against her throat. He smirked crazily at Beast and than slid the dagger to her stomach.

"Aw.. Look. Your boyfriend came here to rescue you.. How nice.." He spat, and than pressed the dagger against her stomach and made a long cut that dripped blood. He was obviously only trying to tease Beast by hurting Blair in front of him. She gasped out in pain and tried to shake out of his grasp, but he was incredibly strong. The man kissed her gently on the neck and than chuckled as he sliced a deep cut on her hip. He was still teasing Beast.

"Well? Aren't you gonna come get her, beast boy?" He snarled when he ran his hands up her body and paused at her bra.

"Don't.." She murmured as tears flowed down her face.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Eric quickly held the door for her and than followed her outside. He smirked at her and than rubbed the back of his head slowly.

"So.. How long have you known Beast for?" He asked, glancing at her from time to time.

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