Cirque de Montstres (modern times)

Mera let out another heavy sigh as she looked at the bumbling idiot.

"Issues in the main tent?"

She gave him curious look when all the sudden the conversation moved back to her mom.

"Could you not....."

With each word about how she was like her mom anger began to build up, like a raging fire. She couldn't stand it anymore.


She spoke through clenched teeth. All hell broke loose when he touched her. The fire burst out of her as she shoved him away while, at the same time, lighting him on fire.


She opened her eyes to see the horror infront of her.


She backed away in horror.


She grasped her head as she feel to her knees. She didn't know how, but she had just lit Ignis on fire.
"Yeeaaaah,the skeleton man took a diiiive" He giggled again, unmoving from his position.

He was about to apologize again for bringing up her mother again when she snapped at him. Her anger was intense, white hot....wait.

Too hot and... It took his drunken mind a few seconds to process it, but when he did. All Hell broke loose. His breathing quickened rapidly and eyes widened as the flames engulfed his arms and chest.

"WwaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" His eyes lit up bright blue and a whirlwind picked up around him as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Fear gripped his heart, his mind switched to pure instincts in an instant and he flew into a complete panic attack.
Carter wasn't too fond of the title of 'lady friend' but didn't dare say a word. Her focus darted between the pair, and whatever was happening elsewhere. The entropy was nauseating. "How am I supposed to know where a ladder is?" She spoke in a low, sour voice. Gareth didn't seem very interested in what the man wanted either, but upon hearing his threats, Carter nudged Gareth's arm. "Take one for the team, okay, friend?" She snorted awkwardly.

@Axel1313 @Beowulf
"Oh?" Gareth said looking down at the human. So frail, they really were. Sometimes he was surprised a strong gale wouldn't break them. But they were brave, he could give them that. How else would he explain being captured? "I guess I could get a ladder. There should be one out back if I remember correctly. Or I could reach up there and pluck him down myself. Oh, what's the harm in doing that. It would be much faster. And that glamor is still up, I believe. Alright then. Come, I will take care of this then you shall follow me." Getting up, he made his way down to the central ring, and he wasn't in any hurry. He said he would get the upper half of Jonsi down, so he would. But he never said how quickly he would, or where he'd put him.

Reaching where Jonsi's bits hovered above him, Gareth changed. He grew, his clothes fading into him. His skin cracked and flames licked his flesh. His eyes became almost hollow, with an eerie orange light coming from them. It was nearly a complete transformation for him before he was able to pluck the bone man from the rafters and unceremoniously drop him in a pile next to Sebastian. "Is that all you will be needing of me?"
"Stupid f*cking freaks.....Will anybody pick up the d@mned phone either?" Anton grumbled to himself angrily as he trudged back towards the cirque. Still trying to get a hold of anybody else in the agency. " Sebastian, I'm done waiting for a ride and am now headed back towards the place on foot. One of those freaks teleported me away or something. Call me back as soon as you get this message or get somebody to call me back! We're losing precious investigation time here!" He snapped as he shut the phone. He could barely see the spotlights above the trees. That was all he had to go by to keep from getting lost, but at least it was something.

@TheRiverSings @Rosyshark @Kiyoko Tomoe @rosamortelle (just tagging all of the investigators in this one! Especially since there haven't been many posts for them. Gives a more recent place to look for.)
The sight of his ghostly moves was undoubtedly creepy, and Carter stared in awe, open-mouthed. "Wow, okay." There was so many incidents, that could only be described as magic, occurring that she felt tipsy. Aside from feeling like a walking magnet for pity, she felt as if she was in a theatrical film and not real life. "Can we get going?" She spoke anxiously, taking careful steps toward Gareth.
"Oh yes, I said we would after I took care of this, did I not?" he told her, once more in his human form. Offering her an arm for her to hold onto, like the good gentleman that he is, he leads her out of the tent whether she takes it or not. Down the alleys that the cirque formed every time it set up in a different place they went. If one wasn't practiced in navigating this ever changing maze, odds were they would never be able to find a specific place. But soon enough, they were in front of a somewhat above average sized trailer. Opening the door, he ushers her in, saying "After you," before following after and shutting the door.

((baaah flock it. Have to follow the one or two posts a week rule myself.))

"Thank you. See, that wasn't to hard now was it? Ya big baby." Sisceal glared at Gareth. He always disliked how high and mighty he acted and got away with it too. Guess that came with being on the ring master's good side. And of course not kind of having a past with her either.

With a heavy sigh he moved the poor skeleton boy's parts into one pile and picked up his torso gently. Didn't want to risk further head injury. "Come on lad, lets get you nice and patched up in the medical tent. I'll get ya settled in there first and get the rest a ye later." He spoke calmly to him as he carried him out."

Jonsi made some slight sounds of discomfort but wrapped his arms around the priest comfortably.

(@ anyone who wants to interact.))
Nanami smiled as she finally released her son from a bone crushing hug. "Oh dear, you were always such a sweetheart." She cooed gently, cupping his face with one hand. She watched as Lucid started to walk towards the kids room and she laughed a little. "Those two are both probably out like lights. You won't get much from them right now. Besides, everyone is welcome in my house." She said sweetly, before turning back to Seb. Hearing him ask about Mera, Nanami nodded. "Yeah, I know who her father is. She might not want to know, but I do." She said plainly, before ushering both men into the living room to sit.

@Axel1313 @TheRiverSings
Sebastian shot a shocked look at his mother?

"You do? Well I guess it was a surprise to me. I never really liked the old fool anyways but I'm worried about her. Her's gotten kind of worse in a way. But that's only my opinion."

He turned to other man in the room.

"So, half brothers then. Well, this doesn't suprise me a bit that my...our father, would have kid with another woman. He is a fool after all."

He turned back to his mother.

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with such a daft partner mother. Sometimes I think it is a miracle he isn't hurt. Or that you have left him. For that matter."

He was about to ask for some tea when Mera suddenly bust through the door. She looked horrified and scared.

"Mera? Mera what's wrong??" He stood up and embraced her as felt his shoulder get wet. Through her sobs he could hear words but could barely make them out. All he could understand was 'set on fire' he wondered what she meant by that.

Bones looked on in worry as Mera and Iggy fought. He then knew action was needed when she set Iggy on fire. Luckily there was a water trough near by and the skeleton ran and pushed the demon into the murky, mossy water. A think French accent sounded as he spoke.

"You daft fool! Do realize what you have done?"

Bones looked around as he saw the shadow demon dissipate.

"Oh dear....."
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"Oh, well in that case I'll stay out here and talk. Wouldn't want to wake up the little ones." Lucid smiled softly and turned to sit next to Sebastian.

He tuned out as the spoke of somebody else. The woman named Mera, must be another sibling of theirs, adopted by the sound of it. Only when he was spoken to did he pay attention again. "Ah, yes. The king of fools if you ask me." He blew a small whistle of air through the chip in his front tooth. "Frankly I'm surprised he hasn't left you yet like he did to my mother. No offense to you of course dear. He's just an idiot." He chuckled.

Soon he found himself moving out of the way for a young woman to burst through in an utter panic. He was lost as can be but assumed this to be Mera. He figured he had no place in whatever was happening now, so he sat back and popped a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. Only to hold it there for now though, it was somewhat of a comfort to him and a habit.

Ignis's powers were getting out of hand as he lit up like a candle. He caused quite a mess before getting shocked back to his senses. His screams quickly turned into gagging and sputtering as disgusting water filled his lungs. When he emerged from the trough he got sick from the slimy moss all in his mouth, nose and throat.

"Oh my God..." He wretched again. Looking up at Bones with eyes slowly going back to normal. "Bones! Wh-where did Mera go?"
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While his top half was being carted off to the medical tent. His bottom half had gotten back up again. It was a subconscious sort of thing, where if his one half of him got too far away the other half would begin heading towards it. There was some sort of radar like system to it, impossible to explain. Even the bone man himself couldn't quite put it into words.

Screams a plenty from the patrons of the cirque, Jonsi's rear end proceeded to dash out of the tent in search of it's other half. Unfortunately it's little radar like system was messed up by something. Some strange magic in the air or Jonsi being out cold, who knows! But it wound up near the performer's trailers. At least that was a start. It was completely lost and running around in utter circles until it ran straight into another bone man of sorts.


"No no....the other way....what are you doing." Jonsi mumbled in his sleep. Sisceal looked on with worry. He couldn't tell if this was just a dream or if the poor guy was hallucinating from having his skull rattled earlier. It was a right nasty fall, he wasn't sure exactly how he hit his head but the kid managed to crack his skull open pretty good.

She barely kept up to the wispy magician, breathing heavily upon reaching their destination. "Another trailer..." Carter's voice faded as she was nudged into the cramped place. Her arms almost raised in protest, but then again, she agreed to this. "So, how many needles are you planning to stick into me?"

She seemed to be taking the man's intuition lightly, though actually attempting to hide her nervousness.
"Needles? Eh, how barbaric." Gareth said, shaking his hands as of to he rid of the idea. In all honesty, he wasn't a fan of needles. "What you have is an aura. Easily seen by a trained eye." What he didn't tell her was that ot was a darker aura, something she happened that hurt her in some way had happened recently. "But I could tease it out for you to see. A simple matter." He didn't mention that in order to do so, she would have to experience the same trauma that caused that aura to begin with. It wouldn't be pleasant for her, but it would be for him.

Laura, Edward, Kaname, & Kiyoko

Having left the lovers to their little dispute after all the events that had occurred, Laura headed on out into the forest. She felt something was very much off, and could definitely tell that more was going on than Edward was letting on. After walking about halfway through the forest, she stopped in place. "For what reason did you come here...? I thought we agreed that you would never set foot in the cirque's grounds ever again, Kiyoko!" Laura stated angrily, though still in a calm manner. "The agreement was for you to, in exchange for your body being returned to you, never again to bother me and my cirque family; yet here you are, trying to ruin everything as you did over fifty years ago...!"

"You know very well why I'm here, Sayuri... You stole from me the one person I care for... Fifty long years, I've waited for the chance to finally reclaim what belongs to me! I met him first, not you! I'm the one who fell in love with him, not you! Yet you; you just had to have him for yourself, not caring how he felt about it at the time! You stole his heart which was meant to be mine, and for that, I've come to kill you!" With the pull of a trigger, a loud bang could be heard throughout the forest, though one which barely fell short of the cirque; that is, for all but those with super heightened hearing, such as Kaname who relied on naught but hearing in her earlier days.

Suddenly appearing by Sisceal's side, Kaname grabbed him by the wrist as wings sprouted from her back. "Something's happening in the forest!" Kaname said quietly but quite clearly in concern, unsure of what exactly was happening. Normally she'd know exactly what was going on, but even she couldn't tell what was going on hidden within all the trees, as a powerful magnetic field rendered her sensing abilities useless in the general area of which Kiyoko and Laura were. "I don't want anybody to panic though, so just come with me, quick! I'll need you to be my eyes for this!" She said as she began running off toward the forest, possibly dragging Sisceal with her as she wasn't the best at remembering to let go of people's arms.

"Damn you, Kiyoko... You dare shoot at me knowing full well what I could do to you!?" Laura stated angrily, blood dripping from her hand. The bullet had gone straight through the skin of her shoulder and left a large gash, causing a sort of pain she hadn't actually felt in hundreds of years. I don't get it though... I should be able to heal this wound with ease... In fact, how did it even happen to begin with? I should be perfectly safe from any form of injury... Unless...! Laura though, taking the index finger of her left hand and lightly covering it in the blood of her right shoulder. Bringing it up into the air, she wrote the word 'Magnet' in the air in front of her through the blood.

Just as the word implied, the blood formed into a sphere which pulled all metallic objects in the area toward it, including disrupting the magnetic field slightly. Unfortunately, the crimson sphere exploded shortly after formation, dropping to the ground as the disturbance in the magnetic field quickly fixed itself. "Well, I guess I know your trick now..." She said as her injury slowly started healing. "Thanks for not killing me with that shot, because now I can kill you for attempting harm my cirque...!" With that, springing from the ground was a giant clown-like snake that shot up and then straight down at Kiyoko. Swallowing her in one go as it went right through the ground and vanished, all that would be left to be heard was a blood-curdling scream, then absolute silence.

"Ah...! Laura!" Kaname said as she heard the scream thanks to her hearing. Suddenly, the magnetic field had vanished inside the forest, and what Kaname sensed left her completely grossed out. Covering her mouth, she just about threw up. Clearly this girl wasn't very much a fan of blood and gore, and what'd transpired in the forest clearly resulted in a bit of blood. "Gah... So much..." She mumbled as she fell straight to the ground, unconscious from the grotesqueness that her sensory abilities picked up in full detail. Sitting in a tree beside the scene of the incident, Edward sat there chuckling. "To think things would go this way... I suppose it's about time I let them all know just how bad you beings really are, now that such an incident's finally happened with my eyes to attest..."

@Axel1313, @IceQueen, and anybody else who may want to be a part of this event
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"Wait! What are you doing!? Put me down!" Sisceal covered his eyes as he was suddenly hoisted into the air. He was beaten up by branches and thorns along the way, but luckily there was some sort of clearing. "Kaname! Put me down! Put me-" He gasped as his chest tightened in anticipation. For a moment he thought he had seen her...but. How?

He did not get a good look though as soon all there was was a giant snake and Laura. His chest loosened again, seeing her out here was a relief. Sort of, the blood was not the most comforting.

"What's going on out here?" He gulped. Falling to the ground as Kaname did. Poor thing was getting sick, must have been the blood. "F-forget all of this, we have to get you back Laura." He rushed over to her. Tearing off part of his shirt to help bandage her wound.

@Kiyoko Tomoe
Laura, Edward, Kaname, & Kiyoko

Jumping down from a tree and behind Laura, Edward was smirking. "Heh... I expected some kind of results, but... I'm very surprised though... I honestly didn't expect this to be how things went, my friends of the cirque... Laura's lost her touch this past half century... You're Sisceal, right...? If I were you, I'd get a doctor as soon as possible..." Stepping around to the other side of the tree, Edward seemed to just vanish completely from the area, not a single trace of him left. Meanwhile, a girl hung upside-down by her legs from a branch of the same tree; the very same pink-haired girl named Kiyo, who Laura had seemingly killed moments before.

"Ahaha...! This is soo much more fun than I thought," she said in 'innocent' excitement while swinging forward and backward on the branch. "I have to say, Sayui, I think I like you despite our rough history! It's a shame I can't play with you for a while though, since you're kind of... What's the word I'm looking for...?" She pondered aloud. "Dying!" She shouted out with glee, swinging upright onto the branch before snapping her finger. "Bye-bye! Hope you get a really good doctor, because I'd like to play with you again!" Jumping down from the tree and bolting off who-knows-where before one could even blink, Kiyoko was gone in an instant.

Meanwhile, Laura held her injured shoulder as she smiled a sad smile. "So I was right about her all those years ago... I suppose I'm glad I didn't kill her, because it'd be horrible of me to have taken away the woman's life along with her love..." She spoke softly, before directing a smile at Sisceal. "Thanks for coming to help, though I must say... It's unfortunate you've had to see nothing but that side of Kiyoko... I want you to try and convince her... to leave Edward's side... She'll listen to you pretty well, as she-" Laura froze mid-sentence, a trickle of blood running down her cheek. Soon, that trickle down her cheek turned into a constant stream of blood, as Laura's insides were currently messed up greatly after what'd all just happened.

Falling to the ground without another word, Laura lost all consciousness all the while Kaname's eyes snapped open in response to the tragedy occurring around her. Slowly standing up, Kaname quite soon sensed the situation regarding Laura. She couldn't make out Laura's insides very well, but she could tell the woman was in the worst of conditions a person could be in. "L-Laura...!" Sayuri said in worry as she appeared beside the woman's side in a flash. "This is...! Who did this!?" Kaname questioned in panic, trying her hardest to sense anybody else around but unable to do so due to some strange interference.

Crying her eyes out, seeing Laura as an older sister, Kaname couldn't do anything but cry as she produced the only words she could; "Laura...! Don't die...!"

@Axel1313 (and anybody else involved/wanting to get involved)
Tandelose and Sonskyn were enjoying a casual afternoon at the circque, if a normal afternoon involved rolling around in the crowds and looking for women, which was a usual thing for them. It was that or hunting, which they were getting later that day. Both the boys had had their fun for the evening, and were currently lounging in Sonskyn's trailer, where he was happily munching on a light gooey orb that almost looked like jellow.

"Hmm, this one is unusually pure for a criminal." Sonskyn admired, looking at it's bright hue. "Must have been an innocent. Oh well, it tastes great to me." He murmered, looking out the window. All was quite for a while before a loud bag sounded close to the forest, causing both men to turn towards the window. It took less than a second for both to be out of their chairs and out the door, not minding that both men were currently shirtless. Where there was a bang, usually someone was dead, and when someone was dead, that meant free meat and souls to eat. They could live off of shipments but warm blood was always better than cold.

Racing towards the forest, the two appeared at the scene of Laura clutching her shoulder, a long stream of blood escaping her eye. Tandelose on one hand, couldn't help but lick his lips at the smell of blood, though he felt sorry for his ringleader who was currently bleeding. Sonskyn on the other hand rushed to her side, looking at her wounds. "As much as I would like to ask about what happened, we have to go soon, or Laura might loose too much blood." He said, putting one hand on Kaname's shoulder as he let the priest, though Sonskyn was displeased to see such a person, tend to the wound on her shoulder. "Please, someone needs to get her to a doctor." He said as soft and caring as he could muster, looking down at the little blind girl.

@Kiyoko Tomoe @Axel1313

Nanami sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well he may not be the brightest but he tries." She mumbled gently, clenching her hands together. Looking forward as the door burst open, a sobbing Mera crashing straight into Sebastian. Rushing over, Nanami placed a hand against her head, smoothing out the frazzled hairs gently. "It's ok dear, just take a deep breath and tell us what happened." She mumbled, hoping she was doing alright with calming the sobbing girl that once was under her care.

@TheRiverSings @Axel1313
Carter grew distant, knowing exactly what he was referring to. "Yeah, I've been through plenty of shit." She sat on the nearest object. Regret washed over her as she realized something was poking into her. Still, she stayed seated. "Some things I'd rather not talk about," The edges of her lips raised, ironically, "but bring on the show."

She looked up at the man who towered over her. Brooding. Slightly foreboding.

Bones looked at the unsuspecting man that let out a scream when the pair of legs he was holding ran past the human. He looked back at Iggy for a moment, his French accent rolling out of his mouth in the most serious tone he has used since he died.

"Leave my Mera alone. You have awoken her....."

He turned back to the screaming man, as odd a weird as he was before.

"Gah! Tis just an accident, normal stuff now!"

He held out the legs towards the man as green smoke bellowed out of his eyes.bones was hiding the fact that he was worried about Jonsi, the young performer was becoming mere bones rather fast. His goofy weird voice no longer showing his French side.

"Like the whale told the moon, 'Why must you be bright? For I sleep with one eye open!' Yes yes, normal stuff"

He walked towards the med tent carrying the legs with him. When he saw the other half of Jonsi he threw the legs at him.

"Take these back boy! Try to look descant for the shadows in the night will be visiting you soon."

@egghead @Axel1313

Mera tried to catch her breath as she heard Nanami. It only made her situation worse but she used all her strength to spit it out.


She buried her face back into Sebastian's chest.

"I'm so sorry"

She spoke into his clothes which muffled her voice but, she had to apologize.

Sebastian looked alarmed by Mera's confession.

"Wha-what? So...."

He looked at his mother worried about his father and Mera.

"She has his power? But....I should go check on Father."

But as he tried to move Mera tightened her grip on him. He ran his fingers through her hair.

"Mera, sweet, I must go make sure he is okay."

He spoke gently to her but was met by a stubborn 'no' from her. He sighed and looked at his mother.

"What should we do?"

@IceQueen @Axel1313

A dark figure watched the cirque from high up in the trees red eyes watched the movement, and darted to the direction of the smell of


A think Romanian accent rolled out of the figures mouth. But the figure had other concerns....mainly a child turning into their father....dying in a way....but becoming more alive.

"Thomas, let's hope your son can take the news as well as you did"

The figure moved amongst the tree tops, only making a slight breeze as it approached the cirque.
"I didn't mean to was an accident." He wheezed. Clearing his lungs of the last of the scummy water and moss. The rest of him was a nasty mess. Shirt charred and slime ridden, hair singed, skin red and blackened from the fire. He stared at the skeleton in confusion as he marched off again before turning his attention to the man who screamed like a banshee. "Calm down calm's just a trick of the eyes. Y-you didn't see anything. Okay?" His eyes caught the glimmer of the VIP pass. A marked one, must be the priest's doing. He had been looking for an assistant.

Jonsi groaned and cracked his eyes open to stare at the old bone man. "But old bones I don't want to see the head feels like the whale landed on the chicken's nest." He leaned forward just enough to reattach his lower half. "Where did the old priest and the tent go? Only he knows how to cure this ailment." He rolled over onto his side to face Bones more before closing his eyes. It felt like an ice pick had been driven into his skull. The only thing keeping him from falling asleep was a new figure joining them. One with an accent he'd never heard before.

@TheRiverSings @egghead
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Sisceal glared harshly at Edward as he spoke. Such an arrogant man, got under his skin like none other. He didn't feel the need to say anything to him though. A harsh middle finger seemed like clear enough message. And quick too. Time was of the essence right now as their ring leader bled out.

"As she what? Laura?" He quickly ripped off a large chunk of his shirt to wrap around her shoulder and at least stop the bleeding there. It was what couldn't be seen that worried him the most though. So much so that all he could do was nod at what the other two had arrived said. "Quick, help me. I'm not fast enough ta get her there and couldn't stay either. I'd turn to solid rock again and cause only more of a panic." He gulped and looked back at them. "Which one of you is the fastest?"

@IceQueen @Kiyoko Tomoe
After many many years of lying dormant as his body healed, the young vampire's eyes snapped open. Something more instinctual stirring in him. He took in a sharp gasp of air as he kicked at the lid of the coffin. It was stuck tight. D@mmit. He kept wiggling around and kicking at it until the thing went toppling to the floor. The worn wood burst open and he flopped out onto the floor. He was such a mess. Unkempt hair past still in the style of hack job mowhawk, some rugged looking facial hair and very thin. He was still pretty torn up from the incident as well, but nothing a little blood couldn't fix up. That would be in the medical tent. Pushing himself off of the floor he hobbled in the direction of it.
That was just the answer he was looking for. "Excellent." he purred out, beginning the process. It started small, a ball of darkness that was only a pinprick in this world. But slowly it grew. But this darkness had to be extracted. Everything that she had buried, hidden away to hopefully never see the light of day again. It was all being pulled out, dragged through her mind to be experienced yet again. All of it was like a drug to Gareth, intoxicating him as more and more was pulled. It was divine.

But soon he got himself under control, and stopped the flow before he wrung her dry. By the time that happened, however, there was a sizable ball of inky darkness in the palm of his hand. It looked vast, like the darkness went on forever. He wouldn't be surprised if he had nearly drained her of all the bad memories and experiences she ever had. Or perhaps it was nothing but the surface, he was never completely sure with humans until it was all gone.

"I do hope it wasn't to much." he said to her, but staring at the orb in his hand. Then an idea came to him. "I can get rid of all of this. All this pain, all this misery. All of it gone in a flash. It won't weigh you down anymore, you won't even remember you had them in the first place. All you have to do, is break just one link." Here he manifested the chains so they were no longer tattoos on his human body, and let them rattle to the floor. "Just one link will be enough for me to rid you of all of this. A fair bargain, no?"


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