Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

"I, um...I'm a bit surprised myself but it's nothing. Must just be the bad day and arguments, those always effect things so much you know?" He gulped slightly. "You know I wish I could have but things did not quite play out as planned. The prey habits are not all so bad, they can be rather fun to indulge in....despite my wife's protests. Anyway, it didn't help I had no clue what I was until I joined this circus." He smiled softly. Not showing a hint of discomfort from her calling his own son and the others around 'food'. "You'd be surprised at my stock, even after all these years. But, If the lady wants fresh and to discuss product then I am more than happy to oblige." His smile widened. "Why don't you lead the way dear? As you can tell I'm not quite in the best state to think all too clearly. I apologize in advance too as I feel I may pass out as we talk, been having those spells again rather frequently."

@rosamortelle @TheRiverSings @IceQueen
"Yes I suppose so, Squabbles do cause changes when it comes to somewhat unnecessary emotions. Besides, Succubi from what I've learned do tend to leave long lasting effects." She paused to take his arm and begin walking towards his trailer. "However I realize the offense that brings and I retract my earlier statement." She rolled her eyes at his next words but continued forward, about to reach the door. "I suppose I have to agree with you on that, but only because you were unaware."

As she opened the door she gave him a sly look. "I'm pleased you're happy to speak about it, though confessing you still have plenty a stock proves to me you've placed yourself on a ban." As soon as he told her about the frequent spells, her face became solemn and serious, lacking any of the emotion shown before. "Ignus although it could be any reason, are you having withdrawals? Abilities weakening? More aggressive argumentative tendencies?"

@Axel1313 @IceQueen @TheRiverSings (( I'll stop after this one if you want so other may get posts in.))
((That's probably a good idea. so others can get in on the action as well.))

"Even more so when you're an Incubus. Seeing as our kind generally has a natural attraction to each other. I always try to tell the angel-er...Nanami that, but it causes more frustration a lot of the time." He shrugged. "I'm still pretty clueless seeing as there has never been anyone to truly teach me, but that may be for the better with the life I've lead."

He moved from her arm as soon as the door was open. Definitely far better than the day he left it, most of the charred wood was gone and fabrics replaced. No more stove in it, that had been replaced with shelves and wine racks. Now it was heated by a nice, small gas fireplace. Far safer and cleaner than anything before. "I had to due to that thing I signed with Interpol and the bit of time served, but I've found ways to, oh, let's say...find the loopholes? It helps that I've studied and gotten much better at the craft and precautions to protect it." He grinned mischievously. That fell quickly as soon as she inquired about the spells. "No no, nothing like that. I've felt withdrawals before and it's not that and my temper is from my bastard of a father. It's to do more with the succubus many many years ago, but I don't think you want to hear that story. Business is probably more on your mind isn't it?"

@rosamortelle @TheRiverSings @IceQueen

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