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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux


Moral Psychopath

Its 11am, and the circus opens to the public at noon. Its time for the carnies to wake up, prep for the day, and do whatever it is they do just before a show. Its a beautiful day, not too hot, too sunny, or too cold.

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Rosemarie Draffin

Rosemarie was ran across the main area, randomly grabbing objects and circus equipment, putting it where it was actually supposed to be. The short female had been running around for hours now, as she got up at 5AM every morning, well every morning they had to work on, that is. She was currently disguised as a woman with long black hair, as she was most of the time. No one in the circus actually knew what Rosemarie looked like, for the exception of Grandeur, but they all knew she didn't look like a human in the slightest, which was the reason she disguised herself. As the seemingly woman-in-charge ran around, she yelled at her fellow co-workers to 'Get your asses up!'. You see, Rosemarie liked order and hated when things are out of it. Meaning when her circus members get up 1 hour from showtime, things were unorganized and unless you had been sucking up to Rosemarie all week, you're most likely in trouble. A mad Rosemarie is a scary Rosemarie.

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Pale fingers twitched as a scaly form slithered between them and yellow eyes opened against the morning rays. Flickering around the otherwise dark trailer Snake took in the various snakes slithering around, all different shapes and certain degrees of dangerousness, even as he sat up petting the yellow and green form of the snake that slithered into his bed with him. Probably looking for warmth. He though bemused and almost fondly. Yawning he stood and stretched as he began to prepare for the day hearing Rosemarie scurrying around outside. Another day at work.
Fires crackled absently as they were perched on torches mounted onto the cracked withered walls of roughly cut cavern leading deeper in a spiral. The flame lit walls stood firm despite looking as if the space was created through the natural fault of the land above. They didn't seem to fall in line like puzzle pieces but more just held together against each others weight and dimensions. The stairs that led downward towards the lower level of the cavern didn't share this aesthetic, they were purposely cut out into impossible to naturally create symmetry. The technology for such precision couldn't have been available to the same people who plastered these walls with paintings detailing fantastical events of men confronting enormous black dogs. Before Aladdin could take another step forward a hand wrapped around his shoulder. The hand belonged to Richard, one of his most trusted companions in their guild. It was strange that he would reach out to stop Aladdin as finding this location was all they'd ever talked about, what was more strange was seeing Richard's lips move but the voice of a woman escape them. "Get your assess up!"

Aladdin jolted from his placidly swinging hammock his hand reaching instinctively to throw whatever it could find to the source of the sudden noise. His right hand gripped onto an old wooden tinder box which was airborne virtually the second Aladdin could feel it's old texture on his palm. It only took him a fraction of a second to look through the veil of sleepy eyes to realize "Oh crap, Rosemarie." The tinder box failed to strike her, in fact it failed to travel the whole distance toward her as it hung suspended in the air by an invisible hand. It gently floated back to Aladdin hand where he could place it back to it's starting position across from his hammock. "Sorry, Sorry, next time gently rock me awake."

Rosemarie Draffin

When she realized they weren't getting up, Rosemarie continued shouting at the people, she was actually mad this time. "What do you people think you're doing? It's a hour to showtime! Get up! Also, you idiots, listen up for this!" she shouted just loud enough to make the carnies listen whether they wanted to or not. "Today we are supposed to be receiving a new member. His name is Lukas, be nice to him, if you will. We need more people with us." She took a breath before continuing, "Because of you all waking up late, for our next performance you will all be waking up at 6AM, this will keep us organized. Anyways, get ready fast today!" Rosemarie then began to walk towards her tent.

Kira Heart

Kira woke up in his room holding his tail like always when he gave it a tug and woke him up as he hissed a little bit calmed down as he yawned saying "oh I just pulled my tail" he said as he got up and stretched a little doing some back bends and a couple of stretches, after that he brushed his tail and hair making sure not to catch any knots real fast since his tail and ears were like his most sensitive spots usually when people rub against it he can't move and it feels like someone but drugs in him that made him feel warm inside. After brushing he got dressed in his normal clothes and walked out of his room going to where everyone was at, once he was where everyone was at he went to his usual spot to warm up.


The girl woke with a start, eyes immediatley traveling to her alarm clock near on the opposite side of her trailor. She forced her body up, throwing the blankets off of her. She made a face as she stood, blood rushing to her head and making her dizzy, though she quickly got over it and walked to the closet, digging through the mess for her performance clothes. She found them with some effort, muttering, "I'm sorry, Rose, I'm sorry!" Misa backed away from her closet and shed herself of her pajamas, dropping them on the floor and kicking them away. She walked to her desk, examining herself as she pulled on her show clothes. She huffed and searched around for hair pins, holding up a bun with her hand as she shuffled through beauty supplies. She made a noise as some things fell, though let out a delighted sigh as she grabbed some hair pins, shoving them in her bun and letting it go, seeing how well it would hold. She grunted as it sagged, reclipping it until it looked okay. She listened as Rosemarie yelled, frowning as she mentioned a new member. Misa walked out of her trailor, nearly slamming the door as she searched around for the short woman.
Revin Moore

Hey, I was already awake. Doesn't that mean the punishment doesn't include me. Ravine thought pouting as She hopped from her trailer already ready for the day. She had never gone to sleep of course and has been up trying to enter a state of meditation and failing. Sticking her tongue out at the Sun Ravine headed toward where the others were gathered. "Hallo, everyone. "
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"Oh fuuuuuu-" Aladdin whined, not nearly enough for Rosemarie to hear his silent complaint he was not stupid enough to believe that would pan out well for him. "How is she so loud before the Gods are even awake." He spoke to himself while his hand came across his face to brush a lock of black hair away from his eyes so that he may look at the room with clearer vision. Where most would be graceless in the morning Aladdin found the only difficultly was actually finding the will to get to his feet. Once his toes came in contact with the sun soaked hard wood floors of his trailer the world came into focus becoming clear. With a hop to his step Aladdin strode to take his garments in hand. A mahogany brown leather vest paired with loose fitting cotton trousers and leather boots of the same color. A purple and red scarf would be wrap around his neck with fabric to spare on both ends to extend to his lower back. The areas of exposed flesh held strong musculature that would belong to a seasoned athlete. Aladdin had never particular devoted himself to a sport, adrenaline was his trade after all.

The open door to his trailer was thankfully wide enough for Aladdin to somersault out of. His boots on the outside ground only prompted him to bend back with the stored momentum of his initial somersault and perform several consecutive backflips traveling the distance needed to land in front of a certain Illusionist. He finally stopped once Misa was the person in front of him and without missing a beat he says "Circus full a morning people I can tell."

"Hallo, everyone. " An unfamiliar voice rang.

"Oh hey, whats up?" Aladdin responded to the new addition to the circus. Having been the previous new installment he was curious as to how this one would assimilate.
Kira Heart

Kira heard Ravine come in and ran over on all for and stood up next to her wagging his tail because someone fun was

Here so he said "morning ravine how are you doing" he said with a innocent smile on his face waiting for ravines reply thinking "wait was rosmararie saying something....I don't know"but his was his short attention span kicking in as he was attracted back to his earlier reply to ravine.

Lithônion had taken off for a walk with his companions relatively early in the morning, just before the sun had risen and cast it's golden glow across the sky. He'd looked and, not long after, found a fairly small forest only ten minutes away from the camp-site.

His primary goal every morning was to feed Yaezakura and Azalea and find some form of water source for them to drink, and bathe. It took about a half hour to find water, but to hunt a meal? That's why he had to be up so early.

He could hunt, set traps, even shoot a bow. But he didn't enjoy it. Lithônion rarely used traps, preferring to end the suffering of the poor critters quickly, only using traps when food was particularly scarce. Lucky for him, their was a rather large amount of critters in the surrounding forest for him to hunt, whilst his companions loitered around the pond he'd found after following a small stream through the forest.

He was a crack shot with a bow, always hitting his mark and ending the pain before it even had a chance to begin. But Lithônion didn't share this skill with anyone in the circus, not wanting his ability which had caused so much death to become an attraction.

It took him a mere twenty minutes, this hunt, to find enough food to feed his companions until the evening. He wasn't always this lucky, finding these many food sources this early. Sometimes it took hours before he found enough.

And with that, Lithônion found his companions and headed back to camp to feed them, and help set everything up for the next show just in time to see Rosemarie running around frantically trying to wake everyone up.

She blinked the sleepiness from her eyes, jolting as Aladdin landed near her. She forced a smile and waved slightly, keeping her head forward as she yawned and stretched her arms up, being careful as to not mess up her hair as she continued forward with the group, toward the show tent. She brought her arms down, mumbling a "Hello" in response to Ravine, not ready for the day. The girl shifted as she walked, stepping on a small stone, though quickly shaking it from her foot. Misa was in a bad mood today as she had slept in, rushed her morning routine, and had to meet a new person. Not cool.

But hey, it's going to be a learning experience, right? That brightened her up and she put on a small smile as she filed into the tent.

Hearing the sound of Rosemarie's shouting, Sara opened her eyes and surfaced from her fresh water pool. She ran her hand through her long hair, moving her bangs away from her face. She stepped out of her pool and looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. Oops I woke up too late. No wonder Rosemarie is screaming at us to wake up. Sara thought and then with a wave of her hand, all the freshwater on her body and in her hair that was keeping her soaked had left the surface of her body and was floating in mid-air. She was now completely dry and with another wave, the floating water had traveled back into her pool. Sara walked over to her closet and opened it. She then changed into a sleeveless white collared blouse and a light blue pleated mini skirt. Walking over to a mirror, she puts her hair into her signature pigtails and then grabbed her bottle to fill with the freshwater in the pool. Ready to go, she walked out of her trailer and towards where everyone else was at. "Hello everyone" she said with a bright smile.

Rosemarie Draffin

The woman stopped walking for a second and called to the carnies without turning around "Good morning." Rosemarie murmured "And yes, everyone is involved with the punishment, myself included. Even if only one person woke up at this time, we would all still participate. Let this be a lesson to you all. Also, I need you all here by 11:45 and it's 11:15 now, so go and get dressed!" Rosemarie began jogging towards her tent. She then realized Ace never got up. She sighed and peered into his tent, which, unfortunately, was right next to hers. To no surprise, he was still asleep. After all, he had put up with Rosemarie's organized attitude for as long as he could probably remember. Rosemarie walked over to his sleeping body and slapped him on the head. Hard. Ace shot up and yelled at her in surprise, "Rose, what the hell was that for!" You see, Ace was the only person who could talk to Rosemarie like that. "Get up you idiot!" She hissed at him, "It's 40 minutes to showtime!" A look of horror pasted over Ace's face. He jumped up and kissed Rosemarie on the cheek, "Thanks Rose, now get out!" He basically shoved the woman out. Rosemarie growled at being shoved out and walked into her tent. She then applied her makeup and got dressed in her costume. She walked out of her tent.

This is Rosemarie's \/


The only changes are that she holds a cane, not a whip, the shorts are a tiny bit longer, she wears a no-sleeves blouse instead of a tank top, and the blouse has a bow.

Ace's costume is shown in his character skeleton.
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Aladdin stood among the others as they all waited for Rosemarie to instruct them as to the days happenings. He didn't have much of a sense of direction as to what to do while Rosemarie was not barking orders at him, it'd only been three months since he'd been here. One would think that would be sufficient to get a grasp of the workings of the establishment but every day he'd been here was as sporadic as the last, he'd never anchored a clear agenda for himself as his tasks varied from day to day. It was comparable to being told to memorize an obstacle course so being blindfolded would not be a hindrance in traversing it and then being thrown into a different obstacle course everyday.

A small flame flickered across his fingertips as he absentmindedly noodled with it to entertain himself while he waited. Eventually his deliberation began to placidly become vocal as he spoke to the group in general "Alright so I do my act with two torches, what if I used, six?"

Misa turned around and walked backwards for a short distance as she studied Aladdin. She tilted her head, replying, "You shouldn't change your act half an hour before the show, but do whatever. You'll probably get hurt," She said monotonously, turning again to practice for the show, still needing to make up some choreography for her part rather than just making up illusions to dazzle the audience. She slumped her shoulders forward, not feeling it within herself today to do anything, "Then again, it might spice up the show, plus you'll be learning how to do something more dangerous," She stated, staring at the ground until a small blue bird appeared, though it didn't look very realistic and the anatomy of it was off. Misa sighed and made it dissapear, reaching a hand down to her bag to see if she had left a granola bar or something in there, some form of human food to keep her from being hungry for a short period of time.
"The only thing audiences like more than a good show is seeing someone screw up." A small breath followed his statement as Aladdin lurched forward to perform a handstand. The world having turned upside down from his perception did not discourage him from continuing to speak. "If I do get hurt at least that will give people a funny story to tell their friends." His hands began to strafe across the ground with the grace of perfectly placed steps, taking paces with his hands was as second nature as walking itself to him. His palmed steps drew him closer to Misa to the point where he stood where her failed attempt at a bird once stood. "And getting hurt isn't much of a problem for me anyway, remember when I first got here I was missing an arm?" He lifted his left arm to his side against gravity to emphasize his statement. "Next day the sonvabitch was attached to me again and now I'm balancing on it." He bent the arm that was supporting his weight only to extend it again performing a one armed handstand pushup just to drive the point home. "Whats a little fire, right?" He spoke with an upside down grin.
With his venomous black mamba curled around his shoulders and flute tucked into his pocket, for appearances only of course, Snake exited his trailer and joined the others. Standing next to Revin he waved at the others there sensing some of them weren't in a good mood. "Hey, you guys. "

Eyeing the black mamba slithering over Snake Revin smirked. She had a fondness for the things especially the dangerous ones and wasn't oblivious to their sneaking around keeping an eye on things. Probably for Snake. Shaking her head she reached out and petted it.
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Misa rolled her eyes, catching a glimpse of Snake's slithering friend. She frowned, "I'd suppose it's nothing to you," She looked down at his face, crossing her arms over her chest, "But of course, I'm putting your act in my position, where a burn or scrape wouldn't go away for a long period of time," She stated, inadvertently speaking about her scars from being branded. She clicked her tongue, looking around at everyone. Well, everyone besides Ace and Rosemarie. She sighed to herself and brushed some dust off of her show clothes, "It's odd, Rosie telling us to get up and ready when she's not present at the scene," Misa thought aloud, calling the Announcer a nickname she made up within her first year of being here. Of course, she'd never use it in front of the woman herself, though she uses it in front of the other carnies just for fun. Being the childish girl she was, she turned her attention to creating the illusion that a black snake was slithering up Aladdin's arm, trying to find some fun out of it.
Aoki Yuno

Yuno ran around to find the meeting point, she woke up on time but she forgot where they were supposed to gather. 3 years didn't make Yuno remembered the place, she always ended up forget about it. Well, sometimes she would find the place, but things happened and today was one of that days.

Finally Yuno arrived and she could see that almost everyone was already there. Yuno tried yo catch her breath and stood among them, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I get lost, I promise it won't happen again," Yuno put her hands on her knees, her hair was a mees because of her running.

Yuno then brushed her hair with her finger and smiled to everyone, "So do I miss something?"
"Nah, Rosemarie is keeping us all in suspense." Aladdin responded to the tardy Kitsune oblivious to the fact that Misa's construct was working it's steady pace up his forearm. Aladdin persisted in teasing Misa "If you ever got a scrape or a burn you could always wish it away." he prodded like the natural born salesman he was, always instigating that someone make a wish as for every wish he granted extended his life span. He never knew by how much granting a wish benefited him all he knew was if he persisted in doing so it would make him live long enough to achieve the deal he'd made with the Djinn, ultimately that was all that really mattered. At this point Misa's impression snake had coiled around Aladdin's bicep which finally prompted the reaction Misa had set out to gain. Aladdin stuttered falling back while simultaneously throwing the snake away from him with his free hand. "Snake!" He shouted to the carnie and not just exclaiming the fact that there was a snake, who else could the culprit have been if not snake? "Warn a guy before you get their pets crawling over them, next time I'll bite it." He said while laid out on his back after losing his balance.
Misa smiled as Yuno entered, the girl being one of the only other girls she'd been able to talk to. She seadily watched her illusion and waited for Aladdin's reaction, giggling as she finally got what she wanted. She covered the bottom half of her face with a hand to keep the others from seeing her cheeks redden, a thing that always happened whenever she began laughing. She looked over to Snake, tilting her head in a way that said 'forgive me' as it must've seemed like he was the one who place the snake there. Misa let the illusion slither away for a few feet before making it dissapear, watching the crowd, her mood finally rising to a normal point. She lowered her arms so they hung at her sides, leaning on one foot, "Oh man, what a scary creature!" She teased Aladdin, moving from her current spot to stand next to Yuno.
I don't know if I should feel offended or not that I was immediately blamed. Snake thought idly chuckling at Alladins reaction. However seeing Misa's face he nodded. He didn't mind taking the blame that was entertaining. "After all this time I assume you would be used to them. Plus, that one was a New one to my collection and is young. Not one that listens well. However in the future I shall warn you. I wouldn't bite them though as they tend to bite back. "

Revin giggled at Alladins reaction still petting the mamba. Since she was already dead she had no fear of their venom. "Alladin is a scaredy cat."
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Yuno smiled back when Misa smiled at her. She then looked at Misa who was right next to her now. Yuno put her hands on Misa's arm and smiled happily, "You are so pretty today, can't wait to see your act."

Yuno looked Misa's face and squinted her eyes, then she wiped a slight stain from Misa's face, "There you go, now you are perfect," she smiled again, "Ah, I better prepare myself now, Rosemarie would kill me if she knew I'm not ready yet, see you around Miso!" Yuno walked away and tilted her head, Her name is Miso, right?, Yuno wondered to herself.

Yuno ran to the changing room and tried to find her costume, she remembered that she put it here so she wouldn't forget to bring it again, but she couldn't find it anywhere, Oh great! Just a perfect way to start my day, Yuno grunted to herself while still trying to find her costume.
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Rosemarie Draffin

Rosemarie peeked her head inside Ace's tent one last time, hoping with her life he was dressed. And thank goodness he was. All her best friend appeared to be doing was applying makeup, like he always did for performances. But that, in fact, was not the case. Ace was actually playing with a small bird-like creature made of bones. Rosemarie walked over, took one look at the inanimate object, and raised an eyebrow. "What the hell is that thing?" she asked "And who's bones are those?" Ace looked up at her and nodded to the thing without taking his eyes off her and spoke, "That 'thing' is named Sage. And I don't know." Rosemarie glanced at the 'bird'. She the looked back to Ace, "Ace, I don't think that thing is alive." He looked at her, "It is alive.....well, it will be in a second." He turned to the bone creature and spoke, "Sage, Resurrectionem ex mortuis!" Sage the bone bird then flew up and rested on Ace's shoulder. "See!" He shouted at Rosemarie. Said woman sighed, "That's wonderful Ace, but we must get going, it's almost time for the show to start." She grabbed him by his collar and pulled him towards where everyone else was. After Rosemarie let go of him, he greeted the familiar faces in the small group. "Morning, everyone!"

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