Claws and Fangs [Inactive]

Eskel pinned the other vampire in a head lock an hissed at him. He looked up as Andria said his name, and instantly turned worried. "You're bleeding. Are you alright?"
"Yeah. I thought you said you were leaving." she said looking down at the old guy, feeling so glad she was on Eskel's side and not the other guy's.
"I was, but I ward you were in danger so I assumed you could use a hand. Go, I'll meet you at the library," Eskel said, tightening his grip slightly on the man.
When Eskel returned, he had a small it on his cheek and another on his chest, but was otherwise fine. He found Andria and titled his head. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah." she said pulling up her sleeve to reveal the long scratch. "It's just a scratch." she said confidently, but winced in pain.
"Allow me to help," Eskel said. He walked back to his desk and grabbed a first aid kit, before walking back and setting it in front of Andria.
She looked at it curiously and opened it looking at the contents. "What is all this stuff? Blah, blah, blah......... Here's what I need!" she said in triumph and pulled a large roll of band aides out.
Andria looked at the tube of strange white past. "Sooooooooo, what am I supposed to do with it?" she asked, thoroughly confused.
"You give it to the qualified adult in the room to deal with," Eskel said, taking it from her. He dabbed some white paste on his fingers and gently rubbed it over the 'scratch' on her arm.
Andria blushed. "I'm sorry, I'm must seem like a baby to you. Fact is, I've been poor all my life and my parents never taught me about this stuff."
Andria's head hung low. "You don't have to, really. I get into fights like that all of the time. Not like I'm looking for trouble, It just seems to find me." she said quietly.
She nodded and quickly wiped her eyes, trying not to think about the pain. "As i said before, I get in rough fights like this all the time. It honestly isn't that bad." she said, but her voice quivered.
Tears spilled down and her covered her hands with her face. I shouldn't be doing this. Weakness is my worst enemy. she thought but the tears kept coming and she couldn't stop them.
Andria melted in his embrace and sobbed quietly into his neck. I shouldn't do this. she thought but her body wouldn't cooperate with her mind.

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