Claws and Fangs [Inactive]

Andria blushed and quickly explained, "Well, you don't necessarily have the accent, but the way you talk is a lot like British people did back on Earth." and suddenly felt uncomfortable, talking about a home she would probably never reach again.
"Earth. Now I have heard of that..." Eskel murmured. He noticed her sudden expression shift and paused. "There are books on witchcraft. I'm sure you could find a spell to get you back to Earth."
"Black magic isn't my style. Besides, all the other ways to get back are pretty much the same. I like it better here anyways. All that fantasy stuff from books just seem to come to life. Even if there evil."
Eskel frowned at that. "We aren't all monsters, little girl. It's only the rambunctious fools who go to the mortal plane that are. They give us a bad name," Eskel said firmly. In a brighter tone, he continued. "Oh, I don't believe I introduced myself. I'm Eskel Bram, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Thank you." she said and walked back to the large bookshelves and ran her fingers along the books and finally found the one she was looking for. She brought it back and set it on his desk. "I haven't read this one in a while." she said. The worn cover read, Beauty and the Beast.
"Ah yes, this was a childhood favorite of mine," Eskel sighed fondly in remembrance. Eskel took the book from her and ran it over a small gem embedded in the desk. It glowed faintly for a moment before fading. Eskel held the book out to her and smiled. "Here you go. Enjoy."
Andria lived in a small broken down shed in the middle of the dark and dusted alleyway. She went inside quickly and held the book to her heart and sighed. Such a kind vampire. never met one like that before. she thought shivering, remembering the time when a perverted vampire tried to mug her. Naturally, she beat him up, it also made her hate the creatures more. But tonight had changed her thoughts towards him. Maybe there not so bad after all.
Eskel wandered back to the shattered window and grabbed a broom, sweeping away the shards on the floor. He looked out over the city as he did so, enjoying the view that the library's high altitude permitted him.
To get her mind off Eskel, Andria quickly started reading Beauty and the Beast. By 9:00 she had read it cover to cover, Twice. She finally fell asleep, only to dream about Beauty and the Beast only with her and Eskel. She woke up panting and stared down at the book. "No more late-night reading for me." She said and rolled over, planning to return it tomorrow, when she wasn't so tired.
( oh my ;) )

Eskel sat in front of the empty window, flipping through Taming of the Shrew, but he wasn't paying attention to the Shakespearean novel anymore. He zoned out, gazing blankly at the moon. The scrap of cloth felt heavy in his pocket as the faint smell of blood tickled his nose.
Gale knocked on the wooden door, "How positively rude," he said, grinning. "I mean really. You pretty much break into my house and then, having told me you don't trust vampires, you go off and trust one. A LIBRARIAN for that matter. But rudest of all, you assumed I didn't know. Disappointing..."
Eskel's ear twitched as he heard a familiar voice, ranting about librarians. Eskel stood and ran to the source of the noise, appearing behind Gale in a matter of seconds. "What about librarians?"
Andria woke up to the sound of bickering. "Wha?" she mumbled. I will never get back to sleep with an arguement like that going on outside. she thought and quickly pulled on a pair of trousers and wrapped her thin blanket around herself. When she stepped out of her house she saw it was Gale and Eskel. She frowned and pulled the blanket tighter around herself. "What the heck are you two doing bickering outside the front of my house?!" she said, a little louder than she intended to.
"Oh! I did not realize this was your house," Eskel said. He looked to Gale. "I overheard this boy talking about me and figured it was worth investigating."
"Well, I live here and I would appreciate it if you to would keep it down please. It's very hard to sleep in a shed as it is." she said and started walking back.
She turned back around. "Because I don't work, so I don't have any money to pay for the expenses of a house. I barely find food to eat every day. That's why I live in this dump." she said.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you," Eskel said. He crossed his arms. "If you need a place to stay, I have plenty of rooms."

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