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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Lordvader59 said:
I do suppose chaotic neutral would fit a bit better.
Yeah because godzilla is an animal, albeit a giant animal capable of wiping out towns with a sneeze but I don't think he really understands that YOU CAN'T JUST EAT HOUSES IT'S NOT COOL HOUSES COST CASH MONEY AND YOU HAVE NONE!!!!
Name: James Bond

Character Alignment: Neutral Good (he does shady stuff but it's technically legal for him so he gets neutral)

Universe from: James Bond

Gender: Male

Age: 30s

Personality: Smooth, charming, but not afraid to be a total BA when stuff goes down.

Backstory: Bond was born in Scotland. His parents died when he was young, and, eventually, he joined British Intelligence in MI6. After a certain period of service, he was granted a license to kill and given the title 007. Since then, he has executed many daring missions for Her Majesty.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

Too many to list, here: [media]

Bond will be using a special gauntlet in this RP that he kinda just wakes up with. This gauntlet, upon further inspection, will allow him to summon any gadget he's ever used, including vehicles.

(Grand total: 200+)

In addition, Bond is an incredible pshyical specimen and trained expertly in hand to hand combat.





Top 5:

1: Dr No

2: Live and Let Die

3: Casino Royale

4: Goldfinger

5: A View To a Kill


Name: Sam Winchester

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

Universe from: Supernatural

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Personality: Helpful, Non Biased, Intelligent

Backstory: Sam Winchester was born to John and Winchester in Lawrence Kansas. Sam was only six months old when the demon Azazel killed his mother by igniting her on the cealing of his nursery this drove his father to devout himself to researching all that was supernatural and hunting the creatures down becoming a Hunter. His family drove around from motel to motel across the country taking "jobs" as they liked to call them. Sam believed for eight years that his mother had died in a car accident and there father was a travelling salesman until Dean told him about the paranormal. When Sam was twelve he started to want a normal life without monsters it was only until Sam had a conversation with a Teacher about the 'family buisness' that Sam had definetly decided to want a normal life and at age ninteen he had gotten into a heated argument with his father and then ditched him and his brother.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

Weapons Catalogue - Super-wiki (Too many to list on my own)



Name: Dean Winchester

Character Allignment: Lawful Good

Universe From: Supernatural

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Personality: Helps those in need, Keeps his word,Truthful

Backstory : Dean Winchester was born on January 24, 1979 to John and Mary Winchester in Lawrence, Kansas. He is the couple's first child, four years older than his younger brother, Sam. He is named after his maternal grandmother, Deanna Campbell. On November 2, 1983, Mary was killed in Sam's nursery by the demon Azazel, and in the ensuing fire Dean was tasked with carrying Sam out to safety while John unsuccessfully tried to rescue Mary. Since then, Dean has felt responsible for Sam and was always given the job to take care of him while they were growing up.

John began investigating the cause of Mary's death and in that course learned about the supernatural and the people who hunted them. John became a hunter himself, and trained Dean to be one as well, though both hid the supernatural from Sam until he was 8 years old. The Winchesters constantly moved around the country, living in motels and the homes of John's hunter friends. Dean had a large hand in raising Sam due to John's constantly being away to hunt. When Dean was 16, he was arrested for stealing and spent time in a boy's home where he had the opportunity to go to a regular school, though eventually Dean chose to return to John and Sam.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Weapons Catalogue - Super-wiki



Name: Castiel

Character Allignment: Lawful Good

Universe From: Supernatural

Gender: Male

Age: N/A

Personality: Blunt, Can be terrifying sometimes, Loyal

Backstory: Castiel pulls Dean out of the hell and then blows out the windows to a gas station when trying to communicate with Dean later Sam and Dean try to commune with Castiel via a psychic when getting Castiel to show himself he accidentally burns her eyes out as a Angels true form can only be viewed by those deemed worthy finally Dean meets Castiel face to face in a barn where Castiel has taken control of the vessel Jimmy Novak. Castiel has then been with the Winchester brothers on multiple hunting trips.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

(Considering that Castiel is a bit of an overpowered character some of his abilities may not be able to work where the christian version of heaven is not a concept)

Chronokenises - Ability to travel forwards and backwards in time

Dream Walking - Pretty self explanitory

Healing - Can heal other living creatures (this ability may not work in universes where the christian heaven is not a concept)

Immortality - Cannot age

Invunerability - Cannot be killed by most means besides being killed by the forces of heaven (this ability may not work in universes where the christian heaven is not a concept)

Smiting - He can either exorcise or kill a demon simply by touching his palm on his targets forehead (this ability may not work in universes where the christian heaven is not a concept)

Superhuman Intelligence - Really intelligent

Super Strength - As an angel Castiel is superiorally stronger than most lesser beings being able to punch somone through a brick wall

(There are alot more ablities he has but for the sake of not making him extremey overpowered I have limited them down)



The Groups Themesong


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Name: Human President

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Universe from: Undertale

Gender: Male

Age: 56

Personality: Always supports the law, wants to help at all times.

Backstory: There is basically nothing known about this president, only that he was born in Kansas.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: A colt for self defense, an entire army.

Appearance: An elegant suit.

Gabrygabra97 said:
Name: Human President
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Universe from: Undertale

Gender: Male

Age: 56

Personality: Always supports the law, wants to help at all times.

Backstory: There is basically nothing known about this president, only that he was born in Kansas.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: A colt for self defense, an entire army.

Appearance: An elegant suit.

Okay, no
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Gabrygabra97 said:
One is needed, dude. A entire civilization without a leader? Anarchy, wtf?
No i am talking about the fact that this sheet is even worse then the SCP one. And you don't need to create a sheet that is for character you are most likely not going to be using that fucking much. and if you are give him a fucking name (and even you are not still give him a name) and describe him better, an elegant suit isn't a description. and beside you have a bunch of character you have yet to anything with (Luke, Harry, MTF, Mettaton.) so creating more is utterly unnecessary. and in an age of social media (and before even saying it the monsters have a facebook expy) so i find it to be utter bullshit that their isn't anything known about this mook. you only wrote that so you can avoid writing his backstory. I can continue to go on about on how seven layers of utter crap this character sheet is. but i have an announcement to make.
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billthesomething said:
Me and Birdsie had talked over it. and he felt it was okay due to the fact so little of anything worth had happen in the HP universe.
Really... couldn't you ask someone to get it a bit more interesting there?
Name: Revan Alek Shan

Universe: The Star Wars Universe

Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Abilities: Force Lightning,Super Agility,Sensing Other lifeforms,Force Choke,Telekinesis (Force Push and Force Pull)

Weapon: Red Lightsaber

Rank: Sith Apprentice

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Dislikes: Jedi,People who are friendly,His Sith Master.

Likes: Killing People,Being left alone,Training.

Personality and Background: Revan is very sarcastic,he is also serious.He tends to kill people who get on his bad side.His background in being and training to become a Sith makes him very violent and determined.


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Donder172 said:
Really... couldn't you ask someone to get it a bit more interesting there?
Well i suppose i could have, but the choice was done not only for the aforementioned reason but also due to the fact we felt that people had lost interest in it. so the thought never came to mind, please don't think we are only doing this to be assholes
billthesomething said:
Well i suppose i could have, but the choice was done not only for the aforementioned reason but also due to the fact we felt that people had lost interest in it. so the thought never came to mind, please don't think we are only doing this to be assholes
Any idea where I could sent Bulvarr to now?
[QUOTE="Revan Alek Shan]Name: Revan Alek Shan
Where they are from: Coruscant from The Star Wars Universe

Age: 19

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Abilities: Force Lightning,Super Agility,Sensing Other lifeforms,Force Choke,Telekinesis (Force Push and Force Pull)

Crush: None

Rank: Sith Apprentice

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Dislikes: Jedi,People who are friendly,His Sith Master.

Likes: Killing People,Being left alone,Training.

Personality and Background: Revan is very sarcastic,he is also serious.He tends to kill people who get on his bad side.His background in being and training to become a Sith makes him very violent and determined.



While the O.C is okay i would like that you used the clash Sheet

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