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Fantasy Classic Fantasy: Gathered Misfits

I just went through the role play so far and realised something.. Something that I'm surprised I'd over looked.. It hasn't even been a week and I'm already managing to fight evil spirits in the nude. This is a good sign ladies and gentlemen!
@Cookie the Brave

...People tend to refer me as one, and I've grown quite used to it.

Guess that's what happens when you're the one whom everyone turns to when they want or need something, especially advice.

Heh. I stayed up all night because I really need to fix my sleeping schedule, especially with camp coming up. (and breakfast is at 7am so I need to be able to wake up early; I've only been able to get up at 11am or later recently)

Anyway, I'm doing alright. How are you, dear? ^^
@Javax im good, my kitten decided he needed to keep me up all night, he decides to yowl all night long xc

Now I'm trying to find guitar strings for a seven strong guitar my boyfriend has, as a surprise

Ooh boy. Pets are wonderful companions, despite their annoying properties...

Heuhe. I remember I had tried to learn guitar, but I just simply could not get it... It was too difficult for me. So I stuck with singing and drums. Now I'm learning piano. Ye. Music.
@Javax im a choir student, and I played th clarinet and tennor saxophone, I can still play clarinet, only songs from Les Mis though, I don't know a thing about guitars, but my boyfriend has nine I think and I want to surprise him but I'm at a loss

My kitten is awesome, his name is Space Dandy

This upcoming school year will be my sixth consecutive year of being involved in choir. I'm also a part of the youth choir at my church, which is kind of frustrating given that everyone is a beginner or close to it, and here I am with many, many years of musical knowledge and intelligence... It's fun, though. I also began learning drums, usually going by ear. My dad plays drums, so that's how I got into it. And then piano is something I'm learning on my own. It's mainly to help me with learning music and such, but I'm working on composing my own music.

I used to have a few pets... All of my dogs—Roxy, Shadow, and Bonnie, all sisters—died of, in respective order, a tumor, old age, and a serious illness. They were Husky, German shepherd, collie, and lab mixes with a hint of wolf from one of their parents. The only pet I have currently, though, is a cat named Princess, (don't judge; I was only six when I named her) and she's Himalayan, Persian, and Siamese. However, I don't get to see her anymore because she's at my grandparents' due to the fact that I move around so much...
@Javax I'm also going on my sixth year in choir in this upcoming year! Well, no, year seven :3 it's been a long time but I love it, especially singing in many different languages. I've never sang in church but I know it sucks to sing with newbies :/

Oh! Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to copy roxii at all, I swear I'm not, Roxas has her own weird little back ground, less depressing then roxii, but still pretty awful.

I have two dogs, lucky and romo and my oldest dog, named bucket (my brother and I named her when we were three and six) and now I have space dandy, my boyfriend got him as a gift for our two year anniversary, and he's been here for seven months now cx

Technically, this upcoming year would be my fifth year, but I joined a small choir in sixth grade. My elementary school didn't offer any other music classes or anything other than the required basic music class.

It's completely fine. ^^ Everything is based off of something else at some point, so it's okay. :3

Awe, that's so cute. Heuhe.

Because of the time skip, by the way, I'm gonna go ahead and work on a reply. Roxii did say that she may return the next day, so I'll see what happens.
@Cookie the Brave

Hallo. I'm quite entertained, actually; currently watching Cry's playthrough of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. (finally)
@Cookie the Brave

I've decided that, since I finished or am caught up with most of the recent playthroughs within the past year or so, I would go back and watch some playthroughs I hadn't watched before. After this, I'll watch Amnesia: Justine and then F.E.A.R., even though I've seen all of the those playthroughs played by other YouTubers. I currently just passed the point where he had the avoid the water creature, which by the way actually freaked me out. (which is very very rare in case you don't know) I don't like the idea or feeling of being chased; it terrifies me to no end. And it probably doesn't help that I have slight paranoia.


Actually, I'm not familiar with that person, so I can't really have an opinion.

I'll post soon; it's gonna take me a bit to actually write it all out. It may turn out to be a fairly long post... I dunno. I'll see.

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