Claws and Fangs [Inactive]

She finally stopped crying and pulled back. Her eyes were puffy and red. "I-I should really get home." she said, but stayed in place, waiting for his reply.
"Why don't you stay here?" Eskel suggested. "Given your current condition I don't think it'd be wise to return home to the shed."
"Oh, really?" she said looking up at the high ceiling. "When I first saw you it was like two minutes after I had broken the window, so I thought you flew here in the form of a bat or something." she said blushing.
She followed him and quickly opened the door. "Whoaaaaaaaa." she said walking into the room. "It so huge!!! Wait, are you rich or something and you didn't even tell me." she said looking at him suspiciously.
She winced. "Ooh, that does sound horrible." she said picking up a book that was on the desk and placing it on her head and faked a snobbish tone. "Walk straight with your nose in the air, don't forget to look down on those nasty common folk." she said scrunching her nose.
Gale kicked back. Stupid fancy accommodation, he thought, wishing he had a place like the library. Stupid human. He got up and walked out the door. Time to have some fun. He went to the library, sneaking in so that no one would see. He planted himself down at a desk and began reading and all too familiar book; How to Kill a Werewolf and/or Vampire in 5 Easy steps.
After making sure Andria was settle in, Eskel headed back downstaiirs. He paused when he saw Gale reading Five Ways. "What are you doing here?"
"The library is closed at this hour," Eskel stated, sitting on the table beside where Gale was reading and crossing his legs. "Though I don't suppose you care."
"Of course not," Gale was still smiling. "Have you read this. Utter rubbish if you ask me. But hey it WAS written by a HUMAN. Pretty pathetic, aren't they?"

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