Claws and Fangs [Inactive]

Andria snorted. "Did you think I was scared of you? I wasn't I just like to keep my blood in my body is all." she said then turned back to Eskel. "Maybe I'll take you up on that offer, but I'll have to trust you first. Which I don't."
Andria suddenly thought back to her dream and her face turned red. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe like, after I'm dead is when I'll trust a vampire. Who knows when I'll learn to trust either of you. I just don't trust people easily. It can often get people hurt." she said pulling her blanket on as tight as she could, a chilling breeze filled the air.
Andria covered her face with her hands. "No, I'm not embarrassed by you. It's not anything like that." she said her eyes looking at everything but him.
"Your body language suggests otherwise," Eskel said, smirking. "If not for embarrassment, then why are your cheeks so red? Are you catching a cold?"
"Yeah, that it. I've been coughing and sneezing all night long. Even my throat hurts. I should probably get some medicine tomorrow. For now the best thing to cure a cold is sleep. Bye!" she said turning around to leave.
Her eyes widened her dream filling her head. "B-Beauty and the Beast? Oh right, I checked it out. Yeah, I've already read through it, twice." she said running her finger though her messy blonde hair feeling very very flustered.
Eskel noticed that the title brought more red to her cheeks and tilted his head curiously. "Did someone put a false cover on the book, and it isn't what you thought?" He inquired, wondering why a children's tale would fluster her so much.
"Uh, no, the story was great it's just...... never mind, shouldn't talk about it. It's just too weird." she said pulling her blanket on tighter, her cheeks getting redder by the second.
Seeing her obvious discomfort, Eskel decided to let the issue lie, as he felt he didn't know her well enough yet to tease her too much. "Well then. I bid you goodnight then," Eskel said. He bowed slightly, and with a smirk, created a rose and offered it to Andria.
She smiled and took it in her hand gently. "So beautif- ouch!" she said loudly as one of the thorns pierced her finger and a drop of blood was produced. She winced. "It stings."
She saw how he reacted and quickly drew her hand away. "I-I better go wrap this up." she said backing away slowly, her embarrassment turned to fear.
Eskel shook his head and backed up. "I-I'm terribly sorry about your finger. I should go before I do something stupid."
"U-Uh yeah, you should." she said trying to think of which way to escape. If I go to the shed he'll be able to corner me easier. Going around is my only choice. she thought as she slowly went around him then broke into a run.
Eskel watched her break off in a run and raised a brow. "Where is she going?" He wondered aloud. He debated waiting for her to return, but decided against it and began home to the library at a slow pace.
Andria kept running till she got to the pharmacy. She quickly went down the isle and grabbed a box of band aides and set it on the counter. "That's be 4.00 please." she became to search her pockets when foul breath on the back of her neck. "What did you do, cut yourself." said a tall male vampire behind her. She slapped him in the face. "Get lost, pervert." she said and turned back around. He growled. "Why you--" he grabbed her hands fiercly. "Get off of me!" she yelled.
Eskel could still smell Andria's blood from his far distance, when he sensed a spike in blood pressure. Worried, he ran towards the smell and on his way heard sounds of a vampire harassing the girl. With a snarl, he ran faster.
"Let go of my hands!" Andria yelled and tried to pull away, but the man only held tighter. Her eyes widened as she watched helplessly as he pulled out a sharp knife. She grunted as he sliced her arm, drawing more blood. He lost his grip on one of her hands and she punch as hard as she could, knocking him to the ground and looked down at her cut. "Ma'am, the band aides are still 4.00." the woman behind the counter said nervously, afraid Andria would deck her to. "Right." she said and handed her a five dollar bill. "Keep the change."

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