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Active [Clockhaven] Investigate Around And Find Out

Kane Blackburne

Interactions: Elvario Elvario

Kane now knew what types he'd wouldn't be bringing on capture and execute missions. Definitely not just any old thugs if this was what they thought stealth was like. Yelling about an entrance they found, subtlety not strength there, granted Kane himself wasn't always terribly subtle, but he certainly had picked up some skills along the way.

He gave Morana a nod of his head "I'll get e'm nice and under control." as brandished his axe, he rushed over with Fast F + Stealth F + Special Movement Quiet + Special Movement Zen Direction F , out of the sightline of the guy rushing, before Kane got within the 5 ft and gave a nice swing, should it land, however instead of the axe causing bleeding and limb removal as one might expect, strange dark symbols which sort of looked like they were in an 'older' script of Terran rippled forth from where he slashed and from the rift came a dark miasma of dark boney hands with what looked like pitch black chain cuffs with little links coming off of their wrists latched onto the man's limbs to stop him from moving.

Lesser Restreynte - Fighting Style: [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner] E, Non-Lethal E, Tangle E (1), Energized E, Selective E -Grade E Cooldown 0 (Energized)
Kane appeals to his patron in his fighting style and conjures hands from a dark miasma beyond which tangle target for two rounds. While ensnared by tangle, target cannot move from spot and takes -1 effectiveness on all actions, even after physical binds are destroyed and ability is still active, impacted area creates a zone of slowness doubling movement action costs for the afflicted.

Kane had ended the axe gesture so that the blade was just under the guy's neck, blade side up, grazing it as he spoke with Interrogation D + Intimidation D + Energized D "Listen here you, If you don't keep your voice down and tell me everything you know exactly about what the hell is going on here in this house..I'm gonna give your neck a little trim..and you'll be lucky if I start there, there are so many places I can cut..before you bleed out.and don't think I don't know how criminal titles work, so you better choose your words carefully." Kane spoke in such a tone that he meant business and he'd have no problem removing this guy's head if he didn't listen and do what he said. Hopefully at this point presuming his action worked, Morana would get an idea about why Kane said it'd be pretty clear when someone was vulnerable.

1. Move into range if need be with Fast F + Stealth F + Special Movement Quiet + Special Movement Zen Direction F.
2. Use Lesser Restreynte - Fighting Style: [Black Scripture Style: Royal Rotian Executioner] E, Non-Lethal E, Tangle E (1), Energized E, Selective E -Grade E Cooldown 0 (Energized)
3. Use Interrogation D + Intimidation D + Energized D To try to force guy to cooperate, speak quietly and tell Kane what's going on.

F: Ready Next Round (Energized)
E: Ready Next Round (Energized)
D: Ready after next round (Energized)
C: Ready
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