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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

BloodHasSpilled said:
"So... Where am I now, GLaDOS?" Bridget asked, confused to see the camera robot again, looking around at his environment after being elevated to the floor. He sighed, dusting off his outfit and pale legs with his gloved hands, as his waist cuff clanged around.
The wall opens up in front of him.revealing the actual GLaDOS."you are in the central room.pleasemfeel free to explore ma'am. After you are done exploring, you may ask more questions, then we would go into business."
MTchaos1134 said:
The wall opens up in front of him.revealing the actual GLaDOS."you are in the central room.pleasemfeel free to explore ma'am. After you are done exploring, you may ask more questions, then we would go into business."
"I-Is there anyone else?" The young man asked, looking and wandering around freely, his waist cuff dangling around his feminine waist. Looking in all directions in the futuristic, lab-like facility, he looked back at the actual GLaDOS.
BloodHasSpilled said:
"I-Is there anyone else?" The young man asked, looking and wandering around freely, his waist cuff dangling around his feminine waist. Looking in all directions in the futuristic, lab-like facility, he looked back at the actual GLaDOS.
"Yes there is, six to seven, that would be including you and I.and would you like a seat ma'am?" A chair rises up,along with a table and a apple pie.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Yes there is, six to seven, that would be including you and I.and would you like a seat ma'am?" A chair rises up,along with a table and a apple pie.
"Your generosity is q-quite notable, GLaDOS. But I would like you to know I am actually a young man. I was raised this way by my parents. They thought that same-sex twins was 'cruel', so instead of killing me... This is what they raised me to be..." He stated nervously, looking at the motion sensor camera's lens. "Nice to know there are others..." He said, shyly poking at this pie with a spoon, assuming it was poisoned.
BloodHasSpilled said:
"Your generosity is q-quite notable, GLaDOS. But I would like you to know I am actually a young man. I was raised this way by my parents. They thought that same-sex twins was 'cruel', so instead of killing me... This is what they raised me to be..." He stated nervously, looking at the motion sensor camera's lens. "Nice to know there are others..." He said, shyly poking at this pie with a spoon, assuming it was poisoned.
Knowing full well what gender they were,and checking passively why they were dressed as a girl. GLaDOS now has somthing to tease him.a couple of aperture science drink dispensers and cups appear next to him,along with a aperture ancients poison tester,to show that none of it is poisoned."Sorry ma'am, that sounds quite terrible.why would they think same sex twins was cruel? Sometimes I do not understand humans, so ma'am do you have anymore questions?" GLaDOS was testing how they would react to being called the opposite gender repeatedly.
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The boy sighed, using his hand to attempt to cover a blush that was glowing on his face from the social teasing and bugging. Seeing as though none of his food was poisoned, he took a small sliver on the spoon, inserting it into his mouth and then swallowing. Enjoying the taste, he then spoke again. "Something in the 'Bible' of a 22nd century English religion. So... After I finish, may I go to the place you wish to take me?" The crossdresser asked, taking another spoonful.
BloodHasSpilled said:
The boy sighed, using his hand to attempt to cover a blush that was glowing on his face from the social teasing and bugging. Seeing as though none of his food was poisoned, he took a small sliver on the spoon, inserting it into his mouth and then swallowing. Enjoying the taste, he then spoke again. "Something in the 'Bible' of a 22nd century English religion. So... After I finish, may I go to the place you wish to take me?" The crossdresser asked, taking another spoonful.
"Actions for false beliefs..anyways, Yes, you may. And sorry for asking more questions, but who are you,how is your universe like,and what is your job there?"
"To answer all these questions..." he said after he swallowed, "My name was Bridget. My universe was around 2172 or something like that... Magic was discovered early and used in the creation of superhuman, yet extremely manlike creations, manmade organisms... Gears. It led to a huge war. In other news, I work as a non-lethal bounty hunter. In my other world, not recognizing danger, I ditched my job in hopes of entertaining, then had to work minimal wage as a dishboy at a restaurant. Now, I'm back, doing what I used to do." He took yet another spoon of the pie.
BloodHasSpilled said:
"To answer all these questions..." he said after he swallowed, "My name was Bridget. My universe was around 2172 or something like that... Magic was discovered early and used in the creation of superhuman, yet extremely manlike creations, manmade organisms... Gears. It led to a huge war. In other news, I work as a non-lethal bounty hunter. In my other world, not recognizing danger, I ditched my job in hopes of entertaining, then had to work minimal wage as a dishboy at a restaurant. Now, I'm back, doing what I used to do." He took yet another spoon of the pie.
"Thank you for supplying me information about your universe." She pauses for a moment."do you want anything else?" Just the way GLaDOS spoke, made it sound like she was planning somthing.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Thank you for supplying me information about your universe." She pauses for a moment."do you want anything else?" Just the way GLaDOS spoke, made it sound like she was planning somthing.
After finishing his pie, Bridget pushed his plate aside and took a moment to think. Noting the suspicious tone in GLaDOS' voice, he sighed, popping a mint into his mouth. "Take me to the place." The young man demanded seriously, standing up now.
BloodHasSpilled said:
After finishing his pie, Bridget pushed his plate aside and took a moment to think. Noting the suspicious tone in GLaDOS' voice, he sighed, popping a mint into his mouth. "Take me to the place." The young man demanded seriously, standing up now.
The floor underneath Bridget opens and he falls through a tube. And into a room with captive human rebels, women's and men. The other had a bunch of children and combine police.this was the last of the children probably in this universe entirely.it seemed most of the children had mothers or fathers on the other side. There are two levers in front of Bridget.

"For this test, you must decide who lives and who dies. If your choice is not made soon enough, both sides will die. You cannot know the reasoning behind this test unilateral it is finished. You have ten minutes until neurotoxin floods into both chambers."a counter falls down and starts counting from ten minutes.
Bridget reacted with sudden surprise as he fell through and saw this horrifying scene. Seeing the timer fall every second, even to 9:59, made him all the more nervous. Sighing and composing himself, he thought this was most likely a test anyway, but he couldn't decide. At that moment, he closed his eyes and pulled one lever forward -- What he had just done would inevitably lead to the death of the children. Most likely, the young crossdresser would feel ashamed for his actions for life as he looked horrified at his own hands.
BloodHasSpilled said:
Bridget reacted with sudden surprise as he fell through and saw this horrifying scene. Seeing the timer fall every second, even to 9:59, made him all the more nervous. Sighing and composing himself, he thought this was most likely a test anyway, but he couldn't decide. At that moment, he closed his eyes and pulled one lever forward -- What he had just done would inevitably lead to the death of the children. Most likely, the young crossdresser would feel ashamed for his actions for life as he looked horrified at his own hands.
A gray gas fills the chamber where the children and combine are, the kids start panicking and pound at the glass, the combine pull out various weapons and tools and tries to escape. The adults and rebels on the other side start yelling and pounding the glass as well, some were crying. They were watching thier children being chose for death instead of themselves.

A gray has starts filling the children's chamber and slowly. They start dropping to the ground, along with the combine in there.after the last one dropped, and if one was to look closely, they were still breathing. Some panels start slowly cover the glass.

"Congratioulations, you chose the children instead of their parents and family, making them watch it happen.. You are a true monster. But, good thing that they did not really die, we far rivaled the truth to see how you would react to such a situation, and you failed you monster."she pauses for a moment."your actions has changed the next test. Please enter the next chamber through this door." A door opens up nearby, waiting for him to enter.
MTchaos1134 said:
A gray gas fills the chamber where the children and combine are, the kids start panicking and pound at the glass, the combine pull out various weapons and tools and tries to escape. The adults and rebels on the other side start yelling and pounding the glass as well, some were crying. They were watching thier children being chose for death instead of themselves.
A gray has starts filling the children's chamber and slowly. They start dropping to the ground, along with the combine in there.after the last one dropped, and if one was to look closely, they were still breathing. Some panels start slowly cover the glass.

"Congratioulations, you chose the children instead of their parents and family, making them watch it happen.. You are a true monster. But, good thing that they did not really die, we far rivaled the truth to see how you would react to such a situation, and you failed you monster."she pauses for a moment."your actions has changed the next test. Please enter the next chamber through this door." A door opens up nearby, waiting for him to enter.
"B-But I... I shut my eyes... I was too nervous..." Bridget confessed, not even meaning to pull the lever in the slightest. He did not like being forced to make decisions. He sure did had to improve heavily on the anxiety issues he bore; they had become an obvious weighted chain to the blonde and he didn't want it. But the crossdresser didn't know how exactly to re-wire his own brain. "Call me a monster all you want, but I believe I'm not." He said stubbornly, entering the door.
BloodHasSpilled said:
"B-But I... I shut my eyes... I was too nervous..." Bridget confessed, not even meaning to pull the lever in the slightest. He did not like being forced to make decisions. He sure did had to improve heavily on the anxiety issues he bore; they had become an obvious weighted chain to the blonde and he didn't want it. But the crossdresser didn't know how exactly to re-wire his own brain. "Call me a monster all you want, but I believe I'm not." He said stubbornly, entering the door.
The next chamber has a simple button and cube,calling with a door.

"It does not matter if you don't believe you are, a demon can believe they were not created to kill and torture. But they end up doing it anyways, monster. Anyways, finish this test and you shall receive a prize in the next chamber."
All of a sudden, with a flash of darkness, a smaller, man-sized version of Chaos appears.

"GLADOS, how goes your research on the DETERMINATION?" He saw the person "umm... what precisely is going on here? I assume the "experiments" you mentioned?"

@MTchaos1134 @BloodHasSpilled
Lordvader59 said:
All of a sudden, with a flash of darkness, a smaller, man-sized version of Chaos appears.
"GLADOS, how goes your research on the DETERMINATION?" He saw the person "umm... what precisely is going on here? I assume the "experiments" you mentioned?"

@MTchaos1134 @BloodHasSpilled
This is a cross dresser who just ended up in my universe, and the testing is actually doing quite well. Though I don't know what alphys is up to beacuse I have not checked on them."she turns and faces the god of chaos."I'm getting close to understanding it,"
@Lordvader59 @MTchaos1334

"I was nervous and hadn't realized I had killed children..." The young man admitted in his young voice again, but widened his eyes looking up at the God of Chaos. "R-Research on DETERMINATION? Experiment? Alphys? What are these things...?"
BloodHasSpilled said:
@Lordvader59 @MTchaos1334
"I was nervous and hadn't realized I had killed children..." The young man admitted in his young voice again, but widened his eyes looking up at the God of Chaos. "R-Research on DETERMINATION? Experiment? Alphys? What are these things...?"
He turned to the human. "You will probably find out in due time." Then he turned to GLADOS "what kind of advantage will these tests provide us with?

Lordvader59 said:
He turned to the human. "You will probably find out in due time." Then he turned to GLADOS "what kind of advantage will these tests provide us with?
"Near immortality to attacks. Though the soul has to be tested to see if it's compatible."

GLaDOS said, watching the human quietly.namportal opened above and below them, making them constantly fall.
The effeminate male let out a shrill gasp as two portals opened vertically above and below him, causing him to feel uneasy and fall repeatedly with no harm. However, he was getting nauseated and was sure he was going to vomit sooner or later. @MTchaos1134 @Lordvader59
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Thrax continued to look at GLaDOS unable to identify her as any organism he'd ever seen "So are we about done here baby?" he asked nonchalantly to the main core whilst looking disinterested at his claws, Thrax expected GLaDOS to just tell him where he was and what she wanted with him. Then again he supposed if she wanted him dead she could have tried to kill him already.

(Portal, sorry for the late response been busy)

ManyFaces said:


Thrax continued to look at GLaDOS unable to identify her as any organism he'd ever seen "So are we about done here baby?" he asked nonchalantly to the main core whilst looking disinterested at his claws, Thrax expected GLaDOS to just tell him where he was and what she wanted with him. Then again he supposed if she wanted him dead she could have tried to kill him already.

(Portal, sorry for the late response been busy)

"Far from done, I need you to hunt someone down and bring them to me." A picture a of Rodger lands in front of thrax."try your best not to damage them. Then you will gain all the information you want. I shall send you close to where they were seen last."a tube takes a tube takes Thrax to a enormous room with almost millions of places to hide, it has six floors and small mazes,secret doors, and other things to help someone hide. Thrax was placed on the top floor.

BloodHasSpilled said:
The effeminate male let out a shrill gasp as two portals opened vertically above and below him, causing him to feel uneasy and fall repeatedly with no harm. However, he was getting nauseated and was sure he was going to vomit sooner or later. @MTchaos1134 @Lordvader59
The portals disappeared and a picture of thrax lands in front of Bridget."someone has been sent to hunt you down and capture you, your test is to hide and avoid them, I shall send you somewhere where you will have a head start."a tube takes Bridget to a enormous room the same on thrax is in, but on the bottom floor.

"Good luck." Both of them hear from a nearby camera.

@ManyFaces @BloodHasSpilled
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@MTchaos1134 @ManyFaces

Bridget looked around at the room. It looked almost as if it had cells in it. One of the 'cell' doors were open. Tossing a yo-yo in the cell and halting it in place, he rolled over to it in mid-air, shrouded in electricity, albeit he wasn't very quiet in performing this. Landing on the floor, he spotted a wide vent. Opening the door to this entry, he then laced it with cut yo-yo string, holding it firm, but not sticking it in place. He hid his feet with a stacked pile of five yo-yos, and if Thrax came in the front, his mechanical bear Roger hid his face.


Thrax hissed something under his breath about GLaDOS, if there was anything he knew about other people it was that they usually didn't enjoy heat. He would smoke out his target, and if that didn't work he could just work his way down listening to any sounds that might lead him to what appeared to be a bear of some sort. Thrax went around the upper floor gathering anything flameable and putting it in a pile, he struck his index claw against the items and waited. If he was lucky he might hear coughing or wheezing.


@MTchaos1134 @BloodHasSpilled

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