Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

The figure watched as patrons and humans milled around and then the slow leaving of them. She watched every figure, carefully, reading its energy.

Thomas....I wonder, if you still right in the head would you approve of this?

She had been there long ago, back when the cirque stayed in one place. When everyone one had a small house to themselves and, when people would travel from far away just to see them. She looked at the rows of trailers, such an odd site. She caught whiff of another vampire. She wasn't going to let if phase her. She had other business to attend to. Without making a sound she landed on the ground, layers of fabric settling from the wind they had caught. She was like a ghost when she moved, her pale face revealing itself as she stepped into the lights of the cirque. Her eyes flashed to their normal yellowish color as she scanned the grounds. Some maintenance workers noticed her but, did nothing. She smiled at a lanky figure in the distance. As She approached the figure she spoke to it.

"My dearest Thomas. Those clothes do not suit you."

The skeleton did not acknowledge her. Instead he wandered away. She knew he wasn't much fore words, nor that he was not right in the head. She pulled back the hood of her cloak, curly fire red hair fell from underneath the brown fabric. She made her way to the med tent where she saw the man she had sought.

"Hello Jonsi. I am sure you have been informed of my arrival."

Her yellow eyes starred at the man. While her accent was thick, she spoke clearly enough for anyone to understand her.


Mera sat in her mothers trailer. She had been sent there by Sebastian, who was rather concerned for her. She looked around at the trailer, it was truly frozen in time. She looked at her mothers vanity, brushes, makeup, and jewelry all still where it should be and covered in dust. She grabbed a red jeweled bracelet, carefully brushing the dust off of it. While she despised her mother she could see where people confused them as the same person. She held the bracelet up to her arm, next to a near identical bracelet she was wearing. She frowned at this realization and threw open one of the trunks, finding a heap of black cloth. As she picked one up she saw that they were outfits. She examined them when she heard Sebastian outside, he was on the phone. She pressed her ear to the wall but, could barely make out what he was saying. She gave up and went back to digging through the trunk. she found a dance top and she let out a gasp. It was gorgeous, a black bra with lace trim and flowing red and black chiffon were attached to straps. The pieces were quite long, she knew they were used to add movement to a dance. She quickly exchanged her own top for this one. A tad loose but it other wise fit perfectly. She dove back into the trunk searching for a skirt to go with it. After some digging she found it, a long multi-layered chiffon skirt. She exchanged hers for it and looked in a mirror that was by the bed. She removed most her jewelry, leaving only her red bracelet on. She put her mother's bracelet on her other wrist. It was a very simple outfit for her but, it suited her. Her heart skipped a beat when Sebastian had walked in. but before she could speak he spoke.

"Mera, I are playing dress up."

Sebastian looked at Mera, without all the pageantry of her usual outfits he could actually see her. He feel his heart race as he looked her over. She was quite the demon. He found it hard to speak to her as he stumbled over his words.

"We should...uh um....go back to the the uh...base. Yes we should yes."

Mera giggled, she was nervous, even though he was like her brother she always felt a weird feeling for him.

"Yes, I guess we should.....go back."

She left the trailer, leaving Sebastian there and heading towards the car.

He watched her leave, not knowing what to say. As he watched her leave he bolted for his dad. While he was not exactly who wanted to talk to he knew that Iggy had known Nora. After searching his dad's usual escape places he found him.

"Father! Father I have question. About Nora and I guess at the same time about Mera. Was....was Nora just, like her? Because I will be frank father. I think.....I think I feel something for her. But...but is it wrong? It is isn't it? but she, god she is just so beautiful see....see she always has worn so much where it just hides her but.....but just now she was in one of her mother's outfits, stripped of almost all of her jewelry and she was just...."

He ran his fingers through his hair, he looked distressed and confused, and in love.

"She was just perfect....Was her mother the same way? Was Nora just always perfect? Because I know she could have not gotten it from her dad...."

@Axel1313 (and anyone may interact with Mera)
Jonsi's brow furrowed, he didn't remember anyone telling him of someone coming to speak with him. Then again, he didn't remember much of anything right now.

"Um...who are you miss? If I may even ask. Nobody told me I would be visited by a maiden with a head of fire." He grimmaced as a sharp pain shot through his skull. "All I've heard today is madness from the bone man."

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Ignis was caught off guard by his son coming to speak with him. It was a rare occasion! And over girl troubles too....with. Did he say Mera? As much as he wanted to cringe he had to remind himself they weren't blood related in the slightest way, only grew up together. "Nora?? I think Mera is the spitting image of her. Fiery personality, beautiful features, soft luscious lips and those voluptuous curves and those--" He started tracing her figure out in the air but luckily managed to catch himself in time before getting to carried away in the thought. He shook the thoughts from his head and sat on his hands. "Um....yes. I do remember Nora being so perfect Seb, that may just be my Incubus nature talking in me but she was oh so perfect. I'm not quite sure how I feel about you and Mera but hey, I raised both of you from infants so it's understandable enough, right?" He shrugged

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She felt the urge to hurl at one moment, but then the sensation changed to something uplifting. Her body, formerly tired and worn, felt a jolt of youth. It was so sudden. Carter almost fell over.

Her eyes fixated on the suction of light in Gareth's hands. It was somber yet entrancing. As he directed her to the floor, the sight washed her mind blank. What it embodied was apparent, she knew what she's done in the past year. Now, with the chance to whisk it all away, Carter could only take the plunge.

But she didn't. She shook her head, body trembling. "I change my mind! I don't want to just forget everything." Her voice was hesitant, unable to project itself. Likewise, her body remained forcibly stagnant.
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Wait, what? This was impossible, he mustn't have heard her right. She wanted to keep these memories? Impossible, any human would leap at the opportunity to be rid of such a burden. But as she stayed seated, Gareth realized more and more that he had in fact heard correctly. "Hm, interesting." was all he said, though deep inside he wanted to rage and rant. He had been this close to having yet another link gone, but was pulled up short by a sudden change of heart. "Well then, I do believe these are yours." Holding out the orb of inky darkness, he waits for her to take a hold of it. It would go back into her mind, but how he honestly didn't know. He never saw someone turn down an offer such as this. But he was honestly a bit curious about what would happen. Perhaps she'd have to swallow them. Oh, perhaps she'd tell him how they tasted.
Victoria tapped her temple with her index finger as she looked at the boy. She knew Bones told him about her, the old skeleton would have stopped her as she passed if he had said nothing. She let out a sigh as she reached for Jonsi.

"You were told. You memory is just spotty. It happened to your father as well."

She rested her hands on his head. Like with all undead her skin was cold as ice. She closed her eyes and focused, reading all the energy from the boy. She opened her eyes and retracted her arms crossing them as she started at him. Not blinking, not even changing her facial expression.

"you still Have some time before you become like him. But it will become more painful, losing your humanity is painful after all...."


Sebastian watched his father eagerly as he retold a tale of Mera's mother.


When it dawned on him, he shook his head.

"What? No! She is my sister!"

He wasn't thinking straight and slapped Ignis.

"Don't speak about her mom like that! Sucubi have a way of making any man or woman fall for them We speak only of their charm, their power over us!'

He lightly slapped his cheeks as he remembered his training as a priest. he knew better than this.

"God I was weak, like you! I gave into the allure. All you gave me was a weak mind and poor decision making."

He pointed at Ignis with a horror-stricken look.

"You are a horrible person, you gave me nothing father!"


(Mera is still up grabs interaction wise.)
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Ignis shot Sebastian a harsh glare as he held his now red cheek. "I'll speak of her however I like you ungrateful little brat. How do you know I didn't have actual feelings for her?" he snapped. "Don't go blaming me for your follies either. We are incubus, so naturally attracted to sucubi more. You can't keep denying your demon side. I couldn't help it that you inherited thstw." he took a drag of his cigarette and puffed a ring up into the air. "What I can help though is knocking you into next week if you disrespect me again. Your mother and I gave you everything!"

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A man stood at the edge of the cirque, looking out at the various trailers and tents. He wore a blue trench coat and fedora which hid most of his face from any onlookers. It was an outfit that made him look dated, like a 1940s detective, but it was currently his only outfit. Not to mention, he had long since grown accustomed to the look as it suited him quite well. He looked to be a bit tall, at just over six foot, with an indiscernable age, though most people would guess he was between his mid twenties to late thirties. He reached in his pocket, pulling out an old pocket watch to check the time. He nodded to himself. He began walking, his trench coat billowing at the bottom as the wind blew against him. He kept his hands in his pockets, his fine black shoes hitting against the ground as he made his way to his destination, a town car. He leaned against the car with a sigh, as he looked up and saw a succubus walking towards him.

For only a moment, his stoicism faded and his eyes welled up with tears. Then he took a deep breath, calming himself as he returned to his aloof stature."It's good to see you." He said reaching into his pocket for a cigarette and lighting it. "Though, with that getup I almost mistook you for your mother." He took a drag and exhaled. "Just as beautiful as she is, that's for certain." He closed his eyes as if lost in a memory. "Sorry, where are my manners? My name when I existed was John William Crowley. It's nice to meet you." He held out a hand as he looked into her eyes, his face becoming discernable for the first time. He seemed to be worn and older than he was, not by age, but by experience. His face looked tired, several lines across it that seemed to indicate he had seen much. Yet his deep blue eyes shined, as if they had remained as bright as the stars through it all, as though his hope had never faded.

Jonsi let out a soft hum as he felt ice cold hands on his head. It felt so nice on his wound. "Maybe I'll remember later. I do talk to the bone man often, I probably wasn't listening." he chuckled. Shifting uncomfortably as she mentioned his father and losing his humanity. "I don't want to become like him...I like my humanity far too much."

Marius stumbled and shoved his way through the remainder of the crowds. The smell of the other vampire was strong this way, but that was the least of his concerns right now. He could smell blood and craved it. It was all around him. Each heartbeat like drums in his ears driving him mad. But he couldn't take any of it, not without causing mass panic and troubles for the cirque. So he pressed forward until he got to the medical tent and supplies they had on hand there.

@TheRiverSings @Beowulf @IceQueen @Kiyoko Tomoe @rosamortelle @egghead @buzz
"Sooo.....what do you even see in him?" Lucid asked curiously. He had really no idea what to say on the whole thing that had just happened but at least he was alone again with his step mother. "He's a bumbling deadbeat idiot and drunk. He obviously has no disregard for his action and I bet you he's gone back to sleeping around too! I just have to dig through what that investigator gave me..." He mumbled the last part.

Minori really hated herself right now. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" How could she have screwed that patch performance up so badly? Now some of the costumes looked like shit and she was to blame. "I was too ill to perform and now I can't even mend suits? Something was wrong with her power, and she thought it had something to do with these damn investigators. "They did something to me. I know it." Now, she was pacing the grounds of the trailers and cursing herself for all she had. "First they poison me so that I can't perform, then they make it worse to where I can't even do backstage work?"
After trudging through mud and brambles Anton finally happened upon a small clearing with people in it. Some weeping girl, another on the ground covered in blood, another who just showed up and some white haired guy.

"What the Hell is going on here?" He panted. Glaring around at the scene. Of course it had to be the freaks. Where had his fellow investigators gone? "Do you creeps know where the freakin circus is....I wanna get out of this cesspool as fast as I possible can."

@Kiyoko Tomoe @IceQueen
"Anyway, it was nice meeting you! I'll be around the cirque if you ever want to talk mmkay?" Lucid stood up from the couch and headed towards the door. "I'll be around the cirque for a while, so see you around! I'm going to go explore it more tonight. I've finally found it so why not look around a bit right?" He chuckled as he shut the door behind him. What was even better here was he could stretch his wings out and look perfectly normal.

Since the big tent was closed for the night he decided to wander around the grounds, play a few games and get some food before they closed. Maybe see if there was an open trailer for him to crash in for the night.

(@ anybody who wants to interact with Lucid or just any character in general atm.)
Mera joyfully waltzed to the car, she was unaware someone was watching her. It was not until the man spoke to her that she snapped back to reality. Her expression soured as he compared her to Nora. She crossed her arms realizing she looked like a fool.

"I am not my mother."

She spoke through cleanched teeth as she looked at him.

"John....hmmm...was not informed of you joining us. But, welcome to the cirque observation team."

She reached out and quickly shook his hand before retracting it back.

"I will let you off easy this time but, never speak of my mother...."

She decided against going in the car.

"Say your name is awfully familiar. Have you worked on cirque before?"

She rubbed her chin as she thought about where she had heard the name John Crowley before. She needed the old man here, he knew way more about past investigations involving the cirque than she did.


Sebastian let out a frustrated groan as he held his face.

"Then why the hell did you marry mother? Why did not marry Nora?"

He gave his father a serious look. He wasn't joking, he wasn't giving him a hard time. This was something he had wanted to talk to his father about.

"From the way the files at base look, she really cared about you too. But you went after another and she gave up her freedom for you. Sometimes I wonder, if you were just enthralled by an angel. Or if you actually even love mother."

He crossed his arms, unaware that Mera was talking to a part of the cirque's past.

"Sometimes I question your intentions father."


Victoria smelled the other vampire but she had other things to worry about.

"It is that bad my child. You are lucky your mother was demon. You may just be able to grasp......something."

She dug into a little satchel that was hidden under the layers of brown fabric she was wearing.

"I swear.....I packed it..."

She rummaged around bit before smiling. She pulled small baby food jar of brownish looking leaves. It was the same stuff that Bones smoked.

"This my friend is an ancient herb. This will last you forever. As long as you smoke it, you will not go insane."

She presented the jar to Jonsi.

"How you smoke it is your choice. Your father likes a good old fashioned tobacco pipe but you can choose whatever you wish."

She heard rummaging in the tent and spoke to the other vampire.

"Did you just wake or were just born?"

She turned her attention back to Jonsi.

"This will make everything easier. Trust me."

TheRiverSings said:
Mera joyfully waltzed to the car, she was unaware someone was watching her. It was not until the man spoke to her that she snapped back to reality. Her expression soured as he compared her to Nora. She crossed her arms realizing she looked like a fool.
"I am not my mother."

She spoke through cleanched teeth as she looked at him.

"John....hmmm...was not informed of you joining us. But, welcome to the cirque observation team."

She reached out and quickly shook his hand before retracting it back.

"I will let you off easy this time but, never speak of my mother...."

She decided against going in the car.

"Say your name is awfully familiar. Have you worked on cirque before?"

She rubbed her chin as she thought about where she had heard the name John Crowley before. She needed the old man here, he knew way more about past investigations involving the cirque than she did.


Sebastian let out a frustrated groan as he held his face.

"Then why the hell did you marry mother? Why did not marry Nora?"

He gave his father a serious look. He wasn't joking, he wasn't giving him a hard time. This was something he had wanted to talk to his father about.

"From the way the files at base look, she really cared about you too. But you went after another and she gave up her freedom for you. Sometimes I wonder, if you were just enthralled by an angel. Or if you actually even love mother."

He crossed his arms, unaware that Mera was talking to a part of the cirque's past.

"Sometimes I question your intentions father."


Victoria smelled the other vampire but she had other things to worry about.

"It is that bad my child. You are lucky your mother was demon. You may just be able to grasp......something."

She dug into a little satchel that was hidden under the layers of brown fabric she was wearing.

"I swear.....I packed it..."

She rummaged around bit before smiling. She pulled small baby food jar of brownish looking leaves. It was the same stuff that Bones smoked.

"This my friend is an ancient herb. This will last you forever. As long as you smoke it, you will not go insane."

She presented the jar to Jonsi.

"How you smoke it is your choice. Your father likes a good old fashioned tobacco pipe but you can choose whatever you wish."

She heard rummaging in the tent and spoke to the other vampire.

"Did you just wake or were just born?"

She turned her attention back to Jonsi.

"This will make everything easier. Trust me."

John shrugged, "I would honestly be surprised if you did know that I had joined you. I mean, to be quite frank I don't exist." He said as his cigarette went out and he relit it. He took a drag and exhaled. "I mean. I did exist at one point. Though to me that was an infinite yet countable number of years ago. To this universe? No clue. When I existed I indeed knew your mother. In fact, I loved her so dearly I would have put my life on the line to protect her. And did. Unfortunately, I was taken from all realities. My existence erased for the sake of stability of Heaven, Hell, and Earth. I have since roamed through universes, one version of me allowed to live as... consolation. In those infinite years however, I never lost hope that I would return."

He dropped and stamped out his cigarette. "And thus, here I am. In front of the daughter of the woman I've loved for an immeasurable number of years and she claims I may not speak of her mother. Tis a bit unfair isn't it? I've waited this long, why not let me have small comfort knowing I at least found you." He out a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "I'm not on the side of Interpol any longer, nor do I ally with the cirque. I am on your side however. I will gladly help and answer any questions."

His face suddenly turned sour, "Also I'll gladly roundhouse kick Ignis in his big stupid dumb face. The idiot deserves that and more. Can't believe he still can't keep his genitals to himself." He looked past Mera towards where Ignis was, hoping his disapproval could be felt through the several tents between them.

@Axel1313 @TheRiverSings
"Sebastian. I love your mother dearly and always have. I had feelings for Nora at one point as well, but she became more like a mother to me." he shifted uncomfortably. It wasn't entirely untrue. "I....had a choice between your mother and her at one point, but chose your mother of course. You should trust those files you read you know? They don't tell the entire truth of the matter." he puffed another smoke ring. "Incubus are naturally drawn to succubus, so stop trying to read into things more than needed. Got it? I don't need to be questioned by my own son." He snapped. He was beginning to get defensive despite his son's reasonable tone.


"Thank you very much Miss." Jonsi gladly accepted the herbs. "As soon as I feel my mind slipping or get told it is I will begin smoking this. I desperately wish to cling to my sanity as much as I possibly can..." he looked up at her with worried eyes. Knowing how bad the bone man was he didn't wish to become like that. "You said my mother was a demon correct? Maybe she knows a means to halt this altogether?"

Marius looked up at the vampire with a nasty glare when she spoke to him. "I just woke up and don't need lip for it." He hissed. Taking a bag of blood and biting into it. He was at least being careful not to get it everywhere.

"Graaaah, get out of the way! We've got to do something!" Sisceal shoved everyone near him and scooped Laura up in his arms. "We'regonna get you some help okay? You'll be just fine." He cradled her close to him as he bolted through the woods back to the cique as fast as he could. "I'm not gonna lose you..I can't go through that again..."

@Kiyoko Tomoe
Kiyoko & Edward

"Oooooh my," Kiyoko giggled as she watched from afar. "Laura's gonna die, and I'm gonna become Sisceal's new love!" The girl added on. "Never thought I'd hear myself say such a thing!" She continued speaking to herself with, as nobody was around. Pulling out her cellphone, she send a message to all other Interpol telling them to gather at the edge of the cirque on the trailer side. "Go after his love all you like, he's still our enemy right now," Edward said to her. "As for Laura, she's not going to die yet... I'll let you deal with the little bit of life she still clings to, as well as you'll have to run the operations for a little bit while I go deal with... other matters."

With Edward walking away, Kiyoko whipped her left arm upward, her phone flying out of her sleeve and opening, floating down and in front of her. "Stage two... Perfect timing, Edward... How'd you know I was getting bored of Laura...?" Kiyoko said grimly as the buttons pushed themselves on her phone, dialing all Interpol members to send a voice message. In the meantime, she prepped her favorite little handgun, which she'd fired earlier at Laura just previously. Once the numbers were dialed in, she began to speak.

"All members of Interpol, we will be moving on to stage two of the investigation. We have conclusive evidence of a murderer being among the circus members, potentially multiple. Edward has left me in charge of this portion of the investigation, and as such my orders are the immediate detainment of three individuals at all costs; the fortuneteller girl named Kaname, a man named Sisceal, and a woman named Minori." Kiyoko stated, smirking on the other end of the voice message to the rest of Interpol. "How you detain them, I don't care, but regarding Sisceal, he is to be left unharmed."

The phone closing and message ending, Kiyoko returned the phone to her sleeve before re-hiding her gun, leaning herself back agaisnt the nearest tree and taking a moment to relax. Maybe they'd listen to her, maybe they wouldn't. Who could really say, since nobody from Interpol even knew who she was aside from her name and that she was a person trusted by Edward. "Enjoy your day, cirque... It may very well be your last." With orders given out, Kiyoko proceeded onward to other activities.

Laura, Kaname, & Kiyoko

With great internal damage, Laura was in severe pain all the while unable to do so much as breath smoothly. With Sisceal doing his best to carry her, Kaname prayed that things would be alright. The girl flew right beside Sisceal, wings spread out wide, keeping up as best as she could with the strain placed on her already from such a sudden and unprepared entrance into the forest due to the events taking place. Suddenly, however, the girl was forced to fly to the right, back scraping against a tree causing her pain all the while a feather fell from her wings as a loud bang sounded. Cringing in pain from flying right against the tree for a second, she flew upward as high as she could to get out of the tree-filled area.

"Sisceal...!" Kaname shouted as she began diving downward and right beside him, rolling on the ground from a bullet that'd hit her right wing instead of allowing it hit either Sisceal or Laura. "Tch...! Winged freak...! First that damned woman gets in the way of my love and nearly kills me, then you go and protect her...! How many people are going to get in my way...!?" Kiyoko shouted, having before this turned back to how she appeared during her time working with Sisceal. Stepping on Kaname's back, Kiyoko aimed the gun in her hand at the child's head. "You'll pay for standing in the way of my love, you damned freaks...! Every last one of you...!" With the woman filled by anger, she nearly pulled the trigger on Kaname, only able to stop herself because of the fact Edward would quite literally send her to hell if she killed any more without good, legal reasons.

"Enjoy your time alive while you can, Laura... I'll be back soon to take it away!" Kiyoko said as she got off of Kaname, ran behind the nearby trees, and then vanished. With her wings painfully folding in and vanishing within her back, Kaname clutched her right shoulder blade as she stood up. It hurt like hell, and she wouldn't be able to fly at all right now, but she was at least alive. "I can't... sense anything...?" Kaname questioned in an exhausted tone. "Nnn... S-Sisceal... Help, I can't sense anything..." She began, shakily reaching out in front of herself, whatever direction that may be. "I-I'm scared... It's all dark... I don't know what's around me..." She said, shivering in fear of her inability to tell what was around her.



(Anybody I missed tagging? If so, let me know and I'll edit them in for the sake of people looking through posts.)
Mera watched the man with an observant yet, cautious gaze. She didn't know what to think of the man in front of her. He wasn't with Interpol, nor the cirque. But, he was on her side. And it seems she had yet another name to add to the list of people that loved her mother. It was all she had ever heard her whole life. How much people loved her mother.

"Well, Mr. Crowley you are not the first to have loved my mother. But she died protecting the cirque. So I suggest you move on."

She was about to say more when she was interrupted by a call. Her expression soured, then grew to concern.


She turned back to the direction of the cirque, her eyes darting around as she searched for the source of the chaos. But it was suprisngly calm. Well except for the fact that someone was actually dying.

"Dammit all. I know something isn't right with this."

She turned back to John.

"Someone is messing with us. It has to be, everyone has been on such good behavior."

Her eyes were pleading for assurance but her tone said that she knew very well that it could be very true. She shifted her gaze down.

"I need to find Sebastian."


Sebastian frowned at his father's words.

"The files do not lie."

He picked up his phone when it rang. He was not prepared for what was told to him in the other side.

"What do you mean? Hello? Don't hang up me!!!!"

He threw his phone to the ground, hard, it busted into a million.


He glared at his father.

"Who did you let in here? Murder? I have been able to explain disappearances but this.....dammit, you are really in hot water now."


Victoria shook her head.

"No my dear your mother was a succubus. If anything you will be able to slow down your ability to woo people."

She looked over at the other again.

"So we were just born. You haven't learned to ration yet. you gulp that down as if it was the last supply of blood."

With a slight of hand she produced a flask and took a small sip from it. Before making it disappear again.

"But I am not here to lecture you."

She turned her attention back to Jonsi.

"Now my child, you must rest. And I must away, this place reaks of death."

She pulled her hood up and with a flash, she turned into a large bat a flew off. But she did not fly far. She transformed into a person again on top of Nora's trailer.

"Hmmm....Oh Thomas, how your cirque falls to its knees. I will try to keep it from falling."

"Those files are a complete and utter lie Sebastian. You'd be better off burning them." He crossed his arms over his chest and glared back at the boy.

"Murder? I don't know what you're talking about but we've had no such thing in a long time. Not even from our more uncontrollable members. I don't know! I haven't noticed any extra suspicious activity lately." He gave an irritated huff. "Why do you always shout at me for this stuff Sebastian? You're just as bad as your mother about it! Irrational, annoying and always jumping to conclusions."


"Oh.....well I guess that is at least something." He shrugged. Laying back down onto the cot and closing his eyes. His head was killing him. "I shall see you later head hurts so badly it's making me nauseous...I think a few days nap will do me good." He chuckled as he wrapped himself like a burrito in all of the blankets within arms reach.

"I am not newly born!! I'm almost 300 years old!" He looked up at her from his meal with a snarl. "I've just been asleep for a long time...I'm not sure how long but all I know is it's been two long. What I certainly know is I don't need some old dusty hag telling me what to do."

Sisceal stopped as soon as he heard Kaname calling out for him. "Hold on...I'm coming. Just stay calm." He grunted as he turned back around to go get her. With some careful maneuvering he as able to haul the blind her partially onto his back. "Hold on tightly and I'll take you back too, but hurry...I've got to get Laura help now." He let out an exasperated groan at the extra weight now bogging him down more.

"Please be careful not to kick me either, I'm only human...who turns into a hunk a stone at the break of daylight. So we don't have much time as it is. I'm not sure i like the sound of 'murder' or that brute who is back there either."

@Kiyoko Tomoe
Jasmine was a little frustrated that her show had been cancelled due to someone getting hurt, but at the same time was worried that they were going to be alright. By now though the medical tent had been flooded and the interpol would be everywhere. Jasmine was feeling jittery. Her electrical charge would become a problem soon. She looked around to make sure nobody was around before flying up into the night sky. Hiding behind some clouds, Jasmine let loose with the electrical storm that would've been used in her show. Lighting flew out in every which way for several minutes before finally dying down. Feeling relieved, the thunderbird made her descent back down to the grounds. She felt a little hungry and started making her way over before everything closed down. Her wings, wrapped around her body to look like a cloak of some kind. It was the easiest way for her to hide in plain sight.

Grabbing some fried dough, Jasmine caught sight of another individual with wings walking about the cirque. It wasn't entirely unusual but she thought she'd met most everyone that worked here. Naturally curious she walked over to the gentleman. "Hey." She said wive waving some fried dough in the other. "I'm Jasmine. Also known as Lightning Queen or Sparks." Realizing she just admitted the nickname she didn't like she gave a pleading look to the stranger. "Please don't call me Sparks." She begged and then scrambled to catch her fried dough in midfall, barely managing to save the treat, but exposing her blue wings in the process. (If Lucid is still open to talking)


"Heheh... heh... The irony of it all... If only they knew the irony... The very person that that nearly killed Sayuri... The very person who nearly killed me... The very person who Sayuri tossed away for some time... All three are the same... This is going to be lovely..." Kiyoko said evilly as she watched Sisceal struggle to get to the cirque. "Thanks for taking the bait Sisceal... Very soon, you'll be mine..." Tossing up her phone again, it once more opened and floated in front of her. She returned to her child-like form in the process, alongside a shadowy substance seeping out from her body all down her right leg and onto the tree beside her.

"This one's certainly going to trip them up, this photo... Let's see how well the circus deals with my evidence for murder..."


Finding herself at the back of Sisceal, the girl remained scared despite having the comfort of a recognizable back. It was very frightening for the girl, suddenly becoming incapable of sensing the world around after so long of having the ability to 'see'. She didn't know what might happen, and she wouldn't be able to even react to the things that were to come. She simply clung to Sisceal's back for dear life, praying nothing would happen to her. She couldn't even speak to Chinami and Akira at this point in time, thus there was absolutely nothing keeping her comfort. Hands digging into the man's back as firmly as they could, a tear actually began rolling down her cheek, from one of two now-grey eyes that had lost their color entirely.

TheRiverSings said:
Mera watched the man with an observant yet, cautious gaze. She didn't know what to think of the man in front of her. He wasn't with Interpol, nor the cirque. But, he was on her side. And it seems she had yet another name to add to the list of people that loved her mother. It was all she had ever heard her whole life. How much people loved her mother.
"Well, Mr. Crowley you are not the first to have loved my mother. But she died protecting the cirque. So I suggest you move on."

She was about to say more when she was interrupted by a call. Her expression soured, then grew to concern.


She turned back to the direction of the cirque, her eyes darting around as she searched for the source of the chaos. But it was suprisngly calm. Well except for the fact that someone was actually dying.

"Dammit all. I know something isn't right with this."

She turned back to John.

"Someone is messing with us. It has to be, everyone has been on such good behavior."

Her eyes were pleading for assurance but her tone said that she knew very well that it could be very true. She shifted her gaze down.

"I need to find Sebastian."


Sebastian frowned at his father's words.

"The files do not lie."

He picked up his phone when it rang. He was not prepared for what was told to him in the other side.

"What do you mean? Hello? Don't hang up me!!!!"

He threw his phone to the ground, hard, it busted into a million.


He glared at his father.

"Who did you let in here? Murder? I have been able to explain disappearances but this.....dammit, you are really in hot water now."


Victoria shook her head.

"No my dear your mother was a succubus. If anything you will be able to slow down your ability to woo people."

She looked over at the other again.

"So we were just born. You haven't learned to ration yet. you gulp that down as if it was the last supply of blood."

With a slight of hand she produced a flask and took a small sip from it. Before making it disappear again.

"But I am not here to lecture you."

She turned her attention back to Jonsi.

"Now my child, you must rest. And I must away, this place reaks of death."

She pulled her hood up and with a flash, she turned into a large bat a flew off. But she did not fly far. She transformed into a person again on top of Nora's trailer.

"Hmmm....Oh Thomas, how your cirque falls to its knees. I will try to keep it from falling."

John gave a smirk, "Good behavior? Look around you. The cirque is guilty of murder and kidnapping. Always has been always will be. Even if someone was messing with you, it is only hastening the inevitable." John sighed looking at Mera.

"Look, you don't have to hide anything from me, nor could you. In a time line that no longer exists I was the one who indeed brought the cirque in to justice. At least, that was the plan. Then my existence was erased and thus were my actions. The honest truth is that no matter how hard you try, eventually they must be tried for their crimes." He took a step forward, looking in the distance, "I will assist you. But know that there are limits and consequences. Each cirque wants to forget, but the truth still remains. Lead the way "

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