Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

"I do not care what Annalise will think of this." he told her. "It is a simple fact. You should know this by now, it should be obvious. This circus is not like every other one. Our acts, only a small portion of it is actual training. Most of us have powers, you can sense it, probably. Perhaps I'm thinking to highly of you. Perhaps you are thinking me mad. But I feel like you sense some truth to my words. I have been wrong before, however. But that does not matter, they do not know whether you believe me or not." He did not look at her as he spoke, his eyes remained instead on the performance in front of him. He needed to keep up an appearance, even though she may be ruining it at the moment.

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @Axel1313


Annalise smiled as she watched Jonsi excitedly started dressing up in his leotard and putting in fabric and cloth where he was lacking in padding or clothings. Giggling slightly, Annalise nodded giving him a thumbs up as she watched him look at himself in the mirror.
"Oooh, check you out, Mister Big Shot. Skin and fabric looks good on you." She teased, winking at him before getting some more of her equipment. Taking a deep breathe, she nodded, "Let's put some spot light shine on you, shall we?" She grinned as she was glad to hear Jonsi would be able to take a part some of his bones, though the pain is there it's manageable. Signaling towards the stage, Annalise took Jonsi's hand and began walking out to the crowd. "Hello! Welcome to the half-time show tonight!" Annalise said loudly, as she took in the audience's enthusiasm and cheer as they came on stage. "I'm Annalise and as you see above us," Annalise began, looking up at the ceiling, as she smiled at the hooped hanging above, three hoops total, all at different heights, "the hoops will be used as part of my aerial acts, this also includes the silk that you see at the end of the stage." She grinned widely, letting the words sink into the audience's mind. "However, that's not all! Some of you may recognize him as the 'Bone-man;, please welcome Jonsi as he joins me today to take the stage!" Annalise exclaimed, clapping loudly as she presented Jonsi. Since she had the audience's distraction by Jonsi, she managed to bring two of the silks on the side together before her in the middle. Instead of climbing onto the silk, she walked towards the left side of the stage at the end and managed to start a head-count run towards the silk, attaching herself elegantly on the silk as it moved sideways, back and forth in motion as she began contortionizing herself and tangling herself in the silk. When she reached higher and higher, she managed to roll herself down the silk, not before catching herself as she was inches away from the ground. Waiting for the audience's reaction, she rolled herself back up again as she let her legs linger down the silk as she reached and grabbed the other silk by herside and gracefully moved from one to the next. However, soon she began moving herself back and forth in swinging motion, upside side on the silk as she grabbed Jonsi by his hand and twirled him towards the hoops effortlessly "Here Jonsi! Take one of the hoops and show them what you got!" She said excitedly before elegantly finishing her aerial act on the silk as she fluidly danced on it, much like "pole dancers" but with much more grace like a swan. Soon, even she herself, fluidly twirled herself onto the hoops as the silk was now brought away to only show just the hoops as emphasis for the the audience's attention. However, at the corner of her eyes, she looked for Gareth and Carter, still suspicious towards Gareth's actions.
Jonsi's face flushed a bright shade of red. "Ah! Th-thanks. I's been a while since I've had a full figure." He laughed sheepishly. "But anyway! Yes! Let's get started!" Taking in a deep breath to regain his composure he put on a bright smile and followed her out onto the stage. He was in awe as he walked out onto the stage. There were so many people! It was absolutely amazing! If he had a stomach he'd surely have butterflies in it. He was ready as ever though and bowed to the audience as he was introduced.

The silks and hoops were a tad intimidating, even more so as he watched Annalise perform. She was so graceful and talented. However, he did not have too much time to admire, as next thing he knew he was being lifted through the air to the hoops. He bobbled uneasily at first, but eventually regained his balance. "you can do's just like when you were messing around and practicing. Just do what you know.." He whispered to himself nervously before taking in yet another deep breath and beginning his performance. He stared off simply at first, but gradually loosened up and began a more bold approach. Feigning falling, only to catch himself with the crook of his knees and swing around. And many twists and spins that would be physically impossible for anybody else.

-- Laura

"Damn it, it's not here..." Laura said after a few minutes of searching furiously. At this point, she'd gone from looking through normally, to pulling out packets and packets worth at a time, just throwing them all over looking for an indicative mark on the papers. "Damn it, I'll have to go out there 'blind' then...!" Laura said, having said it with a bit of a dramatic tone. Her goal in doing so was quite clearly achieved, with how Kaname was giggling in the background. Floating over the large mess of papers and over to the door, Laura planted her feet on the solid flooring before exiting her trailer. Her first course of action was to look around for three specific faces, in hopes of finding one of them despite how disorganized the cirque always got to be with all the guests attending.

Lucky for Laura, she quite soon found one of those three familiar faces; Sisceal. Almost bumping into the man, she had to sidestep, although forgot to move her other foot thus regrettably, though hilariously, tripped the man. "Whoops, sorry!" Laura said as she offered out her hand to help him up. "The uh... event of finding you could've gone better, but I've found you, no less..." Laura said, sighing. "You seem a bit... panicked though. I assume you've noticed them too?" She questioned. "If so, then it saves me some explaining. I need to ask about a certain individual, after all..."


((Any other characters of mine needed in any way will have a post when needed :x ))
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((okie doke. Unless you want them to be observing the unplanned intermission show or interacting with others around at ze moment. There are some interpol agents who could be harassed if you please. x3 And Gareth. He's always fun to make mad.))
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((Kaname's the lazy, carefree type of person who loves to mess with people, so she may bother Gareth at some point in time. For now though, she pilots the freighter filled with beds! Meanwhile the other two characters (which is not counting Laura) of mine are Interpol, so that kinda excludes them from those who would harass the Interpol members.))
((Okay, that may be good later on if possible since Beo needs a little love with his characters since Buzz is not on as often. Darned timezones. And ahh, I forgot bout that, with it being so late and since it's been so long. lol. Mainly the it being late at the moment though.))

Annalise Moscato

Aerial | Animal Tamer

with: @Axel1313


Annalise grinned at Jonsi's performance, his fluid and daring actions put hers to shame. She felt excitement boiling in her stomach as the crowd began to gasp and clap with amazement throughout Jonsi's performance. However, warning bells rang in her head as she made a small stable chair with her silk. Annalise's face remained cheerful but inside she was boiling, feeling slightly faint. Why, she didn't know, but from the corner of her eye, she saw the man she didn't think she'd see before. Why was he here? And now? Her heart raced as she felt it hard to breathe. Annalise couldnt' understand why, she should be happy, but she couldn't, she didn't know what to feel. Her head wasn't in it. She couldn't just leave the performance, but she was pushing herself to head over, her heart wanted to get to him now. However, her attention went back to the performance as she looked down at Jonsi. Annalise smiled, she could always let Jsoni take over, seeing that the audience was enraptured by him. But, she'd feel horrible for leaving so suddenly, especially since this is her job, her work, and her family. Nevertheless, when Jonsi made it to the ground, stopping himself with his knee, she grinned, fluidly swooping down as well, like a swan, swinging over to him as she whispered in his ears,
"Jonsi, my friend, I have to apologize, something came up and I can't perform if I'm not all there. The audience loves you, you're doing a magnificent job. Let's have a friendly competition next time, it seems I have competiton." She said, giggling slightly, but her tone was lace with underlying. . . emotions she didn't know and he wouldn't understand. "Please, don't worry, you can do this, I'm so sorry." Annalise said, giving him a small kiss on his cheeks, before, landing down on her silk. Turning to the audience she grinned, widely, before she disappeared into the background, allowing Jonsi's performance catch the audience's attention, as they didn't notice her leave the stage. Quickly, Annalise ran out of the tent, and swiftly dodged anyone that was in her way , not noticing anyone among the crowd as he head was staring straight ahead. Annalise finally made it towards her trailer and quickly locked herself inside, as she shook violently, glad to be away from everyone and everything for that moment in time.
"Oof!" Sisceal saw the ground before he saw Laura. He'd been in such a rush he hadn't been paying enough attention to where her was going. "Yeah, I only saw one of em but even one isn't a good sign for us." He groaned as he accepted her hand and hauled himself up off of the ground. "He was headed off toward the trailers when I was leadin a guest back to the tents. Big brute he was." He panted, boy was he out of shape. What could you do though when you were a hunk of stone half the day though? "So, what are we gonna do about this boss?"

@Kiyoko Tomoe
"What? But, Annalise..." He gulped as he was torn out of the moment by what she said. There was a mix of emotions, he was so excited about this performance and sad that she was going and anxious to be left on his own. He understood though, he couldn't put his finger on it but he could just feel that she had to leave the show. "Alright." He nodded and whispered back, his cheeks taking on a rosy color as she gave him a small kiss on each. "I can't wait until we can have a little competition. I'll practice as much as I can." A bright smile appeared on his face and even though he was heartbroken, he waved her off happily. "The lovely Annalise everybody! Please give her your most loving goodbyes as she must part!" He announced as loudly as he could. Sadly the audience was in so much of an uproar they couldn't tell, they cheered as they thought he was waving at them and began chanting encore.

He knew he should not have continued on, but for the audience and Annalise he did. Prepping himself once more he moved forward to give them more of a show. However, his mind was wandering now. Not a good position to be in when up on the hoops. He wasn't as confident or focused. Slipping and bobbling uneasily as he performed this time around. The audience found it thrilling and only like regular antics, but to him it was terrifying. He was coming far too close to falling and since it was an improvised intermission show. There was nobody around as a rescue team.

@Beowulf @Kiyoko Tomoe @IceQueen @buzz
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He spoke so convincingly, Carter couldn't keep resisting. She glanced at the crowd and excused herself, unaware they were probably preoccupied with the surprises onstage. "I don't believe you yet, but I'm willing to listen." Her eyes were smudged black, her lips beginning to dry, but she didn't care. She didn't sit, instead motioning for the supposed psychic to lead the way. "Make it quick."
"You will." is all Gareth said as he to stood. She had looked smarter. Guess she was as dense as all the other humans he had encountered. Oh goody, he never tired of the absolute shock on their faces when he shed his human disguise. But then he noticed Jonsi's performance. He was struggling, very odd for him. These were things he could have done in his sleep and missing several fingers. But here he was instead, fumbling around as if this were the first time he has attempted such things. "Actually, it can wait. I want to see this." Perhaps a little flame would.... The chains constricted on him, he could still move but it was a warning. They knew what he was thinking, and they did not approve. Well then, the fates would decide what would happen then. "The aura will not go away, I doubt it ever will if something is done about it. We have all the time in the world to see what exactly it's all about."

@Axel1313 @buzz
One slightly bigger slip sent him over the edge. He couldn't recover in time and before anyone knew it, lost his grip entirely on the hoops. There was a simultaneous sharp gasp from both him and the audience. He tried to recover, but his legs got stuck in the silks around the hoop and his midsection dislocated. Causing him to plummet to the ground head first with a sickening thud. Several of his ribs cracked and snapped off, his head hit the edge of the ringmaster's podium sharply and knocked him out cold in an instant.

And as always when accident's happened in the ring, the audience screamed and panicked. Some tried to jump the edge of the ring to help, while others were frozen in fear or trying to run out of the tent before their kids saw anything too graphic.

@IceQueen @Kiyoko Tomoe @TheRiverSings @Beowulf @buzz @egghead @rosamortelle

Screaming? Anton turned towards the main tent as madness broke out. What the Hell happened there? Ha, like he cared, whatever it was provided the perfect distraction. He made haste in picking the locks of several trailers now. Nobody was going to bother around here now or notice him. Everything these cirque freaks owned was fair game now.
"Um...haha...Cher? What would you saaay if.....there was possibly another young face at the dinner table next Christmas or other holidays or anytime at all?" Ignis laughed nervously as he continued on. "Well, nothing is for sure yet, but uh..umm...there is the possibility you know? I was young and stupid and uh you know how things can goooo..ah...." His face and shoulders were growing redder and redder as he spoke. Stumbling over his words. He was actually rather relieved when he heard the screams coming from the big tent. Maybe it would get him out of any questions or at least give him time to go hide away for a while.

"Um! What the Hell was that! I thought we were at intermission right now!?"

The man from the tent left before Glen could even ask where the back area was. He pulled out the pass he was given, his fingers leaving greasy smears as he turned it over.

He couldn't believe it, corn dogs and whiskey and free roam of the circus grounds? All in one visit? This had to be the greatest day of his life!

Then he heard the screaming. It was coming from the main tent, and from where he was standing he could see other circus-goers shoving and trampling over each other to get to the exit. Something told him that it wasn't a good idea to stay out in the open, so he slipped towards the back of the tents.
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Nanami looked over at Ignis as he started speaking. The more he spoke, the more she wanted to slug him in the face. "Ignis, let me be very clear. If there is another little one lurking out there, and it's your reaponsibility I am going to take a nice long chain and clip it too your tonsils and hang you from a tree." She said firmly, not even turning at the screams. "Probably someone getting hurt again. Go cover up for them. I'll have to prep for my own act." She said firmly, walking backstage and not saying another word to him. Nanami was not in a good mood right now, that was for sure.

"Cher I'm not saying that there iiiiis definitely...just a possible high...uh. Chance maybe?" he gulped at her threat to string him up quite viciously. "You know what, nevemind. HeeeeeeeIt's been delt with and not important at the moment. I'm gonna go deal with the scene out there. You just prepare and look gorgeous as always mon petit ange~" he buttered her up as much as he could before making a quick escape. The scene in the ring was....not pretty at all. Pieces of the skeleton man were scattered about. His rear end was still caught up in the hoop and his platinum hair matted down and stained crimson on the entire right side of his head. With a heavy sigh Ignis threw up an illusion all around the ring to keep from anymore panic and keep the cleanup covered up.

@IceQueen @Beowulf @Kiyoko Tomoe @TheRiverSings @buzz @egghead
"Bwahahaha!" Gareth busted out in laughter at the misfortune of the skeletal man. Served him right, he egged him on over and over again so the chains would act up. But now misfortune had befallen him, and the terror it caused was sweet to him. Like a piece of candy after a delicious dinner. All in all it wasn't much in comparison to the dinner, this being Jonsi's fall, but it was appreciated none the less. And it was only ended when Ignis came in. What a strange creature he was. He was obviously a demon, there was no two ways about it. Yet he was married to, from what he could tell, literally an angel and with kids. And he didn't have many demonic tendencies. Oh he had them, it was like a child throwing a temper tantrum to him, but he was assured that they at least existed and that he didn't go against every law of nature that existed.

"You see that my dear." he practically purred to Carter. "One second a man is in pieces, the next he is in one piece and the pseudo owner of this circus has arrived. You cannot deny that something is strange about that." She hadn't believed what he had said about there being an aura about her. She had said so herself. Well, now that she had seen something far from the norm, hopefully she had been looking, she would be more amiable to letting him examine that dark spot.

@Axel1313 @buzz
-- Laura

"Well, for the time being, all we can do is keep everybody on-guard. It'd be a bit bad if they were to get into one of those three trailers, although I suspect that Kaname's got that covered... Assuming she's not too sleepy to the point of ignoring what she herself brought up." Laura giggled a little, thinking about how clumsy Kaname was. She returned her focus on the conversation though, as it was a serious topic. Interpol was fairly important to deal with, after all. "By the way, do you remember the events of back then? Kaname came into contact with somebody who seemed familiar to her. A young girl with pink hair. Know anything about them?" She questioned the man, quite intent on finding out who the heck it was Kaname encountered.

"Ah, I wonder what's going on in the main tent...?" Laura questioned as screams and other panicking sounds came to be. "Guess our little conversation'll have to go on hold," She added in before gliding across the ground and over to the main tent. Walking in to see what had become of Jonsi. Placing palm to forehead, all she could do was sigh. "I swear... Interpol, accidents in the cirque... A mysterious girl... Somebody clearly has it out for me..." Laura said to herself, a bit angry. "I'll be sure to bite that Edward's head off next time I see him... For now though, guess it's time to do the 'basic' job of a ringmaster..."

Finished ranting under her breath, Laura leaped on up to the ringmaster's podium, a nice little twirl as her bats circled her, giving that aura of a vampire that she went with. "Deep apologies for all the happenings here tonight folks, but everything's just fine at our lovely cirque. We will be postponing the main show for a few minutes, but for the sake of your entertainment, I will be performing a few tricks for any who wish to see." Laura said, sighing internally at how she'd come up with this idea on-the-spot. "Now then, any requests? If you can dream it, I can do it!" She said with a smile, floating up a little ways off her podium to scan the audience for raised hands and shouts of ideas.

"Well... How about a fencing match...?" A man called out. "I would say yes, but sadly I have no partner whom I would approve of a display of swordsmanship against, as I dare not endanger my audi... ence..." Laura stated, although clearly came to realize a bit of a problem regarding who'd spoken. "No worries, milady. You surely can approve of me as your partner in this display," Edward said as he tossed a blade to Laura. "Why of course I can..." Laura said, catching the blade and immediately readying herself by moving to the stage behind. "Although, given the skill I know you to possess, I will have to start with the higher ground. Handicap, if you will, for not even I can start on even grounds with France's championship runner-up." She said, a little bit irked by who she'd come into contact with.

"Aand... Begiiin!" A third voice shouted playfully from the crowd, it being the voice of one nosy pink-haired girl from earlier. "Oh how wonderful a day this is! Go get her, Edward!" Kiyoko cheered, quite enthusiastic about seeing such a situation befall Kiyoko. She couldn't do anything for actual harm to Edward without grave consequences, but Edward, he could easily do whatever he wanted without being caught, as only Interpol members, and very few, could put name to his face. Even then, he was practically at the top of the world itself, being head of the Interpol, so the most that'd happen to him is that he'd get demoted back to second-in-command for his 'mistakes' in the field, with him quite easily able to outlive whoever replaces him and get back that spot.

Beginning, Edward smirked as he dashed on up to the stage and leaped at Laura, quite fiercely going after her with his rapier. Laura went for the clean game herself, using her feet to move about and avoid his jabs rather than do the easy floating to avoid him. This went on a good bit, Laura constantly dodging and on the defensive. At some points, she did strike back, though it was very rare as it put her defense quite low for being against Edward. Kiyoko, getting quite the idea, contorted her hand behind her back. Launching that bullet she'd raised earlier, it went far too fast for mortal eyes to see, though came into quick contact with laura's rapier as she went for a strike, making for sparks to fly all over and for Laura to lose her footing a moment.

"So, how do you like getting your show taken over by 'lowly Interpol', my dear Laura?" Edward asked the ringmaster, words unheard by the crowd as they were too quiet to escape their vicinity. "Should feel just like how things felt for me back then; the humiliation of having my officers played with like pawns... This time though, you should see a few differences in the crew I've brought along... Maybe a familiar face among them as well?" Edward added in, purposely getting his advances blocked at this point just to keep conversing and annoying the ever-living hell outta the woman. "You know very well I could reveal you right now, Edward...! God so help me I will if you and your damned Interpol don't leave us the hell alone...! I've kept up my end and kept silent about it all to even the rest of the cirque, so you better get out of here and keep up your end of our deal...!"

Words exchanged that were only between the ears of the two on-stage, the two kept at their 'exciting' sword match, to the crowd and probably even the other cirque members just a display for entertainment purposes. That's how they kept it looking, as Laura didn't want to cause extra problems for the cirque, plus Edward and Kiyoko clearly enjoyed this opportunity to mess with Laura from all the past events. Finding that the crowd enjoyed the first, Kiyoko just kept occasionally launching those bullets of hers through her powers, creating sparks all over as the blades clashed. It's about time I got to get that shadow freak back for taking over my body, Kiyoko thought with a smirk still upon her face.

@Axel1313 @Beowulf @buzz @egghead

-- Kaname

"Click... Click... Click..." Kaname sounded with every lock Anton was picking. "Click!" She sounded for the final time, hanging upside-down in the air above Anton. Her head had swung right down in front of Anton's at the time of the last 'click', staring blankly at the man. "The main tent is in panic... Nobody is going to be back here... I would think so too, if I were clueless about the members themselves..." She said, dull and emotionless in her words; still staring blankly at him, of course. "Next time though, I'd recommend being a bit quieter, for the sake of those who want some sleep..." Kaname said to the man. "I can't sleep over that annoying noise you're making with the locks, after all..." She added, a bit unnecessarily but that's who Kaname is.

"Cursed good hearing and ability to sense everything... Won't let me sleep..." Kaname mumbled as she floated upright, as though rotating on some sort of ball with her left foot. "Sadly, Laura's busy dealing with other issues, so I'll have to send you out of here myself... I don't like having to use energy on stupid things like Interpol, but it's what a girl's gotta do to get some sleep..." Kaname said to the large guy, Kaname floating back a ways behind Anton. "Chances are the evil of your motives are comparable to how sleepy I am, but oh well... The only thing I care about is getting this place clear so I can sleep, soo..." Appearing back beside the man, Kaname placed her hand on his arm.

"Bye-Bye!" She said a bit cheerfully, warping the man to the other side of the forest that bordered the cirque. "Now to get back to sleep..." Kaname said as she floated back over to Laura's trailer, re-locking every single trailer on her way through. As she reached her destination, she locked Laura's trailer as well before falling back to sleep on the couch. "What a pleasant night this turned out to be..." She mumbled in anger as her mind drifted off once more, her secondary purpose in sleeping actually to dream of whoever it was she'd passed by earlier, trying to figure out just who it was in order to prevent something big from happening. She hated how her senses could even go as far as telling her half of the times when something real big is about to happen.

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"Pink haired girl? Hmm....they sound familiar actually?" He rubbed his chin. Why couldn't he quite put his finger on it? The memory seemed...foggy. Literally, all that came to mind was a possible face and some thick green smoke that choked everything else out.

The screams from the main tent pulled his mind away from trying to dig up the memory. "Alright. I'll think on in while we deal with whatever is happening there." He spoke quickly as they rushed to the tent. He grabbed a medical kit along the way.

The scene in the main tent was...gruesome, to say the least. Ribs scattered everywhere, the skeleton man's head cracked wide open. At least the incubus had thrown an illusion up to keep the audience from getting even more worked up. Although, the sudden fencing match that sprung up to keep their attention wasn't helping much. Neither was the big demon laughing at the situation either.

"Laura! Please try to keep anymore bloodshed from happening! I think even you'd agree that boneman here is enough for tonight!" He called to her as he wrapped up Jonsi's head and ordered Ignis to collect the ribs and use some glue to piece them back together.

@Kiyoko Tomoe @Beowulf

Anton was sure he had the lock almost opened! He ran into a little issue of the freaks appeared out of nowhere and not only gave him a panic attack, but sent him to who knows where... It looked like the forest still. The cirque lights were way in the distance though. "What in the....d@mned freaks...rraaaaaah!!!" His face was burning red. He roared in pure anger again and busted off the biggest branch he could from the nearest tree and bashed it against whatever he could.
"Excuse moi. Miss?" A thin young man wandered into the back of the main tent. He was a bit on the shorter side with dark black hair that seemed to reflect many colors and a pale complexion. His face was thin with high cheekbones and dark, long eyelashes that outlined deep midnight blue eyes. He had been sitting in on the show before the chaos happened. The cirque was in town, finally after about oh...twenty plus years, maybe even more and he finally had the time and reason to go. He was looking for someone. A performer, hopefully. Being back in town for once helped quite a bit as well. "Mademoiselle Angel?" He cleared his throat and spoke up as he approached one of the performers in the tent, looked to be an acrobat maybe? She was the only one he could see nearby and wasn't in any changing areas. Last thing he needed was to be called a peeping tom and kicked out for good. With as many questions as he had that would be the absolute worst thing to happen right now.

Nanami was just on her way back to the tents, where hopefully she would have some downtime. But as soon as she was entering the backstage area, a voice called out to her. Groaning slightly, she rubbed her forehead, mumbling something about hallucinating when someone called out for an Angel. Turning her head, Nanami pushed aside the drapery, surprised to see a pair of dark blue eyes. Something about them was strikingly familiar. Smiling lightly, Nanami leaned forward. "May I help you young lad?" She asked kindly, her strange red eyes twinkling in the dim light.

He smiled brightly when she turned around and actually answered him. That was a good start. These people were kind."I was wondering if you might be able to help me out. I'm looking for someone." He pulled out some crumpled up papers from his jacket. It was nothing more than a few names and a rough sketch of who he was looking for and some medical documents, but hopefully it would help. "I heard they were normally seen here and had some important questions for them. and thought it would be best to ask them face to face." There was a darker hint to his tone at the end of his sentence. Oh how he couldn't wait to get face to face with this person, he felt it was going to be simply the best reunion. He could feel it in his fists.

Looking down at th boy in front of her, she accepted the papers with a nod. Looking over them carefully , she read the papers once, before having to pause and read again. 'That son of Satan." She thought to herself, her fingers crumpling the paper easily. Her red eyes shine with a fury that would be quite strange considering her behavior before. "One second, I'll be right back. He's here. Just wait one moment." She said with a smile before drawing back the curtains again. "IGNIS!!" Nanami bellowed at the top of her lungs, crumpled papers falling to the ground as she went stalking towards her husband, rage burned into her gaze.

"Um...thank you?" He replied cautiously. Her reaction was so odd, did he strike a nerve or something? The fury that lit up in her eyes was so strange for someone with such a kind face and soft voice. Lucid crossed his arms over his chest and walked back onto his heels as the woman stormed out of the room. At least it was good to know he was here.

"Uh-oh. Here comes the dragon. What did ya do this time?" Sisceal asked Ignis with a frown and bopped him on the head with a stint.

"I don't know but I think you're going to need more glue to help out poor Jonsi so I'm going to go the other way right now. I'll be right back." With a nervous laugh he stood and walked the opposite direction of Nanami. "Sorry cher! I'm a little busy at the moment! Can we talk later?" He called back to her.


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