Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

"Quit treating me like some idiot Sebastian! Don't you think after so many years of dealing with them I would have some idea of what they are capable of? And as far as I know we've kept to our contracts so Hell if I know why they're here again. Any little happening in the same area and little assholes like you are breathing down our necka like we're mass murderers!" He yelled back. Pinching the bridge of his nose and steadying himself on a crate as a dizzy spell struck. He felt sick to his stomach as his eyes turned a hint of milky blue and everythung took on a whitish tint. "Ugh...I need a drink. And not to be lectured by my own son, AGAIN." he spat as Sebastian ran off to find Mera. "If you need me you know where to find me." Ignis yelled again as he wandered off towards the parking lot. Tightening a decadent black silk scarf he kept tied around the inner part of his prosthetic for 'good luck'.


"Thank you kind are so gentle." Jonsi whimpered quietly as he felt her soft touch on his bones. "I fell down and broke my crown and feel like humpty dumpty...can you put me back together again?"

"Oh shut up! I don't need anyone to keep an eye on me! I've never caused much trouble before, you can ask any member here about it." He hissed. "I may only be under the contract of a demon to be this, but I am no idiot or weakling. Du-te dracului ! scorpie . Tu m-ai irita"


"Looks like they've got some friends on the inside boss." Anton pointed to Sebastian yelling at one of the cirque members. "Are there any files on a relation between those two? "

@Kiyoko Tomoe
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Axel1313 said:
"Quit treating me like some idiot Sebastian! Don't you think after so many years of dealing with them I would have some idea of what they are capable of? And as far as I know we've kept to our contracts so Hell if I know why they're here again. Any little happening in the same area and little assholes like you are breathing down our necka like we're mass murderers!" He yelled back. Pinching the bridge of his nose and steadying himself on a crate as a dizzy spell struck. He felt sick to his stomach as his eyes turned a hint of milky blue and everythung took on a whitish tint. "Ugh...I need a drink. And not to be lectured by my own son, AGAIN." he spat as Sebastian ran off to find Mera. "If you need me you know where to find me." Ignis yelled again as he wandered off towards the parking lot.
(@IceQueen . almost forgot to tag ye!)
TheRiverSings said:
Mera stopped dead and spun around to match her gave with John's.
"I don't expect anything of you. Nope, nothing at all."

She looked around, taking in the scenery of the cirque. Her home, her mother's former home, and Papa Bones's pride and joy.

"The cirque always has trouble, its our curse."

She laughed slightly as she looked back at the man that had already saved the cirque's skin once before.

"So I don't expect anything, its like clockwork really. Someone messes up, police get called, Interpol finds out, everything goes wrong, everyone goes crazy, and then like a miracle things work out. But alas.......I expect our stream of miracles is running dry."

She let out a sigh as she looked at her garments.

"God....wearing my mother's rags......I sure know how to make a fool of myself."

She felt an arm wrap around her as she was suddenly pulled against someone.


Sebastian shouted at his father, not really a rare sight.

"Because you have no idea how much danger you all are in. NO IDEA!"

His face was red with anger his father knew nothing of Interpol, nothing.

"You say they can't act without evidence, well they will create evidence. Just so they can have a reason. They are a powerful organization and you have just scratched the surface of them."

He was about to say more when he got a weird feeling. A sudden urge came over him, he needed to find Mera.


He quickly walked around till he found her talking to man but, not just any man. He quickly moved behind her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close. He stared at John dead in the eyes.

"What are doing here and why are talking to Mera?"

His voice was cold and mean. He knew of John, and he didn't want him near Mera.


Victoria tightened her grip on the young vampire.

"I don't take well to that kind of talk."

If it wasn't for a cloud of green smoke and a faint whisper she would have killed the young vampire there.

"Learn to respect your elders. FIlthy blood..."

She let him go but not without giving the young vampire a hard shove.

"Anyways my young skeleton."

She returned to Jonsi's side looking him over again. Carefully touching his exposed bones.

"I shall stay by your side until it is all said and done. It will give me an excuse to keep an eye on this young idiot over here."

She threw a cold glare at Marius and she continued to examine Jonsi for any damage.

John chuckled as he looked at the obviously threatened man. "Oh I'm sorry, I suppose I do need to give a reason for why I traversed the multiverse to get back to a timeline where I didn't even exist don't I? I was, am, and will still be, madly in love with her mother. In fact I loved her so much that I never stopped looking for her. And let me tell you, it's been quite a long time. Know how long? If you do you are a better man than I because I lost track several aeons ago and a few worlds back. Whenever you're as old as me, time begins to lose meaning. Though..." He turned towards Mera, "I will not suffer you saying wearing your mother's clothing is foolish or calling it rags. It's an insult to me. Please understand."

He turned back to Sebastian, "And you? You're not even an infant compared to me. So..... get off my d*ck, I don't need your approval for shit. Seriously you people act like I care about your opinions and act as though your wishes actually matter. The only person I will consider listening to is her." He point at Mera. "Well, and of course Nora..." He spoke much softer as he spoke her name wistfully and sighed. "Anything for her..." He then snapped back to attention. "But you? Fuck, I don't really owe you or much care about you. You have as much sway over me as a bird does over the ocean. So fuck off ya literal bastard. And yes I know because it takes one to know one."
The links crumbed to ash in his grip, and Gareth shuttered with pleasure. A link released enough power to satisfy him, like a good desert after a dinner, but two at once? It was possibly one of, if not the, best experience of his long life. "Gooood." he rumbled, first using the unleashed power to write up the contract. "Now sign, and she will be saved." Once that was done and out of the way, he placed a hand on her head and focused his power. Fire sprang up from her wounds, her mouth, her eyes even, it was probably a painful experience but he lived with those fires in him constantly. And in mere moments, the flames died down and vanished along with the wounds. "Now let us discuss the terms of your contract."

@Axel1313 @Kiyoko Tomoe
Smiles lets out a growl, of course no one came to see her. She didn’t understand, they had horrible rude demons in this place but that got a hello at least, she could even get a hello. Was her face that off putting. She stomps her feet like a child and blows some hair out of her face. Well if that’s the way they want to play it fine. She takes a deep breath and begins to sing. Her voice fills the air around her, like a serpent it slithers through the crowd drawing more and more to her. It was like its own beast, forcing those around her to come close. She sways as she sings.
"Whatever needs ta be done. Tell me what this contract entails and I won't fight it." He grumbled regretfully. It went against everything he had been taught. But when did he ever really follow that? All that mattered was that Laura wasn't going to die on them, may still need to rest and heal but wasn't going to die. "I'll sign just about anything right now so show me the stupid contract and it'll be done."

@Beowulf @Kiyoko Tomoe
"Another round on me for everyone!" Ignis cheered as he raised his glass. Splashing booze all over himself and the women gathered around him. Sure some were there because of his looks but most were there for the fat stack in his pocket. He'd been buying cigars, a fancy shmancy hookah, liquor and paying the lovely dancers all night long. His head was still fuzzy but at least this time he knew that it would be the alcohol that made him pass out first and skip the horrid blanking out he usually experienced. The white couldn't get him if he was black out drunk! Or at least he wouldn't remember it, one of those two things. And in his thick skull the idea somehow got started that if he was in this state and far enough away from the cirque he couldn't be accused of anything and wouldn't have to deal with even more shit from his wife and kids and the agents there.

Once thoroughly wasted he headed to the back area with a young woman, or was it two? That had been talking him up all night. His demon charm was off the charts and had helped to woo them even further into some, after party activities with him. Although they would most likely steal his wallet and a few other valuables once he was completely out, they in need of some extra spending money and were not fools when it came to a golden opportunity for extortion. And Ignis happened to be the perfect drunken rich fool tonight.

"Come on....I'mnot getting any younger ladies!" He stumbled and fell back onto a plush heart shaped bed covered in raggedy red sheets that were probably even older than him.

Giggling deviously they dimmed the lights to near pitch black and joined him.

(@ anyone who wishes to interact or something. P: )
It took a lot might for succubus. Beaten and bloody by her parents she was weak. She searched for a familiar energy when she found it. The man she saved was drunk, his defenses down. She had to warn him. With the little energy she had she manifested in the club. The lights flickering as she did. She appeared infront of him in her demon form. Bloody, bruised, and wounded. She stumbled as she grabbed Ignis from the bed. Pulling him up so she could stare him dead in the eyes. She may have not been the same Nora he knew but it was, indeed her. The cirques beloved demon. With a look of panic she spewed her warning to the young demon.

"They are trying to kill the members! Must you be so daft like this? They are going to murder them! All of them Ignis! Even your son and Mera. They will murder you all!"

She let go of him and stumbled backwards. Hitting the wall and cracking one of her horns. Freash blood starting dripping from the crack. She was running out of time. It took too much energy to try and stay with the humans. She couldn't even contract. It would take energy she did not have.

"Don't be so daft! They will kill them all!"

And with a burst of fire she was gone. Back to hell where she was locked in a cage.

"It's a simple contract that entails your servitude to me. The chain does not allow me to force you to break yet more links, so don't worry about that. I simply need you to find those that will be willing to break a link and bring them to me. Of course I could have to just about anything I want that doesn't involve the chain, but your contract will become null once the chain is destroyed." It was delightfully simple. Now instead of him having to go around and find people by himself, he had another one helping him. Two was better then one and all that. "Oh, and I wouldn't go around telling people you signed a deal with a demon. It could cause some complications for the both of us." It was perfect, oh so perfect. Of course there was more to the contract, in the fine print and all, but he had only asked for what was entailed, not ever single line of it. It was almost as much fun to find loop holes in the chain as it was to burn those that he hated.

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Aris walked towards her trailer shuffling a deck of cards, she was exhausted from the performance. She couldn't wait to get out of her costume, take a hot shower and go to bed. She was almost to her trailer when she tripped on a rock and fell to the ground, her cards going everywhere. She laid on her stomach, face in the ground and whispered. "Oh just fucking fantastic." She lifted her self up and dusted off. As she looked down she noticed her tights had ripped in multiple places. "Damn, I need to not be so clumsy all the time." She laughed a bit knowing she had extra in her trailer. Knowing all was good she began to pick up her cards. (Anyone can jump in :3 )
Ignis was enjoying his fun time with the young women until they screamed and ran straight out of the room. Wasn't hard to see why as soon as he was face to face with a bloody and battered Nora.

"N...Nora?!" He gasped. The shock of seeing her jarring him somewhat out of his stupor. "There going to wha??? Wait, what do you mean? Who will?" He gulped, trying to hold back his liquor. He didn't understand very much of what she said at the moment and would hardly remember it when he was back in his right mind but at least the urgency of it stuck. That and the fact that he had seen her again, didn't he? That was her. It had to be her, but where did she go again? "Nora? Where are you? Where did you go? Nora?" He got down on his hands and knees to search the spot she had disappeared.

"Come on pal, time for you to go back home. I got a call to get you out of here." An big officer and his partner linked their arms around Ignis's and hauled him off of the ground.

"But...Nora...wait, I know I saw here! She's still there let me go get her! "The crazy man was still desperately trying to find where Nora had gone. The officers checked his wallet so they knew where to haul him back to. Of course the horns were quite the giveaway too.

"Sure suuure. The invisible lady will see you soon again sir. She's probably back home already right as we speak. So why don't we get you there okay?"

"No no, she's back there I'm sure of it!! I saw her she's not invisible!" He protested as they shoved him back of the police car. The officer was kind enough to give him a bucket and place a blanket over him. He'd dealt with too many other crazy drunks tonight and was happy this one wasn't violent too. They'd get him home and passed on to whoever was responsible for him.

@TheRiverSings @IceQueen
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(also do want to say that at the very least John is open. He is currently walking alongside Mera on the way to the medical tent. For anyone needing interaction.)
Airagog said:
(also do want to say that at the very least John is open. He is currently walking alongside Mera on the way to the medical tent. For anyone needing interaction.)
Okay! That will help if others wish to interact. And possibly whilst we wait for Kiyo and Luna.)
Mera swiftly elbowed Sebastian in the gut. She didn't like when he acted like her older brother. She was oldest after all. Sebastian buckled over in pain, grabbing his stomach. Mera looked up at John.

"I hate it when he does that."

She grabbed John's as she felt an odd feeling. She just stood there staring blankly off in the distance. She couldn't put her finger on what she was feeling. It was like a familer energy yet, it was a horrid pain. She shook her head, returning to her senses. Letting go of John's hand.

"Anyways I need to go check on someone in the me-"

She was cut off by the whine of sirens.

"Oh no....what's happening now."


Victoria smiled at the bone man, her fangs showing slightly.

"Oh yes my lovely bone. I will piece you back together again."

She ignored the young vamp behind her as she examined all the bone pieces in front of her. One by one she carefully worked on matching bones together.

"Hmmmm.....this goes here? No no too big, needs to be smaller."

She looked up as she heard sirens.

"Great.....but, not my issue."

She looked back down at her project working carefully. This wasn't the first time she has had to reassemble bones before so his son shouldn't be too different. She stopped for a brief moment and pulled up a stool. She was going to be a while.


Sebastian stood up still grabbing at his stomach. He hadn't taken an elbow from Mera in a while and that John guy didn't rub him the right way. He sighed as he heard the whine of sirens and hobbled out to see police cars pull into the cirque.


He looked as a cop walked up and presented him with Ignis, drunk.

"The hell did you do father!?"

Seb looked up at the officer.

"Thank you I will take it from here."

He glared back at his father, face red with anger.

"God drunk again!"

"I can't bring to mind who I heard it from, only remember they went by papa, but it maybe a song of bones will help." The young skeleton sighed softly. Each bone snapped back into place brought a small jolt of pain. It was necessary pain at least.

With a sweet smile he began singing what he remembered. From where, he little clue. He had been too small and moved around too much for the true face to stick.

"The hip bone's connected to the back bone

The back bone's connected to the neck bone,

The neck bone's connected to the head bone,

Now shake dem skeleton bones!"

His smile widened as he sang it to the vampire. Such fond feelings he couldn't figure out what they came from.

"Monsieur Bones hasn't been up to much since you've been gone. He's been watching over the angel's family. Making sure the little demon girl and the rest of their kids she was raised with were raised right and with no troubles. Says the mom and drunken chimney man fought a loooot but there were no terribly big problems. Well, sorta. He's a real talker but didn't say much else that made sense past that. He likes to tell stories of the cirque long ago but nobody seems to ever understand him, poor bloke."


"Sebbykiiiins, we meet again." He stumbled forward as the officers released him to his son. "I went out for a lil fun in the bar, that's it. Some drinks, beautiful company and good times." He looked like a raccoon with dark circles under his eyes and dishevled hair. His shirt was missing as well, luckily his arm made it through the party times.

"That doesn't matter though. Seb! Seb Seb Seb...I saw....Nora!" he exclaimed in a shout whisper. "She looked awful and told me something and the officers think I'm crazy and was talking to an invisible woman or a hallucination again but I know I saw her! And shes in pain, terrible pain. I new since the minute she was taken back there, almost every waking minute wrapped in pain, I could feel it and sometimes see it. Every last bit of it eating away at sanity! Gah....I'm so useless. useless useless useless.I'm so sorry I haven't saved you yet sweet Nora...even If I have to go to Hell myself by any means I'll find you and stop the suffering I've caused!" He beat on the sides of his heads for a moment before a mood shift struck again. "If you would just follow me back to the bar I can show you!" his voice dropped to a whisper. "Don't tell Mera though. She has to still be back there or maybe even here! You've got to believe me Seb!"

@TheRiverSings @IceQueen @Airagog
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Aris finished picking up her cards and continued to her trailer. Once she reached it she walked up the three steps leading to it and opened the door, quietly stepping inside and closing the door behind her. She walked over to her dresser and pulled out some clean clothes. A pair of skinny jeans and an AC/DC shirt, Aris felt like taking a walk. She undressed and put on her casual clothes, leaving her costume on the floor. She walked to the bathroom and washed her face, taking off her makeup. She walked back to her room and put on her socks and black sneakers and headed out.

She made her way towards the main tent, entering it quietly. It was so spooky when no one was performing, she thought. Aris walked to the center of the room, where she was most of the time when she performed and began to dance. She wasn't the best, but people who did dance in the shows they put on always intrigued her. Of course the dangerous stuff was more her style, but dancing was nice.
-- Laura

Her body almost writhing in pain, the inside of Laura's body was still in great pain despite the healing Gareth had performed. This was, in all its existence, not any normal kind of damage done to Laura's body; it was as though the heavens itself rendered her incapable of healing in a proper manner. The pain that resided, albeit the most intense she'd felt in a long time, was very familiar. Too familiar. just... what was it...? In such a state, Laura couldn't figure it out. There was, however, one thing that Laura knew; it wouldn't stop until she figured out just what it was, or until she was dead. That's why she reached her hand out, however futile the effort may be, to stop Sisceal from making such an idiotic decision.

Coughing, a slight amount of blood attempting escape her mouth though her hiding it for fear of worrying Sisceal further, the woman managed take hold of Sisceal wherever she could manage, tugging with what little strength her body held.

"Don't... you dare... sign yourself away to another-" Coughing, Laura quickly covered her mouth with her free hand, concealing the blood that splattered onto it by placing it into a fist right afterward. "S-sorry to say, Sisceal... You've still got your deal with me... I can't have you signing yourself away..." Smiling faintly, a gentle though painful laugh escaped her lips before she relaxed her body, slowly releasing her hand from Sisceal and placing her hands together upon her chest. Anyone who didn't know the woman would assume she were preparing herself early for her own funeral, though all she did was allow herself to fall asleep so she could try and get something to come up about what she felt as familiar.

"Wake me up... when I'm back in my trailer..."


He had a few letters down on the dotted line when he felt Laura grab him.

"I know I already have a contract with you, but if I don't sign this he may take back the healing. I couldn't stand seeing you like that again, but...why do you have to make this so hard?" He chuckled. Relaxing his grip on her to make her more comfortable. He already broke the chains and made the deal to sign with Gareth, but at the same time his contract with Laura said he had to obey her every command.

"Gareth, do ya think there's any way to change up that contract? Or just agree that I'll find someone else to break more chains for you?"

@Beowulf @Kiyoko Tomoe
"I will accept a verbal agreement, yes. It is still as binding as it would be on paper. You have agreed to the terms of my service, and the chain shall be as binding towards you as it is towards me. Don't worry, it will allow you to do anything short of killing me or actively going against the agreement." As he spoke, a much finer chain appeared around the throat of Sisceal, with just as many links as Gareth's. "For each link broken on mine, so shall one be broken on yours. You shall be freed when I am." Let them see how easy it was to live with an iron noose around their throat like he did. "You can have it however you like, or leave it as it first appeared. I do not care what you do, but try to not draw unwanted attention to it."
Marius spat at her again, but managed to listen for once and crawled up onto a cot. He was too tired and weak still to do anything anyway. He closed his eyes and curled up into a little ball to sleep. Probably very odd for a vampire to sleep during the night, but since when was he anything but a regular beast of the night? He hadn't even been bitten, simply made a deal with a demon on his deathbed. The jerk didn't even heal his blindness, just brought him back to life and made him a slave that needed blood to keep on living. Not true vampire, hardly close to being human still. A true freak of nature.

(@TheRiverSings since Victoria is near and anybody else who wants to interact or something)
Minori shook her head. "No, thanks. I can't ask you to do that. Thanks anyway." She really needed something to drink. Something, anything to wash the pain away.

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