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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

billthesomething said:
Don't care add it you can leave out the background and besides this only makes you look pretentious as fuck
Redacted means TOP-SECRET, TOP Secret means taht if you know, you die.
Gabrygabra97 said:
No, learn SCP lore and / or browse around the wiki. Half of the things are censored.
Yes half of those things, but they leave enough infomation so we can get a grip on the threats certain SCPs hold to humanity. they censor bits of the pages, however this is not the wiki and this a OC that you created that is from the SCP foundation universe and here the thing we approved a CS for SCP-049. so fucking add this information or else this OC is not allowed in
Noivern said:
Name: SCP-049
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Universe From: SCP Containment Breach

Gender: Male (?)


Personality: [REDACTED]

Backstory: Originally discovered in ██████, England, by local police. Mobile task force [REDACTED] responded to a suspected outbreak of [DATA EXPUNGED]. All civilians within a .5km radius were given class A amnestics as part of the initial containment procedure.

Powers, Abilities, and Weapons: SCP-049’s touch is invariably lethal to humans. After contact with SCP-049’s hand(s), the victim (hereafter referred to as SCP-049-2) suffers [DATA EXPUNGED] and dies within moments. SCP-049 will then attempt to kill all humans it can see in a similar manner, supposedly to avoid interruption, before returning to SCP-049-2. It produces a bag made of [DATA EXPUNGED] containing scalpels, needle, thread, and several vials of an as-yet-unidentified substance, from somewhere within its body (research has been unable to locate these tools when inside of SCP-049 through X-ray and similar techniques) and begins dissecting SCP-049-2, as well as inserting various chemicals into the body. After approximately 20 minutes, SCP-049 will sew SCP-049-2 back up and become docile once more.

After a period of a few minutes, SCP-049-2 will resume vital signs and appears to reanimate. However, SCP-049-2 seems completely without higher brain functions, and will wander aimlessly until it encounters another living human. At that point, SCP-049-2's adrenaline and endorphin levels increase to approximately three-hundred (300) percent as it attempts to kill and ██████ any human beings it can find, before returning to its mindless state and wandering until it comes across more humans.


View attachment 264577
Plauge Doctor... bane of my god damn EXISTANCE in the Roblox SPC game. Never found any of the other cool SCPs in that game, always him... ALWAYS
billthesomething said:
Yes half of those things, but they leave enough infomation so we can get a grip on the threats certain SCPs hold to humanity. they censor bits of the pages, however this is not the wiki and this a OC that you created that is from the SCP foundation universe and here the thing we approved a CS for SCP-049. so fucking add this information or else this OC is not allowed in
I accept so hah! Also, try to tone down PD's abilities plz

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Name: The Engineer

Character Alignment: True Neutral (in the end as long as reality is still around then he has no problems)

Universe from: CLASH!!!

Gender: Male

Age: since the beginning of existence and retirement of the creator

Personality: The Engineer is very apathetic and speaks in a very blunt (if somewhat vulgar at times) manner, he tends not involve in himself existential politics and shows disdain towards anyone who attempts to involve him in such things. he views order and chaos as two younger siblings who he has no interest of dealing with. despite his apathetic front, he enjoys watching different universe and is quite the fanboy for some of them

Backstory: "i don't really have a backstory i just am and i am the reason for why existence hasn't collapsed in on itself"

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: He keeps reality up and running


Name: Rhedod Wroll (OC)

Character Alignment: Neutral (I guess)

Universe from: Star Wars

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Personality: Strong, stubborn, following the Mandalorian Code of Honor (the Resol'nare)

Backstory: Rhedod Wroll was born in a Mandalorian family, learning the tradition of the Mandalorians in his youth. Doing also his rite of becoming an adult in the Mandalorian tradition. He fought at Mandalore the Indomitable, during several fights, including the Battle of Basilisk. Here he earned his Basilisk who he tamed and kept as a loyal companion.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Mandalorian Crusader Armor (the one used during the rule of Mandalore the Ultimate), Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, Vibro Blade, Several Grenades and a Basilisk War Droid as companion.


Since I can't really find a very good picture of one during that time, I think he looks like this on his Basilisk:




Name: Krang and The Shredder

Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Universe from: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown


In the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon background story, Krang was originally a warlord from Dimension X who commanded an army of Rock Soldiers under the leadership of General Traag and Lieutenant Granitor. He took the completed Technodrome(a powerful mobile battle fortress) for himself, and then banished Drakus (who helped Krang build it) to Earth. Eventually, Krang would be banished from Dimension X as well, but not before being stripped of his body and reduced to a brain like-form. In the episode "Invasion of the Krangazoids" Krang clones himself, and his clones later evolved developing their own, reptiloid-like bodies.

While on Earth, Krang aligned himself with the Shredder who, along with his robotic Foot Soldier army, moved into the Technodrome. In exchange, the Shredder had to build a new body for Krang, a human-shaped exo-suit which the latter had designed. Shredder lived up to his part of the bargain in the season 1 episode "Shredder and Splintered", in no small part because he was unable to deal with the Turtles himself and needed Krang's help. In the season 3 episode "Shredderville", the Turtles have a dream of a parallel world in which they never existed, and Shredder had no problem taking over the world; in the same dream, Shredder abandoned Krang after his conquest was complete, leaving him with no body and a heavily-damaged Technodrome.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: The Technodome, Bebop and Rocksteady, robot ninjas, advance technology.


Extra:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-17_17-8-40.jpeg.d3c1a2e074df0038e6441d0a35c7bf45.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119000" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-17_17-8-40.jpeg.d3c1a2e074df0038e6441d0a35c7bf45.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Violet, The Arch-Angel

Character Alignment: Neutral, Lawful

Universe from: Plain of Aurora (Custom)(Current Age: Age of Strife)

Gender: Female

Age: 10,000 Years old

Personality: Violet is nice and has a good heart, but when something threatens the church or its people she is quicken to anger.


Violet, the 13th Archangel, Leader of the angelic council and living deity of the Church of Sanguinius, Violet is the youngest Archangel to date taking up her position when she was 9,500 years old. She has been known as the Archangel of Justice or the Arch-Judge as she takes a strong stance on up holding the upholding the laws of the church and fighting the cult of Senroth. She welds the sword Dawnbreaker that legends have it was forged by a master angelic blacksmith from her own blood when she was born which in turn bestowed on it magic of purifying fire which can only be welded by her.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Flying, Increased intelligence, Increased straight and agility, Telepathy, Dawnbreaker (Her Sword)




Based and inspired by MTG Innistrad blocks.
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Name: Bastion

Character Alignment: Neutral Good(?)

Universe from: Overwatch

Gender: Neutral

Age: 30

Personality: Bastion is a curious and gentle machine, sometimes even appearing to be harmless. However, if danger is detected, Bastion will use everything they've got to eliminate the threat, which can and has easily lead to conflict. They tend to avoid populated areas and instead wander in the wilderness.

Backstory: After the Omnic Crisis, most Bastion units were disassembled or destroyed, since they represented the horrors of the war. This particular one was left to waste away in the wilderness, forgotten. Various plants grew over it, and small animals made their nests upon the robot's damaged body. Then one day, it suddenly reactivated. Bastion was rather curious about the world it woke up to, and set off to explore it and find their purpose.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Bastion can quickly transform between two different forms, recon and sentry. While in recon mode, Bastion is mobile and equipped with a submachine gun. While in sentry mode, Bastion is a stationary turret equipped with a frontal barrier and a gatling gun. They also have a self-repair system, but they become immobile and their weapons shut down when they use it. If they do enough damage in the battlefield, Bastion can enable their "ultimate ability", which is transforming into a tank equipped with a powerful cannon. This form can only be maintained for about ten seconds.

Recon Mode:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/bastion___overwatch___close_look_at_model_by_plank_69-d9bm2g3.png.3084be9bd2849ffa7908b9ecaa5cc7ff.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/bastion___overwatch___close_look_at_model_by_plank_69-d9bm2g3.png.3084be9bd2849ffa7908b9ecaa5cc7ff.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sentry Mode:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9368a674_bastionhighlight.jpg.f549461c00f6f5195d2ac3f8b118de4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9368a674_bastionhighlight.jpg.f549461c00f6f5195d2ac3f8b118de4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tank Mode:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/thumb-ability.jpg.2a95d561600e2d6d0ca9235d33265582.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/thumb-ability.jpg.2a95d561600e2d6d0ca9235d33265582.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: Bastion has a yellow bird named Ganymede, who is usually perched on their shoulder. They will fly away if they sense danger, but will always return to their robot companion.



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Character Alignment: chaotic good

Universe from: Fire emblem fates


Age:late teens

Personality: Soleil is a very outgoing type of person always seen smiling in the midst of battle. She does this to mask her uncertainty in battle to keep the morale high amongst her comrades.

Backstory: Little is known about Soleil due to her being raised in the out realms. But after her 17th birthday she decided to head out and gathered a group of mercenaries to fight any bad guys that they came across

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: Soleil has a special skill called "Sol" with this she can heal a small amount for each attack she lands with this skill activated. However using sol tires Soleil out very easily so she tends to use it in emergencies.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.1a62dbfb157ddc0bead9d00e307d8607.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119056" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.1a62dbfb157ddc0bead9d00e307d8607.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Extra: likes guys and girls romantically.



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Name: Karl

Character Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Universe from: Castle of Nations

Gender: Male

Age: unknown

Personality: Eccentric, crazy, suave, sympathetic, psychotic, liar and fun

Backstory: Karl entered the tournament because the winner gets a free wish, so, he planned to wish for an infinite energy source, so that he could be able to never run out of energy. As fights pass, he keeps losing energy.

That "same mistake" mentioned in the second round and in the final round, is the mistake of wasting the energy.

During the rounds, he is also shown to be a liar, and a psychopathic murderer.

In the final round, he made the same mistake again and was struck in the side of the head by Annie, therefore, concluding his tale.

In the end, he never won or got the energy source as he planned to.

Powers, Abilities and Weapons: He is made of stone so he does hit hard, fast, and has a raven called Arma that can heal, or let him regain energy. Arma can also act as his weapon during battle


Karl and arma


Arma as a weapon


Extra: He owns a violin that he use to play with his sweetheart. He still talks to his dead sweetheart Rachel who is sort of like an imaginary friend. He has a limited supply of "Energy," this is what lets hims walk and talk. He can be broken since he is a statue but Arma is like a glue that can fix the problem.





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Name: Iggy

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Universe from: Jojo's Bizarre adventure

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Personality: Iggy is a particularly antisocial dog. His favorite treat is coffee-flavored chewing gum. He also enjoys chewing on human hair and farting in human faces. Iggy values his independence, and he has a high opinion of himself, thinking himself and his Stand as the strongest

Backstory: unknown

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

Abilities: The Fool is An unorthodox Stand, The Fool is truly the epitome of "the simplest way is the best way". Though mainly a pile of dirt or sand, The Fool is remarkably powerful. As the Fool is only bound to the sand it manipulates, it cannot be harmed in any way (attacking it would just mean attacking a pile of dirt), and as such, Iggy can not be harmed by attacking it.

Shape Shift: A very basic power, The Fool is able to take the shape of anything it wants, from living people to just objects that are useful to Iggy. This ability also allows basic copying of the object's abilities - if it is in the shape of a glider, for example, it can glide for short distances. In addition to objects, Iggy can also cause The Fool to take the form of anyone it chooses. This skill momentarily fooled Vanilla Ice by taking the form of Dio.

Strength: Despite The Fool's basic composition, it is still incredibly strong - at least stronger than Polnareff's Silver Chariot. It was able to slice Vanilla Ice's hand apart and smash him down a hall with enough force to shatter a wall and the majority of his bones, and later to lift Polnareff into the air even as The Fool was falling apart from Iggy dying.

Speed: The Fool is remarkably quick, possibly because of its composition, being able to move itself at speeds that most people cannot follow.


Iggy And The Fool

Name: Alduin the World-eater

Character Alignment: Neutral

Universe from: Skyrim

Gender: Male, I think

Age: Unknown

Personality: Arrogant, dominant


Alduin was the first dragon among many that ruled over men and mer. The dragons viewed humanity as a lesser species, and kept a tyrannical hold on mankind, but soon, in an event known as The Dragon War, men stood up to their dragon overlords. They were almost effortlessly driven back by the dragons. But with the help of Kynareth and the traitor dragon Paarthurnax, who held sympathy for mankind, humanity learned how to use the Voice (Dragon Language), and began to push back. On the Throat of the World, Alduin was defeated, but not killed. Instead, with an Elder Scroll, Alduin was sent forth in time, albeit unintentionally, and would not return until the beginning of the Fourth Era. - Elder Scrolls Wiki

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

The Thu'um, his jaw, claws and tail.

Is (almost) immortal.



Donder172 said:
Name: Alduin the World-eater
Character Alignment: Neutral

Universe from: Skyrim

Gender: Male, I think

Age: Unknown

Personality: Arrogant, dominant


Alduin was the first dragon among many that ruled over men and mer. The dragons viewed humanity as a lesser species, and kept a tyrannical hold on mankind, but soon, in an event known as The Dragon War, men stood up to their dragon overlords. They were almost effortlessly driven back by the dragons. But with the help of Kynareth and the traitor dragon Paarthurnax, who held sympathy for mankind, humanity learned how to use the Voice (Dragon Language), and began to push back. On the Throat of the World, Alduin was defeated, but not killed. Instead, with an Elder Scroll, Alduin was sent forth in time, albeit unintentionally, and would not return until the beginning of the Fourth Era. - Elder Scrolls Wiki

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

The Thu'um, his jaw, claws and tail.

Is (almost) immortal.




How about Dark souls or Dragon Age
Name: Medic

Character Alignment: Neutral(?)

Universe from: Team Fortress 2

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Personality: Lack of compassion for the sick and respect for human dignity. Entusiast to plunge needles into exposed flesh.

Backstory: What he lacks in compassion for the sick, respect for human dignity, and any sort of verifiable formal training in medicine, the Medic more than makes up for with a bottomless supply of giant needles and a trembling enthusiasm for plunging them into exposed flesh. Raised in Rottenburg, Germany during an era when the Hippocratic oath had been downgraded to an optional Hippocratic suggestion, the Medic considers healing a generally unintended side effect of satisfying his own morbid curiosity. - TF2 Wiki

Powers, Abilities and Weapons:

Medigun, heals people, when fully charged can activate übercharge, making the target invulnerable for a short amount of time.


Syringe gun, shoots needles at his enemies




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