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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Name: Fegelein, "The Antics Master"

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Universe: Downfall Parody Universe

Gender: Male

Age: Early 40s

Personality: Fegelein is a light-hearted individual who above all else, enjoys Pranks and Antics. While able to show ruthlessness and actual tactical prowess, he rarely does so. He is a womanizer and is intelligent enough to create his own antic tools, rather than using common prank items. Fegelein takes extreme pride in his antics, and seemingly makes it his sole life goal to perform antics on Adolf Hitler, and foil all of Hitler's plans through the use of Antics.

Backstory: Fegelein began his career in the Third Reich, as a low ranking SS officer. He quickly began pulling Antics on his commanding officers. One got so fed up with his Antics that the man committed suicide. Fegelein was sentenced to 10 years of hard labor because of this, but was saved from this fate by Himmler, Hitler's righthand man who was currently in an Antic war with Hitler. Noting Fegelein's amazing natural talent for Antics, Himmler took him under his wing and taught him how to perform Antics with Finese. Fegelein's new home was now the underground bunker owned by Hitler where the entire Nazi High commander lived.

Fegelein quickly became Hitler's Nemesis, taking precedent over even Stalin. Hitler's life was plagued almost solely by the Antics and Pranks of Fegelein. Hitler has attempted to kill Fegelein more times than can be counted, by somehow Fegelein seems to survive every attempt, despite it being seemingly impossible to survive. Hitler, as well as others who share is opinion on Fegelein, have come to use the term "Fegel" as a swear word.

Fegelein is potentially responsible for many of Germany's Defeats, as Hitler has devoted more resources to defeating him than anything else, and Fegelein is considered responsible for major battles that Germany has lost, such as the Battle of Stalingrad and the D-day Invasions. The only time where Fegelein has ever failed is when he could not prevent Germany from winning the 2014 world cup. Hitler celebrated this by personally shooting Fegelein, despite knowing that it would do nothing to Fegelein.

Abilities: Fegelein is incredibly intelligent and understands various sciences and engineering practices. He is seemingly invulnerable to most attacks, and his a highly skilled duelist, only being matched by Hitler himself. Fegelein uses whatever he can find as a weapon and us not limited to any one weapons. He can apparently also use magic.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/antics.png.f3240ceb5356dcbb05973b9fb3be6d84.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/antics.png.f3240ceb5356dcbb05973b9fb3be6d84.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95b8a695_antics1.jpg.32cceb6778d2db4980d9662b4c0cdebb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c95b8a695_antics1.jpg.32cceb6778d2db4980d9662b4c0cdebb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






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[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
(Karl: I was chosen for a tournament, *claps* bravo, bravo. *Bows* thanks...I...won't...make..the....same...MISTAKE.)

(Bill: As much as i would enjoy your antics. But I am sorry to inform you that I will not be letting in Veterans into my tournament, though i do hope we can perhaps work together somewhere in the future)
Am I not Thanos?! Did I not butcher the woman who gave me birth, who forced me into this hell called life? Is not the wake of my passing crimson with the blood of my enemies and allies alike?! Death is with me every second of the day!

Name: Thanos

Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil, but helped out the Avengers with fixing the world when he had the Heart of the Universe..so unknown, but likely Chaotic Evil

Universe from: Marvel


Age: Unknown

Personality: Thanos is a power hungry, sadistic individual whom for the most part cares for himself. He's more than willing to kill off several people in order to acheive his goals.

Backstory: Thano's backstory

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

By far the strongest and most powerful Titanian Eternal, Thanos is a superhuman mutant whose massive, heavy-bodied form was born with the capacity to synthesize cosmic energy for certain personal uses. Thanos has increased his powers through bionic amplification, mystical enhancement, and as a result of being resurrected byDeath itself.

Superhuman Intelligence: Possibly Thanos' most dangerous ability is his mind. Thanos' intellect is dedicated to enhancing his own powers and to the annihilation of all life. Thanos is a genius in virtually all known fields of advanced science and has created technology far exceeding contemporary Earth science. He has also shown to quickly adapt to new battle situations, as shown in his fight with the Champion of the Universe, who outclassed him physically and whom he beat by dancing around him, blasting him with energy attacks and tricking him into destroying the planet they fought on.[57] Thanos has remarked that, compared to himself, Bruce Banner's intelligence is only great for human standards.[58]

Superhuman Strength: Thanos possesses vast superhuman strength the full limits of which aren't known. Death has increased his strength beyond their original limits to levels rivaling or surpassing those of the physically strongest Eternals. Thanos' strength is so vast he has destroyed entire planets with the simple force of his blows. He has proven capable of fighting Thor even when he had the Power Gem.[59] His strength is so vast that he has been able to easily defeat the likes of the Silver Surfer, punch away an attacking Hulk,[42]physically subduing with ease Beta Ray Bill and Ronan the Accuser (as well as casually breaking apart the latter's Universal Weapon)[60] and, most impressively, wrestle with the mighty Tyrant, although only by being additionally empowered by an external power source. Thanos can also augment his strength with his cosmic energy when needed.

Superhuman Speed: Despite his massive muscular bulk, Thanos is capable of running and moving at speeds greater than the finest human athlete.

Superhuman Stamina: Thanos' musculature produces almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity. As a result, he has nearly superhuman stamina in all physical activities.

Nigh Invulnerability: Before his "death", Thanos possessed an impressive degree of resistance to physical injury, even compared to other Eternals. After his resurrection, Death increased his ability to resist injury to a much greater degree and he is nigh invulnerable. He has withstood at point blank range planet destroying attacks without any harm. He has withstood blasts from the Silver Surfer unharmed. He withstood a battering from an enraged, Power Gem-wielding Thor with all but a bloody nose. He possesses such an incredible resistance to injury that he has been shown to survive point blank blasts from Odin and Galactus. Thanos recently withstood three full screams from Black Bolt, one at point blank range without any significant damage.[39] He also survived being subjected to an artificial singularity.[61]

Immortality: Thanos, like all Eternals, is immortal in the sense that he is immune to all known diseases and infections and is immune to the effects of aging. Thanos was formerly banned by Death itself from entering its realm, rendering him truly immortal. No matter the severity of any injury, Thanos was unable to die and completely recovered. This ban has since been lifted.

  • Accelerated Healing Factor: Despite his extraordinary durability, it is possible to injure Thanos. Like all Eternals, however, Thanos is capable of regenerating damaged tissue with much greater speed and efficiency than a human being. His healing powers aren't as developed as those of some Eternals. Some Eternals are capable of regenerating any destroyed tissue. Given the circumstances of his latest death, Thanos is unable to regenerate missing organs.

Superhuman Agility: Despite his great size, Thanos' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. His agility is roughly equal to that of the average Eternal.

Superhuman Reflexes: Thanos' reaction time is enhanced to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete. Like his agility, his reflexes are about average for an Eternal.

Energy Manipulation & Control: Thanos has displayed great versatility in the use of his energy projection abilities. He has demonstrated the ability to project pure energy as a concussive force, "magnetic" energy,[10]infrared heat-beams from his eyes, and disruptor beams, unilaterally striking separate targets with his optic blasts as well as use his use his mental link to his techo-mystical chair to form vastly powerful energy shields, barriers, and force-fields. The exact extent of Thanos' energy projection abilities are unknown, but his blasts have been capable of rendering the likes of Thor & The Hulk unconscious. He was also able to slightly damage Galactus' armor and blast the Devourer of Worlds off his feet. By collaborating with the In-Betweener they together released the latter from his prison created by Master Order and Lord Chaos.[62] It has been speculated that the nature of Thanos' cosmic energy reserve may be quasi-mystical in nature.

Telepathy: Thanos possesses psionic abilities. His mind is invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack. Thanos has demonstrated the ability to successfully defend himself against psychic assaults from Moondragon and Mantis. He also drove one of the Priests of Pama insane with a gesture, and made the Hulk attack his fellow Avengers.[30]

Matter Manipulation & Control: Thanos has demonstrated some ability to manipulate matter on the atomic level, similarly to other Earthborn Eternals. On one occasion, he turned the Skrull, Skragg into stone.

Curse Casting: Thanos seems to be at least partially skilled in magic, evidence being him cursing Deadpool to be unable to die.

Flight: After his fight with Star-Lord wielding the Mandalay Gem, Thanos was shown to fly self-propelled.[63]Whether he recently acquired this ability or if he uses technical equipment for it hasn't been revealed yet.

Teleportation: Thanos can teleport himself across unknown distances through his link with his techno-mystical transport chair. When stranded in space with Terraxia, he could neither fly, nor teleport to his rescue, presumably because his chair got destroyed in the struggle before.


Strength level

Class 100+



Extra: He's in love with Death...literally and metaphorically.

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Name: Krieg

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Universe from: Borderlands

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, probably in mid to late thirties

Personality: Driven insane from repeated Eridium experimentation, Krieg is a twitch away from murdering anyone in his sight. Fortunately, there is an entity keeping Krieg from potential genocide: himself. Or rather, the side of him that still remains despite the experiments destroying what was left of his mind. Krieg is loud and violent, always spouting nonsense about meat or murder or some other type of violence.

Backstory: Krieg's history prior to becoming a Vault Hunter is largely unknown, but from dialogue in Borderlands 2, we can infer that before becoming a hulking, psychotic shell of his former self, he was a bounty hunter.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Krieg is able to breathe fire in a 15 foot long cone in front of himself. He is able to make his enemies explode in whatever element he's used to kill them (fire, shock, explosive, etc.). When near death, Krieg pulls out a bundle of dynamite and sprints toward any hostiles, throwing sticks of dynamite at them. When the fuse runs low, Krieg will attempt a suicide explosion to take any nearby attackers with him. If he kills someone with the suicide explosion, he will survive and continue on his way. Nearing a third of his health will enable Krieg to take on a sort of beastly monster form, increasing his strength fifty-fold.

Appearance: Krieg has a bare torso. His orange pants are dirty and bloodstained with metal shinguards. He wears steel-toed boots. A metal gauntlet covers his left forearm, with bloody bandages covering the right. There are tubes going from his mask to somewhere on his chest.. His mask has an orange Vault symbol covering the face, as well as an eyepatch covering the right eye. There is some sort of breathing apparatus over the mouth, with a tube going... somewhere.

Extra: Unsure what to put here.
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Name: Bridget

Character Alignment: Good, albeit a tad naive and could be manipulated

Universe from: Guilty Gear

Gender: Male (raised extremely effeminate by his parents)

Age: 14

Personality: Cheery, outgoing, rarely timid, self-aware

Backstory: Born in a small, Northern English village along with a twin brother, to parents who believed that same-gender twins was a 'curse'. Therefore, not wanting to kill a baby boy, they named the second boy 'Bridget' and started raising and pronouncing him a girl, much to his dismay. He tries to correct the persons that make the mistake of calling him female by questioning them, getting a bit upset, or simply outright telling them. His wealthy family falling into a temporary state of poverty, he set off at a young age to become a 'bounty hunter', using a mechanical teddy bear and metal yo-yos to fight his targets, always turning them in alive

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Metal yo-yos (manipulative and hard hitting), mechanized teddy bear 'Roger' (can be summoned to perform simple attacks)

Appearance: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E91AmvrQmy4/maxresdefault.jpg

Extra: anything extra will be posted here if necessary
BloodHasSpilled said:
Name: Bridget
Character Alignment: Good, albeit a tad naive and could be manipulated

Universe from: Guilty Gear

Gender: Male (raised extremely effeminate by his parents)

Age: 14

Personality: Cheery, outgoing, rarely timid, self-aware

Backstory: Born in a small, Northern English village along with a twin brother, to parents who believed that same-gender twins was a 'curse'. Therefore, not wanting to kill a baby boy, they named the second boy 'Bridget' and started raising and pronouncing him a girl, much to his dismay. He tries to correct the persons that make the mistake of calling him female by questioning them, getting a bit upset, or simply outright telling them. His wealthy family falling into a temporary state of poverty, he set off at a young age to become a 'bounty hunter', using a mechanical teddy bear and metal yo-yos to fight his targets, always turning them in alive

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Metal yo-yos (manipulative and hard hitting), mechanized teddy bear 'Roger' (can be summoned to perform simple attacks)

Appearance: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E91AmvrQmy4/maxresdefault.jpg

Extra: anything extra will be posted here if necessary
No offense to that guy, but he kind of looks like a girl...
Donder172 said:
No offense to that guy, but he kind of looks like a girl...
Well, I did try to imply his effeminacy in my post (most aspects about him, save behavior at times, are feminine), but if it wasn't clear, I'm sorry.
BloodHasSpilled said:
Well, I did try to imply his effeminacy in my post (most aspects about him, save behavior at times, are feminine), but if it wasn't clear, I'm sorry.
Dw, and to say, I know a lot of people are going to make the same misstake of seeing him as a girl xD
Donder172 said:
Dw, and to say, I know a lot of people are going to make the same misstake of seeing him as a girl xD
Exactly what I want to happen in the RPs. On the character's mind, at least.
Username said:
Seriously can @Birdsie or @billthesomething tell me whether I am accepted or not, unless a like from Barbas counts
You have been accepted.

*Confetti pops up*

*Everyone claps their hands as you get a golden medal of the memes*


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Gender: Female

Fandom: OC

Personality: Kind , Sweet , Timid. , Reserved, Silent, Observer

Occupation: Overseer/Observer of the Multiverse, asked by the God of Order ( If this is allowed ) to observe , but not interfere using her abilities

Powers/Abilities: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Boundless_Inner_World?comments_page=1

The Spirit Within / God of Knowledge/Power/Speed ( Heavily based on The Bible ) :


Her Monotheistic Dimension / Her personal dimension which holds her limitless power & knowledge :


Likes:Reading, Watching

Dislikes: malicous intent, otherwise nothing.

Backstory: Hitomi was the type of girl you wouldn't see normally. That was, until she became the Vessel of an Almighty power. The God of Order took her under his/her wing, teaching her to observe, not interfere, as that is the hardest thing to do with powers.

Extra: She's never had a relationship

@Birdsie ( I'll use her for both ...if you don't mind. )
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I'm in the mood of making another character right about now...

Name: Jason Voorhees

Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Universe from: Friday the 13th

Gender: Male

Age: 69, albeit has the physique of a man in his late 20s

Personality: Jason possibly has no personality, as he is a mindless serial killer who takes lives for joy, and to avenge his mother, Pamela. Due to his pure love for his mother and rage after her death, he might have 'visions' from his mother in hallucinations, possibly 'guiding' him and making him even more driven to madness.

Backstory: Jason was a young boy who was born with Downe's syndrome. However, one day whilst attending Camp Crystal Lake in his home state of New Jersey, he was unsupervised as he accidentally committed suicide by drowning in the lake; the supervisors were engaged in intimacy. His enraged mother then started to mercilessly slaughter authority figures at the camp, before she herself was killed. One dark night, the lake, just where Jason's body lay, was suddenly struck by lightning, instantly aging him to a young adult and filling him with the lust for revenge. Donning a hockey mask and wielding a machete, Jason then went on to slaughter many teenagers and high school students, under the 'guidance' of his mother, whom was actually just a figment of his imagination by that point. However, now that the universe has been torn in its fabric, he now has his eyes set on more fresh meat, ready to butcher.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Enhanced durability, undead (might come back weeks after death), superhuman strength, natural fear inducing ability, wields a machete but will also use anything in his environment

Weaknesses: His fondness for choking people with his bare hands gets ahead of him at times.


Extra: Jason is more vulnerable in this universe, and is actually prone to a longer death (if accepted). The only chance of him coming back is if there is another successor to CLASH.
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