Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

Nanami could care less about the boy right now. He had done nothing wrong. Ignis on the other hand, was in a world of trouble. And not the 'sleep on the couch for tonight' trouble. The 'you aren't allowed back in the house or so help me god I will recite the bible to you' kind of trouble. "No, no you can't. You get back here right now or so help me I will start flinging holy swords or firing arrows." She screeched, easily catching up with her older husband and grabbing him by the ear. She viciously yanked him back towards her side of the tent, rage still burning in her eyes as she sought to bring him back to his son. His other son, that is.

"Ah!!! Ow ow ow!! What the Hell Nanami!? Are you trying to yank my ear off??" He snapped as she yanked him quite viciously towards the other end of the tent. He looked to the priest for help but the old coot was ignoring everything going on now. Smart b@stard. "Why are you so mad? What did I do? I hardly think it's worth screaming at me with risk of the audience hearing! Laura would kill us both if we brought the drama out into the ring."

@IceQueen (@Beowulf , simply because Gareth is most likely having the time of his life with this show)
"Yes, that seems like a favorable option right now. You are in the deepest shit you have been in ever." she growled, glaring back at him as she pulled him back towards his area. "I don't give a damn about the audience. Heck, if I feel like it I might start throwing swords at everyone." She growled, her grip tightening on his ear. After pulling her husband to her feet in the backstage area, she crossed her arms. "It seems you have a guest. A guest that I was not aware of until now IGNIS." She said harshly before pulling back the curtains and gesturing to the male outside. The male, who couldn't have been more or less 24, unless he was some sort of creature, was his son. That's what the documents had said, that's what all the evidence was leading up to. Hopefully now he realized why his wife was in such a fowl mood, and ready to cut his head off. "Here you go young man. This is Ignis, my husband, who currently is in very deep shit."

--- Laura, Kiyoko, & Edward

"Yeah, uhh... Kinda hard to get outta this one... Stopping now'd kinda leave the crowd to their senses of the troubles again, and I'm in no position to back down from a match with this man. Even I have pride in something, albeit I'm rarely ever here doing anything that you guys can see." Laura said to Sisceal as she came by, going back and forth with Edward still. "Don't worry Laura, it'll be over soon..." Edward said, tossing his sword up along with Laura's when the woman gave strike at him. Jumping up, he grabbed his blade from the air and flicked Laura's to the side, landing behind her blade over the woman's shoulder. "Not bad... Guess I should expect as much though, from the man who nearly took my head off back a good many years ago though..." Laura mumbled in anger.

"Of course, Edward wins." Kiyoko said with a smirk. "Well, I spy somebody else to mess with for now... Funny seeing him here..." Kiyoko mumbled evilly. Leaping down the stands and entering the ring, Kiyoko proceeded over to Edward's side. "You sure showed her," Kiyoko said in silence to the man. "What's the occasion, for you to go all-out like this only to stop at the end...?" She questioned, though clearly didn't intend for an answer as she walked right on over to Sisceal. "And you... You've broken this poor little girl's heart, you know..." Kiyoko said while pointing her thumb at herself, holding it firmly against her chest. "When are you gonna apologize? Been waiting about seventy years for you to show up again." She said, smirking quite visibly for the man.

Slapping the man hard on the cheek with the back of her hand, she walked away a little bit. Glancing back, she giggled. "You know, I did try to visit you in the hospital back then, though it wasn't much of my will to do so. Oh well, I learned to embrace those feelings personally about... fifty years ago after I realized that my life was shit...? Can't go without your ass to kick, I guess." She said before leaving the tent entirely, heading into the forest a little ways and taking a relaxing seat up in one of the taller trees near the cirque itself, so she could just watch for a little while. Edward took over for this one though, engaging in conversation with them.

"Such a boring event Kiyoko set up... Do know that next time, Laura, I will have your head... I'll have the evidence, the explanation; everything needed to end this cirque... As for you, sir who just got slapped... A bit of a warning, when she starts beating somebody up, she doesn't stop... I should know, picked her to work with me because of how ruthless a girl she is. Anyway, enjoy this little farce you have going while you can, as I'm sure eventually, they'll all realize the accident that's occurred here on-stage. Bye!" He said as he dashed out of the place, the swords taken with him. At this point, even Edward was just going along with the kooky plans of the pink-haired girl.

"Kill you...? Well, in a sense, I would..." Laura said as she floated behind Iggy and Nanami. "The only one who'd die though is you, Ignis... I've learned at this point that you're easily the start of every problem between you two... Now I don't usually do this, but... I'm actually interested in seeing how Nanami deals with your lousy ass all the time... No worries though, I've left an alternative me to occupy the stage with some silly little parlor tricks..."

@Axel1313 @IceQueen @Beowulf

(Hope ya don't mind Laura's spectating the lovely event ^~^)
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"Laura! Do something! She's gone mad!!" He pleaded as he was dragged along by his ear. "Nanami! Slow down! What's gotten into you? I've done nothing wrong....ohhh..." He gulped as was dragged outside and right to a familiar young least to him. Uh-oh.

"Husband?" The young man looked very much confused by that fact. Everything else about the situation right now left him unphased. "He certainly is in very deep shit." The young man stated bluntly. His dark eyes sharpening as he glared at the man standing before him.

"Lucid?" He mumbled under his breath. When did he get here? Or better yet, how did he even find him here? "Cher...I swear I can explain. Okay? This isn't what it looks like."

Nanami glared at Ignis, who seemed confused for a moment longer before his eye caught the man who was standing outside. Apparently his name was Lucid. "Mhmm. Well I would be a bit nicer with explaining if you had told me 70 years ago." She said, crossing her arms. Looking back at Lucid, she offered a warm smile. "You must be freezing. How about I take you back to our trailer for some warm drinks. He might be a while. Or if you have anything you want to get out now, go ahead. My punches would hurt more." She growled, glaring at him and crossing her arms as she awaited Lucids reply.

Sisceal was dumbfounded when the woman approached him. He hadn't recognized her at all before, but once she spoke to him it became all too clear. "Kiyoko??" He asked in utter stupor. "But...I." His head snapped sharply to the side as she slapped him hard. " could I forget that slap. Long time no see indeed. I had no idea you were still alive." he grumbled. Carefully watching her as he wrapped the injured performers head gently. "I couldn't exactly help not showing up again. After getting shot in me own car and then given a second chance with this place I didn't even think I'd see anyone I new from the force again."

@Kiyoko Tomoe (consider this a tag for the previous post as well. Is late and I forgots.)
"I ah...haha. I wasn't sure back then! I mean...I was younger, stupider, still a little wild...and. Uh, didn't think it would ever come up again?" He gulped. He could feel the anger emanating from both of them. "Besiiiiides. This little issue was before I even knew your name Cher."

"Issue? Oh, so now I'm your little issue again? Ha! Selfish B@stard!" Lucid growled and stamped on Ignis's foot. Causing the man to double over in pain, which then allowed the boy to knee him in the face. "You didn't even bother mentioning me for 70 years?! Just tried to shove me aside and hope I disappeared again! You're even more of a deadbeat than I remember!" He took another swing at him before looking at Nanami with a slight smile. "Thank you. That sounds very nice. I've been out in this cold for hours looking around the cirque."

@IceQueen @Kiyoko Tomoe
Nanami watched as Ignis covered himself up. It was a horrible cover up, and she knew it. She didn't even bat an eyelash as Lucid proceeded to kick the absolute shit out of her husband. And she stood there. Smiling back at the boy, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Just this way Lucid. Though I have to earn you you might want to be a little quiet unless you want two little monkeys wandering all over you." She joked lightly, shooting a glare at Ignis before continuing on towards her trailer. 'I am defiantly blessing the doorway tonight.'

@Axel1313 @Kiyoko Tomoe
"I don't mind. I used to babysit for some lovely people who had five little monkeys who liked to crawl everywhere." He laughed softly. His mood brightening greatly as she put a hand on his shoulder. She seemed so nice. HIM on the other hand, well. Lucid spat in his direction before following Nanami.

"N-Nanami! Wait!" Ignis staggered back a few steps before managing to go forward again. He was a little punch drunk from the boy's attack. "Can we talk about this calmly? Please?" He wiped the blood from his nose all over his sleeve as he stumbled after them. "I'm sure we can work something out or explain some things?"

Nanami laughed slightly and she looked at Lucid. "Well good because they are a squirmy bunch. Teeth horns and all." She joked lightly, walking towards the trailer. Hearing Ignis call out to her she rolled her eyes. "Cher, we can talk about this tomorrow morning when you are done spending a night in the rain again. It's almost unthinkable that you would toss something so adorable aside. Your judgement has caught up to you Iggy, and now you must pay the price. And if you decide to piss me off more I'll bring out the fire weirder." She growled.

"They sound like rambunctious little devils." he laughed softly. Taking off his jacket as she led him inside. As small and scruffy as his wings were, it still hurt to keep them under wraps for too long. They barely made it to his sides and were grey with black markings, like pigeon feathers. Definitely nothing magnificent but they were soft as the finest silk.

"Nanami!! I've got nowhere to go but one of the tents again or the animal cages! Come on! I had a good reason and left him with a nice couple, lucid you have to back me up on this. Please?"

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Nanami smiled, laughing softly as he mentioned her rambunctious children. "They are little devils. Adorable little devils at that." She said, her own wings flexing slightly. Looking back over her shoulder, eyes flashing as she glared at him. Lifting a hand, a sword started materializing. It was a regular great sword, with wings at the hilt, like all others she could summon. "Do not make me get the bible." She growled under her breath, turning towards him with her sword pointed straight at him. "I don't want to see you anywhere near my doorstep before tomorrow morning. Got it?" She whispered, her gaze narrowing as she glared at her husband.

"N-" He stopped before he even got near the end of the blade. He hated that d@mned sword more than he hated the when she read the bible at him "F...fine Cher. Whatever you say. Haha." He gulped and took a step back from the trailer. "But...where am I supposed to go for the night? You gonna make me sleep in the cages or a tent again? Or am I gonna have to go pass out at the bar." He scowled as he backed away further and searched for any possibilities. Nora's trailer was still open, right? That was most likely his best bet.

"I can't wait to see them!" He smiled softly, his midnight blue eyes lit up with joy. "I think the hardest thing will be knowing that we're related. I grew up an only child, so it's pretty weird now knowing I have half siblings. And aaa....step mother? I suppose? or at least hope? You're such a sweet woman I do really hope so." His tone was sickly sweet as he shot a sneer back at Ignis. He was getting much enjoyment out of seeing the arsehole get what he deserved.

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"Ye just gonna stand there laughing hot head or ya actually going to help? I can't get up there to get his other half and can't carry the stretcher out myself." Sisceal grumbled as he looked back at Gareth, who was speaking to some young woman who looked to be in bad shape. "You're lady friend there can come too. We've got enough medical supplies and clean clothing and even a shower if she wants ta take one. If ya need extra help I've got some lad tagged. I'm sure he wouldn't mind seein how things work around here and I've gotta test 'im. See if he'll work out around here."

@Beowulf @buzz @egghead
Ignis wasn't even going to try going near their trailer tonight. He didn't feel like third degree burns on his only good hand or extreme from a bible or worse....castrated via a holy sword. "Fine! I'll be in Nora's trailer if you feel like acting like an adult for once Nanami!" He yelled back at their trailer as he bust into Nora's. Everything was exactly where it was left and coated in dust. Man...they really needed to clean this place more. It was sad to leave it sitting and unloved. At least it did make it easy to find one thing, Nora's stash of alcohol. The wine had to be perfectly aged by now!

He popped open a bottle of some of the red stuff, took a half a bottle of Absinthe and mixed them for a potent brew. Perfect for a quick blackout. Nanami couldn't be mad when he was at least doing this in the cirque and a completely empty trailer. Hell, maybe he'd even see if she had some of that odd stuff Bones smoked around.

He was in dire need to forget this day and well...certainly achieved that. Didn't take long at all for him to get absolutely wasted. Half a bottle in his hand and lounging happily in a smoke filled trailer the idea popped into his head to give Sebastian a call. He would obviously loooove getting a call this late from his drunken and high as a kite father. But hey! He hadn't heard from his other boy in a while why not?

"Seeeeeebby! Ya there boy? What're ya doin?"

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Dax drifted into the shadows when a man entered the trailer of his mistress.

Such a clumsy man....he mix the waters but it will never be satisfactory.....mistress....mistress if you can here me he is drinking himself under the table

Over time the shadow spirit had matured. Knowing he had to keep an eye on people for his mistress. He was trying desperately to reach her. She had become weak and it was hard to make the connection to the underworld.

Mistress....mistress what should I do?

All of sudden a cold wind came about and, if you didn't listen closely one would miss a familiar female voice in pained voice cry 'Ignis'. Just as the cold left a woman burst through the trailer door and Dax retreated again.

Sebastian looked at the forest as the limo drove down yet another long road when his phone rang. He didn't even check it and answered it, a male voice spoke before he could. It was father, obviously drunk. Before he could respond his phone was snatched from him.

"Oh papa Iggy you are drunk! Stay where you are I am coming."

Mera wore a worried look as Seb gave her a sour look, she hung up the phone. He burst out in anger at her.

"The hell Mera! I don't want to go there!"

His mouth was covered by her hand as she gave him a pissed off look.

"You should care Sebastian, at least you know your parents. Driver! Take us to the cirque as fast as you can!"

The limo flipped a sudden U-turn as it sped towards the cirque.

"Now Sebastian you can stay in the car but I'm going to check on Iggy. Obviously something is wrong, and if you decide to care maybe you will join me."

He let out a huff as she removed her hand from his mouth.

"Unlikely, but I will visit my mother."

He crossed his arms as he watched Mera stare out the window anxiously. It reminded him of the times when they were young and she would watch for Paul. He knew she wasn't fond of him but, he was family for her. Although she wasn't aware of that. When he had went digging for info about her mom he found a letter from the former succubus of the cirque. It was addressed to Paul but it never made to him. It spelled out in less than a paragraph that Mera was Paul's daughter. He hadn't had the heart to tell her since Paul always caused her issues, bringing up Nora and such. His head hit the top the roof when the limo hit a dirt road. He looked at the tents coming into view. An uneasy feeling hit him though, he was returning to place he didn't really like. The limo hadn't even parked when Mera bolted off. Something wasn't right though, the air seemed odd. He sat in the limo contemplating what to do.

Mera bolted out the limo, she ran past bones who was talking to a lamppost.

"papa! Iggy is drinking again."

As she approached her mother's trailer a cold wind came and she swore she heard a voice. She pulled the wagon door open and looked at Ignis.

"Oh Papa Ignis......oh, how could you do this to yourself?"

She looked at the demon with an almost identical worried face as her mom. Her eyes didn't wander to the open trunk of Nora's clothes nor to the old tintype photo of Nora. She had eyes only on Ignis.

"What has you so glum Papa Ignis that you have to drink my mother's stash of liqueur."

Bones was deep in conversation with Lance the lamppost when a familiar blur went by.


He followed after her only to see what she meant. A drunk Ignis inside Nora's trailer. Smoke trailed out of his pipe as he eyed Dax in the corner. Then in fluent Latin and with a thick French accent he spoke to the shadow demon.

"eam ne conari contactus ." (You must not try to contact her)
"Nora?" He shivered as the air in the trailer became freezing, but only for a moment. He had just gotten up to look for the source when somebody burst into the trailer. They looked so familiar...he had to fight to focus his vision to see. "Nora! It'syou! You're finally*hic* back!" Ignis wobbled uneasily in her direction. Stumbling over his own two feet and every last thing on the floor. "Youlook great!" He hiccuped again until he fell straight into the woman. Giving her a light kiss on each cheek.

"S...sorry I'm a lil drunk...I had nowhere to go tonight an needed to drunk away my troubles." He giggled stupidly and stumbled back a few steps to take another drink. Then wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "The ol' dragon's kinda mad at me again, y'know? Sssomethin bout not mentioning a kid for about ooooh.....seventy year? Baaahhh C'est la vie." He laughed again and took another swig. Leaning his head against her's. "That reminds me! Youshhhould meet im. I don't think you've ever met my boy before...he's a good kid. Real sweet and smart."

Mera was completely caught off guard by Ignis. She had dealt with his drinking before but not like this. Her face turned red with anger when he called her by her Mother's name.

"Ignis stop!"

She didn't even care about the unknown kid of his. She was used to hidden children among cirque members, it was almost normal for them.

"I'm not mother."

She took a step forward as she pushed Ignis off while grabbing the liqueur from him. She took a sniff and tossed the bottle out the door. She grabbed a mason jar that was once the rose water her mother used and splashed the scented liquid on Ignis.

"Come to your senses! This is a horrid way to react to Nana's actions. And you should have never come in here. My mother was worse alcoholic than you."

She glared at him as Dax moved towards Bones and the odd duo disappeared around the corner. She walked back towards the door.

"I'm going to get Seb."

Sebastian decided to actually interact with people and made his way to the trailer area towards his parent's trailer. He wasn't to keen about seeing his dad but he has always been a mama's boy. Ever since he was young he was glued to her side and always disliked his dad. Well not always but he didn't dwell on those times. He knocked on the trailer door.

"It's me mother. I assume you and Father are fighting. Since he called me and was absolutely drunk."

He adjusted his tie while waiting for her. He looked over and saw Bones and a shadow demon. He didn't think much of it. He never really liked bones, and he didn't know the shadow demon well. Just that it was attached to Nora somehow.
Nanami smiled and ushered her guest in, trying to avoid looking at his small wings. 'His mother must have been a banished one. Such wings wouldn't come from someone loyal or even remotely secure in my world.' She thought, starting to brew some tea. She was just getting th water in the kettle when there was a knock at the door. Her head shooting yo at the sound of her first borne voice, she practically leapt towards the door, her feet barely touching the ground as she flung it open. Wrapping her arms around Seb, she couldn't keep the grin off her face. "Oh thank goodness. It's been so long my little angel." She said sweetly, pulling back to cup his cheek lovingly. "Oh look how you've grown! You are such a strong young man now." She cooed in a motherly way, ushering him inside. 'You look just like your father.' She thought to herself, grinning as she turned back to find her guest still standing around in her trailer. "Oh I almost forgot. Seb, this is my guest for the evening, Lucid. Lucid this is Sebastian, my first born son." She said, absolutely beeming with pride.

@Axel1313 @TheRiverSings
"Hey! I wasn't finished with that Nora!" He was going to rush out and get it when she tossed the rose water on him. That was enough to knock some sense into the drunk.

"Wha?" He cringed as it stung his eyes horribly. At least now he saw his mistake. "Mera?? But? Where's yourmother?" He was confused as can be as he searched around the trailer desperately. Then it finally hit. "Oh...oh Gods... Mera, I amso sorry! I was just...a little hurt tonight and kicked outta the trailer." He watched as she left. His pulse quickening in panic. "Please don't get Seb! Just stay here for a while! Ihaven't seen you inforever Mera"

Lucid was a bit shocked at how fast she opened the door for the guy. At least until she announced who it was. Had to admit, there was a pang of jealousy, but he was her first child. So it was understandable why she was so eager and happy to greet him. "Huh... Nice to meet you I guess?" He stared at him curiously. 'I guess this is my little half brother then?' He thought to himself as he tucked his wings close to his back again. This Seb guy looked so much like their father it was weird. Completely unlike himself, where only his eyes and body and facial structure were similar. He wondered if he should just straight tell the guy or let him figure this one out on his own. He looked clever enough to at least somewhat get it.

@TheRiverSings @IceQueen
Mera stopped in her tracks looking at the mess that is Iggy.

"You're a mess. And coming to this trailer after getting kicked out was a mistake. My mother was more of a drunk than you were."

She crossed her arms and looked at Ignis, her eyes were like her mothers yet, at the same time they had the glare of Paul's, a unhappiness to comply to someone's plea.

"So you got kicked out? Why must you anger Nana?"

It was thing she liked least about living with them when she was young, the constant fighting. She put up with it though since it was better than living with Paul. She let out a heavy sigh as a red light flickered in her eyes. She was angry but she wasn't going to act on those thoughts.

"Come on, you should get away from this trailer, there is nothing but bad memories attached to it. We should catch up but, not here."

Sebastian smiled as his mother hugged him.

"It's been too long mother. I see time has barely touched you like always."

He looked at the other guest, ignoring the similarities between them.

"Nice to meet you Lucid."

He didn't let his curiosity about the man show. He had a perfect poker face as always.

"So is Lucid......"

He didn't know how to put it or if he should ask. It's didn't take him long to realize they share a father. He shook his head deciding to change subjects. He looked to his mother.

"Never mind but, I did want to ask you something. What do you know of Mera's father? I'm just asking because well....she's been acting rather strange recently."
"I know...." He admitted solemnly as he wiped his face with the ends of his shirt. "I just didn't have anywhere elseto go tonight that was warm and comfortable and going to the bar would only make thingsworse." He couldn't look her in the eyes when like this, when he felt ashamed and could feel her angry glare on him. He raised her...he should act more like it than this. "Mera...I'm so sorry... I honestly didn't mean to make Nanami so mad again..I never mean to. I just can't helpmy nature sometimes and don't think things through..." He sighed heavily. It wasn't so much the urges of being an Incubus that he couldn't control as much as it was the aggressive streak he inherited from his father. Along with the nasty past he had endured a volatile mix was created. He couldn't help when he snapped sometimes but often others would get caught in the crossfire and it wasn't pretty.

"Where do you want to go to catch up? There aren't many places that are quiet right now after the chaos in the main tent. He rubbed his eyes.

"Hey Mera, i'm so sorry for calling you Nora earlier...It'sjust. You almost sound exactly like her look like her too y'know? Ithink you're even the exact same size as her. I would know too" He giggled like an idiot and shifted. Tripping over his own two feet in the process and catching grabbing a couple of things he shouldn't have.

"I'm uh...I'm going to go catch up a bit with the little ones a bit. Might as well meet all of my siblings while I'm here, right?" Lucid smiled softly and headed to the back of the trailer where the youngest were sleeping. He could endure a few hours with them while Nanami got caught up with her son. As much as he wanted to get to know her and talk, he wasn't about to just butt in to time with her blood related son. In his mind that would only make him sink to the levels of that deadbeat father of his.

@TheRiverSings @IceQueen
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This was the best thing Gareth had seen since arriving. First Jonsi falls apart, now one of the ring leaders was in a sword fight with a man. And then there was the two lover birds having a little quarrel nearby. Oh, he was glad that he performed tonight. He would be treasuring this moment for a long time. "I will do no such thing. He has deserved everything that has befallen him. And if it weren't for these chains I'd char him a little myself. You can climb ladders like any other human. Go and find one."
"You will too or so help me I will kick your arse six ways ta Sunday." He snapped at the demon. Honestly, chained or not he couldn't care less what the brute threatened. He'd dealt with this kind of attitude enough in the cirque seeing as he wasn't exactly accepted because of well...certain incidents that his department caused. "I just need help gettin him to the medical tent and then we're outta your hair for the rest of the evening and you can go off and do God knows what. Deal?"

@Beowulf @buzz @egghead

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