☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Blair whipped her gaze to Flower, and her eyes widened.

"He's.. Going to die?!" She said in shock, her face dawned with horror. She immediately took off after him and ran to his room. She knocked urgently on the door and than sobbed slightly.

"Beast! Open the door!" She exclaimed in between sobs. Tears were running down her face and she was beginning to loose hope for herself.

~No.. He can't die. Not now.~ She thought desperately.
Flower was about to say something and then blinked. "Um....not what I ment..." She was already gone though. She sighed and looked at Nick and Eric. "Hello...I don't believe we've met." She stood up and then held out her hand. "I'm Flower." She smiled at them and then looked at the floor.

Beast opened the door his ears still that of his beast form. "Blair?! Why are you sobbing! WHat's wrong!?" He looked at her and then looked her over.
Nick chuckled and than fixed his gaze on Flower.

"I'm Nick. And that's Eric." He said, pointing at Eric who was in Shark form, swimming around in the pool. Eric gave a slight wave with his fin at Flower and than disappeared under the water.

Blair blinked multiple times, thinking over what Flower had said. Than her eyes widened and she burst out laughing, collapsing against the wall. She had to cover her mouth she was laughing so hard, but she stopped after about 2 minutes.

She quickly explained to him what Flower had said, and how she thought he was actually going to die and stuff. When she finished talking, she sighed and than giggled.

"I'm so dumb." She exclaimed, smiling at him and than bursting into laughter again.
After a few hours of training Rosa realized she had enough for the day and she still had a few hours until dinner. With a sigh she shifted into her wolf and padded to the pool, the stares of people when they saw a wolf in the hallway had faded but there were still some gasps. She half wanted to just snap at people and see how they jump but she resisted. Rosa laid down in the shallow end letting the water rush over her fur.
Beast smiled and then chuckled. He looked at her and laughed. "Oh yes that Flower..." He chuckled and hugged her. "I'm sorry, I needed to calm down...I don't like nick at all." He said and then looked down. "I just....I can't control my rage sometimes. But I tell you as long as I don't get flower mad I won't die." He chuckles and then looked at her.

Flower looked at Eric. "Is that all you got?" She chuckled. "Hmm, please excuse me." She jumpped and shifted into a bigger shark and dove into the water. She opened her mouth chasing eric. She suddenly jumpped out of the water and dove in again.
Eric leaped into the air and transformed into a Raven and flapped up onto a ledge sticking out of the ceiling. He cawed down at Flower and ruffled his black feathers slightly.

Nick raised an eyebrow and dashed so quickly out of the pool room that you could hardly see him.

Blair giggled and hugged him tighter with a sigh.

"Ya know.. Nick wasn't kissing me. He was just giving me air.." She murmured carefully and than rested her head on his chest. Her heart was racing, and in an aroused sort of way. She tried to shake the feeling away, but he was just so close to her right now.

She swallowed and than her fingers twitched a little.
Flower shifted back and then blushed deeply. She her bathing suit didn't shift with her. She turned around and shifted into a wolf and swam out of the water. She shook off feeling quite awkward now. She had her tunic near by and then managed to put it on. Once it was on her it changed to more wolf fur and flower shifted back and then stood up now clothed. She didn't speak she just covered her face with her hand and then wrapped her arm around her belly. She looked away from anyone. The tunic was a bit short but it covered her. She thought about how she knew she should have brought the cloak as well. It would be more proper. She shivered in toldal shock at the moment.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beast sighed and then kissed the top of her head. He smiled at her and then held her tighter. "Good." he sighed. "Although Blair, you owe me this." he grabbed her chin and then kissed her. He chuckled once he pulled back. He hugged her more protectively keeping her close. "Just don't make it a habit, I don't think I could stand another heart attack like that you and nick gave me." he chuckled.
Eric looked down at her and made an embarrassing noise with his beak. He gave Flower a wink and than swooped down at the edge of the pool and shifted back into his form, and his clothes shifted with him. He grinned at her and than chuckled.

"Maybe you should shift when your not in public." He smirked and than shook his blonde hair like a dog.

Blair giggled after he kissed her, but she was mainly focused on what was behind him. Which was his room.

She looked up at him and had a pleading look on her face, but it faded when she smiled and looked away.

"I won't let Nick do that again." She said softly and than poked him in the nose with her finger and than grinned.

"I promise." She kissed him on the cheek and than buried her face into his neck.
Flower looked at him and blushed even more when he winked at her and then looked away. "Yeah...these clothes....are made from the fire flower, or shifters flower...they shift with me...I wasn't thinking." She still had her hand over her mouth. She looked at the tunic and then closed her eyes. She looked towards the door.

Beast smiled slightly. He blinked and looked at his room. He looked at her and then kissed her behind her ear since he couldn't get to her cheek. He snuggled with her and then sighed happily. He closed his eyes and then chuckled. He didn't want to ruin this relationship.
This is what beast looks like! Lol I love this pic...

This is what flower is wearing, you can see she has a tunic underneath the cloak or robe she has on. Lol Now flower right now doesn't have that covering or the boots so you can imagine her uncomfortablness right now! lol this is her picture
Blair sighed and than made them sway back and forth slowly, but she froze when she heard a clap of feet behind her.

"Blair. I need to talk to you." A familiar voice spat behind her. She let go of Beast and stared after Nick, who looked incredibly pissed. She glanced at Beast reassuringly, than stalked after Nick with caution.

When they were out of hearing range, Nick exploded in fury.

"Why the h*ll are you hanging out with that d*ck?!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air and pacing back and forth in front of her.

"He's not a d*ck. Relax, Nick.." She murmured softly, but froze again when Nick took a threatening step towards her.

"Are you f**king kidding me?! You don't even give me and Eric a glance! You just walk off with that dumba**!" He was just a few inches from her face now, so she took a step back.

"Look, Nick-"

"Don't 'Look, Nick' me! I've had enough of your bullsh*t!" He screeched and than whirled around and dashed away in the blink of an eye.
(Um flower? lol nice picture xD )

Beast g ot up when he saw nick. He blinked and then sighed as he watched Blair walk away. He walked into his room and then looked through his things. He smiled as he found what he was looking for. He pulled it out. It was a necklase from his mother. He opened the plastic bag it was in and then slowly pulled it out. It had a pretty crystal that had a crack in it that looked like a heart. He smiled and then set it down as he slowly put things into place. It was something he was considering giving to Blair, but not right now. He only pulled it out to make sure it was ok before he poundered the thought a bit more.
Rosa wasn't sure how she felt about the guys wading through the water. On one hand they seemed very playful and goofy but on the other hand they seemed to antagonize the other girl. Her eyes rested for a moment on the other shapeshifter, she was a lycan a very specific shifter who had learned to control her power with her mind instead of anger. Right now for instance she was in wolf form but she wasn't mad in the least.
( xD oh yeah sorry LOL)

Eric shrugged and than chuckled.

"It's alright. It happens to me a lot too." He said and than rubbed his head stupidly. He met Flower's gaze, flashing her a perfect smile to brighten her up.

"So.. You know Beast pretty well?" He asked, tilting his head adorably.

Blair walked back to Beast with her hands in her back pockets. She practically avoided his gaze when she stood in the doorway. She looked troubled and a little bit ashamed.

It is true.. I've been spending so much time with Beast.. That I forgot about Eric and Nick.. She thought in her head with sorrow. She continued to stare at her feet, not speaking to Beast or even looking up.
Beast looked at her and then got a worried look as she seemed very sad. He walked over and set a gente hand on her shoulder. He frowned and looked at her. "Blair, are you ok?" he said and then tilted her chin up so that she looked at him. ----------------------------------------Flower looked at him and then sighed a bit. "Well yes. Beast saved me from...well I was...a slave." she shivered a bit. She had scars on her back that he might have seen from the whips her master used on her. She sighed deeply. "I've known beast ever since that day he really is a hero well he thinks anyways.
She yanked her chin away and than stared at the ground.

"I'm fine.. Just a little mixed up." She murmured and than took a few steps backwards. She kind of gave Beast a glance, but she looked away before he even noticed.

Eric listened carefully and than nodded.

"Yeah.. Well, my buddy Nick doesn't like him that much.." He said and than chu,kled nervously.

"He kind of has a crush on Blair.. But Beast is keeping him from seeing her.." He stared at his feet and sighed.
Beast frowned even more. "Blair..." he said pleadingly wanting her to talk to him. His arms dropped to his sides as he stared at her. He tired not to think that nick had just talked to her and now she's all sad. He sighed deeply. He stood there waiting and then looked down himself. He looked back at her almost ready to just hug her but she didn't seem to want his touch right now so he stood there.---------------------------------------Flower sighed deeply. "Well beast seems to have strong feelings for this girl. I've never seen such a reaction in beast before." she crossed her arms over her stomach. "I'm sorry your friend dislikes beast. He's a really cool guy." she looked at him and smiled slightly althuough she was feeling quite awkward.
She shoved her hands in her pockets again and than looked at her feet like she was in trouble or something.

"I told you.. i'm fine.." She muttered and than turned around so her wings were facing him. She stared down at the floor and let out a sorrowful sigh that almost made tears come to her eyes.

"Listen.. I-" She stopped talking and than suddenly burst into tears. She tried to wipe them away as quick as she could, but they just kept running down her face.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Eric nodded slowly, not blinking for a moment.

"Yeah.. That's the problem.. Nick has deep feelings for Blair too.. And now that he knows Beast is going after her as well.. They suddenly just became enemies.." He said quietly, still staring down at his shoes. He suddenly shifted into a dog and than sat down, wagging his tail at Flower and than barking.
Beast grabs her an pulls her into a hug. "Blair...What's wrong?" he asked and then looked at her trying to help wipe away the tears. He reatched his arm out and grabbed a tissue box and then handed it to her. "here Blair." he smiled and then frowned a bit. He sighed a bit an then looked at her. He had a very concerned look in his eyes. He was trying not to get angry at the fact that nick got her upset yet again.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<<<<<~~~~~~~~~ Flower blinked as he turned into a dog an then slightly tucked at the bottom of the tunic before turning into a dog herself. She looked at him but didn't bark or wag her tail. She was a pure white German shepherd since her hair was white she tended to be white animals.
Blair grabbed a few tissues and than wiped her tears away with them. She coughed a little, trying to catch her breath from sobbing so much. She hugged him so tightly that it probably hurt him, but she didn't care.

"God.. I'm such an idiot.." She mumbled half to herself as she rested her head on his shoulder. She made him take a step backwards on accident, and she tripped over his feet and made him fall to the ground with her.

She closed her eyes when she had fallen on top of him, but when she opened them, she blushed violently. Her legs were spread on both sides of his waist, and her hands were gently placed by both sides of his head, making her face hover just above his.

"Uh.. I-" She stopped speaking when her heart began racing. She wanted to kiss him so badly right now, but somehow she stopped herself.
Beast was about to tell her she wasn't till she tripped and they both fell to the floor. He felt his hear begin to race and he looked up at her. He swallowed and blushed a deep red. He swallowed again suddenly it seemed the room was a lot warmer. He looked at her lips. Man did he really want to kiss her. His arms were still around her from the hug. He seemed so unable to move. He tired to speak but it seemed his voice was shaken. He managed to make a few words. "Wh-what....I...um." he could make much sense of anything his mind completely blank. Even his breathing started to speed up. He tried to move so that they weren't so close. He lifted his head a bit and then set it back down seeing that it would only make them kiss.
Without even thinking, she slowly began leaning forward, and softly pressed her lips to his. She didn't even know why she did. She just couldn't help it.

After a few moments, the kiss became way more passionate, and soon her hands had completely pinned his arms down. So now, he couldn't move at all, even if he wanted to.

Soon, her lips had moved to his neck and she kissed him all the way down to his shoulder, than gently nudged him with her nose and than kissed him again. Her fingers tightened more on his arms, and her heart was racing now.
Beast looked at her and then when she had him completely pined down he started to snap out of it. He knew he couldn't move now and he looked at her and then swallowed hard. She was very tempting and when she kissed down his neck he could feel his disire of getting up dim. There was one problem though, the reason he knew this shouldn't go to far. Would she stay with him, he was a beast, an uncontrolled side of him might harm her. He closed his eyes slowly though kissing her back but then his eyes quickly opened again. He looked at her and then just kissed back. He felt like he had to. He wasn't able to think straight anymore, he was helpless it seemed, how could he have let her pin him down? He didn't know but it happened.
After a few seconds, she realized he was acting strange again. She stopped kissing him and removed her hands from his shoulders so that he could get up.

She stood up completely and than blushed as she rubbed her arm.

"Sorry.." She muttered, trying to keep the feeling she just had inside her, but it had faded away when Beast began acting weird. Like he was uncomfortable with her.

"I... I should go.." She murmured and than met his gaze for a quick second. Her face was still a little bit flushed.

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