Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

Minori considered Lucid's offer. "I'm certain I've just gone mad after that last vial of venom." She shrugged. "Perhaps no one was tampering with my act. They'd certainly be stupid to even try such a thing." The girl nodded. "Alright, let's go."
Vincent was walking down the road, looking around. People would stop and gape at the veritable giant. It wasn't everyday you saw a man who was over 11' feet tall, let alone completly covered in full color tattoos. He would be polite, waving and smiling at people as he passed. He was heading towards the nearest pub to get a drink. Several dozen of them, actually.

@Axel1313 @Yuuki Kuran
TheRiverSings said:
Mera swiftly elbowed Sebastian in the gut. She didn't like when he acted like her older brother. She was oldest after all. Sebastian buckled over in pain, grabbing his stomach. Mera looked up at John.
"I hate it when he does that."

She grabbed John's as she felt an odd feeling. She just stood there staring blankly off in the distance. She couldn't put her finger on what she was feeling. It was like a familer energy yet, it was a horrid pain. She shook her head, returning to her senses. Letting go of John's hand.

"Anyways I need to go check on someone in the me-"

She was cut off by the whine of sirens.

"Oh no....what's happening now."


Victoria smiled at the bone man, her fangs showing slightly.

"Oh yes my lovely bone. I will piece you back together again."

She ignored the young vamp behind her as she examined all the bone pieces in front of her. One by one she carefully worked on matching bones together.

"Hmmmm.....this goes here? No no too big, needs to be smaller."

She looked up as she heard sirens.

"Great.....but, not my issue."

She looked back down at her project working carefully. This wasn't the first time she has had to reassemble bones before so his son shouldn't be too different. She stopped for a brief moment and pulled up a stool. She was going to be a while.


Sebastian stood up still grabbing at his stomach. He hadn't taken an elbow from Mera in a while and that John guy didn't rub him the right way. He sighed as he heard the whine of sirens and hobbled out to see police cars pull into the cirque.


He looked as a cop walked up and presented him with Ignis, drunk.

"The hell did you do father!?"

Seb looked up at the officer.

"Thank you I will take it from here."

He glared back at his father, face red with anger.

"God drunk again!"

John sighed shaking his head, "Great. Two idiots. Even better." He watched as Mera elbowed Sebastian and whistled, "Well you don't just get your looks from your mother. That attitude is something I never get tired of." He closed his eyes, smiling, clearly lost in thought.

He shook his head, returning to the real world when he heard sirens. He sighed. "Well, if I was to take a gander and what was going on, it'd be the other idiot did something stupid and slash or drunk." He shrugged turning to Mera, "If you would care to, we could check in, or you could tell me all about what's happened and where your mother is." John nodded. He had kept the questions about Nora to himself until now, but now his curiosity had gotten the better of him.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, his father had surely lost it.

"You saw Nora? The succubus who is trapped in hell?"

He snorted which lead into full on laughter.

"Father she is chained to the inferno! She cannot leave, even if she tries."

He brushed some dirt off his clothes as he let out a sight.

"You told me yourself she was chained. But right now that is not important."

He had two things he had to deal with, his drunk father, and Mera hanging around that man. He didn't like that man.

"Come on father, you need water and sleep. So its trailer time unless, enless you and mother are still fighting. If so then I guess its another night in the motel."


Victoria carefully matched up bones as the boy sang. She nodded when he spoke of Thomas.

"If only you could have known him in his prime. He knew how to talk himself out of any situation. And had a way of getting people to join the safe haven that was the cirque."

She sighed and carefully continued to piece him together.

"Yes, yes......Thomas was a good man."


Mera glanced at John with a surprised look before staring at the ground. Her cheery demeanor gone.

" mother, is in the inferno still. well every now then she somehow gets up here. But sadly I do not think she will last much longer."

She shifted slightly, this subject was not one she liked to dwell on.

"She's suffering. Tortured, beaten, and in unbearable amounts of pain."

She looked back up at him, her eyes starting to water a bit.

"I cannot do anything though.....but I wouldn't want to. My grandmother would hunt me down if rescued her. She is a horrid woman, everything happening to my mother is because of her."

She didn't like Agrat, the woman was horrid and was not someone she wanted to deal with.

"But my mom was here, she was at the strip club. Where Ignis just came from."

"I swear on my life I saw her Sebastian! I felt her! She picked me up off of the bed! Made the women in the room scream and run I know what I saw was real!" His voice got louder as he raved on about it. "There's a burn mark on the carpet in the farthest room in the back where she appeared and and probably some blood on the wall from where she cracked her beautiful horn because of stupid. she could have died because of me! I've only doomed her to more torture!" He tore out small fist fulls of mahogany hair in his anger and frustration.

"Stay away from me! I don't need your help with anything." He snapped and shoved , before switching to hysterical laughter rather quickly. His eyes clouding over, turning milky blue. His stomach churned from everything he had taken and his head felt like it was filled with helium. "I just...I...I need to find her again..." Blood steadily dripped from his nose. "Bring her back safe, somehow...I need to see her again, touch her again! And...for Mera too...she deserves so much better than I've ever given her...maybe she'll finally like me. Eh? Maybe...maybe..please be careful.." He rubbed his eyes sleepily. He could tell he needed rest or to at least lie down before another episode hit, he could already feel that his face was numb. The stress induced ones where always the worst.


"I can tell. He's got a good heart. It's invisible to most but it's there." He smiled softly."The cirque is in trouble isn't it? I can feel it in my bones...and can hear it in the way Bones talks. He sounds sad that it isn't as glorious as it used to be and in dire straights." his slight smile turned into a frown. "I think he wants to see it like he's shown me in those old photos again. Maybe that's where I've seen you mam? You and the snake woman. So many I can't remember them all very well."


@Yuuki Kuran[/URL]
Beowulf said:
"I will accept a verbal agreement, yes. It is still as binding as it would be on paper. You have agreed to the terms of my service, and the chain shall be as binding towards you as it is towards me. Don't worry, it will allow you to do anything short of killing me or actively going against the agreement." As he spoke, a much finer chain appeared around the throat of Sisceal, with just as many links as Gareth's. "For each link broken on mine, so shall one be broken on yours. You shall be freed when I am." Let them see how easy it was to live with an iron noose around their throat like he did. "You can have it however you like, or leave it as it first appeared. I do not care what you do, but try to not draw unwanted attention to it."
Sisceal glared at Gareth as the chain crept around his neck. "Sorry Laura...looks like I was a little too late to back out." He backed up a few steps from him. "I'll be just fine, I'll balance both contracts somehow. Cross me though and your chain will never be broken, I'll make sure of it. I'm more clever than you think...." He scooped Laura up in his arms again. "Come one, we've got to get to your trailer you can sleep."

@Kiyoko Tomoe (we should input Interpol a leetle more now.)

@Beowulf (A marker for when ye get back.)
Glen shuffled to a stop besides a dirty ground hot dog that he was sure he already stepped on before. He had been wandering around for TEN WHOLE MINUTES and still couldn't figure out where he was going.

He decided it was time to leave; it was just coincidence that he went in a direction that led him to the nice man who gave him whiskey earlier. He ran up to him like a lost puppy, ignoring (or just not caring about) the girl that he was carrying.

"Um, hello..." he tried his best to smile but ended up looking like he stubbed his toe. "I mean, uh...Where's the exit?"

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-- Rina Yuuki

"What is it...?" Rina questioned silently, sounding rather sad and depressed. "I thought you said I could get some sleep..." She added on silently, tired, sad, and above all just wanting it all to end. "Very well... I'll do as you wish..." Rina responded, using words that only he who conversed with her could hear. Closing her eyes, Rina began sensing the world around her. She began feeling everything that resided in the world, using her captor as a catalyst in order to sense the area around the man who she spoke with just prior. "She's toward the north of you... Around two miles away... Now please, just let me rest... I'm tired of this..."

Sighing, Rina ended the telepathic connection she currently had. She couldn't really do anything if the guy created a telepathic connection with her again, but she could at least try and have a moment of rest in this eternal servitude she was forced under. "I'm pathetic, aren't I...? Captured by a land creature, forced to serve them... I supposedly have so much power, yet... I can't even break free of this place..." Looking toward the girl who observed her, Rina spoke through the glass. "I must look pathetic to you, huh... You can come and go as you please, but I... I'm trapped here..."

-- Edward

"So you've found her, have you...? Good, good... She's being a little too crazy with her actions..." Edward said over the phone, before hanging up. "I don't know where he gets his information, but... It seems he's still quite useful..."

Stepping out of the black limousine, Edward walked through the forest behind the cirque. Deep within the array of trees, Edward approached a mysterious shadowy figure. Edward's immediate action upon getting right up to the shadowy being which sat atop a tree branch, was to draw his sword and quickly toss it right at the being, going right through the shadow and into the tree. The shadowy being's body spread open around the point where the blade tried cutting, proving something specific to Edward.

"To think, I'm meeting the very soul of what I hate... Yet, strangely, it's something that's supposed to be on my side..." Edward spoke, smirking and laughing at the irony. "Well, I've but one issue with this... You're a bit too uncontrollable for my tastes... You do as you please, not what we as a group want done... Though you've done nothing but good for us, it seems. Come, take residence in my body if you wish... I've reasons to keep you concealed from the actual members of the cirque, just as Kiyoko has done thus far..."

With that, the shadow flew right at Edward, entering the man's body through the palm of the hand that threw the blade. Edward's sword was drawn alongside the shadow, placed within his hand as soon as the being had taken residence within him. "Now to clean up the 'mess'," Edward stated as he looked over toward a tree painted in red. "After all, we can't have anyone discovering how messy a job we really do here in the top section of Interpol..."

(Just a post to get things a little bit moving for my characters... I'll be doing something that others can easily react and perform interactions off of soon.)
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TheRiverSings said:
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, his father had surely lost it.
"You saw Nora? The succubus who is trapped in hell?"

He snorted which lead into full on laughter.

"Father she is chained to the inferno! She cannot leave, even if she tries."

He brushed some dirt off his clothes as he let out a sight.

"You told me yourself she was chained. But right now that is not important."

He had two things he had to deal with, his drunk father, and Mera hanging around that man. He didn't like that man.

"Come on father, you need water and sleep. So its trailer time unless, enless you and mother are still fighting. If so then I guess its another night in the motel."


Victoria carefully matched up bones as the boy sang. She nodded when he spoke of Thomas.

"If only you could have known him in his prime. He knew how to talk himself out of any situation. And had a way of getting people to join the safe haven that was the cirque."

She sighed and carefully continued to piece him together.

"Yes, yes......Thomas was a good man."


Mera glanced at John with a surprised look before staring at the ground. Her cheery demeanor gone.

" mother, is in the inferno still. well every now then she somehow gets up here. But sadly I do not think she will last much longer."

She shifted slightly, this subject was not one she liked to dwell on.

"She's suffering. Tortured, beaten, and in unbearable amounts of pain."

She looked back up at him, her eyes starting to water a bit.

"I cannot do anything though.....but I wouldn't want to. My grandmother would hunt me down if rescued her. She is a horrid woman, everything happening to my mother is because of her."

She didn't like Agrat, the woman was horrid and was not someone she wanted to deal with.

"But my mom was here, she was at the strip club. Where Ignis just came from."

John closed his eyes, nodding as he listened intently, holding on to every word before he suddenly turned and began walking in the direction of the strip club, his steps now full of purpose as he walked at a brisk pace. "I'm going to save her. And no one will stand in my way." He turned back to her, "But I need info first. Cmon, I'll show you how to do detective work. Believe it or not, when I existed I was the most effective detective Interpol had. I'll get all the info on where she is and how to get there. And if Agrat stops me." He trailed off clutching his left arm and nodded. "I may not be The Stranger any longer, but I should be plenty with my left arm."
"Sadly kiddo it's not really anywhere for you. Welcome to the family, I've decided ta take you in." Sisceal spoke quickly as he carried Laura toward her trailer. "Mind helping me out with her? I could really use some help with this, I'll give ya a little something in return. I'm no slave driver."

He looked down at Laura with a soft expression. "Where would you like me to set you dear? Your couch or bed?"

@Kiyoko Tomoe @egghead

Brows furrowing at the scene he was witnessing Anton fired a few warning shots off near Ignis's feet. "This one giving you trouble boss? We've got a straight jacket in the trunk of one of the cars if you need it. Maybe a muzzle too or could easily put it out of it's misery. May be a good idea since it looks rabid." The mountain of a man stepped closer to the two. Burning a hole through Ignis's skull with his glare. "Not all that surprising though. Vermin like these are always full of diseases, spreading plagues and death. Best to just get rid of them."

@TheRiverSings @Kiyoko Tomoe
-- Laura

Sighing, Laura's eyes opened slowly to look at Sisceal for a moment, before closing. "Couch, please..." She said with little energy, quite drained from all the damage her body had suffered and still felt. She could still feel that familiar pain in her body, as though something she knew and held quite dearly were stabbing into her heart asking to be remembered, yet she just couldn't figure out what it was. "Also... Could you please... go find Kaname for me...? She... has information that... even I can't obtain on my own... Information I need..." Laura's breathing rate increased slightly after speaking, the pain in her chest intensifying slightly, that familiar feeling getting more and more prominent yet hiding just out of sight of her mind.

@Axel1313 @egghead

-- Kiyoko Nadège

"Don't worry about him, Anton. He's not worth the bullets, I'd much rather just use my bare hands should it come to it... However, I will need an immediate search for the girl depicted in this photo," She said as she showed the same photo to Anton she showed just prior. It looked like Kaname, aiming and shooting a gun. "Also, Miss Nadège will do... 'Boss' is too... stiff a term to use," 'Nadège' finished up saying. "I've already released the names of the three individuals to be arrested, so it shouldn't be hard for you to start organizing the search for this specific individual of the three. As for the other two, inform the agents that they're to be left as low-priority. I'll handle Sisceal myself, and just tell everyone to not bother with Minori should they not pass by her."

@Axel1313 @TheRiverSings
Glen stopped in his tracks. "Wait, what?" he asked in a slight wheeze, his fingernails digging into his palms and creating little crescent-shaped cuts. It wasn't like he didn't hear what the man said, he just hoped he heard him wrong. "You...You're joking, right?"

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The Inferno (Nora, Agrat, The dark lord.)

They marched in identical twin lines, the lower demons, the ones who acted as gurads but were slaves for the demon queen, Agrat. They turned into a large room, placed perfectly in the middle was a cage. It was small, not big enough for the demon occupying it. A cackling laugh echoed through the room. The slaves moved aside for Agrat. A delicate black gown clung to her form. Her ruby eyes trailed to fory lying in the cage.

"My disobideiant child......shame......shame you could not be more like me."

She laughed again the figure not moving. She turned to the demon to her right.

"Mehat! Get her! We have an appointment with the Lord."

She grinned, a wicked look gracing her face as the deomons scrambled and grabbed her daughter. only picking up the front half of the succubus's body.

The dark Lord sat upon his throne, he knew his lover would be bringing in his daughter. He used to be so cruel to her but, he had a change of heart after seeing the cruelty that was thrown at her by Agrat.

"My deserve better."

He looked towards the center of the room to see two demons drop his daughters unconscious body on the ground with a loud thud. He examined her, his red eyes looking over her beaten and bloodied body. One of her horns was barely hanging by a thread.

My did I let you get to this state....

He watched as Agrat ripped the dangling piece of horn from his daughter's head and toss it aside.

"If she keeps this up she won't have any horns left! How embarrising that woul-"


"What my lover, my lord?"

She looked caught off guard by his booming voice.

"That's enough. Now pray tell, why did you bring Meradiana here?"

The succubus laghed as she rolled her daughter's limp body so her face was looking at the Lord.

"She disobeyed orders, she went to the human realm. She apparently needs another round of beatings. She needs to learn her place."

Agrat looked towards the lord but was not ready for his reply.

"You ask to punish her? Now? When she is in this state?"

Other demons in the chamber started cackaling.

"How dare you! I am the Lord of hell but I still know when actions are uncalled for. How is she to learn anything when she is not even conscious?! HOW?! Do you not thing Agrat?"

She fell to the floor bowing.

"My lover! My Lord! forgive me! but she has tarnished our name!"

The lord laughed.

"You are tarnishing my name more than her! Get out my chamber Agrat!"

She scurried away while he looked at a shadow demon next to him. A familiar one, a demon named Dax.

"Dax go to the exact location where Meradiana appeared int the human realm. Tell me when anyone comes."

He was willing to make a deal, a deal to get her out of the Inferno.


"Well, what are we aiting for?"

Mera looked at John, she was ready to bring her mom back.

"We could maybe get help? I know I cannot travel to the inferno but maybe we can get help from someone that can?"

She wasn't wanting John to strain himself. And besides she knew the perfect spy.

"I could call upon remember my mom's shadow? Dax? He still is kicking around somewhere."

She started leading the way, the scent of the Inferno growing strong.

"Mmmm....The portal has just closed itself. The stench of the Inferno is still strong."

As she walked she grabbed a snake that was slithering the same way.

"come Danu, you can help too."

The snake carefully wraped around her, his eyes looking at John.

"you know I may not like my mother that much but, she did abandon me. So, I am sorry if I say anything about her you do not like. Its just hard, I wanted to know her but till I knew the truth, I thought she didn't care about me."

She was determined now, in her more mature age, to get her mother.

"But now I know it is my Grandmother who does not care for me or my mother. She is the real enemy."



Seb pulled his silver revolver from his jacket and pointed it at Anton.

"You idiot! You don't fire then ask questions!"

He looked at the two investigators before him, ignoring his dad's bable. He rubbed his temples, this is exactly what he needed now.

"I don't anybody's help. This man is just intoxicated, he needs to get somewhere before he causes trouble."

He also needed to track down Mera before she got hurt. That man was weird and nothing he did would be good. Seb knew it, he knew that man was touble.

"Look I need favor because I am busy at the moment I need someone to find Mera, she went off with a man who is dangerous. As head of this investigation. I say that we need to regroup. Back at HQ, get some facts straight and then hit this place hard."

He grabbed his dad's arm.

"And you need to go to Nanami."

@Axel1313 @Kiyoko Tomoe
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"As you wish." He smiled softly and headed straight to her trailer. Nudging the door open with his hip and setting Laura"And nope. Come on kiddo. I need your help, go fetch some bandages and medicine from the med tent and good God maybe a shower too? You'll probably feel better too all cleaned up. And could ya watch her while I look for Kaname?"

The priest handed Glen a cheap cellphone. "Not much but call me or anyone on the contacts list if you need help. Alright? I'll be back soon though, can't get caught in a bad place at sunrise." He pat the young man on the head before running off again. Glen would be alright as he searched for Kaname right? Not like he had a choice anymore.

@Kiyoko Tomoe @egghead

"Tchk, it's always worked for me before. Bullet through the kneecap or chest or shoulder and they start obeying real quick." Anton reholstered his gun. Directing his cold stare directly at Sebastian. "We're not going anywhere until some arrests are made. The big boss gave us orders on that. I think it's already under weigh though so do whatever you need to to It." He glanced at the drunken freak for a second before turning away in disgust. "You know we're not here to be babysitters for that thing you can't seem to control Sebastian. You're a priest, act like it. Some little she-beast shouldn't be an issue." He sneered at Sebastian. "Can't promise she won't be in shackles or completely unharmed when I get back but I guess I'll go. Been craving some sort of action tonight. You're lucky for that." He then turned to Miss Nadege.

"Fine fine. Miss. I can look for this 'Kaname' along the way too, send out alerts to other agents in the area to do the same. Give you a full report as soon as I have something.

@TheRiverSings @Kiyoko Tomoe

"Just bring her back safe and sound...and same with Mera, okay?....please? If anything happens to them I...I'm not sure what I'd do..." Iginis quickly interjected as the two headed off.

Then turned turned his attention back to his son."Ha! Like she would take me back in this state. Good one Sebastian." Ignis snorted. His legs buckled underneath him and he landed face first into the dirt. He laid there a moment before pushing himself back up onto his knees. "I don't have anywhere to go right now, no trailers or tents. Nobody wants the drunk or to deal with any demon vs angel crap much anymore." To help conserve some energy he let his prosthetic dangle limply at his side. Didn't help sooth the attack though, he felt like he was going to pass out soon. "You can try talking to Nanami all ya want but I know she won't take me back tonight! I smell too much like booze, drugs and other women. Not to mention I even look like it too." His laugh was nervous and insecure. He knew all too well how much he had screwed up tonight.

@TheRiverSings @IceQueen
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It was like somebody dumped a bucket of ice water on him, or popped a balloon next to his ear. Or told him he couldn't go home.

Glen stared hard at the kitten wallpaper on the cell phone screen as his mind worked overtime to try make sense out of what was happening to him. Was he joining the circus? Being kidnapped?

"O-okay then!" he called after the priest, not quite ready to accept his fate yet. "I'll just...ask somebody else."


Then he peered into the trailer, eyes shooting straight through the open door to the girl on the couch. It was obvious she was in pain, but Glen's mouth had a mind of its own. "Um, are you okay?"

@Kiyoko Tomoe
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Axel1313 said:
"Just bring her back safe and sound...and same with Mera, okay?....please? If anything happens to them I...I'm not sure what I'd do..." Iginis quickly interjected as the two headed off.
Then turned turned his attention back to his son."Ha! Like she would take me back in this state. Good one Sebastian." Ignis snorted. His legs buckled underneath him and he landed face first into the dirt. He laid there a moment before pushing himself back up onto his knees. "I don't have anywhere to go right now, no trailers or tents. Nobody wants the drunk or to deal with any demon vs angel crap much anymore." To help conserve some energy he let his prosthetic dangle limply at his side. Didn't help sooth the attack though, he felt like he was going to pass out soon. "You can try talking to Nanami all ya want but I know she won't take me back tonight! I smell too much like booze, drugs and other women. Not to mention I even look like it too." His laugh was nervous and insecure. He knew all too well how much he had screwed up tonight.
@Airagog now too.)
Axel1313 said:
(I'm still here. My posts are pretty involved since they involve a ton more backstory than most others and as such take longer to make. Don't be surprised if it takes me up to a week)
-- Laura

Looking over toward Sisceal as he left, Laura sighed in relief as the man was still going despite the many events of the past fifty or so years. "Sisceal's always pushing himself too hard for my sake... I'm glad to have somebody as trustworthy as him in my life, always there to help me out in my times of need." She thought out loud. Looking over to Glen, the woman received his question. "I'm doing pretty good, all things considered... A little chunk of metal blew to pieces in my body, so I got a little bit torn up until I was healed, but I'm recovering now..." Closing her eyes, she relaxed a bit more where she laid. "Help yourself to whatever food or drink you wish while you're here, the fridge is in the back of the trailer. It's the least I can provide for you watching over me as I recover."

He glanced around to make sure she was actually talking to him and not anybody else. When he realized they were the only ones around, his hands started to sweat. "Oh, um, all right..."

Glen started for the back of the trailer, where the refrigerator was, but somehow ended up tripping over his own two feet and took the nastiest spill a semi-sober man could have.

"AHHHH!" he said just before his face kissed the floor.

@Kiyoko Tomoe
Now there, but wasn't before by any human or non-human eye, a pale woman dressed in formal black attire stood beside the young demon named Ignus, her white shimmering hair loosely braided and resting on her shoulder. She took in the slight madness coming from many directions around her, a slight smirk but only for a second her calm composure returning to her. She then looked down to the drunken mess that was the young demon, her hands clasped gently behind her back. When she spoke her voice was definitely and interesting one, the vocal chords morphing and changing to sound like whoever's voice Ignus would be pleased to hear.

"I'm afraid my dear that what you say isn't entirely true. Another rough night for the cirque? It seems your hands are becoming quite full again."



"Excuse me, Miss Nadège I know you are already giving out the orders here. And please pardon my intrusion, but as you know based on legal issues we need warrant to go in and search and find these magnificent creatures. Which -" Matilda began to flip through some of the papers in her hand, pulling one out she continued to speak in a whispered tone. "I happen to um, have the warrant Edward had me forge and make legitimate right here. As long as we only work to take those under claimed suspicion, we aren't technically breaking any laws. However snooping and stealing, well we haven't worked the paperwork out for that yet. So until Edward gives notice by obviously giving me the papers to give to you and so on, do try to abide to the human laws. I know we hang around with folk in our services who aren't but as civilized people we could at least do what they may not."

Finishing her ramble most likely due to the fact that she realized how stupid that may have sounded. "Anywho Miss Nadège, unless you have seen Edward which I hope you have, you know since he once again abandoned me by myself to hopefully do further investigations. Oh sorry, rambling again. Anyways unless he has been found, I am to stay by your side until further notice. Standard protocol of course."

@Kiyoko Tomoe
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"Nora?!" A slight gasp escaped him as he looked to the figure who had suddenly appeared. "Oh, no...I am mistaken. Sorry about that." He cleared his throat trying to appear slightly more proper in her presence. "You'd have to ask my son or another cirque member. I don't entirely know, I've been...uh. Busy elsewhere. It should pass though as things always do, hasn't been a problem yet we haven't gotten out of, haha. The show must go on, right?"

@rosamortelle @TheRiverSings @IceQueen
She continued to sound the same, as is the nature of herself. "Oh my sweet Ignus, we both know I am far from that ravishing succubus. But it is quite alright." She smirked again as he tried to straighten himself, the attempt sweet but humorous. "Darling no need to appear clean when the stench of alcohol and smoke bombard you. It makes me sad you've become drunk through weak human methods." After saying that, Dabria unclasped her hands to hold one out to Ingus as an obvious gesture to help and chuckles at his next words. "But of course, however some problems do tend to stick like glue don't they? Hopefully this one is not extra...sticky per say. As for finding another member, why would I do that, when I left the mayor's Gala just to come and see you? Sure the cirque drama is interesting, but if your memory is even a lick of what it is when you're sober, then I think you'll recall that your side buisness interests me much more."

@Axel1313 @TheRiverSings @IceQueen
"Either way I really am sorry you, uh,'s that you sound exactly like her. It's the strangest thing." He chuckled softly. Seeing her hand outreached in a kind gesture to help him back up the young demon gladly accepted. It was a struggle but he did get back up onto his uneasy feet. "heh, they are weak indeed, but that only means I just need more to get the effect I need. Terrible as they may be they're certainly good at making the troubles go away. But I agree, hopefully they aren't as particularly sticky this time." He offered her a slight crooked smirk. Trying to wrack his brains on what she meant. Gently rubbing the side of his head in thought. After staring at her long enough it did dawn on him.

"Ah, that...right. I'm flattered you left such a grand event just to come to me for such a thing. What would you like? Something sweet? Or I may have some more refined and aged. I believe I do have some exotic as well. Not as great as my collection before but there should be something that strikes your fancy." He made a slight motion towards his old trailer.

@rosamortelle @TheRiverSings @IceQueen
"I'm afraid that I can't help how I sound, so if you say I sound like the succubus then I hope she speaks to you again sometime. Though I must say I was expecting to sound like the Angel you currently sleep with." She honestly wasn't, but if there was anything Dabria learned from all these years of their exchanges was that certain buttons would reveal the true emotions. "Honestly Ignis, if you would just take my advice like you did back in '41 you wouldn't need those disgusting prey habits. I know we don't think of it with the same reasoning, but I know that Angel of yours doesn't want these habits growing either. Of course it's not right for me to dig at subjects like that." She then looked toward the trailer he gestured too. "Actually you've done me a favor, sitting around and chatting with food is humiliating. It's also made me crave something more fresh for a change, but I'm assuming you're out of stock since the past 6 six years I've been living with you here or in a prey hotel you've rarely caught anything." She gave him a playful scoff. "Of curse being the lady I am I didn't want to take your recent spoils. So, why don't you be a gentleman and take me to where we can speak product alone."


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