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Active [Clockhaven] Investigate Around And Find Out

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's open to join for anyone interested, though let me know beforehand so I can see how to best work the character into the story. It probably also won't be much fun for those with other investigator-type characters due to my own high-grade one already being there (unless you wouldn't mind that).

What to expect out of character:
Other than this starting posts, narration posts are planned every Sunday and Wednesday, likely in the late morning or early afternoon (UTC+1/CET). The RP is intended to last between 1 and 2 months, though it might be split up in a 2-part RP depending on what happens in character and on if there is enough willingness/demand to extend it.

The focus will be mostly on combat (with the halfling doing investigation stuff) and some exploration bits. For the combat, I'll use a very loose interpretation of the effectiveness system. Three actions per round, ability cooldowns apply during combat, the result of an action is roughly tied to its effectiveness and add-ons (techniques, affinities) combined with the narrative flavour/impact (to allow for better results for well-described scenes, clever plotting).

What to expect in character:
The halfling investigator, Victorique Sopheana, has been hired to investigate the mansion of a certain 'mister Klyios'. The man was relatively unheard of, yet suddenly stormed the scene. Within a few years time, he gained an extraordinarily large amount of wealth and popularity and he's now planning to run for an important position in Parliament.

Klyios' sudden rise to fame has not gone without its rumours and gossip. Some of which led to credible reports of him dealing with state enemies, dodging taxes, smuggling weapons and even possible involvement with a [monster]-worshipping cult. The accumulation of evidence eventually had the current Parliament order one of his most suspicious estates to be investigated. After all, they'd rather be sure about whom they were dealing with, before they'd consider whether or not he'd be legible to join them.

As if to confirm their suspicions, the original investigator was never heard from or seen again. Yet their vanishing couldn't be convincingly tied to Klyios' actions. As such, the parliament sent in a second investigator, this time with a force of elite clockwork guards. Except that one, like the one before, along with all his Clockwork guards, has gone missing. Seeing no better option, they hired an investigator through the Adventurer's Guild, along with seeing to it that she had the resources needed to hire some guards.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Silent Angel Silent Angel Rachael Meredith – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.

I might have taken on an investigation that's likely to get me killed. If you want to help prevent that from happing, I'd appreciate it. Meet me at the Central Police Station in Clockhaven as soon as possible, as I'm not allowed to leave here until I've gotten security arranged.


Victorique Sopheana

Widersia. Capital City: Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

The halfling was annoyed and excited in equal measure. She'd gotten an invitation to go on a really exciting mission in her home nation, seeing the more advanced steampunk parts of it. A mission that'd surely earn her lots of credits with the Adventurer's Guild here, or perhaps globally so. Yet, well, it also came with a lot of risks. Enough so that she was told she shouldn't even leave the immediate vicinity of the police station after her briefing. Not until her guards had shown up.

As a result, she'd reached out to whomever she could think off. Rachael, Orchid, Dayle, Arthur, Kane... Even the cat, Calliope and pink-haired mage she'd met in that fish once upon a time. Those had been surprisingly nice to interact with back then. Her 'letter' was simple.


I might have taken on an investigation that's likely to get me killed. If you want to help prevent that from happing, I'd appreciate it. Meet me at the Central Police Station in Clockhaven as soon as possible, as I'm not allowed to leave here until I've gotten security arranged.


Victorique Sopheana

She lit up her pipe, excited to start the investigation, nervous that nobody would show up to come protect her. What then? She'd just be let out of the station to risk her life? They seemed convinced she'd not last long on her own. Now that she'd been involved, they even feared that Klyios' men had already started plotting her death, as they feared he'd had some moles in the station as well. How fun. This meant that even at the station itself, she had to ensure she was always in a crowd, as otherwise she could be assassinated right then and there.

Privacy wasn't going to be much of a thing for a while, was it? She sighed, then breathed in a lot of smoke. Looking out across the streets, hoping to see some familiar faces show up. Or perhaps some unfamiliar ones, as the Guild did sent out a public notice as well. Then again, she'd need to vet anyone that she didn't know prior well, or she'd just be accepting potential enemies and assassins into their ranks.

On the topic of potential assassins in their ranks...


“Huh, it looks so weird to see you smoking, with how much you resemble a kid.” It was one of the 'guards' they'd assigned her from the police station, although she looked far more like a would-be assassin than a bodyguard.

“I'll refrain from joking about how you can't even try it with that mask stuck on your face. Any way, you'll have to get used to it, or drop out of this mission.” She'd sneer back, not yet getting along with this new guard. The woman had somehow gotten on her nerves and her vertically challenged nature could be a tad of a sensitive issue.

“No can do, shorty, baron Fromm says he wants me to help resolve this.” She'd state back, looking at the shorty with slightly blank eyes. Probably due to whatever she was inhaling through that mask of hers. That was probably even worse than tobacco, for all Victorique could figure out.

“How nice of him.” She'd clicked her tongue, then smoked some more to try keep her patience. This was going to last a while, wasn't it? She really hoped some more trustworthy friends and allies would show up soon.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario )
Languages: Common | [Terran]

After her time as Aqua's mentor came to an end, Phoebe spent the good part of the next few weeks wandering around Aslan and taking in the sights of the magical city. And sights to behold did the city have in spades. This being her second visit to the magic capital of the continent, the pink haired mage was still very much a kid in a candy store when it came to sight seeing, venturing to the highest places in the cities she could get to to take in the views. As much as she marveled at the magical prowess that went into maintaining such a robust city, there she couldn't stay here forever. Thinking back on what the Professor of that summoning class said, becoming some sort of professor or assistant professor, at the very least a temporary one, at the Ethereal Luminary didn't seem a too far fetched idea if she wanted to fund her stay here a little while longer, but wanderlust still flowed through her so perhaps she could take that path another time.

The question of what kind of adventure work she could take up was answered when a few weeks after her initial arrival to the Duchy 2 letters arrived addressed to her at her lodging. The first one she opened brought a warm smile to her face as she read it. She was happy that Aqua was able to get that weight off her chest and that little sign off at the end did end up drawing a little laugh out of the pinkette. Being the only person Phoebe has taken as an apprentice, Aqua wasn't wrong that she was her #1 apprentice, but even if the pink haired mage did take on more apprentices she'd probably retain that spot as her top apprentice.

The other letter, however, is how she found herself in this part of the continent that felt a lot more familiar to her than the medieval landscapes and cities of Ryke and the Northern Kingdom as well as the magical marvels of the Duchy's capital despite being a mage in this world for around. Where Aslan had magical marvels to maintain their city, this place, Clockhaven, chose a more mechanical route instead, a bit like her formal world albeit still a bit fantastical. In a world of portals, horse-drawn wagons, Phoebe never thought she'd be able to ride an actual, bonafide train again or an airship.

Walking through the streets of the steampunk city, the occasional passing by steam powered cars invoking a sense of nostalgia within Phoebe as she searched for the police station mentioned in the letter, which didn't end up taking too terribly long, it is a major police station after all. Finding Victorique among the crowd, or probably more accurately among a sea of legs, took less time, given the Halfling's height and all. That and there was a pretty intimidating looking woman with 2 metal arms right next to her.

"I didn't know you picked up smoking." Phoebe said as she got closer. "So did looking into titles finally get you into hot water?" She said jokingly to Victorique with a bit of a smile on her face.
Last edited:

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ D }
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Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop | (Class) Anchor

Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Code by: Shatter Shard

Dayle walked along the well maintained roads of Clockhaven, grooming his own hair back as he took the sights around him. He couldn't help but whistle everywhere he went, noting the expressively mechanical workings of the city. Today he wore a more casual outfit, since he was not working and representing Red Star. No, today he was going to do a personal favor. Heck, he had even forked out some of his wealth just to enter Clockhaven legally. If he owes someone a favor, then it was in his best interests to resolve it.

His men trailed behind him, five of them, similarly taking in the sights, talking to each other in curious whispers. They too wore impressionable but unassuming clothing, but retained the sabers on hanging by their hips. The rest of his people, the remaining twenty, were already spread out around the general area. A call from him would cause all of them to come running and ready to jump anyone. But for now, he needed to prevent suspicion and so made them wander about and act like tourists. As for him, the leader proper, didn't really need to blend in.
The clothes do not hide the scars peeking out from his clothes, and his large stature was intimidating. That's not even taking into account the heavy chains wrapped around his arms, a not so subtle hint that he can bench most people here. In all honesty, taking in suspicion would be the normal reaction when gazing upon him, so he did not even bother acting. Why act, when he was an actual tourist? At least for now, he was not up to any shady dealings.

It wasn't hard to find the Central Police Station, and it also wasn't hard to find Victorique who was already accompanied by two others. Given her small stature, it should've been harder for him, but having five extra pair of eyes helped a lot. He didn't think twice when he approached them.

"Still as short as ever." His deep, almost authoritative voice rang out. He stood confidently, a hand hidden in one of his pockets. "Nice aura though. You look fast, I'm not sure if I can even catch you if I tried." He shrugged. Not that he intended to anyway. He had already seen what Victorique was capable of, and he also didn't want to chase after someone without reason.

His eyes then looked over at the masked woman. "This one of your bodyguards?" He asked Victorique. "Fancy." He remarked as his eyes went over to her metal arm. He looked at his own arm for a moment, before dropping it and looking over to the pink haired girl next. "This also your bodyguard?" This time, he arched his eyebrow as he scrutinized her outfit. "A mage huh?"

He laughed as he regarded Victorique again. "You already got two top quality escorts here. Do you even need me here?" The danger of the investigation hadn't registered in his mind yet. He knew snooping around can lead to death, but with these two? At least Victorique would be able to run with her head in place.

The men trailing him idly stood behind him, unconcerned with the four. They were discussing a surprisingly intelligent discourse about magic and technology.


Kane Blackburne
Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

Thankfully Kane could read enough of the letter at this point to understand that Victorique was looking for help once more. He could probably write coming along off as combat experience which his job would require should he be assigned elsewhere than at the headsman block for a quest. Nevertheless, he had his unique axe on his back as well as his older axe crossed on the other side of his dark robes.

He hadn't really been aware that going to Widersia would be on the table anytime soon but there he was, going to meet up with VIctorique on a potentially very dangerous mission, it wasn't like he hadn't gone on one of those before though with the whole mushroom monster, murder mystery shenanigans, and mind controlled people from what he could tell. Hopefully these sorts of experiences, besides helping his friend survive and succeed would serve a dual purpose helping build his portfolio so that he'd be trusted with more important executioner tasks from the Noble Faction in Rotia. Even if he thought a lot of them were a bunch of stuck up uppity selfish types, some of them had proven to be decent, and they were essential for supporting his family's line of work and living accommodations there.

By the time saw Victorique he would see the others who were with her. and he could only assume that they were all working toward the same task. Fighting an army wasn't usually the sort of thing he envisioned himself doing but then again it wasn't like his father hadn't had to take out groups of people who got in the way of his task set out by thw noble faction, particularly if they were criminals hired to protect a wanted person.. Kane had a feeling this might end up being a similar situation, but presuming Victorique reached out to even most of these people that meant this was pretty serious.

"A shame my first trip to Widerisa couldn't have been on nicer terms, still hoping to come check out the shire some time, anyway, Looks like you're getting ready for a war instead of an investigation." He'd say simply on arrival, giving a bit of a dark chuckle and grin, his face then going back to a more neutral serious gaze, looking around at the others.

"The name's Kane Blackburne, Executioner from the Kingdom of Rotia. I'm guessing you all already know why I'm here to meet Victorique." Continuing matter of factly. Just sort of standing around for the time being, occasionally looking around their surroundings, still taking in Widerisa some, also making sure that there weren't any threats which obviously stood out, knowing what sort of operation this was.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller –Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation. | Ensure she herself doesn't die to those after her own life either.
Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Silent Angel Silent Angel Rachael Meredith – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.

Widersia. Capital City: Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

Victorique couldn't exactly 'play it cool' when she noticed a familiar pink hair in the distance. A clear look of excitement started to show. She'd have been in some pretty big trouble if only a few folk, or worse, nobody at all, were to show up here. The fact that Phoebe arrived was a huge help and a great start alike. Not only that, Victorique did think it was a nice person overall, one she'd debate becoming 'buddies' with like she'd done with Kane. One she was even happy to meet again! Perhaps she would've been friends already, weren't it for her horrible social skills. Something she finally decided she might try to change.

Perhaps that's why this time might be different. She'd braced to call out, enthusiastically so. “Hey how...” She was about call, but the Phoebe beat her to it. Commenting on the smoking first? The halfling instantly switched tones. Recover, Victorique. She realised this wasn't a happy friends reunion after all, just a business thing, clearly. A bit of polite small talk, no 'nice to see you' and all that sappy nonsense. Of course not, what was she thinking? With her feet back on solid ground and her head of the clouds, she'd reply. “I've always done so, they just didn't allow me to smoke whilst we were within that fish and well, it didn't really work underwater afterwards. I'm surprised I survived all that.” She'd state, regarding that horrible time of prolonged abstinence from her favourite vice. It's why she took an extra deep puff of smoke right then and there.

The next part made her shake her head. “No, well, a little, but not much. Not yet at least. This time, I was asked to investigate someone running for parliament here and, well..” She was about to continue, but she spotted Dayle in the distance. Now that would be a huge help.

Ah, of course, a height joke. At least he made it clear for her not to get cheery about meeting an old friend. Although, perhaps that was his way of doing so? If that was the case, two could play that game. “It's because I've got nothing to compensate for that'd make me need more height.” She sneer back. Her wits and speeds were enough. Normally, at least.

“I am fast.” She replied next, not sure what he meant with that. “Though fast only gets one so far and for so long...” She had to admit. Closed spaces, the need to sleep, eat, etc. Growing tired. Needing some focus to investigate. There were many reasons she'd need security. “Glad to see you haven't gotten yourself killed or thrown in jail yet.” She'd add, as she sometimes worried he'd get himself killed before long, one of these days.

As for the guard... “Some Baron told her to work with the police to solve the case, they told her to guard me, that's about all I know.”


It seemed Dayle had caught her interest. Her voice, though muffled by the mask, sounded challenging. “Didn't expect an Unruffeled looking Thug to come babysit this shorty as well. You sure you're not here to kidnap the kid?”

Victorique did her best to ignore it. Her very best, at that. Instead, she'd address Dayle as if Morana hadn't even spoken up. “As I was about to tell Phoebe, I was asked to investigate someone running for Parliament. Yet two investigators before me vanished. One of them even had an entire squat of advanced clockwork guards along with him when he vanished. It's why they're taking this rather serious and told me not to leave until I gathered a lot more security.” She'd explain, though Dayle in particular was really useful. “Depending on how many you've brought, the numbers you bring and the insider knowledge you hae might provide are going to be rather useful.” She scanned the area, noticing a few more in the surrounding alleys. “Seems like a decent amount.”

That said, Dayle wasn't the only rough looking fellow to arrive. The next one showed up soon after, as Kane walked up to them. It was a relief that her latest buddy was willing to take time away from his work and even travel all the way here. “Yeah, right, I eh.. might've jumped the gun a little taking this mission on. Perhaps we can visit the shire later, when this bit is over.” Looking at those gathered, she did chuckle. A well-ranking thug, an executioner, some monstrous half-human and a pretty pink haired mage. All they were missing was a half-giant exhibitionist bunny and a man-eating half-orc and she'd have the most superior set of guards one could wish for.

As her short-lived internal cheer died down, she sighed. “That said, I did do some pre-work on the rumours and they are... wild. To say the least. It says there's some powerful assassins working for him, it suggests he's got command of an undead army, that someone heard strange wolf noises coming from his house, that he hired an entire mercenary company immediately after the death of the second investigator... There's a lot, too much to figure out which of these is even true and even more so to try ensure none of it kills me.”

With that concluded, she'd add. “So, well, I'm eh... glad you're all here.” She'd look at Morana. “Well, that's enough right? We can head towards the house?”

Morana shook her head. “I heard someone from the Adventurer's Guild directly was joining. Gotta gave them a bit more time to meet up. In the meantime, seeing how I'll fail my mission if you die, shorty...” She'd look at the others. “How do y'all plan on keeping this shorty alive? I, for one, am the first to admit I suck at bodyguarding. Show me a threat and I'll kill it though.” She'd state, giving them... reasons to be confident? Probably not.

OOC: Figured I'd give it an extra round before moving the scene to the location (next Sunday) to allow introductions and possibly strategy talk between PC's and to see if the last folk signed up/asked are able to join in before the scene change.

After the last Port Battle, Simi had been thinking of going home. Yet the moment she saw the sea she thought she would bring the doom wherever she decided to stay. So the fae decided to do something drastic and went deeper into the land instead. The Wailing Rhodon was a Huge monster that can teleport, conjure mist and skeletal minions, but its still a fish. So far it only spawned whenever there's a large body of water nearby and as long as she could keep herself from lakes, seas and rivers then it should be fine.

Neither her or the sea gels like the decision though. They're all naturally born in the sea so being on land for a prolonged amount of time was uncomfortable for them. Though these invention called the bath tub helped her a lot as it had enough space to let her soak herself in her own room. Oh yeah, she's in Widersia now. A land that she never toucher before, yet it felts somewhat familiar to her. She's currently seeking for a place that she could use to end her pursuer once and for all, but that would be for another story.


"The answer is simple: We bodyguard by guarding the client with our body!" Coming unannounced into the the gathering was a short fae with pale blue skin and 5 rambunctious blue blobs trailing behind her. Simi was wearing a brown coat with gold trimming and a comically large top hat on her head as if she's compensating for something while each of the sea gels behind her had a tiny brown hat somehow sticking in a tilted position on their head... or body. It's rather hard to tell where the body end and where the head begin with such round creatures.

"Simi Secret Service, we're here sent by the guild." She introduced her team.​
Kane Blackburne
Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic @

"To be honest till I met you I had no idea investigating could be so dangerous, yeah if you need an army to keep you alive, sounds like some down time at the shire after whenever we find out what needs finding out and beat whatever needs beating seems like a good idea."

He'd nod at her response and openness about him seeing it. Then when Victorique talked about the wild rumors he had a better idea of why they were being so serious about it, she was looking into someone who had clearly been up to no good and worse yet had resources at their disposal to get people to do their dirty work.

Pretty typical criminal behavior, the very sort that would kill any investigator that came after them to make a point, not unlike judges Kane had heard about who had hits put on them for sentencing powerful people.

"Well if even half of those are true, an army to fight an army only makes sense I guess." He'd nod. He hoped that those who came would be useful enough in this operation, since he didn't really know them personally particularly.

If Victorique trusted them with her life though that was a pretty good sign in their favor, as far as Kane was concerned. Unfortunately Morana wasn't exactly saying things which caused him to brim with Confidence when she said she was bad at guarding people, but to be fair Kane wasn't really usually tasked with acting as a bodyguard for people either except maybe a short period of time before their scheduled death.

"Hah no problem, course I showed up for this, Not about to let my friend get knocked off by some low life. There's still quite a bit we're supposed to do after all."

"Well I don't know about the rest of you, but personally I'll be stopping whatever I can that comes after her from moving, whether that means [tangling] or hitting them in the right spot-"

Kane paused a bit surprised to see Simi arriving. Apparently that was someone who was planning on keeping Victorique alive too, sent by the guild, with those rather harmless looking sea gels too, of course looks could be deceiving, Kane had learned that much, so whoever this was hopefully would be able to help too.

"Oh, hey Simi Secret Service, The name's Kane. if you're here to help Victorique can give you the details about what sort of stuff we might theoretically be up against."

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
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{ D }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop | (Class) Anchor

Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Code by: Shatter Shard

"Dayle." He introduced himself to Kane and by extension to Morana and Phoebe, not even extending a hand out for a shake. "And no, I am not gonna be doing that." He stared at Morana. "If anyone does, it's not going to be me at least." He scoffed. He won't deny that if someone from his organization really wanted to, they could target Victorique. Thankfully, he has enough power to not involve himself if it does happen.

Dayle crossed his arms as he listened to the briefing with a look of understanding. "Ah, I get it now." He nodded his head. "You're gonna get got one day with that long nose." Obviously Victorique didn't have a long nose, but she might as well when she's an investigator for a living. "Don't worry though. I'm tough enough as it is. I can be the meatshield." He pointed at himself confidently. "And my boys can also help keep a look out." He nodded his head towards the five behind him, as they nodded back. "However, if they're assassins, I bet they have them stealth skills and whatnot." He clicked his tongue. "Annoying bastards. We don't have the best eyes, so someone else has to do that." He waved his hand dismissively.

He paused when he heard a small voice interrupt the discussion, causing him to look over at Simi. "Secret Service? From the Guild?" He tilted his head, unsure of this new arrival. He didn't want to assume, but this small fella looked soft, and he was wondering if they could take one hit from him. For now though, he shook that thought out of his head. "You uh, supposed to stay hidden or something?" He looked over her. "For a secret service, you're very visible." His five men looked at Simi's blobs, and began discussing to themselves if they are slimes or some sort of other gelatinous creatures. "Either way, the more the merrier I guess." He shrugged his shoulders. "The name's Dayle." He introduced himself half-heartedly.


Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ), Dayle ( Shatter Shard Shatter Shard ), Kane ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ), Simi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Is that so? Well you must have been really deprived, I don't remember you smoking during that time at the Duchy either." The pinkette let out a little chuckle. "I'm just messing with you. Well, when you do land yourself into trouble with those titles, you know who to write to if you need a mage, but it better be written in Terran." Sly little poke at that first letter in Terran the halfling accidentally sent her once, more people started coming to the station. Particularly two intimidating looking guys. It was quite the cast Victorique assembled so far, it was almost a wonder how she came to know such people until you remember the fact that it was pretty much part of her job description to know people.

The first to arrive scrutinized both her and the other lady with the metal arm, but only after poking Victorique a bit on her height. The height avenue was definitely one she was considering using on Victorique when first approaching her, but that might have been a bit of a low blow, pun intended. "Huh, oh, yea. That's right." He hit her occupation right on the head, not like she was actually hiding it with her robes and all. Though, the same can't be said the same of her guess for what exactly he was, but he was some kind of leader of a group given he arrived with a few people behind him. Phoebe held off on introducing herself as the second of the two guys joined the group. "Phoebe Penrose. I'm a mage, if you couldn't already tell from what I'm wearing." She'd introduce herself to the group.

"You sure weren't kidding about the trouble..." She mulled over the rumors that Victorique explained were surrounding this guy. They all sounded pretty wild, but there was one in particular that caught her attention immediately given her magical line of work. And one that didn't exactly bring up the best of memories. "Well... If he has command of the undead, even if it's not an army, either he has a necromancer on his side or he himself practices necromancy. In either case, I'll be able to handle it." She shivered at the memory of the first time she'd encountered undead back at that godforsaken goblin nest. "...One way or another anyways..."

She shook away the thought, grounding herself again before responding to Victorique's gratitude. "Yea, it's no problem. If you get into any more hot water or need someone who understands magic, you can always send me a letter and I'll come your way."

As the group got onto the topic of strategy, Phoebe spoke up right after Dayle. "Well if anyone gets hurt, I'll be able to heal most injuries, as long as you're not, well... dead. My attack spells are pretty far reaching and can affect a good amount of foes and if anything magic or arcane related comes up I should be able to handle those."

In the middle of their strategy talk, however, another newcomer entered the fray. And she brought friends with her. Little adorable ones at that. "Oh, hello! Nice to meet you and your, um, secret service. Oh, um, by any chance are those familiars?"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller –Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation. | Ensure she herself doesn't die to those after her own life either.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.

Widersia. Capital City: Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

The new arrival was surprising in more ways than one. First and most of all... she was shorter than Victorique. Something the halfling had almost thought impossible right up until now. She raised an eyebrow. “Secret Service?” That sounded like a scam. She sighed. It didn't matter. “Victorique Sopheana. Nice to meet you.” She'd end up going with, deciding it wasn't going to be worth the hassle. Besides, now they should have enough people to get moving, right?

Kane was surprisingly 'innocent' in his admission of not knowing how dangerous investigations could be. “The more important the secret, the more skilled the investigator will need to be, yet the more skilled the investigator is, the more people will try to stop them with brute force instead of wits.” That seemed to be a rule of thumb in her field of work.

On the topic of things they should do, she recalled something. “Should this work out, I'll see if I can get any of you invited to the second breakfast club. It's mostly a halfling thing, but they allow for guests and the food is good.” It'd be a while since she first visited them.

Upon Dayle calling out her 'long nose' she scoffed. “Please, there's an actual deity that gave me an [Annoying Pursuer] title that I can't get rid off, so by extension, I should instead live up to it, no?” She'd nod at the next bits. “Good to know they're around. Sadly enough, I didn't hear back from the Divee's crew. Or from Orchid, if you remember her.” She'd reply, as that bit was a shame. “I'll leave a message here with where we'll be heading, should she arrive late.” She did still hope the Orc would show, as her man-eating behaviour alone made her ideal to scare off enemies. Other than her being the most suitable at actual guard work.

That said, they had a good team already. “I'd normally be able to spot most assassins, but if I'm pre-occupied, I'm not sure. That'd be the most dangerous.” She stated, thinking through her options for a bit.

Before they could continue, however, the first occasion of friendly fire occurred. Phoebe bringing up her Terran again. “Seeing how I just returned from the Sky Nation, I can give you a letter in one of the most fancy archaic Terran dialects.” She'd huff back. “Besides, tobacco was pricey as hell in the Duchy for some reason. Prices are a lot more kind here.” She mumbled, putting out her pipe and putting it back in her Pocket Dimension.

“Why undead in particular, do you have past experiences with them?” She asked Phoebe, curious as to why that part seemed to stand out to the pink haired mage.

The next bit made her fumble awkwardly. Like. Seriously. What was this? Was this a friend promising to have one's back, like Kane did, or was this yet again a professional thing? Was she supposed to feel happy and grateful or keep it professional? She really didn't like these types of things. “That's appreciated, though I'll see about keeping my water lukewarm next time.” She figured the middle road of trying a joke might help.

She'd turn to Morana. “Right. We've got enough now, no? That means we can go? The station will show anyone else that might show up after us, no?”


She'd nod. “Seems about right. Just don't die. I don't want to fail this mission.” She repeated.

That said, Simi's earlier words had caught her attention. “You're the only one smaller than this shorty. It'd be tough to body-guard with so little body to guard with.” She pointed out the obvious.

Kane had also caught her attention. “Tangling? Good.” That would be useful. “Could keep 'em in place while I finish them.”

Dayle's words were a tad more questionable. “You sound like you know some folk that will.” She pointed out. As for the assassins... “I bet they'd be fun to butcher when found.” They did seem the type to be an easy kill the moment they got discovered.

She side-eyed Phoebe. “You're not one of those mages who yells out a spell and blows up half the battlefield, friend and foe alike, right?” She spoke. “I know I'm half construct, but I don't exactly do well with sudden blasts from friendly fire.”

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

“Can we talk and walk? It's not that far if we go by train.” As Victorique said, they group would be able to find a train departing in their direction from a nearby train station, which would pass through Railworker's Crossing.

Railworker's Crossing
Widersia – Capital – Clockhaven – Railworker's Crossing
From: Nintendo's new IP Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. arrives on 3DS next year

Leaving at the station, they got on another train, which was much emptier. They were heading towards a richer area near the outskirts of the city, which wasn't visited a lot. Especially not by train, as most people there had their own vehicles for transportation.

Train Wagon
Widersia – Capital – Clockhaven – Train Between Clockhaven & Clockhaven Outskirts – Wagon Interior

After leaving the train, it was only a short walk to reach their destination. A small estate with a large wall surrounding it all. Dayle's original five and (should he ask them to gather, the other 25) men filled up most of the street. On the other side, Simi, her parrot and sea gels, near Victorique, Phoebe, Kane and Morana.


It was quite the sight, as they stood before the gates of the house they were meant to investigate. “Seems the journey here went well enough.” She remarked, glad she hadn't been attacked before even arriving. However, upon noticing the gate, she halted. “Wait...” She paused to inspect the gate. [Ultimate Detective].

[Ultimate Detective] – Appraisal B Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Investigation B, Perception B, Law B, Energised B – Character combines all their applicable senses and knowledge to get to the bottom of a mysteries or to be on high alert for clues, dangers or hints. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

“It's been broken into, with force, it seems. Too much of a brute-force approach for it to have been the previous investigators, I'd wager. Judging by the footprints, we're dealing with up to a couple dozen people. Possibly more, as it's enough to get blurry.” That was bad news from the get-go.

“Hmm... Should we try to just get in through the gates? We could try climb the fence? I could jump it with ease, at least.” She was brainstorming, not sure what the best approach would be, as she wasn't eager to jump feet-first into a death-trap. “Any ideas?” She'd ask the others.

"Familiar? What's that?" Simi replied to Phoebe's question with her own question. She looks genuinely clueless as she asked that, despite being a mage herself.

"I saved their ancestor from death so now they're following me." She added, patting the nearest sea gel on the head.

Morana's comment about her being too small to guard someone else made her fuming briefly, though she couldn't deny that she's right. If the times come to actually protect the client with their body, the other people or her sea gels would probably be the one who did it.

"I... I have big heart!!" Was her best comeback.


Simi almost fall asleep in the train. Compared to the violent swaying of the sea, the train's constant rattling was like a cradle for her. Thankfully she managed to keep herself awake somehow. Once they're all walking towards their destination, she was pretty amazed by the amount of people their entourage consisted of. It's enough to man a decent-sized ship!

The halfling seemed to be convinced that people had already broken in after examining the gate. Simi tried to do the same and stared at the fence, trying to find the clues the same deduction but she gave up on thinking in the middle of it.

"If they're already expecting us, is it still worth doing this stealthily?" Simi glanced at the fence. The sea gels would easily squeeze themself through. As for her, well, she's a bit wide for her size but one of the big men can easily just lift her up above the fence. "I think we should just walk in carefully!"
Kane Blackburne
Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Shatter Shard Shatter Shard @
Kane didn't particularly offer a handshake either, but he did give a nod of confirmation to Dayle. He'd extend the same nod to the mage when she introduced herself. This was nice in a way, deadly mission or not there tended to be a lesser chance of Kane had to deal with being ostracized over his family's profession. He took note of who said they were good at what, healing might definitely come in clutch.

At the meat shield from Dayle, he'd also nod, "Looks like we might be fighting in closer proximity then." Assassins Kane could hopefully think like even if he didn't really have extrasensory abilities that would help with detecting them.

He'd give Victorique a nod also when she described what her experience with danger was. Made enough sense to him. "Guess it's good we got your back then." He'd reply the bit of a grin returning.

"Yeah let's aim for getting out of this alive and meeting up there then." The breakfast club sounded nice, he wondered how it compared to what had been offered on the ship on the way to the sky kingdom, perhaps he'd get to find out if Victorique pulled the right strings.

"If removing the head does the trick on undead I'd say I'm in a pretty good spot."

He'd then look to Morana, "I think it'll be pretty obvious when I get them stuck and It'll be a good time for you to move in then."

He also really hoped that the partial construct wasn't correct about the mage there, that would be problematic, but so far there wasn't any evidence to suggest she'd be causing problems like that.

However there was another thing he wanted to mention.

"Hey now, why don't we let Simi show us what she can do before we start making value judgements. The adventurer guild trusts her for a reason after all, and quests succeeding lines their pockets, so that has to count for something right?" He couldn't imagine why they would bother sending someone who wasn't at least competent in some capacity. It would just be throwing money and business away by doing so.

He'd then nod at Victorique's walk and talk comment, making his way over with the others after her.
"This place really is built up huh.." He'd comment looking around at the architecture and anything else of interest while they moved through the railworker's crossing, however his attention quickly went back to their surroundings as it pertained to protecting Victorique knowing why he was there after all.

Then he'd get on the train which he could really only say he'd been on in Widersia which felt different to say the least, but he looked around it skeptically. Thankfully nothing bad happened on the train, even as he kept watch, and when they finally arrived, Victorique and company was met with quite a few choices.

"Hm..you have a fair point there's a lot of ways this could go I'm just gonna try something real quick.." Kane would attempt to use his
Patron Appeal - Religion E + Energized E + Special Movement Zen Direction F - E Grade Ability (0 Post cool down Energized)
Kane attempts to make communication with whatever started periodically whispering to him.

To see if the one that whispered to him would give them any hints for the correct way to go if he made an appeal and asked for their help. He had finally started to hear them from time to time just like his father did..and maybe this would be useful.

If he got any useful information from this he'd attempt to share it with Victorique.
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ), Dayle ( Shatter Shard Shatter Shard ), Kane ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ), Simi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"The Sky Nation? That sounds fun. Well, in that case I look forward to reading how they talk like up there." The little devil on Phoebe's shoulder that brought up the Terran business vanished into thin air once Victorique asked about her experiences with the undead. "Yea...... you can say that, but they weren't the main problem... " A heavy sigh escaped the mage as she answered. "I can go the rest of my life without going into another goblin nest..." She muttered to herself before clearing her throat. "Well, anyways," she started, quickly pivoting away from the goblin incident with what was probably debatable smoothness if one was really generous. "A 'lukewarm' trip here and there does sound nice."

"Oh, don't worry, you'll be fine."
Phoebe said to Morana's remark about friendly fire while they walked. "Explosion magic isn't my speciality anyways, it's a bit too... hmm... constricted, if you ask me. Lightning and water are a lot easier to put into different forms." She looked over right after she said that, the fact that Morana said she was half construct slipping her mind for a second until she saw her metal arm again. "Ah, you don't have to worry about my lightning spells hitting you either, I've made them pretty particular with what they hit and what they avoid."

"Ah, is that so? My mistake then." So they're not familiars but instead akin to tamed creatures, huh? In any case, it doesn't make them any less adorable. "Oh, um... by any chance can I pet one of them? Er, maybe not right now since we're about to get going, but, you know, later maybe?" It was worth a shot, those little round blobs were too adorable it should be a crime to not pet them at least once.


The train ride to their destination was a nostalgic one for the young mage, memories of countless commutes and trips from a life long ago passing through her mind as she gazed out the carriage window. As they walked to the estate, her mind still lingered on the people accompanying Dayle. Though she can’t help but feel a little concerned about who these guys were, at least they were on their side. "We could have someone take a look over the wall before the rest of us take the jump to see if the coast is clear.”
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Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop | (Class) Anchor

Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Code by: Shatter Shard

Dayle grinned at Victorique at the mention of a breakfast club. "Food is always welcome." He then scratched his chin as she mentioned Orchid, contemplating. "Orchid? That orc gal? Huh, she's still around?" He smirked. "I guess she got busy with other things." He shrugged without much thought. "As for the Divees crew... maybe they'll come later. Who knows?"

He calmly listened to the others, stating what they could do and what they couldn't. He nodded at Kane as he suggested to work closely. "Sure. Have my back, I'll have yours." As long as he could spot the enemies, he was confident enough to keep them at bay. "But someone has to keep themselves close to Victorique. You know, the whole bodyguard thing." He pointed at her, before shrugging. Morana and Phoebe was on par on what he expected, so there wasn't much thoughts he wanted to comment. Maybe the fact that Morana was actually a half-construct, but he doesn't judge.

Though the undead did irk him. "Bleh. Rotten pieces of shit." He scoffed, understanding how Phoebe felt, especially since he experienced dealing with them as well. "I hope that part of the rumor isn't true. Easy kill or not, I hate the stench, and their shit is hard to clean."

He looked at Simi's behavior, and looked at her concerningly. While he is inclined to believe Kane's comment on trusting her capability a bit more, Simi's appearance and demeanor does not inspire confidence in him. "I hope that big heart can stop an arrow or two." He shook his head as he followed Victorique, his five men trailing behind him.

* * *

The ride in the train was pleasant at least. There weren't many people, except for maybe the next few cabins where his men would be. Although not entirely inconspicuous anymore, at least they were nearby enough to rush in when Dayle does call for them. Fortunately, no attack happened during the ride. When they stepped off the train, the other 20 men poured out like sardines from different cabins. This was most definitely not at all subtle, but what could they do when this was the most efficient way to follow the group? Dayle pretended to not notice how obvious his men was, but the slight tremor in his posture betrayed the embarrassment within him. They did immediately disperse into the streets, but the initial situation stuck with Dayle all the way to the location of investigation.

Arriving in front of the estate, Dayle whistled looking at the large walls. He cupped his chin as he wondered what goes on in there. As everyone stated their intentions, Dayle tightened the chains around his arms, covering his knuckles. "Just tell me when you are all done. Thinking is not my best suite." He flicked his hand and clenched his fist in preparation. "If it's already broken through, then we can just force our way in."


Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller –Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation. | Ensure she herself doesn't die to those after her own life either.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – (If joining); Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj – Arrive | Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.



Before she could even comment at Simi's mention of having a big heart, Dayle got right back her it. The comment of the big heart stopping an arrow or two prompted a mask-muffled chuckle from the guard. “Good one.”

She'd nod at Kane's indication she'd know when he got them tangled. “Sounds fun.” She commented. 'Fun' sounding only a little ominous.

Morana would nod at Phoebe's explanation. “Good to know, as this thing doesn't do well when getting struck by lightning. I'd rather not have you use it near me altogether, as it might attract it.” She'd stated, waving her larger metal arm around.

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

She'd shrug upon Simi's suggestion. At the very least, she knew that she didn't want to be the first to go ahead. “I'm not stopping you from going in first.” She ended up replying. She felt like the fact that she herself was the likeliest target gave her some freedom to let others to the more risky things. That's how it would go, right?

“Yeah.” She'd reply for Kane. She hadn't asked for all these folk to gather without proper reason. “Seeing how Phoebe doesn't have resurrection magic, getting out alive would seemed useful, yeah.” She'd half-joke back in reply to Kane.

As for the comments on undead, she shrugged. “If I were to spot them, I might be able to spot a weakness, but I can't guess at any right now. I did learn that most assumptions tend to be true only for 'regular' ones, so to say. Any necromancer worth their salt would make it so the obvious ways to deal with them don't work, so depending on how much of the rumours are true, I'd be careful not to assume the normal things work should we encounter any.”

As for Phoebe's Sky nation comment, she'd nod. “I guess it was.” There had also been non-fun bits, but overall it hadn't been too bad. “Goblins? I only recall a gladiator one. Didn't seem too harmful or dangerous if you treated him right.” She recalled from her time in the Underbelly.

Kane's Zen Direction ability made him feel like they could just enter through the main gate without too much trouble. As he'd share it with Victorique, the others would likely hear so as well.

As for Phoebe's suggestion. “I would've normally already jumped up to look over, but I feel like we'd all get a tad annoyed if I were to just get shot by an assassin the moment I peak over the walls.” She sighed, starting to dislike the position she was in.

As for Orchid, mentioned by Dayle, Victorique nodded. “From what I know, at least. Although, well, if she doesn't show up... I don't know.” She sounded a tad sad and unsure at the latter bit, likely fearing the worst. Either Orchid would've stopped caring to work for her or she'd have died or gotten unable to keep taking on such jobs along the way. As for the Divees crew... “Perhaps, though I heard the Underbelly has gone through some changes all over again, so they might have their hands full there.”

“A dedicated bodyguard? Way to make me feel special.” She'd chuckle, knowing full well that it was well within the demands for this exact mission overall. “Though, yeah, knowing whom I could jump behind, should the worst happen, would be neat.” She wasn't totally defenceless, but a living shield would likely be needed just in case.


“Sounds good enough to me.” The construct would eventually state. Simi suggestion to just walk in, Kane mentioning something about that being cool, Dayle suggestion it as well... If they all said it was fine, but didn't do so, she figured she might as well bite that bullet.

She'd open up the gate and casually walk ahead. However, she would come to a halt soon enough. “Well, that's weird. There's lights on on all floors and movement inside. Seems like... Yeah, I'm pretty sure they noticed me.” Even so, there didn't seem to be any attempt from anyone to go outside. “They're all indoors though. Nobody's outside. At least not that I can tell. So... you guys coming? Do we knock on the door or what?”

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

Victorique, hearing said news, was already thrown for a loop. “What to do... what to do...” She mumbled. Seriously, how could a house she was meant to investigate apparently be filled with people already. This was definitely the right address though. Was the rumour of a mercenary group having been hired correct? Then what in the world was she meant to do here?

“Does anyone have any plans? If we can go closer, I could at least see if I can see more from the outside to guess their numbers or see what they've got equipped. Although, well, worst case, they'd try fire at us.” It was clear she had no clue how to approach this bit, as her investigation couldn't even start if the house was totally occupied by another party. “If they are mercenaries, perhaps they can be convinced to leave? Simply attacking them might be rather dangerous, as we don't even known if they'd qualify as criminals here, although I guess they did break and enter into a property, maybe? Unless they were invited... Hmm...” Even the legal aspects of this would be dubious. “Then again, most mercenaries are at least some level of criminal due to the nature of their work...” It started to look like the halfling might end up standing there for a long time, debating what to do, if nobody would step up with a plan.

OOC: Please let me know where your character would go on the map. Sent me a screenshot or ask questions OOC if you need more clarity or need a bit more revealed to make the right move. As for the minions and parrot buddy, I'll have them move based on in-character instructions, so the more clear the instructions are in-character, the better I'll be able to position them as planned out of character as well.

Kane!! Even though he looks a bit scary he's actually good guy. He's still willing to give her a chance. If only she could turn back time, Simi would say that he's the one with the biggest heart!

The pick haired mage wanted to pet the sea gels. Simi didn't see any problems in that, she did hear that humans like to pet everything that is somewhat round so her behavior was understandable.

"You can pet five of them! They might get unnecessarily jealous if you only pet one." Simi gave her the green light.


"So you don't actually have a plan?" Simi didn't make a move first because she didn't want to ruin the detective's plan, she expected several multi-layered complicated plans from her. Yet it turns out Victorique didn't have any, which mean Simi can take things into her own hands now. Closing her eyes, the fae let out various memories flow through her head. She's sure her owner in the previous life watched some detective movies once or twice. She just needs to find it and... there!

"I will go first. Watsons, Cover my back." Putting an imaginary smoking pipe on her mouth, Simi suddenly used a slightly deeper voice than she used until now as her overly active imagination took over. She's now detective Similock Homeless, and she would uncover the truth...!!!

What was the thing that they're going to investigate again? Ah, whatever, she would figure it out as she goes.

"Hello, anyone there? This is the detective! We come to investigate!" Simi nonchalantly walked towards the front door and pounded on the door several times. Behind her the sea gels silently following her. Since the people inside already know they're here, there's no use of sneaking around like some suspicious group. They're the one who was supposed to be here after all!​
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ), Dayle ( Shatter Shard Shatter Shard ), Kane ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ), Simi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Well... I hope you don't run into a Shaman anytime soon..." A goblin gladiator... Honestly, she wished that was the kind of goblins waiting for them in that cave, at least then they wouldn't have had to deal with whatever dark magic ritual was going on down there. Maybe at least then, that gnome girl wouldn't have had to suffer like that...

She returned her attention back to the present, shaking off that train of thought, just as Morana walked right through the front gate. Well, that was certainly one way to end the debate on how to proceed. "Umm..... well... no point standing out here then if they've seen us... I guess..." Looks like they're not going with the element of surprise. "Wait! Hold on a- ahh..." And there goes the leader of the Secret Service… “Looks like we’re going right in then… I’ll go back her up.” Phoebe made her way along the dirt pathway, passing Morana on the way to the front of the mansion. She positioned herself to Simi’s right, standing a few feet behind her from the front door. Her range is more than long enough to provide support from that distance in case things went south, and if she was being honest, she was expecting it to pretty soon.

  • Movement
    • Move to the front of the mansion, a little away from the front door
    • IMG_8822.jpeg

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop | (Class) Anchor

Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Code by: Shatter Shard

Dayle cupped his chin as Morana informed them about the lights being on. "Now I actually don't know if it's a trap-" He stopped short when he saw Simi brazenly walking to the front door and loudly knocking several times. "I mean, yeah we could do the straightforward way." He shrugged as he looked at the small one declare their identity immediately. He nodded at Phoebe as she went to back Simi and Morana up, before looking at Kane and Victorique. "Whatever plans that may come up, I don't think we'll be able to avoid confrontation." He looked at Victorique. "So uh, let's just be direct with it." He gestured towards the entrance of the house.

Dayle would stay by Victorique's side, while his five men were surrounding her back in a semi-circle. With how the formation looks, it would seem that Victorique is being given the VIP treatment. "I'm not going anywhere until you are, ma'am." He remarked at Victorique, giving a slight bow in jest. The rest of his men followed suit. After all, if their leader bowed, then they would all have to as well.


Kane Blackburne

Elvario Elvario
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

At Morana saying it was fun in an ominous tone, it prompted a bit of a smirk and chuckle from Kane, "I think you and me are gonna get along just fine if that's your idea of fun."

"Resurrection magic..yeah that's..quite a thing, would be nice to have someone with that around but...not all too common given how powerful the caster needs to be to my understanding."

His knowledge was pretty limited on this. He chuckled a bit more at Victorique's comment regarding staying alive also.

Undead was also an area he didn't exactly know a ton about. "Course, why would they want to put more effort into making things that want to kill you easy to dispatch as any other rotting corpse.." Unfortunate to say the least from the sounds of things that he wouldn't be guaranteed to be able to willy nilly chop off the heads of any undead that came their way and stop them that way.

"Anyway if you do spot a weakness, or that really goes for any of you just lemme know and I'll see what I can do about it." He'd say a bit more confidently, he did have [hot shot] after all in his repertoire, knowing full well he could do devastating damage if he had a good idea of where to strike.

With Morana saying she thought she was noticed, that was pretty much all the greenlight Kane needed to be more active on the scene. It seemed that Simi took the situation a deal more comfortably than he would, which was vocalized by Phoebe well enough who was now moving in.

He was half expecting them to start attacking through the door at Simi now with that, or perhaps they'd send someone to it and act casual and then when the group seemed more at ease attack them..these possibilities went through Kane's head.

It mattered not, they were there and known which meant they were going to fight the group head on if it was necessary, "I'll back them both up just encase things get ugly then." He'd add, with so many protecting Victorique on that end of things at the moment it felt like he could.

With Dayle and his men staying around Victorique, Kane figured he should get into an advantageous position as well to start attacking if anyone in the building did, so he'd move to the opposite side from where Phoebe moved too, near the door on the left side somewhat parallel, ready to brandish his axe if need be.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller –Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation. | Ensure she herself doesn't die to those after her own life either.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj – Arrive | Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.


Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

Shocked, perhaps a tad angry and annoyed, she puffed up her cheeks when Simi called her out for not having a plan. “I had many plans on how to investigate this whilst you'd all stand guard! I still have! It's just, come on, who'd expect a property that's supposed to be under watch to avoid tempering with the evidence to suddenly be filled with... god knows who, what or why!” She'd protest, feeling her pride trampled upon by the smug shortier one. “If these are the rumoured mercenaries, we don't even know what they're after!” She'd add.

To make matters worse, Simi didn't even have a real smoking pipe. She almost wanted to take out her own and light it, just to remind Simi of who was who, but she decided against it. Instead, perhaps against her better judgement, she'd follow along with Simi. Perhaps having a 'fake' detective here might actually work in their favour? It'd certainly avoid her being the first to get shot or stabbed. Hmm... Yeah, that might work out.

On the topic of 'working out', the door would actually be opened by a rough looking fellow. “Detective? Investigate?” He shook his head. “Ain't none of that happening here. Best you scram kiddo. This ain't no place to play games.”

“We're not here to play games.” She'd huff. Feeling her fellow vertically limited compatriot being called a 'kiddo' was hurting her on a personal level. “If you don't wish to risk tampering with an officially licensed investigation, you'd best get out now. Seeing how this property was seized for the investigation by the authorities, you're already committing the crime of breaking and entering.” She'd point out, wondering if this might be able to be solved without a fight, somehow.

Oddly enough, her words did seem to make an impression. The guard seemed to shout at some folk in the house itself. “Ey, one of yous, go ask the boss what to do. There's two sorties, a construct freak, a pink haired one, some weird blobs and a whole bunch of thugs outside.”

Victorique, eyeing the windows, had already reached some conclusions. “It seems the windows would be too small for us to see through well, especially with the little lighting there's coming through, yet it also means they won't be able to try aim at us from inside properly, though it's not impossible to do so. We'd have to stick close to the walls if the worst happens just to be safe.” She'd clarify, especially to Phoebe, who might end up needing to cast. She would keep her tone down a bit though, as to not be heard by those inside.

When Dayle had told her he wasn't going anywhere without her, he would've been able to draw out a chuckle. “You truly are a gentleman.” She'd reply. Having Dayle's men guard her might be giving her a tad bit of a power trip, but she honestly also wondered if they'd not just get in the way of her dodging something. That said... “Could you ask your man to go around and check the perimeters? Most importantly, we need to make sure whoever's inside doesn't end up running off with evidence. We should also keep an eye on the chimney. If the smoke changes colour or density, we'll know they've likely been burning evidence. Also, tell them to let me know if there's back-doors or side-doors.” Those were her main concerns right now.

Having the house she was supposed to investigate full of enemies was a terribly awful scenario. That said, she could give Kane a hint regarding weaknesses. “They seem regular Human mercenaries, so the usual weaknesses, though... Hmm. They do seem like they might've been trained to guard those.” They didn't seem like they were novices, not at first glance at least.

To that extend, she didn't like something. “If you're all convinced this will end up in a fight, we'd need to figure out how to spread out. We can't all fight them in the door-frame.” She'd note, hoping that none of their opponents had hearing as sharp as her own. Still, she felt like if a fight were to break out in their current positions, they'd get horribly in one another's way.


She almost seemed surprised when Kane told her he shared her idea of fun. “For sure, I like you already.” She'd reply, the large clawed arm creaking in anticipation. That said... “The VIP shorty's right. You'd all get in my way here.” She started moving away. “Guess I'll be checking the back first. You joining me, fun guy?” She'd ask Kane.

Kane Blackburne
Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Kane didn't have a ton to say as far as Victorique being indignant at what Simi had to say, even if it was a somewhat humorous exchange there were far more pressing matters to attend to at the moment on his mind in this environment, ensuring Victorique didn't get killed.

A bit less fortunately any would be element of surprise for the rest of the party beyond Morana had been lost pretty quickly when whoever the rough sounding guy was answered the door and very clearly communicated to the others in the building what Victorique's party was composed of. When they were saying to go ask the boss what to do, Kane could only presume this was going to end up in combat soon enough, as he could only assume the types who were in a building like this which had been seized for an investigation were likely up to no good at this point.

There was also the fact that Victorique made it abundantly clear they weren't just two young fae playing detective for fun. Kane's inclination might have been for them to play more into that angle instead to possibly confuse those in the building and buy the group some more time, but there wasn't much time to be thinking about that sort of strategy given what was done was done.

When Victorique addressed him he looked over and gave a nod, also speaking more quietly.

"Tch, my family's spent generations taking out guys who have plenty of thugs like that at their disposal, trained or not, I'm not about to stop a family tradition today." He'd chuckle a bit, giving Victorique a nod.

"Yeah seems pretty likely it's heading that way, in that case I'll split off"

Kane of course also found himself entertained somewhat by what Morana had to say regarding him, a bit of a grin forming again, "Can't say I get to hear that a lot."

"Sure thing I'll back ya up."
He'd confirm to Morana, his face becoming more neutral again by the time he was saying that, and from that point Kane would follow after her to get into a different position and check the back, two would be better than one in that case and based on their skill sets he felt he and Morana would work together to take some people out if need be.

Probably a bit Surprisingly Kane moved..more discretely then when Victorique last saw him, as he followed Morana with a combination of Stealth F + Special Movement Quiet F + Special Movement Zen Direction F


1. Follow Morana back with Special movement Special Movement Quiet F + Special Movement Zen Direction F + Stealth F

Dayle Keller
"Red Star's Bastard Dog"


{ A }
{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ B }


Active Titles:
Human | Thug | Unruffled | Underbelly Survivor | Crimson Troop | (Class) Anchor

Clockhaven, Central Police Station

Code by: Shatter Shard

"Gotcha." He nodded at Victorique, before he gestured to his men and ordered them in a subdued voice. "10 of you, go around the back. Go the other way." He told them to move around the house opposite of where Kane and Morana would go through. One of the men went to relay the command to the others, before moving off to the other side of the house. The remaining 15 with him stuck around. "You lot. Stay cool and keep an eye out. Especially the chimney." He ordered his men, to which they nodded. They spaced themselves out in the front yard, hands and feet ready to move the moment something happens. Some of them were even unwaveringly looking at the smoke on the chimney, as if scrutinizing every detail they could find.

He then approached Victorique as he watched the man on the door. "They hadn't immediately jumped us." He whispered to her as he leaned a bit. "Was pretty defensive too." He was simply voicing off facts in a small voice. He hadn't had the mind to connect dots currently, but that's what Victorique is here for. "Either way, nothing special. We can handle them." He crossed his arms in preparation, showing off his arms covered in steel chains as a subtle deterrence against any violence. Not that he expects them to heed it anyway, since they seem to have a chain of command.

If anyone else from the group would look his way, he would give them a nod as if reassuring them that he got their back. This wouldn't extend to Kane and Morana, who would be moving to the back. He would only signal that his men would be there to help if they need it.


Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Victorique ( Elvario Elvario ), Dayle ( Shatter Shard Shatter Shard ), Kane ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ), Simi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Phoebe gave a little nod at Victorique pointing out the window situation. "All I need is at least one clear line of sight." She'd respond back in a similar hushed tone. The guys at the front door definitely didn't seem the type likely to want to talk it out, the way they spoke vaguely reminding her of mobsters in her old world. If they stayed out there and they didn't come out to meet them, it would be quite the annoying fight for the young mage. At that point, the best she could hope for was what she had said to Victorique to cause a some damage to more of the thugs inside via a well placed chain lightning attack.

"I'll keep my distance, you can leave the big groups or ranged guys to me." Phoebe felt her pulse quicken as the anticipation for an imminent fight grew by the second. She'd respond to Dayle's nod with one of her own. Just like she said back at the police station, she'll take care of anyone's injuries short of the ones that cause instant death. But for right now, she would wait and see what the guys in the doorway would do. If this was going to end up in a fight, it was best to wait for the thugs to reveal their hand before playing theirs, the young mage's mind lingering on the rumor of possible necromancy and a little wary at the possibility of having to face against another mage.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Victorique Sopheana – Gather as much evidence as she can to prove Klyios' is involved in some shady dealings.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose - Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Dayle Keller –Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation. | Ensure she herself doesn't die to those after her own life either.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Kane Blackburne – Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.
Lucius Cypher Lucius Cypher Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj – Arrive | Ensure Victorique doesn't die during her investigation.


Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

She didn't know whether Kane's words were encouraging or discouraging. She did know that he might not realise their biggest potential trouble. “If they bunker up inside that house, we might be in trouble.” She'd state. That would probably be the worst possible outcome.

As Kane and Morana split off, they'd notice a few things. To the left of the building was an odd pumpkin field. Something that looked rather out of place or a noble estate in Clockhaven, as you'd more likely expect things like that in the Shire. They'd also notice there was a backdoor. Finally, they'd notice one of the thugs was outside, taking a leak near some trees.


“Oho.. should we try get him before he can get back inside, so that we can get some information out of him?” She'd state, whilst they were still far enough away for him to not have even spotted them, as he was concentrated on something else. That said, there was a certain eagerness to attack in her voice, which she held back by suggesting a better alternative. “You sure seem sneaky enough to get to him unnoticed.” She suggested. That said, Kane would need to hurry as it seemed Dayle's men had already been spotted.

One of Dayle's men would call out a finding upon going to the side of the house. “Seems like there's some basement here boss!”

That call-out alerted the lone outside mercenary, who turned around. Not spotting Kane, but spotting the ten thugs. “Da bloody hell's you doing here?!?” He called out, before he'd start a sprint towards the back-door. It seems like Kane would have only one chance to intercept him. Though he would've approached close enough with stealth to have a shot at it.

The men watching the chimney wouldn't notice anything off, at least not yet.

Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois

As Dayle leaned in, she shook her head. “We can't handle them if they bunker up. We should figure out if there's a way they'd let us in, if we can lure them out, or if we can get in another way.” She'd whisper back. She wondered if that basement someone called out would be an option. In the end, even with their numbers, storming a house with folk bunkered up in it might be the worst possible outcome for them. Especially as they barely knew who or what was inside.

On that note, the thug returned at the door. “Boss says the shorties can come in. Rest's gotta stay outside. No funny business and we can have a chat.”

Victorique clicked her tongue. “Surely your boss realises it'd be no more than fair to at least bring a friend or two, no? One's just a friend of mine and the other's mostly just a commander of all the others. So there's easily enough of you to handle that much regardless, should we be up to no good.” She'd attempted to use her [Ultimate Argument] on him.

“Yeah, that makes sense. I'll go ask.” The mercenary seemed highly susceptible to it. “Boss! It sounds they only want to come in if we allow two of 'er friends along!” He shouted out. It seemed these thugs weren't the brightest of the bunch to begin with.

Victorique looked at Dayle, Phoebe and Simi. “Even if just the four of us can get inside, we should have an advantage. If a fight does break out, we'd just have to let all the others inside or hold out until they've broken into the place themselves.” She'd relay her thoughts on the matter. “Although, who knows, perhaps we can actually negotiate with them. They do not seem as eager to fight as one might've feared them to be.”

It definitely made her detective instincts flare up and wonder just how these mercenary thugs were related to the bigger picture. It seemed there might be more to it.

When Phoebe mentioned a clear line of sight and bigger groups, she shook her head. “Unless we can lure them out, I'm afraid you won't get either.” In the current situation, some of their strongest potential fighting power had been rendered a lot weaker. “I wonder if you could aim inside at a better angle from the rocks...” She asked, looking at the nearby rocks to their right. “At the very least the windows to the second (non-ground) floor seem bigger, so perhaps aiming through those would be viable..”

Victorique did notice Phoebe had become a tad anxious. “We got this.” She'd say, feeling fairly confident with the aid that had shown up and their chances to figure something out thus far.


"Yeah, they sounded pretty reasonable." Simi nodded at Victorique's opinion about the thugs. They didn't brandish their weapon nor do they scream at them. Either they're not aware of what's actually happening... or the real trap was inside the house.

"If we can go inside, you can just let me play the detective and draw their attention while you do the real job." She whispered to Victorique. The thugs didn't seems to know or care which one of them was the detective so if Simi could hog their attention she might be able to gave VIctorique some chance to snoops around with less eyes on her.

"Good thinking, my brilliant assistant!"
Simi gave the halfling a thumb up before shifting her attention back to the guard. "It should be okay, right? Both of our tasks doesn't clash, you just need to keep an eye on us."

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