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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)


The God-Emperor of Mankind
(NOTE: This is not a Sequel to the Old Clash. This is a Reboot.)

There are infinite universes, no matter what you might think.

In each one the changes could be the slightest, like the color of a T-shirt you wore one day.

In others it might be a bit bigger, like getting married earlier.

And in others it might be very decisive, where you died after your birth.

The Multiverse is kept together by two beings; Kaosu and Chumon.

The God of Chaos and The Goddess of Order.

The God of Chaos had declared war on Order, for unknown reasons. The Multiverse is being destabilized. A great war is to begin soon.
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Lady Order looked up from where she dwelled. It was time. Gazing across the dimensions and universes to where her counterpart was, she nodded her head in acknowledgment. "May the best god win."

@Ami the breadling
Noivian said:
Lady Order looked up from where she dwelled. It was time. Gazing across the dimensions and universes to where her counterpart was, she nodded her head in acknowledgment. "May the best god win."
@Ami the breadling
Chaos nodded. "Yep. Though i wont kill you if i win... It´d be so boring without you, dear.", he said and laughed.

Bryan stomped on a soldier's head, caving in the army man's skull and he was just one of many who attempts to stop his rampages. a maniac grin settles on Bryan's face as he walks around and looks at the destruction he caused, bodies of soldiers and civilians alike lay among wreckage. he halts his stride when he notices a portal in the distance, Well it seem this day just got a lot more interesting, Bryan Jumps into the portal not caring where it brought him


Fawkes walked out of Underworld and into the capital wasteland. As Fawkes wandered the streets of Washington he thought about the lone wanderer and all the hardships (Having learned of them from her other companion Charon who had traveled with the vault girl before Fawkes) she had to endure to achieve this change for everyone in the capital wasteland and it certainly had changed in many ways since his adventure with the girl from 101, she will claim her most noteworthy adventure was when Fawkes and her destroyed Paradise Falls and it's slaver community.

though truly one of her most significant accomplishments was delivering pure water for everyone (even if she did claim it was his accomplishment for he did activate the water purifier, but all he did was change alter her destiny as she did his) but as Fawkes wandered around Washington, he came upon a strange sight (A true rarity in this day and age) a portal that sat in the middle of the reflecting pool, Fawkes was intentonly causeus of the portal however curiosity got the better of him and wandered closer to the Portal. and it sucked him in and dropped him into a forest clearing


Plague Knight threw a bomb at a divedrake, which burst into glorious flames on impact with his bomb. he picked up the gem that the drake dropped, he honestly didn't understand why he picked up these gems they were practically worthless to him for he could simply alchimize some gold if he needed money. Plague knight double jumped over a pit and right into a portal that opened up in his path
Walter C. Dornez

Walter was going through the Hellsing Mansion, having nothing better to do.

Suddenly a portal opened and Walter surprised to see it prepared to fight, thinking it's some trick...

He was however interested in what it is, cautiously he approached as the portal sucked him in.


Fang examined the portal she had stumbled across. She had just been looking for Vanille when she stumbled upon it. It could be a trap, she reasoned to herself. But then again, do I care? She reached out, sticking her hand through. Nothing hurt it, so she decided it was safe enough. She was dying for a new adventure, anyway. She stepped through.


Roxy was sitting on the roof of her house, trying to conjure up any of her mutant kittens. She knew it was improbable she'd succeed, considering she couldn't teleport things places, but rather could only create things, but it was worth a try. She missed some of them. But as she tried, she conjured something totally unexpected: a portal. At least, she thought she conjured it. "Well, only one thing to do now..." she smiled before hopping in with reckless abandon.

Jade paused, sensing a disturbance in space near her. Curious about it, she flicked her white dog ears and followed where she was sensing the disturbance. Surprised to find it was a portal on the roof of Roxy's house, she followed along through it.
Maria was currently polishing her knifes, when she heard something. The sensores did show a massive source of warmth nearby. Maria decided to check that, having a knife ready. It looked like a circle, but it was really weird. It made no sense that it was that war. Or hovering. Or existent. Going a bit more near, Maria decided it was a portal. With a plunge she entered, ready to roll on the other side and fight whatever might attack her.
"We're moving along ahead of schedule, begin the testing of the G-Virus." Wesker spoke firm and brisk he was speaking to the three people dressed in lab coats in front of him, they were 'helping' Wesker along with his latest experiment. Wesker's plan was to insert his own DNA into a test subject and then the G-Virus in order to see the results and if the mutations happen or if instead it strengthens the subject and gives the regenerative abilities that Wesker knows the G-Virus can give, he wasn't interested in the Biological immortality mostly since he already had it. "Begin the joining sequence. 5...4...3...2-" Wesker spoke before turning around suddenly he heard voice from the three people in lab coats. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Wesker instantly spun back around and he was face to face with what looked like a tear in the worlds itself. "That wasn't meant to-" Wesker spoke but was cut off by the portal pulling him in and not matter how much he retaliated he couldn't stop it so in the end he just let it happen.
(Guys. Not everyone should pass through the Portals, otherwise there won't be much locations.)


Chara was in Frisk's body... busy fighting that damn Comedian. Why'd he have to resist? There was no point, she'd win anyway. Determination would make her win. Her Determination is nigh infinite, if not exactly at that level. She smirked at one of Sans' attack, barely getting touched and as she was poisoned with Karmic Retribution she smirked and said "That's all you have? Comedian? Hey, do you know french?".

Sans smirked at her and said "Sure, why?"

Chara gave him a sadistic smile and nod and with an aggressive voice said "I guess you're sans of a brother, right now."

Sans' expression became slightly afraid and shocked, but he did like the killer punchline. He said "Nice one, kid."

As Bones fell on Chara and killed her again, when she RESET'ed however... she was alive in her old body and Frisk was nowhere to be found.

She was back to the RUINs... what could've happened? She looked through her Inventory and found "REAL KNIFE" and "HEART LOCKET"

(Feel free to teleport into the Undertale Universe)
Birdsie said:
(Guys. Not everyone should pass through the Portals, otherwise there won't be much locations.)

Chara was in Frisk's body... busy fighting that damn Comedian. Why'd he have to resist? There was no point, she'd win anyway. Determination would make her win. Her Determination is nigh infinite, if not exactly at that level. She smirked at one of Sans' attack, barely getting touched and as she was poisoned with Karmic Retribution she smirked and said "That's all you have? Comedian? Hey, do you know french?".

Sans smirked at her and said "Sure, why?"

Chara gave him a sadistic smile and nod and with an aggressive voice said "I guess you're sans of a brother, right now."

Sans' expression became slightly afraid and shocked, but he did like the killer punchline. He said "Nice one, kid."

As Bones fell on Chara and killed her again, when she RESET'ed however... she was alive in her old body and Frisk was nowhere to be found.

She was back to the RUINs... what could've happened? She looked through her Inventory and found "REAL KNIFE" and "HEART LOCKET"

(Feel free to teleport into the Undertale Universe)
(I have no plan of undertale, but i dont need to because Maria has no plan too, right?)
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling](I have no plan of undertale, but i dont need to because Maria has no plan too, right?)

(Yes probably. If you want the major locations:

The Ruins



Hotland and the LAB

The MTT Resort

The Core

The Castle

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Birdsie said:
(Yes probably. If you want the major locations:
The Ruins



Hotland and the LAB

The MTT Resort

The Core

The Castle

Maria came out in some... Weird world. She had no idea where she was, but the portal quickly disappeared. Drawing a few knifes, she shouted at the first person in sight. Her voice was like a robots one, so she would never be discovered a woman only by hearing her. "Hey! You! Tell me where i am or die!"
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Maria came out in some... Weird world. She had no idea where she was, but the portal quickly disappeared. Drawing a few knifes, she shouted at the first person in sight. Her voice was like a robots one, so she would never be discovered a woman only by hearing her. "Hey! You! Tell me where i am or die!"


Before you stood a little girl, in a striped shirt. She had a Golden heart locket and said "G-" Chara was about to say her signature 'Hello' which is of course the word 'Greetings', but then she decided to play more of an Asriel person, she looked rather distrubed and shocked on someone she hasn't seen before. After all... she's seen everything a lot of times. She responded "H-Howdy? You're in the Underground, are you new here?" Chara asked with a shocked voice of a little girl.

Chara quickly checked her LV... it was 1. She needed to get it to 20 again, to eradicate all life.
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Birdsie said:
Before you stood a little girl, in a striped shirt. She had a Golden heart locket and said "G-" Chara was about to say her signature 'Hello' which is of course the word 'Greetings', but then she decided to play more of an Asriel person, she looked rather distrubed and shocked on someone she hasn't seen before. After all... she's seen everything a lot of times. She responded "H-Howdy? You're in the Underground, are you new here?" Chara asked with a shocked voice of a little girl.

Chara quickly checked her LV... it was 1. She needed to get it to 20 again, to eradicate all life.
Maria put away her dagger. "That does not help me. Where am i? Is this still Mythland? Or did something crazy happen again?", she said. She remembered that one time in another world with the group.
[QUOTE="Ami the breadling]Maria put away her dagger. "That does not help me. Where am i? Is this still Mythland? Or did something crazy happen again?", she said. She remembered that one time in another world with the group.


"Sorry Ma'am. I don't know what Mythland is. I can't help you." Chara looked at Maria examining her... 1 LV? Pfft, she could kill a whole civilization in a few hours. She decided to help her out a bit with a... 'Helpful' hint, hehehehe. "By the way, Ma'am. This place is riddled with dangerous monsters, if you go ahead you might meet them. They are VERY dangerous and they kill anything in their path." Chara said with a pretended, but very realistic disturbed and warning-advisory voice.



Plague Knight stopped his decent using float burst and causing him float slowly to the ground before gently touching down on a bed of buttercups "Hmm, Buttercups?" He said while looking at the bed of flowers, being a bit curious as to how they grew so far underground. having picked up a few for Mona having remembered her mentioning that she needed some for her potions he continued further into the ruins until coming upon a child and a man talking to one another "Would either of you know where I am?" @Ami the breadling
Birdsie said:
"Sorry Ma'am. I don't know what Mythland is. I can't help you." Chara looked at Maria examining her... 1 LV? Pfft, she could kill a whole civilization in a few hours. She decided to help her out a bit with a... 'Helpful' hint, hehehehe. "By the way, Ma'am. This place is riddled with dangerous monsters, if you go ahead you might meet them. They are VERY dangerous and they kill anything in their path." Chara said with a pretended, but very realistic disturbed and warning-advisory voice.
billthesomething said:



Plague Knight stopped his decent using float burst and causing him float slowly to the ground before gently touching down on a bed of buttercups "Hmm, Buttercups?" He said while looking at the bed of flowers, being a bit curious as to how they grew so far underground. having picked up a few for Mona having remembered her mentioning that she needed some for her potions he continued further into the ruins until coming upon a child and a man talking to one another "Would either of you know where I am?" @Ami the breadling
The "robot" drew a dagger again. "Great. Some action would be helpful until i get back where I belong.", she said and then looked at the new person. "I have no plan myself, went through a portal and am here now.", she said and then gave the kid a bar of best chocolate. "For your help, little one."

(maria is still powerful, even though she is level 1, right? Or does she need to level up in that universe to be herself?)
billthesomething said:



Plague Knight stopped his decent using float burst and causing him float slowly to the ground before gently touching down on a bed of buttercups "Hmm, Buttercups?" He said while looking at the bed of flowers, being a bit curious as to how they grew so far underground. having picked up a few for Mona having remembered her mentioning that she needed some for her potions he continued further into the ruins until coming upon a child and a man talking to one another "Would either of you know where I am?" @Ami the breadling


"Oh, Howdy! I'm Chara. You're in the Underground, sir. There are monsters down here, I'd watch your step!" Chara said with the most friendly voice that she could muster, as she took the Chocolate Bar from the woman and said "Thank you! I love chocolate so much!" with a thankful voice. She decided not to kill the Woman yet, Chocolate was worth it. She opened up the Bar and took a bite out of it, looking around. "Anyway, I can show you around if you want!"

(Yes she is. LV's won't really do much for anyone here, as Humans in the Undertale Universe are different. It's not like we have determination in the real world, do we? I mean, the "DETERMINATION", not the normal determination. She simply said it as she thought she could cause some death and mischief with it and because in the future she might need another body, and she can only posess stuff that has LV, preferably lots of LV.)
Mizelia sat meditating at the place she called since a few months home. However, her meditation gets disturbed by a strange looking portaal. She gets up and slowly walks to it, slowly extending her arm towards it, being surprised as her hand goes through it. She then slowly walks through it, carefully looking around. "This is not Tatooine..." she turns around, only to find the portal missing. She then tries to contact her allies on her wristcomm "This is Mizelia to Arkanis. Can anyone hear me?" She waits but doesn't receive any response. She let's out a sight "Maybe someone is jamming my signal or something weird happened." Mizelia starts to walking while looking around, having no clue where she is.
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Birdsie said:

"Oh, Howdy! I'm Chara. You're in the Underground, sir. There are monsters down here, I'd watch your step!" Chara said with the most friendly voice that she could muster, as she took the Chocolate Bar from the woman and said "Thank you! I love chocolate so much!" with a thankful voice. She decided not to kill the Woman yet, Chocolate was worth it. She opened up the Bar and took a bite out of it, looking around. "Anyway, I can show you around if you want!"

(Yes she is. LV's won't really do much for anyone here, as Humans in the Undertale Universe are different. It's not like we have determination in the real world, do we? I mean, the "DETERMINATION", not the normal determination. She simply said it as she thought she could cause some death and mischief with it and because in the future she might need another body, and she can only posess stuff that has LV, preferably lots of LV.)
Maria shrugged, her visor still shut. "Just show me where those monsters are, I am really bored.", she said. She took out another chocolate bar. "It´ll be worth it for you."
Birdsie said:

"Oh, Howdy! I'm Chara. You're in the Underground, sir. There are monsters down here, I'd watch your step!" Chara said with the most friendly voice that she could muster, as she took the Chocolate Bar from the woman and said "Thank you! I love chocolate so much!" with a thankful voice. She decided not to kill the Woman yet, Chocolate was worth it. She opened up the Bar and took a bite out of it, looking around. "Anyway, I can show you around if you want!"

(Yes she is. LV's won't really do much for anyone here, as Humans in the Undertale Universe are different. It's not like we have determination in the real world, do we? I mean, the "DETERMINATION", not the normal determination. She simply said it as she thought she could cause some death and mischief with it and because in the future she might need another body, and she can only posess stuff that has LV, preferably lots of LV.)



Plague Knight thought about the offer. he decided it would be smart to humor the child, despite how certain he was that the child overwhelming cheeriness was going to become quickly grading for him "Thanks kid hee hee a tour wouldn't be too bad. hee hee though that warning is rather unnecessary hee hee"


"Of course! I'll show you around. Follow me!" Chara said with an enthusiastic voice, when she turned away from them to lead the way she smiled a bit sadistically for a moment as she took another bite from the chocolate. Her freshly forged master plan was already going on, she returned to her previous, normal face and turned her head around saying "Well, are you coming?" as she started stepping forward to the Flowey room.

Mizelia keeps walking, looking around. Finding herself in an strange room. She senses two figures coming towards her. Not being sure if they were hostiles or friendly.


"Howdy!" Chara was surprised... someone else? How many new people are in here? She must have not been here for long. Hopefully the Comedian died from old age. "I am Chara! Chara Dreemurr!" Chara said with a happy, child's voice.

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